
UPDATE: Total change of plans and so very very happy!

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Jul 21, 2008
After a few months of pulling our hair out over wedding planning we have decided to lessen the load and get hitched in a few months. We are going to have a super small ceremony followed by a delicious dinner in Newport on June 20th. We are inviting only 28 people (including the priest- FI''s uncle, and us!).

We just can''t seem to wrap our minds around the cost of what we would really want out of a large wedding. We decided that we would rather take the money we would have spent on a wedding to go visit people. So instead of getting to speak with us for 5-10 minutes at our reception our family and friends will get a longer, more personal visit. I was also terrified that I would have regrets about spending so much money whereas we both feel that we wouldn''t have regrets about doing this.

We already have a huge vacation planned for September to the Cook Islands so this will serve as our honeymoon.

We go up to Newport in two weeks to check out private dining rooms for the reception dinner!

Thankfully our parents are really excited for the change in plans! I think they were all watching us struggle with wedding planning and just want to see us happy in the end.

Once I go up to RI in two weeks I will be sure to start a wedding thread with my details! I have so much to think about now that I hadn''t considered working out for months! Hair, accessories, veil, make-up, gifts for bridal party and parents! Oh my. I better get on it!
congrats :) definitely sounds like this will make you happier in the long run :)
Clairitek, your new plans sound wonderful! Best of luck over the next couple of weeks finding a location.
C-tek, I''m so glad you''ve come up with a plan that makes you happy! Good for you, and I''ll bet it''s going to be a stunning wedding, Newport is so amazing. I totally hear you on being iffy about spending so much money on one day, it''s killing me too. Can''t wait to hear about the plans when you figure everything out!
Yay! I''m so happy you finally posted a thread about it. Seriously my dear, I am delighted at this turn of events. I think this will be much less stress for you!

3 months to go!!!!
Holy heck! June 20th is so soon! That is awesome!

I have been in love of each inclination of your wedding, so I assume this will also be fantastic!
Sounds like a great plan. Congrats on figuring out a wedding that works for you. 28 is a great size -- the more intimate the better in my opinion. It''s going to be wonderful.
Hooray, Claire--you are my date twin now! I am so happy for you and your FI. It sounds like your wedding will be perfect for you!
Sounds just perfect! I love a small intimate wedding!!!
Oh, C-tek, those plans sound perfect! So glad you found a plan that works for you.
So so so happy for you! This sounds manageable and intimate. You are going to be married so very soon!
Congrats! It sounds like you have a very nice wedding planned and I love the idea of Cook Islands as a Honeymoon. Very Romantic!
Congrats on the change of plans. It really does sound lovely
Sounds perfect Clairitek!!
Thanks so much for the encouragement everyone! I can''t believe that in less than 3 months I will be a married woman. FI and I just can''t stop grinning. Its almost like we got engaged all over again.

It is wonderful to have a renewed excitement for the wedding. I think that this is seriously plan #6. We''ve gone through the motions of looking into a clambake at a state park, a more traditional RI reception, a DW in Napa, a traditional reception in Center City Philly, and finally a cool art gallery (that Lioness is using) in Manayunk (Philly). In fact, on our way back to the car from church yesterday morning we walked by the gallery. I still love it but I don''t love the pricetag.

Date: 3/22/2009 10:59:55 PM
Author: katamari
Holy heck! June 20th is so soon! That is awesome!

I have been in love of each inclination of your wedding, so I assume this will also be fantastic!

Thanks for the compliment. I''ve really liked them all too for various reasons. I am excited to be able to get married in RI. I really thought it wasn''t in the cards since it is so expensive but now I will get my dream Newport wedding!
That''s really great sweetie! I''m glad you went with your heart and did what felt won''t regret it
One detail I left out in the beginning was the plan for the day after the wedding.

