
UK and lack of Cut quality info

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Jul 29, 2002
Well for the past couple of weeks I've been suddenly immersed in the strange, startling and fascinating world of diamond buying. Before that I new nothing at all about diamonds apart from them being a girl's best friend, so it's been an education!

Being based in the UK I've noticed a very stark difference between here and the US.
When I've been to shops here (Hatton Garden) or looked on UK websites, they rarely mention the cut of the diamond, and never ever mention the angles or any other details.

I asked a retailer if they could provide a Sarin report on a stone I was looking at, and he laughed (as if I was asking a stupid question). I said Cut was more important to me than the other Cs and he simply said "ah all the stones here are excellent cut".
On looking at the GIA cert for one of his stones, it was very much NOT an excellent cut.

Anyway, my point is, have I just been unlucky in my choice of locations to see in the UK or is it quite common that UK sales underplay the cut of the stone?

I am very tempted now to buy from a US based supplier as you can find out much more information about the stones available than you appear to be able to here.
I'm very nervous about ordering online from the UK though, given that this would be the largest purchase I have ever made anyway. What do I do if the stone is a piece of glass?
Will my credit card company be able to protect me if the purchase if from overseas?

If you have two stones which are exactly the same carrat weight, same colour and clarity rating, is it right to assume that they ought to vary in price depending on their cut?
Web sites in the UK do not seem to have any variation cut wise - you choose the other three Cs to make your choice. (an example being

I've seen the threads here about buying from the US and shipping to the UK but I'm still very very nervous about buying something so expensive that I wont see up front!

Any choice words of wisdom would be welcome!

Many thanks
Hi ItWBE, :)

Do a search on this board (menu at the top) using key words like UK, London, or England

I selected a few results for you here:

The last should be interesting for you 'cause FionaH also had an experience with Hatton Garden

:wavey: [/u][/u][/u][/u]
What do you think about stone price varying on cut quality?
Is that common or are the other three Cs the only price determinant?
In US cut affects the price and variation can be up to 30% for Rounds.

However, one can select beautiful diamond without paying premium for "ideal" cut. Keep in mind, better cut stone can look larger while weight/cost less.
It really does sound as if buying in the UK is madness. Everything I've seen personally or read online is making it seem like we get ripped off, and with rubbish diamonds to boot.
Looks like a huge hole in the market to me, for someone to sell good quality diamonds at a reasonable price. Ah well, when I win the lottery perhaps.

OK, I guess from here I start looking into US based web sites which are happy to ship to the UK. I think even paying tax I'll probably save money. Any vendors reading this, please drop a small note of your URL here and I'll give your website the once over (There's too many US diamond web sites to choose from!)


Thanks for all your advice.
One Englishman bought a diamond online and then flew to New York to pick it up.

It was worth the trip :)
Especially if he brought it back without giving Her Majesties Government 17.5% of the buying price.
I believe that, currently, the level and transparency of information you can get from websites like this and the US web-based dealers themselves is absolutely unrivalled. The prices are such that you could buy in the US, pay the import duty, and still be a good deal better off. Do your research and go with a reputable dealer (lots of pointers on this site) and appraiser (ditto. My experience of Hatton Garden was confusing to say the least...a bit "old school" shall we say.

I think its been said before, but there is little incentive for the web-based dealers to be dishonest, as they rely on reputation and word of mouth. However it is worth being very careful and using an appraiser. One idea is to take a look at some premium diamonds in London (Tiffanys etc) to see how spectacular well cut diamonds can be. Then find yourself the diamond you want on the Web and have it sent to a respected appraiser in the US. If you use all the tools available here online, you should end up with a diamond at least as beautiful as the premium priced ones you see in London.

How you get it to London is then your choice, but I think there is some relevant advice on the related links Rest assured its been done before, with happy results...

Good Luck!
Hold the presses...

Don't be too crazy now - London - The DTC is based in London (DeBeers) and I can assure you - you will be able to find a good stone in London for the right price. Just educate yourself and start checking around (like you are doing). Of course, for like 89 pounds you can fly to Amsterdam, and then take the train to Antwerp - why not buy right from the market? Don't know how? There are a few sites on the web that will tell you - As for price - what size of stone do you want? Someone here should be able to tell you what the going selling discount on the Rap is for any particular stone (The Rap is an industry price list - but remember, the prices themselves are not market prices - the market trades at Rap less a discount - a discount running in the 30% category (depends on the category)....) You don't have to come to the US fer cryin' out loud.

If you do go to Antwerp, make sure you have a drink in De Vagant, my favorite Genever bar in the world - My regular haunt when I lived there. There are Three Irish Pubs there too, so knock yourself out!

But don't go now - Antwerp Markets are empty (closed) for August.

We have found that the UK customers we have sold diamonds to have been thrilled with their purchase. It seems like the inventory available there is just NOT the same.

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