
Two IS too many choices! Help!!

Nov 30, 2015
I don't wear diamonds. I don't know much about diamonds. I don't even like diamonds that much. (This makes me sad - you, guys, are having so much fun here!! :(( ) But now I need to buy one!

I am an ok shopper even for the stuff I don't use. May be a better shopper for the stuff I don't use. So I shopped and everything was going super, till I got down to TWO choices that's got me totally stumped. I can either have a fancy brownish yellow a bit over 1 ct SI1 or a fancy yellow times TWO in size so around 2+ ct, but I1 for about the same price... The cuts are squarish something - look about the same to me. The bigger one has an inclusion running across about a quarter of the stone, which makes it kind of dull, though color is pretty uniform. The rest of the bigger one flashes and sparkles just about as much as the entire smaller one.

Otherwise, I've got nothing. I can't ask her 'cause it's a surprise, so all I know is it has to be yellow. Which both of these are! (Even though both are certified natural, and one is listed as brownish - the color looks more or less the same to me. Maybe the bigger one is a bit more vivid yellow, but as soon as start staring at it to try to figure out - I start staring more at the inclusion than at the color.) Myself - I got no preferences. The bigger stone looks like the better value (investment?) to me and it's heckuvalot bigger! More impressive, too - she's got to like that!! So, maybe I should take the bigger one... But the bigger stone has that obvious inclusion, which is kind of sort of unattractive and noticeable even on fist maybe second glance. So, the smaller stone is more of a complete package - which is also a good thing. So, maybe I should take the smaller one... But the bigger one has 50% more sparkles and flashes, even with that dead quarter...

And on and on I go. So, it's basically a tie to me. The worst thing - the sale ends today! So, I've got to decide like today!! So, anyone - diamond experts, diamond consumers, diamond haters - anyone, any arguments to help me break the tie, please?? NEED HELP NOW!!!


Apr 19, 2004
TwoTooManyChoicesInChicago|1448904580|3955629 said:
I don't wear diamonds. I don't know much about diamonds. I don't even like diamonds that much. (This makes me sad - you, guys, are having so much fun here!! :(( ) But now I need to buy one!

I am an ok shopper even for the stuff I don't use. May be a better shopper for the stuff I don't use. So I shopped and everything was going super, till I got down to TWO choices that's got me totally stumped. I can either have a fancy brownish yellow a bit over 1 ct SI1 or a fancy yellow times TWO in size so around 2+ ct, but I1 for about the same price... The cuts are squarish something - look about the same to me. The bigger one has an inclusion running across about a quarter of the stone, which makes it kind of dull, though color is pretty uniform. The rest of the bigger one flashes and sparkles just about as much as the entire smaller one.

Otherwise, I've got nothing. I can't ask her 'cause it's a surprise, so all I know is it has to be yellow. Which both of these are! (Even though both are certified natural, and one is listed as brownish - the color looks more or less the same to me. Maybe the bigger one is a bit more vivid yellow, but as soon as start staring at it to try to figure out - I start staring more at the inclusion than at the color.) Myself - I got no preferences. The bigger stone looks like the better value (investment?) to me and it's heckuvalot bigger! More impressive, too - she's got to like that!! So, maybe I should take the bigger one... But the bigger stone has that obvious inclusion, which is kind of sort of unattractive and noticeable even on fist maybe second glance. So, the smaller stone is more of a complete package - which is also a good thing. So, maybe I should take the smaller one... But the bigger one has 50% more sparkles and flashes, even with that dead quarter...

And on and on I go. So, it's basically a tie to me. The worst thing - the sale ends today! So, I've got to decide like today!! So, anyone - diamond experts, diamond consumers, diamond haters - anyone, any arguments to help me break the tie, please?? NEED HELP NOW!!!

...and from your post, we also have "nothing". lol

No pictures, no links.....NADA! Help us so we can help you!

Oh and welcome!

