What is the difference between a tux vs. a suit? I always thought of a tux as your traditional black w/the bowtie and cumberbund but now when I go to various websites, I see what I would consider a suit listed as a tux. And the tux in So Happy''s thread I would''ve considered a suit had I seen it elsewhere. Something w/the long tie and vest and in various other colors is what I think of as a suit but it seems things are changed or I''m just out of the loop (which is entirely possible!).
Is it recent that people are straying away from the traditional look? Just curious. I actually thought we''d go w/the longer tie look but my FI prefers the traditional so we''ll go w/that.
What is everyone else doing?
Is it recent that people are straying away from the traditional look? Just curious. I actually thought we''d go w/the longer tie look but my FI prefers the traditional so we''ll go w/that.
What is everyone else doing?