
Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestants"


Mar 3, 2013
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

cmd2014|1476300021|4086283 said:
momhappy|1476283127|4086118 said:
I don't want men (or more specifically, sexual predators) lurking around public female bathrooms and locker rooms.

Just to clarify: Sexual offenders, including pedophiles, are OVERWHELMINGLY heterosexual men. There is no evidence in any scientific literature to suggest that transgender women are more likely to be sexual predators than biological women. The real risk is heterosexual men, and the overwhelming majority are known to their victims. And even they don't tend to pick their victims in public restrooms.

Oh, I see now. I think you thought I was saying that I don't want transgender men in my bathroom because they are sexual predators. That's not what I meant. I'm not worried about the transgender people in my bathrooms. I'm worried about the (heterosexual) male sexual predators that might take advantage of the system.
But that's not what this thread is about and I don't want to derail it.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

telephone89|1476301444|4086302 said:
ruby59|1476299897|4086279 said:
My DIL and I beg to differ.
Time for some Elie Wiesel.

We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.

There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.

The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.

You don't need to lay a hand on anyone to be a racist, a sexist or whatever IST you want to discuss today. But being apathetic and not standing up for those who can't is just as bad. If people actually said shit to those *******s, they'd stop. But no one does. Because no one wants to be 'that person'. So it continues. And people start to think its ok. And then eventually yes, someone who does tell them stop becomes the odd one out. I'd still not think that's ok, and still not want my son or husband to ever be so apathetic towards shit like that.

Also time for some common sense as to why one would not get themselves into a dangerous situation just to prove a point.


Aug 6, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

momhappy|1476302630|4086318 said:
cmd2014|1476300021|4086283 said:
momhappy|1476283127|4086118 said:
I don't want men (or more specifically, sexual predators) lurking around public female bathrooms and locker rooms.

Just to clarify: Sexual offenders, including pedophiles, are OVERWHELMINGLY heterosexual men. There is no evidence in any scientific literature to suggest that transgender women are more likely to be sexual predators than biological women. The real risk is heterosexual men, and the overwhelming majority are known to their victims. And even they don't tend to pick their victims in public restrooms.

Oh, I see now. I think you thought I was saying that I don't want transgender men in my bathroom because they are sexual predators. That's not what I meant. I'm not worried about the transgender people in my bathrooms. I'm worried about the (heterosexual) male sexual predators that might take advantage of the system.
But that's not what this thread is about and I don't want to derail it.

Sorry. I did interpret it that way.

And yes, DT lurking in the Miss Universe dressing room is gross. And probably illegal too (especially if any of them were minors).


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

Chrono|1476301464|4086303 said:
ruby59|1476293348|4086200 said:
First off, if we are to believe the released tapes, Hillary defended a rapist and laughed about it.

I watched the news last night about the tapes. It isn't what you think it is. It was not a happy laugh but a sad, disappointed, and jaded laugh about the horribly flawed justice system that we have. The segment included an interview with the prosecutor and I felt that it covered both parties fairly. I strongly encourage you to review all the facts before casting judgement. She asked to be removed from the case as she did not want to defend the rapist, but the judge denied the request.

Read my statement again - "If we are to believe"

No judgment there as I am well aware that listening to a tape without seeing body language and facial expressions can be open to interpretation as well as there could have been follow up to that conversation.


Apr 2, 2006
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

To change the topic just slightly...

I for one appreciate the men who have come out and said of the original tape on the bus - "by my experience, this is not normal locker room talk and wouldn't be tolerated in the locker rooms/circles I travel in". I know the men close to me wouldn't talk about victimizing women this way... and I'm glad to hear that this is apparently true of most men and groups of men.


Jul 31, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

ruby59|1476299208|4086272 said:
lovedogs|1476296361|4086238 said:
SMC|1476295419|4086224 said:
ruby59|1476295079|4086220 said:
SMC|1476294499|4086209 said:
ruby59|1476294338|4086207 said:
Tekate|1476290566|4086172 said:
ruby59|1476215978|4085778 said:
My husband and son both tell me that men do talk like this in locker rooms. And if you do not join in they look at you sideways.

And I have heard my share of that kind of talk in the women's locker room as well. Men's private parts are discussed in detail.

My son's were both raised in Texas (a hole of a state) and they said guys don't talk that way, I have NEVER EVER heard women speaking like this is the gym locker room... My husband said in all his travels and locker rooms he has never heard any man speak like that.. now this is from Texas to NC to NY to DC to Israel to Paris.. I mean all over the world.

And I have. There was a really good looking guy who was well endowed working out.

The young girls were taking bets to measurements and ability to fit it in, if you know what I mean.
There's a difference between being crude and describing how you'd commit sexual assault. I admit that I've talked about sex and male genitalia with my girlfriends before, but I've never talked about how I'd commit sexual assault. I'd assume the same with DH, if he and his friends decide to talk about sex instead of sports.

