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Jul 19, 2005
Anyone else excited about Twilight, the movie?
I am! Two summers ago we were going on vacation and I always buy my daughters books to read on the plane. While in the bookstore, my 13 year old daughter was trying to decide between a couple books that she thought she might like and asked for my opinion. I picked Twilight because I thought it looked interesting. At the time, of course, I had no idea how big it would become. I''ve read all four books and have enjoyed them all. I''m taking both my daughters this weekend to see the movie. I hope it doesn''t disappoint!
Me!! I read all 4 books this summer-- same with my mom and my aunt. (I''m almost 25, mom and aunt are 53/50).

I''m excited! I was always Team Edward.
ME ME ME!! I can''t wait, but I won''t be able to see it for about a week!! My older sister and Mom forced me to read them even though I thought they would be too young for me, but then I couldn''t put them down!
I am just because of the "hype"...I want to read the books....
I didn''t realize there were books.

It sort of seems like the movie Jumper to me. Is it the same actor?
I''m going to read Twilight this weekend because I have a group of students reading it as their independent novel choice. Glad to hear you like it!
I''m pretty sure the movie won''t compare to the books-- but either way, I am excited to see it come to life!
Yeah the previews seemed very focused on a part of the book that isn''t that long. So I hope it''s good!

Fiery Edward, the main character, is played by the main quillege player from Harry Potter. (Right? Brain fuzzy.
I saw it last night at midnight! I liked the books OK, but went with a friend.

yes, he played Cedric Diggory in the HP movies.

Let me tell you ladies, even if you could care less about the story it is worth seeing for the eye candy! Robert Pattinson is GORGEOUS as Edward. I wasnt so sure about the casting choice, but he is seriously swoon worthy!
I agree that my concern is that they seem to focus on a part of the book that isn''t that large. (in the book)
none the less, I am beyond excited to watch the movie- the books were amazing!
I think the casting was done well...for the most part all characters match what I pictured..
I almost feel that people should not watch the movie without having read the book first (because my love for the book is so great haha).
A couple of my students were telling me last week how they couldn''t wait for this movie (which makes me think this may account for a few missing people in class this morning). I think I''ll probably go just to see what the hype is about, though the NPR review basically said that the movie misses all of the teen-angst stuff that the book portrays so skillfully.

Still, the review said it makes for a great date movie, and there really hasn''t been an excellent one out in awhile.
I''m really dreading seeing the movie.

I read all of the books (we literally drove all the way across the city so I could find a copy of Eclipse) earlier this semester. And then I read them each about 5 more times. So, needless to say I''m entrenched in the story and the characters, and the movie just can''t live up to that. And what I''ve seen in the previews, I''m incredibly unimpressed.

And I think Kristen Stewart has the look of Bella, but her voice doesn''t work for me.

And every other book that has been made into a movie has seriously depressed me. They just can''t take what is in my head and put it on screen. The only exception is Harry Potter-the look of every single one of the movies is exactly what was in my head. But Jurassic Park?

So I''m expecting to be very disappointed, because even what I''ve seen in the previews has been different from what was in the book.

And, I really didn''t like Breaking Dawn. I think she lost me with that book. I think she lost Bella with that book.

Oh, and Team Edward all the way. Jacob is a doosh. (In my rereads, I skipped over most of New Moon because I dislike Jacob so much.)

I''m going to go see what Rotten Tomatoes has to say about it...
I''m excited to see the movie. My cousin''s (17-year-old twins) got me to start reading them. My favorite was definitely the final book though so I hope they make all of the books into movies. DH and I are going to see it tomorrow.
In New Moon I was like... "So where the heck is edward! I didn''t sign up for this jacob sh*t"
Date: 11/21/2008 3:33:11 PM
Author: swedish bean
In New Moon I was like... ''So where the heck is edward! I didn''t sign up for this jacob sh*t''
I agree with Freke though, I don''t think Edward onscreen looks like the godlike Edward in my head. I do like Bella''s voice though, somehow the deepness of it speaks maturity to me. That''s always the problem bringing books onscreen though. Bummer.
Date: 11/21/2008 3:33:11 PM
Author: swedish bean
In New Moon I was like... ''So where the heck is edward! I didn''t sign up for this jacob sh*t''

funny, I was reading on her website when she first wrote the book, she made her family/friends promise to read it twice- because people read the book anxiously awaiting Edward''s return that they miss lots of information, apparently the second time around (knowing Edward is back) people enjoy it more.. haha.
I don''t mind the Jacob aspect - I''ll be eager to see the third and last book in movie form though!

I was reading a movie review today on, and they were saying how they had a "tip" for Edward - that he should have waxed his chest? Because in the book they continue to mention how God Like he is and they find that distracting... I''ll be happy to see it either way.
I saw the midnight showing...I was horribly disappointed. Terrible acting for one, and I could go on and on and on.

The ending didn''t suck so bad though, it was alright compared to the rest of the movie.

