
Unsure bout halo asscher ring


Apr 14, 2014
It took me a fair number of years to finally find the Royal Asscher I love. It's a 1.72ct which I had set in a platinum halo after seeing a lovely halo e-ring my friend has. Hers is an oval diamond.

However, now that the ring is done and having worn it for the last week, I'm now uncertain halo is the best setting for the asscher as it seems to take away the focus of the centre stone and seems too busy to me.

Honest opinions please!

I'd LOVE to see close up photos of your ring! All I can say is that I prefer an asscher with a halo. The halo serves as sort of a frame in contrast to the step cut of the asscher. I think it enhances the asscher, personally. Of course, I have a right hand ring with a smaller asscher in a halo, so that is my preference! I do prefer an antique style halo with an asscher since it is an old style cut, though, but it can go in either modern or antique settings, obviously. I am sure your ring is absolutely gorgeous!
I wouldn't put an asscher in a halo personally... I prefer keeping step cuts with step cuts or as solitaires to really showcase the stone.

I'm sorry you're not liking it so much in that setting, it's a bummer. :(
Yes please post more close ups. I love asschers. I think a well done halo would be gorgeous. However, I also love a non-halo look as well. I think if you are not sure, you need to decide what you prioritize most, the finger coverage and blinginess of a halo or a plain setting that showcases your step cut without distractions.
I agree with DS. I think a halo on an asscher is the perfect choice. I think it gives the stone a lovely frame. Plus, as a bonus, it give you a little more finger coverage since an asscher faces up a little smaller than some other cuts. If you decide to wear it without the halo you will have to keep that in mind. I think it's a lovely ring as it is though. I would love to see some more photos!
I'll definitely post more photos once I have my camera - only have my phone at the moment.

I don't think I'd be too concern with the coverage as I love asscher for its mesmerising cut.. I had initially wanted to set it in a simple solitaire but given all my rings are solitaires, I decided to go for the halo setting instead .. Thing is, I'm not entirely blown away with the halo as I think the diamonds are a tad too big and seems to overpower the asscher, if it's constructed more delicately I think I would love it
another photo from my phone for now ..

Posted at the same time with your closer up pics.

Ultimately, it is what you feel about the ring and how it makes you feel that is most important. You have asked for our (my) opinion and here goes.

I have an Asscher solitaire in a semi tension setting. I prefer solitaires and plain settings. Having said that: i have seen Asschers in halos that work well and i do like them. DS is one of them and also Asschergirl halo is another. i think the halos of those rings were angled slightly (10degrees?) to the actual table so as it doesn't sit parallel to the asscher table. This has a better aesthetic appearance for me, as if giving the asscher a loftier appearance on the finger. (you have just posted closer up pics which seem to show that the halo is angled).

The MRB melee gives the contrast of the step cut. THere is also the size of the melee. i think Gypsy (?) has a formula for the size of melees for solitaires???? (you have just made that comment about the smaller size of the melee).

If you can post a closer pic of your ring, it would give us a better idea of what the setting is like. ( you just posted it). In the current viewing distance of the pic that you have provided, i think that the ring you have is beautiful. I can see what you mean about the busy-ness of the ring.

your friends halo'd ring is an oval which has similar cut pattern to the MRB melee. So, that may be why this setting may seem different as the RA is a step cut mixed with the MRB melee.

Now that you have had it for a week and the busy-ness is an issue for you, it may still be an issue for a period of time. However, certain rings morph into the wearer/ owner. This may be one of those rings.

In the mean time, if you could indulge us in close up pics of the ring and setting, we all would be truly appreciative; given that it IS a Royal Asscher :-)
In my opinion it's a beautiful ring. It's all a matter of personal taste though.

I have a Zircon asscher in a halo, but it's more defined as the pave is bright cut set. For me this was a deliberate choice as it emphasizes the Asscher shape.

Acinom, your asscher looks beautiful but it's the sapphire on your profile pic that takes my breath away!!!
I think your ring is beautiful - I am a halo gal, I love the added finger coverage and sparkle they provide - but my opinion isn't the one that counts! You don't seem to be thrilled with it - I'm thinking maybe you would prefer smaller melee in the halo, but that would require a new setting. Is that a possible option for you?
I think it's stunning but it's what you think that matters. What would you do different?
I think Acinom's halo and asscher_girl's Sebastian Barier halo works because of the brightcut pave (bead set) which almost gives it a slightly bezeled look immediately around the outline of the stone. From what I can see on your halo, the melee seems to blend with the outline of your asscher where the melee and the asscher meet. That is why I cannot see the clear outline of your asscher. And as gregchang said, there is a definite angled tilt to asscher_girl's halo. See the thread below. I would say it's a lot more than 10 degrees. It's almost 45 degrees.

I think Acinom's done by Victor has less of an angle, but a noticeable angle nevertheless.

If you want both the halo and to be able to see the straight edges and outline of your asscher distinct from the halo, that would be better accomplished if the melee stones were set using bright cut pave. Also, bright cut gives both sides of the halo a finished edge, and a continuous line, consistent with the straight edge of an asscher. It looks like your halo is u-cut (or similar) set pave, and thus from a distance, the outer edge seems more discontinuous, or broken, and more different in look from the straight edge of your asscher. (With a round or oval stone, that has a curved outer edge, the discontinuous edge of u-cut pave might be more harmonious.)