Talking about ways to fit it in is not describing how you would commit a sexual assault?

No, not if it is consensual. The difference is consent.

I'm honestly unsure about why this is confusing. Talking about a well-endowed man and whether or how to "fit it in" is NOT REMOTELY on the same plane as sexual assault. To use this example and take it further, in order to be talking about sexual assault, the women would have to be discussing how they would "just go up to him and grab it, I can get away with it", or "sometimes I just go in and kiss him". Consent is the difference between saying stuff like "oh man I wish I could have sex with him/her" and "sometimes I just GO UP AND GRAB HIM/HER".

This is why I do not like this way of responding as I am not sure in this case who you are responding to?

I posted about fitting it in. But I did not post the bolded part.

I now have bolded what you wrote, and how I responded. And I will restate that the difference is consent.


Mar 3, 2013
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

cmd2014|1476303006|4086322 said:
momhappy|1476302630|4086318 said:
cmd2014|1476300021|4086283 said:
momhappy|1476283127|4086118 said:
I don't want men (or more specifically, sexual predators) lurking around public female bathrooms and locker rooms.

Just to clarify: Sexual offenders, including pedophiles, are OVERWHELMINGLY heterosexual men. There is no evidence in any scientific literature to suggest that transgender women are more likely to be sexual predators than biological women. The real risk is heterosexual men, and the overwhelming majority are known to their victims. And even they don't tend to pick their victims in public restrooms.

Oh, I see now. I think you thought I was saying that I don't want transgender men in my bathroom because they are sexual predators. That's not what I meant. I'm not worried about the transgender people in my bathrooms. I'm worried about the (heterosexual) male sexual predators that might take advantage of the system.
But that's not what this thread is about and I don't want to derail it.

Sorry. I did interpret it that way.

And yes, DT lurking in the Miss Universe dressing room is gross. And probably illegal too (especially if any of them were minors).

And after I read my comment, I can see why you interpreted it that way. Thanks for letting me clarify! :wavey:


Aug 31, 2005
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

This just came out:

For those of you who boycott the Times, here's the title. I would recommended breaking the boycott just once- there's a video interview.

Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately


Jun 7, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

lovedogs|1476243887|4086003 said:
ruby59|1476228339|4085905 said:
As far as Donald Trump, his potty mouth does not cost me anything. And his taking advantage of the tax codes, I blame those in charge who wrote them, thereby allowing him to take advantage of it.

I'm sorry, but are you serious about this?! I can't even express how messed up this line of thinking is. He LITERALLY DESCRIBED COMMITTING SEXUAL ASSAULT! That isn't a "potty mouth", that's a CRIME. And "doesn't cost me anything" is an equally horrible statement. That's like me saying "racism doesn't cost me anything" because I"m white, or that people discussing hurting LGBT people doesn't cost me anything because I am a heterosexual. It's incredibly selfish and short-sighted. I would like to think you probably didn't mean it that way, but you should be aware of how this comes across and potentially be more careful before you say things like that. I typically don't directly criticize people on this forum, but as a victim of assault/rape I just can't keep quiet on this one. :angryfire:


I read some of the comments on this thread and want to cry.


Jun 7, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

monarch64|1476286484|4086141 said:
chemgirl|1476286249|4086138 said:
momhappy|1476285603|4086135 said:
chemgirl|1476283978|4086127 said:
momhappy|1476283127|4086118 said:
E B|1476281404|4086112 said:
Another thing I find funny (when funny leans sad) is how the same people who are defending him (or "not") over this are apoplectic over the idea of a transwoman in the same bathroom as their daughters. And sure, some of them will say, "Well, I have no problem with transwomen, I just don't want men lurking around, trying to get a peak at my naked female loved ones."

Unless they're running for President.

I don't understand your logic.
I don't want men (or more specifically, sexual predators) lurking around public female bathrooms and locker rooms.
I also don't want Trump to be president and I'm not voting for him.
I can't stop him from running for president. I voted for another candidate in the Primary election. What more am I supposed to do?
I don't want him representing the Republican party (or our country) and I'm mortified that he's even on the ballot.
Also, addressing both sides of the coin is not defending someone. I don't condone his words, thoughts, or actions, but I also understand that we live in a society that objectifies women. If you feel that's defending him, then that's your perception and I can't change that.

See this is where you lose me. His comments go much further than objectifying women. He is describing himself as a sexual predator. He admits to purposely walking in on women while they are naked. If a store owner purposely walked in on someone trying on clothes would that be objectifying women, or would it be a crime? Trump is talking about voyerism and assault.

Another analogy: My gym is owned by a man. He owns it so he can go wherever he wants. If he ever walked into the women's locker room and stood there watching women change would that be "objectifying women" or would he be a predator?

