
Update...Me vs. Rottweiler...I win!!!!! :))

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Jan 20, 2006
Hi everyone!!!

I wanted to give you all an update since you were all here for me when I needed support!!

So you all know my dog attack saga and the nasty neighbors situation. Anyway, today was our animal court date (since they didn''t just pay their fine to avoid going to court). So the ticket was for an animal attack on a human resulting in lacerations ($500) plus enforcing the muzzle requirement.

So I was very nervous because I know how much these people have lied!. Anyway, my FI and lawyer came with me and it was our turn to come up...I was so nervous I thought my heart was going to pop out of my chest!. The judge read the case and saw some pictures (taken three days afterwards when the animal contorl officer came to my house). Then he asked me what had happenned. I told my side of the story and asked if I could show him additional pictures (the ones with the open wounds...taken in the ER). The pictures are very graphical and show the extent of the attack. You could see the judge''s alarmed face when he saw these set of pictures!!!!

Anyway, so the the judge turns to them and says "I''m glad you''re here to take responsibility for this severe attack"...hehe....he just assumed that!. He asked them for their side of the story, they lie, the judge seems to not even care and just says "regardless of whether it was not intentional, the dog bit her, unprovoked...and it was a serious attack!". Yeahhhhh!!!!

So they start trying to make some excuses, the judge just goes on to ask me how I''m feeling...then syas that he hopes we can come to an amicable resolution for my related expenses (they blurt out that I just want to sue them)...the judge says I''m in my right to do what I feel I should do, etc...but the ticket is indeed valid, so they have to pay for it, and the dog has to be muzzled FOREVER!!!!

Then...out of nowhere, the animal control officer comes and gives me his card. Tells me he needs copies of everything and then truns to them and asks "do you intend on keeping this dog?". they say "yes". He says "you may want to re-consider, because I''m pursuing this case to get the dog declared dangerous!".


I was in shock!!!. I couldn''t believe it!. My neighbors asked what that meant, the officer said they can discuss that later (what it means is that the dog is "flagged" as dangerous and everywhere they go they have to advice their dog is dangerous and it could potentially be put down) . They tell the judge that the officer that came to the house told them the dog didn''t seem aggressive. The judge said it didn''t matter. That this was the inspector for animal control and he was the one that had to investigate and make this decision. The officer said that he was pursuing this due to the severity of the injuries.


I am so happy!. Justice!!!!!!!!!!

Now we still have the civil case remaining...but this one was more important for me, and I''m glad at the end the system did work and the truth did prevail!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know!!!!!!!!

Tonight I''m leaving on a weekend spiritual retreat....I already feel like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, so this is going to be a great weekend!

Big hugs,

Mandarine, I'm so happy for you that your situation is finally being resovled and that the outcome is positive (as much as can be expected under the circumstances)! You have been such a trooper through all this, and I hope you have a wonderful well-deserved relaxing weekend.
Good news!

Now you can enjoy your weekend.
sometimes the system does work sorta.......

How is your arm?
Iv been thinking about you and wondering how everything was going and how your arm was doing.
oh wow! great great outcome in this yucky situation! i bet you are super relieved.

i think we''re all breathing a sigh of relief right there with you!
Thank you guys!

My arm is doing a lot better!. The scars, well, they are there...I''m starting to get used to seeing them so it doesn''t affect me as much as it did before. I''m still doing the little massage routine with the vitamin-e oil and I also got this silicone strips that a friend hopefully it won''t be too bad. I still get numbness and little tingles in my fingers when I massage the wounds, but I think with time that will also get better.

I''m back full speed at the gym so that''s great too

I know the situation with the neighbors is only going to keep deteriorating, but I feel much stronger now and can handle it a lot better.

I think this was the best possible outcome so I''m really really happy and just wanted to share that with you guys!!!!!

Thank you all for your nice thoughts!!!

Now I can start concentrating more on planning the wedding!!!
(since now I not only have scars on my left side, but also a sparkly ring on my finger!! hehe)

Great Mandarine, put it behind you and have a good time!

One note about ac officer who evaluated the dog as "not aggressive". Any good dog-pro knows that even an aggressive dog do not act like that toward a professional, they recognise them as alfa and behave accordingly. She should have taken it into consideration. The worst bully is like a kitten in a vet office.
Mandarine...thank you so much for the update. I too was wondering how it was going.

I can just imagine how gratifying it must feel to FINALLY hear from the proper authorities what has been so obvious to everyone else all along.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Yay Mandarine. Justice prevails!!! WOOHOO, I am so happy for you!!! Have an awesome weekend, thanks so much for the update!!!!
Yay for you Mandarine! This is good news. I am so glad to hear it and also to know that "good defeated evil".

Your brave actions may prevent someone else from an even worse injury. Good going!!! You have great courage!
I can''t even TELL you how happy I am to hear this. I have been thinking about you and every night when the kitty and I watch a little Animal Planet and we see these dangerous/vicious dog cases I think of you, and think ''how could AC have done nothing?!''

I am so glad that justice has prevailed and AC is taking this matter seriously.
Manderine, this is just fantastic news!! I am SO happy for you.

Now go enjoy your weekend!
Hi Mandarine.....

Yes, good to hear the judge went with the obvious.... but sometimes you don''t know with some of the judges.

Certainly he realized you didn''t bite yourself.

In the you have prevailed in this venue, the civil damages case will get a lot more weight given to your side of the balance scale.

Additionally if the defendent keeps up the conduct they displayed today in civil court, that will probably get you a far larger award for the expenses and your pain and suffering.

But not to spoil the mood...... have a great celebratory weekend on your "trip".


yay mandarine, so happy to hear good news from you...kudos on being strong throughout all this woman!!! i hope you are continuing to both mentally as well as physically hopefully with a bit more peace of mind!
Congratulations, Mandarine!!
Wow, what great news!

I am so glad the judge saw through all their BS and excuses (that is not always the case).

It gives me renewed faith in our court system, knowing that truth has prevailed and common sense and accountability were held in high regard in the courtroom. Give that judge a gold star!!!

Have a great weekend as you put this one chapter behind you.
I''ll keep the faith that all will go just as well in your civil case.
That is GREAT news, Mandarine! And I''m so glad you are okay after that horrible attack.
I''m glad to hear that things are looking up and justice was served. yay! Have fun this weekend!
Mandarine: Good for you, I am so happy for you and I''m relieved to see that the system did not fail you. A picture is worth 1000 words eh?

I am very very very happy to hear this outcome.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Such fantastic news, Mandarine!!!! Let us know how the civil case goes too.
Great news... so happy it turned out so well and that you feel renewed and hopeful. *YAY*
That''s so great. I''m glad to hear you had a fair judge that had no trouble seeing through their lies...
Oh Mandarine I''m so happy it turned out well in court!! Most importantly I''m glad to hear that you''re recovering well and getting back to your daily activities.

Enjoy your retreat!
Perseverance always wins!!
that''s wonderful news maderine....
That''s great news! I''m so glad that things are going your way with this!
AWESOME news mandarine....who said justice is dead? have fun at the retreat and keep us posted on your wedding plans.!!
Oh my goodness; I am so happy for you!!! I can''t believe that happened to you in the first place; thank god for justice!
I am again so happy for you!!!
I''ve been thinking about you M, I''m so glad things are working out justly for you. Enjoy your weekend!
So glad things turned out well! Congrats!

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