Overall, I didn''t have high expectations for the movie...but if I was Stephanie Meyer...I would have done something had I known this movie would be this terrible. I''m hoping that IF they can make NEW MOON, that the actors take lessons, and the special effects are better, oh and the story line isn''t so hard to follow. I mean, come on! How can someone who didn''t read the books understand HOW these 2 fell in love?

Sorry, needed to vent.

The books were great. Read all 4 in 2 days.

Plus side: Edward is a hunk.

A huge ? I have come there was sparkling noises when Edward went into the sunlight...I mean really?

Oh! Alice is adorable though! Although Jasper...he is really kinda edwards sissor hands or something...idk

I was expecting more of Mr. Cullen as well. He was good looking, but he looked like a blond vampire. I know that is what he is, but he looked like dracula.

Okay, done now!
Although I like Edward a lot (who couldn''t really?) I was rooting for Jacob. I have a hard time not reading the mostly bad reviews of the movie...I will probably still enjoy watching it, as I found the books quite a guilty pleasure.
Date: 11/21/2008 2:24:17 PM
Author: FrekeChild
I''m really dreading seeing the movie.

I read all of the books (we literally drove all the way across the city so I could find a copy of Eclipse) earlier this semester. And then I read them each about 5 more times. So, needless to say I''m entrenched in the story and the characters, and the movie just can''t live up to that. And what I''ve seen in the previews, I''m incredibly unimpressed.

And I think Kristen Stewart has the look of Bella, but her voice doesn''t work for me.

And every other book that has been made into a movie has seriously depressed me. They just can''t take what is in my head and put it on screen. The only exception is Harry Potter-the look of every single one of the movies is exactly what was in my head. But Jurassic Park?

So I''m expecting to be very disappointed, because even what I''ve seen in the previews has been different from what was in the book.

And, I really didn''t like Breaking Dawn. I think she lost me with that book. I think she lost Bella with that book.

Oh, and Team Edward all the way. Jacob is a doosh. (In my rereads, I skipped over most of New Moon because I dislike Jacob so much.)

I''m going to go see what Rotten Tomatoes has to say about it...

I agree the characters in HP mostly look the same but I imagined Dumbledore, Fleur, Sirius, Petigrew and Lupin amongst others (Lupin was CREEPY in the movies) differently and HP3 was a complete shambles, Alfonso ruined that movie completely and apart from 1 and 2 the other movies have ommited so many important aspects that it killed the vibe for me, but I am a little obsessed with the books so chances are I wouldn''t be happy with anything.

I really loved Breaking Dawn, it was one of my favourites, I really thought it was typically Bella.

I have seen one preview it looked good, but I don''t think Bella or Edward look like they should. Edward is so not good looking in this movie WTF is up with the eyebrows!!! and Bella lacks the fragility that makes her so Bella like IMHO. According to my obsessed friends apparently the other characters are not that up to par either (I so could have seen the hot blonde guy from supernatural play Carlise and the actor that played Victor Krum playing Jasper

I saw an interview with the chick playing Bella on Letterman last night and I personally thought she was bleugh she was very "too cool for school" I don''t know she just didn''t sit right with me.

Has anyone read the unofficial version of Midnight Sun? I still have not got around to it I am debating on waiting for the real book to come out apparently it is BRILLIANT.

Date: 11/21/2008 7:22:42 PM
Author: redrose229
I saw the midnight showing...I was horribly disappointed. Terrible acting for one, and I could go on and on and on.

The ending didn''t suck so bad though, it was alright compared to the rest of the movie.

Overall, I didn''t have high expectations for the movie...but if I was Stephanie Meyer...I would have done something had I known this movie would be this terrible. I''m hoping that IF they can make NEW MOON, that the actors take lessons, and the special effects are better, oh and the story line isn''t so hard to follow. I mean, come on! How can someone who didn''t read the books understand HOW these 2 fell in love?

Sorry, needed to vent.

The books were great. Read all 4 in 2 days.

Plus side: Edward is a hunk.

A huge ? I have come there was sparkling noises when Edward went into the sunlight...I mean really?

Oh! Alice is adorable though! Although Jasper...he is really kinda edwards sissor hands or something...idk

I was expecting more of Mr. Cullen as well. He was good looking, but he looked like a blond vampire. I know that is what he is, but he looked like dracula.

Okay, done now!
My sister went to the midnight showing and she pretty much said these exact same things. She was very disappointed. I have read the first 2 books, but I haven''t had a chance to read the others. I hope to do so over Thanksgiving or Christmas and then I''ll see the movie at the $ Theater once it gets there rather than spend the regular price if it isn''t that great.
I''ve read all the books because I wanted to know what my middle school students were obsessing over. Twilight has done for my female students what Harry Potter did for my boys - it got them reading! I liked the series, especially Eclipse, but I feel there are far better young adult books and series out there. Meyer wrote these at a 5th grade level, according to our school''s reading program, and they aren''t really that challenging, but they are a good escape. I will see the movie in a week or two when the lines aren''t so long.
Date: 11/22/2008 3:00:53 AM
Author: Deelight
I really loved Breaking Dawn, it was one of my favourites, I really thought it was typically Bella.