My father grew up in New Zealand and has been sailing since he was 5 years old. When he was 19 he was in Sydney crewing on a boat and he found out that Ted Turner (at the time a big time American skipper, now better known for owning the Atlanta Braves and TV networks) was in town. My father tried to get on the crew of his boat but they told him to bugger off. So in order to get Ted''s attention he accused him of stealing food from the marina cafeteria. He happened to be wearing a tee shirt bearing the name of boat that was s sister ship to another boat Turner had just purchased in the States. So my father got the opportunity to crew on the boat and at the end Ted Turner told him to get a ticket to the states and that once he was over there he would have a spot racing on the boat and a job. The boat he was racing on was American Eagle. This boat now resides in Newport and is part of a fleet of 12m America''s Cup boats that are available for charters on Narragansett Bay.

My father has been itching to have a reason to charter this boat. Its hugely sentimental to him and I suppose its played a big role in my life since if it weren''t for the boat, I wouldn''t exist! When we were first talking about wedding stuff in RI months ago he said that as the rehearsal dinner or a day after activity he wanted to take everyone out sailing on Narragansett Bay. So it looks like this is what we will be doing on the 21st! Followed by a cook-out in my parent''s backyard.
Date: 3/22/2009 11:33:18 PM
Author: kittybean
Hooray, Claire--you are my date twin now! I am so happy for you and your FI. It sounds like your wedding will be perfect for you!

I think we have a lot of date twins now! I never imagined that I would have a June wedding date! Part of the reason its June is because July-early October are out so it was either do it now or wait! I''d much rather have a June wedding than an October one.
Claire! I'm so happy for you! I really think you made the right decision, and I can totally see everyone having a blast at your wedding! The sail sounds so nice too! Honey, this is going to be the best day of your life!!! I'm incredibly excited for you.
Congrats! That sounds like such a lovely, relaxed plan. And including something so sentimental to your dad...just awesome. Can''t wait to read about and see all the details as they unfold!
This is me right now:

Just got off the phone with the priest at the church and we are OFFICIALLY ON THE BOOKS for JUNE 20th!

He had said that they were open before but now our names are written down and the paperwork for the marriage is on its way to us now.

OMG OMG OMG This is really happening!!!! Everything is just falling into place so this tells me that someone, somewhere is really wanting to make this happen.
Sounds like a a wonderful new plan - Newport is so lovely, and I think you will really enjoy the more intimate ceremony (and then all the fun traveling you''ll get to do after!).
Now that''s the way to do it!


You will not regret it!!!

Good for you! There is always so much pressure in the expectation of a big wedding. It is just overwhelming, and its easy to forget that we have a CHOICE in the matter! Congrats to you and your FI for making the right choice for you. My FI and I had similar reasoning for wanting a tiny guest just cant talk to that many people in one evening! Enjoy a beautiful, small and intimate wedding where you can share you perfect day with the people you hold nearest and dearest.
I am so excited for you Clairitek!!!!!

It's so wonderful that you've finally realized what will make you happiest of all. We are engagement-day twins and I've been following your stories about planning for months now!

As an avid sailor myself, I must insist that when you post pictures of the wedding, you also post pictures of the day-after excursion on that gorgeous vessel!!
Tee hee hee...I''m happy that you''re so excited!!! Yay!!!!!
I''m so happy that you guys are doing what you want! That sounds like a great idea! Looking forward to hearing your plans.
C-Tek, I had a small wedding and don''t regret it at all! It was perfect. Congrats for making the right decision for you. Good luck with your venue hunting!


Newport. In the Summer.

That''s so incredibly perfect! That''s the most beautiful time of year to be in the Northeast, I think. Fall is lovely too, but...oh, the perfect weather and all the natural beauty of the summertime! VERY romantic setting, and perfect for a more intimate wedding. That just so chic, and so classic and so romantic! The boat charter is going to be breathtaking! I seriously hope your photographer has his clicker-finger warmed guys are going to have a really hard time choosing pictures for your album, that''s for sure!
Congrats on booking what you and your fiance really, truly want. I would be having a similar wedding if it were up to me. I can''t wait to hear all of the details!
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