Don't get me wrong. Your ring is beautiful. But it may not have been what you expected, or what you discovered you want. Sometimes, it's like that. You don't realize what you want until you discover what you don't.
I had actually come back to see if you had posted more pictures and also to post Acinom's ring, because hers is one of my very favorites for an asscher! I do think even Victor's regular pave halos are gorgeous with an asscher, but I can't really tell whether going with his would be hugely different from the one you have. I forgot to mention that I also like halos since asschers face up small. But you have to determine what pleases you the most, obviously.
As someone who doesn't generally like halo settings, I just want to say that I think your ring is lovely. You've just had it one week, not very long. I'd say give it some time before making any decisions. Look at it objectively, with a neutral eye. It may grow on you.

If it doesn't, then perhaps you can change the setting. No need to rush into it. What Gregchang, Acinom and LLJsmom said about a more defined halo might be the way to go.

Good luck!
Garnetgirl|1419886696|3809254 said:
As someone who doesn't generally like halo settings, I just want to say that I think your ring is lovely. You've just had it one week, not very long. I'd say give it some time before making any decisions. Look at it objectively, with a neutral eye. It may grow on you.

If it doesn't, then perhaps you can change the setting. No need to rush into it. What Gregchang, Acinom and LLJsmom said about a more defined halo might be the way to go.

Good luck!

I am also in the give it a little time camp. I had been eyeing a cushion halo ring for 6 months. I bought it and a few weeks later felt very much the you are feeling. I didn't wear the ring for a while and wore it out to dinner a few weeks ago. The ring looked stunning in the restaurant. I had two people comment on how pretty it was that night. I have probably had more comments made about this ring than any other ring I own. Give yourself some time before making up your mind. If you have always worn solitaries in the past it may take a little bit of time to get used to.
yitfeng|1419861787|3809058 said:
It took me a fair number of years to finally find the Royal Asscher I love. It's a 1.72ct which I had set in a platinum halo after seeing a lovely halo e-ring my friend has. Hers is an oval diamond.

However, now that the ring is done and having worn it for the last week, I'm now uncertain halo is the best setting for the asscher as it seems to take away the focus of the centre stone and seems too busy to me.

Honest opinions please!
I think it's lovely, but I think it does detract. I personally think a solitaire or a setting with just tapered baguette sides would be ideal.
I can see what you're saying about the halo blending into the center. Perhaps a more defined halo with the bezel around the center would give the crispness you're looking for. I personally love asschers in settings with sidestones such as traps or tapered baguettes.
The ring looks nice as it is to me, however, I like halo settings and had a new semi-mount made for my EC diamond recently, a diamond halo with an air line gap. I hope to have the diamond reset soon.

DK :))
ame said:
yitfeng|1419861787|3809058 said:
It took me a fair number of years to finally find the Royal Asscher I love. It's a 1.72ct which I had set in a platinum halo after seeing a lovely halo e-ring my friend has. Hers is an oval diamond.

However, now that the ring is done and having worn it for the last week, I'm now uncertain halo is the best setting for the asscher as it seems to take away the focus of the centre stone and seems too busy to me.

Honest opinions please!
I think it's lovely, but I think it does detract. I personally think a solitaire or a setting with just tapered baguette sides would be ideal.

ame said the magic words...tapered baguettes, as did baby monster:

baby monster said:
I can see what you're saying about the halo blending into the center. Perhaps a more defined halo with the bezel around the center would give the crispness you're looking for. I personally love asschers in settings with sidestones such as traps or tapered baguettes.

Forgive me for imposing my opinion here. This is my absolute favorite setting for an asscher. Definitely when-I-hit-the-lotto ring...
Puppy4248's asscher with tapered baguettes:

I also have an asscher in a halo and I went the brightcut/bezeled route. It helps maintain more separation between the asscher and the halo.
I think it is beautiful.
I think that your ring is beautiful!
Personally, I prefer the look of the asscher in a solitaire, but it is your preference that matters.
I'm in the baguette or step cut traps camp, for me. I do find the halo rings to be beautiful, but they don't suite my hand. I recently tried on a bunch of settings at three different jewelers to help decide how to set my asscher sapphire & ended up with baguette sidestones.
I also loved a few intricate settings, which surprised me simply because I usually choose sleek classic settings. I loved a setting that was similar to this: You can imagine it with an asscher.

MC2 has some amazing settings, but uber high priced that are similar. Several on their site show step cuts:

I think you should live with it for a while, regardless how you set it your diamond is beautiful!
I think your ring is spectacular. But, you have to feel that way too.

Give it some time. Solitaires may be your thing if you have a few. It might be nice to have some variety though.

If you have pics of its brothers and sisters, we'd love to see them too!!
Thanks everyone, I think I will give it sometime too. Maybe I'll learn to love it., who knows.

Attaching pics as requested but it's a gloomy day in London today...




A few more..



Sorry the ring is so dirty! Didn't realised that till I see the photos in full size
Your diamond is spectacular! Seeing the new pictures you posted I do think the ring looks beautiful on your hand!
Living with it for a bit is a good idea :))