Has anyone read the unofficial version of Midnight Sun? I still have not got around to it I am debating on waiting for the real book to come out apparently it is BRILLIANT.
I think Breaking Dawn was hit or miss. It tied the story up into a neat little bow, but the whole Nessie thing did NOT sit well with me. And I''m thinking that I didn''t like it that much because so much of the book was Jacob''s drama/BS. I really don''t like Jacob that much and I don''t think he did much for Bella''s character. Something felt very forced about their relationship in New Moon and beyond. I liked him ok in Twilight, but after that...

I have read the unofficial version of Midnight Sun, and to be brutally honest, it didn''t do much for me. It''s like reading Twilight, only some parts are from Edward''s point of view. Nothing incredibly revealing, nothing out of the ordinary. It''s very predictable (that would seem obvious, but the book has been hyped so much, you would think something would be new and unusual about it, but it''s not) and it seemed like it was written at an even younger age than the first 4. Now granted, maybe that''s part of her writing process, but it wasn''t appealing. I would have preferred that she delve into Tanya''s clan a bit if she wanted to stay within some of the story constraints that she had already built. So color me unimpressed.

Having said that, I''ll still buy it when it comes out.

I had the chance to go see it last night, and I turned it down...
Date: 11/22/2008 2:07:29 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Date: 11/22/2008 3:00:53 AM

Author: Deelight

I really loved Breaking Dawn, it was one of my favourites, I really thought it was typically Bella.

Has anyone read the unofficial version of Midnight Sun? I still have not got around to it I am debating on waiting for the real book to come out apparently it is BRILLIANT.

I think Breaking Dawn was hit or miss. It tied the story up into a neat little bow, but the whole Nessie thing did NOT sit well with me. And I''m thinking that I didn''t like it that much because so much of the book was Jacob''s drama/BS. I really don''t like Jacob that much and I don''t think he did much for Bella''s character. Something felt very forced about their relationship in New Moon and beyond. I liked him ok in Twilight, but after that...

I have read the unofficial version of Midnight Sun, and to be brutally honest, it didn''t do much for me. It''s like reading Twilight, only some parts are from Edward''s point of view. Nothing incredibly revealing, nothing out of the ordinary. It''s very predictable (that would seem obvious, but the book has been hyped so much, you would think something would be new and unusual about it, but it''s not) and it seemed like it was written at an even younger age than the first 4. Now granted, maybe that''s part of her writing process, but it wasn''t appealing. I would have preferred that she delve into Tanya''s clan a bit if she wanted to stay within some of the story constraints that she had already built. So color me unimpressed.

Having said that, I''ll still buy it when it comes out.

I had the chance to go see it last night, and I turned it down...

I always wanted Edward and Bella together but I never really hated Jacob, so that might be one of the reasons I really liked Breaking Moon ( I also love tied up endings in books I HATE loose ends) mind you friends of mine are fiercely loyal of Edward and loathe Jacob and made me agree with them that Jacob is an arse,(they are a little obsessed) it is quite hilarious I guess this series is for them like what HP is to me which I am more then a little obsessed over.

Apparently The Host is good as well, I still have yet to get that one.
Deelight, I highly recommend The Host. It was a great read, a sci-fi love story. I couldn''t put it down when I read it this summer.
OK, saw the movie tonight. I guess I must not be that critical, because I really liked it. I went with my 14 yr. old daughter, her friend and her friend''s mom. We all thought it was pretty good. Some of the characters were not as I imagined them and of course they left some things out. (Don''t most movies?) But all in all, it followed the book pretty closely I thought. And Edward was HOT.

Didn''t understand what the one poster was saying about sparkling noises in the sunlight. There was the effect of music but it didn''t seem weird. It fit with the fact that Edward is supposed to look "God like" and Bella was entranced.
A friend of mine was a stylist on that movie!! So yes, very excited!
The books were cheesy pulp fiction, but I am a sucker (he he) for anything vampire related. I devoured the books but didn''t get particularly attached to or identify with any of the characters.

BTW, Edward drives my car (in the moveie) !!
I love the books; I''m not sure I am so excited about the movie though. No matter how good these novel based movies turn out, it''s always different in your head. You couldn''t possibly feel completely satisfied with the way someone else (director, producer, etc) pictured the story in their imagination. I''m still debating whether or not I want to watch the movie, but I guess I''ll surrender in the end. My curiosity is just so overwhelming.
Edward''s probably one of my favourite novel characters, but tbh I didn''t dislike Jacob either. I thought he''s interesting enough. If I have to completely honest, I didn''t really like Bella that much, at least not in the way some characters just enchant you and thrill you (Edward again, or Alice).
I liked Breaking Dawn the least of all four books. The Nessie thing didn''t work out for me either, like Freke said. Not sure why, it just felt kind of forced to fit into the story line.
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