Nov 30, 2015
canuk-gal|1448905060|3955632 said:
...and from your post, we also have "nothing". lol

No pictures, no links.....NADA! Help us so we can help you!

Oh and welcome!


Hey, Sharon - thanks for looking at my ramblings! I am kinda' getting overwhelmed with this whole shopping thing... :loopy:

As to the the rest... - are you kidding?! Haven't you been shopping lately?? People darn near kill each other for a flat screen TV!

If no one here helps me - and I hope you do!! - I'll just have to throw the dice and they might come up wrong. That would suck!

But you know what would suck even worse? That'd be if I posted a links here to these ON (Big) SALE diamonds and someone went up and bought one before I had a chance to make up my mind. Now that would REALLY suck!! Sure, it can happen without the link from here - and that would suck too, but if I posted the link - I'd know for darn sure that I did it with my own two hands! And I am not doing that - do you know how popular this place is?! When I was trying to do my shopping, darn near every other link with info went to pricescope! So, sure, I'll post the links... - just after I buy one!

Btw I don't mean to sound mean, it's just that I've been out there and seen these sort of things happen... Can't you tell me something just on the descriptions? I mean, some people buy and sell these diamonds just on the certificates and basic ones don't have much more than I've posted. (I am not saying it is a good idea - I would not do it - but some people apparently can, so there must be enough info for them to make a call... I wish I could do it, though!)

But seriously, Sharon--thanks again for taking the time to read through my post and to reply! The stones do look kind of similar, except that one is 2x bigger and has may be a bit more appealing color, though this is very subjective, but has the inclusion as well; and the other seems like the better stone end-to-end, but is smaller and may be a bit flatter color. Now, any ideas just based on this and what I'd posted? Please!? :)


Aug 29, 2014
Why don't you take a screen shot or save the photos and post them? We literally cannot judge this without pictures. You don't need to post the links, but we do need more info.


Apr 19, 2004

Yes, the whole TV/electronics thingie begs credulity. And you are absolutely right, "poaching" of diamonds does happen here.

But if it is any consolation--for a multitude of reasons, it doesn't happen as often with colored diamonds. Does that make you more comfortable sharing details? Can you at least provide your budget? Finger size? Setting style? Sorry, but "yellow" is not much to go on.

If not, FWIW; please do not buy a colored diamond or any diamond with a large visible inclusion. Engagement rings get closely scrutinized by all and sundry, so at the very least please choose something that is eye clean. And please do not buy a colored diamond without a GIA cert-- as GIA are most reliable.

There I helped you. Your turn! :bigsmile:



Apr 2, 2006
Personally - I'd rather have the smaller cleaner stone than the larger stone that you characterize as having a dead quarter. If need be, put it in a halo to boost the size.

Have you checked around to see what comparable stones go for? Diamonds by Lauren would be a good place for comparison shopping.


Dec 17, 2008
VRBeauty|1448916588|3955717 said:
Personally - I'd rather have the smaller cleaner stone than the larger stone that you characterize as having a dead quarter. If need be, put it in a halo to boost the size.

Have you checked around to see what comparable stones go for? Diamonds by Lauren would be a good place for comparison shopping.

Ditto (I think), pictures would really help. Why dont you give us your budget and let us see what we can find that my suite you.
We obviously have a lot more experience with looking at stones and seeing which might have a better cut/better light return etc.
Leibish (colored diamond vendor) is having a sale right now (shocking, I know) :-o !

Here is the link...

Diamonds by lauren also sells colored stones...

James Allen also...(they are having a 25% off settings right now)


Aug 22, 2012
Both choices sound horrible and you should not rush to make an uninformed sale purchase. If she wants a yellow diamond then don't get a 'brownish' one. Don't get a stone that has a huge noticable flaw for an engagement ring which she will wear and show off to her friends. I did not mind the proposal sans ring... I waited for the right stone to come along -which it did after a lot of searching and learning. Good luck.
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