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Sep 19, 2008

I ususally lurk more than post, but I just wanted to give you girls an update on what is going on with me. SO and I moved in together in April for the summer, but end of July our lease was up so we recently moved out of our apartment this past weekend, and now living in my parents basement (yikes!) The reason for this was because SO was finishing his undergrad in another state, and in a few weeks he is moving to yet another state for his Graduate school. So pretty much I didn''t want to pay the rent all by myself or sign a longer lease since I''m trying to find a job where his school is and move out there with him. This weekend he visited Connecticut to look at apartments there and today he is sending in the deposit for a one bedroom apartment that we both liked in a nice little complex only a few miles from his school. So in a few weeks he is moving out there for grad. school. This means we are going back to our long distance relationship. We''ve done it before for a summer in 2007 when he was visiting his Mom in Texas for three months (I went out to visit him for a week of it), and this past school year (which was only three hours away and I visited him about every other weekend). I do already have vacation time planned to go visit him in September for a week and hopefully interview with some companies there. I''m really hoping to be able to get a job out there before winter so I don''t have to move in the snow. I''ve been applying for so many jobs, but it took me six months to find the job I have now, so I''m a little nervous about that since I don''t want to move out there without a job. I really don''t want to do the LDR thing for very long since he''d be six hours away and that''s a little too far to drive there every other weekend like I did in the past.

No progress with engagements. A month ago he needed to buy a car and asked me if I''ll be able to wait two years before getting engaged because he didn''t have the money. The other day he did make a comment about it maybe not being two years, or it maybe it being longer. Don''t know how to take that. He pretty much wanted to make it clear that I''m not going to have any idea when it actually is going to come, that he is not going to act differently, and that he is not going to tell me if he''s saving enough for it or not and filling me in with updates, etc. I think I need to keep telling myself It''ll be a long while, so I''m not expecting anything, but I can''t help but hope that he''ll propose soon since my birthday is tomorrow and he knows how much I want to be engaged before making a big move. We''ll have to see, but I won''t keep my hopes up for that because to my knowledge I don''t believe he has the money. I don''t think he hasn''t anything planned for my birthday because we''re going to go out with my family for dinner.

Anyways, that''s my update.


Aug 20, 2008
Thanks for the update! And *dust* for you that it happens sooner than 2+ years from now.


Jun 20, 2009
Are you really OK with waiting that long? It sounds like it''s troubling you. Maybe he really doesn''t understand how much you need that commitment before a big move. Sometimes it takes a really good heart to hear with no distractions for them to see things from your point of view.

Good luck, best wishes and I do hope it''s much sooner than 2 years from now.


Sep 19, 2008
Well, I am planning on moving once I get a job ring or no ring. I know it''ll happen eventually. I have talked to him many times about it, but it comes down to money and he just can''t afford it right now.


Apr 18, 2008
you can get a beautiful non-diamond ring, that looks like a diamond, then replace it when you can afford it? If you want the look of an engagement ring on a grad school budget, that is a good option. There are really beautiful options on the web, but I can''t link to them here. To be honest, it is pretty tough to save decent money in grad school.


May 7, 2009
i would have loved a six hour drive when i was in a LDR. Mind you I was only doing it for a few months, but i drove 12 hours one way every other weekend.


Sep 19, 2008
Wow, Sunshinegirl77, there is no way I would have been able to do 12 hours one way every other weekend! Props for you! I''m going to try to get out there at least once a month if I can, or maybe he can come here if he has any vacations.

Trillionaire - I''ve looked at diamond alternative rings and I found one that I really like and it''s only $300. SO is very against having something that isn''t a diamond though, can''t convience him otherwise. I wouldn''t mind a created gemstone like saphhire, or topaz. So I''ll just wait it out. He knows what I like, and then rest is really just up to him. Thanks for the advice though.


Jul 26, 2008
Date: 8/5/2009 8:53:32 PM
Author: trillionaire
you can get a beautiful non-diamond ring, that looks like a diamond, then replace it when you can afford it? If you want the look of an engagement ring on a grad school budget, that is a good option. There are really beautiful options on the web, but I can''t link to them here. To be honest, it is pretty tough to save decent money in grad school.

hmmm maybe a gorgeous sapphire, then you could incorporate that into another piece of jewelry and wear it as your "something blue" on your wedding day, and it would be super meaningful.
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