Well, not sure where I lost you..... but, ok. I didn't say that Trump just objectifies women.
I said that we live in a society that objectifies women. That doesn't make it okay. It just means that I acknowledge that we have a problem.
I said that I don't condone Trumps thoughts, words, and actions just like I wouldn't condone a sexual predator walking into a dressing room to spy on someone.
Your gym comment doesn't really make sense to me, so I'm not sure how I would address it :confused:

He said he lurked around the dressing rooms for the pageant he used to own so he could see the women naked. He can do it because he's the owner. So that's where my gym comment came from. Somehow with Donald Trump this is "locker room talk", he has a "potty mouth", he "objectifies women" (not all your comments), but anyone else would be considered a sexual predator for doing the same thing.

I get that society objectifies women. Just to me, bringing it up in this context is shifting some of the blame from Trump. Definitely not all you, I just have a problem with a lot of the minimising going on here in some of the comments.

"He can do it because he's the owner." Precisely the attitude of entitlement I was using in my previous post here to get across the point that people who shout about "entitlement" of the poor/non-working have a total double standard when it comes to DT's blatantly obvious entitled attitude. Poor people think they can take whatever they want from the rest of us because they refuse to work--they are so entitled! Donald Trump thinks he can walk in on women naked because he owns the pageant or thinks he can grab a woman by the pussy because he's a star--gosh, guys! Just locker room talk!

One of the pageant contestants came forward today. The woman considers herself to be a conservative. She said it was extremely uncomfortable having Trump walk around them as they were changing into their bikini's. They were also told to go up to him and basically fawn all over him by people working for the pageant. The woman said the girls couldn't even complain to anyone because Trump was the owner.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

Calliecake|1476314163|4086382 said:
lovedogs|1476243887|4086003 said:
ruby59|1476228339|4085905 said:
As far as Donald Trump, his potty mouth does not cost me anything. And his taking advantage of the tax codes, I blame those in charge who wrote them, thereby allowing him to take advantage of it.

I'm sorry, but are you serious about this?! I can't even express how messed up this line of thinking is. He LITERALLY DESCRIBED COMMITTING SEXUAL ASSAULT! That isn't a "potty mouth", that's a CRIME. And "doesn't cost me anything" is an equally horrible statement. That's like me saying "racism doesn't cost me anything" because I"m white, or that people discussing hurting LGBT people doesn't cost me anything because I am a heterosexual. It's incredibly selfish and short-sighted. I would like to think you probably didn't mean it that way, but you should be aware of how this comes across and potentially be more careful before you say things like that. I typically don't directly criticize people on this forum, but as a victim of assault/rape I just can't keep quiet on this one. :angryfire:


I read some of the comments on this thread and want to cry.

\Our country has gone to h*ll. I have my priorities. How can I make that clearer.

I am in no way saying I advocate this. But I have much bigger concerns that take priority.

And remember I am saying this as a victim of sexual assault myself.

I wish the world was perfect but it would not be realistic. But obviously what we wish for for change is what affects us directly.


Apr 30, 2005


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

Just an innocent question as I have no clue

But why do some of you boycott the NY Times?

I have never read it.


Jun 7, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

telephone89|1476301444|4086302 said:
ruby59|1476299897|4086279 said:
My DIL and I beg to differ.
Time for some Elie Wiesel.

We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.

There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.

The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.

You don't need to lay a hand on anyone to be a racist, a sexist or whatever IST you want to discuss today. But being apathetic and not standing up for those who can't is just as bad. If people actually said shit to those *******s, they'd stop. But no one does. Because no one wants to be 'that person'. So it continues. And people start to think its ok. And then eventually yes, someone who does tell them stop becomes the odd one out. I'd still not think that's ok, and still not want my son or husband to ever be so apathetic towards shit like that.

If you aren't speaking up, you are part of the problem.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

Calliecake|1476317037|4086403 said:
telephone89|1476301444|4086302 said:
ruby59|1476299897|4086279 said:
My DIL and I beg to differ.
Time for some Elie Wiesel.

We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.

There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.

The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.

You don't need to lay a hand on anyone to be a racist, a sexist or whatever IST you want to discuss today. But being apathetic and not standing up for those who can't is just as bad. If people actually said shit to those *******s, they'd stop. But no one does. Because no one wants to be 'that person'. So it continues. And people start to think its ok. And then eventually yes, someone who does tell them stop becomes the odd one out. I'd still not think that's ok, and still not want my son or husband to ever be so apathetic towards shit like that.

If you aren't speaking up, you are part of the problem.

And if you live in the real world, that is not always a safe option.

Many times it is smarter to just walk away rather than causing something you are not able to control and in which innocent bystanders could get hurt.


Oct 11, 2011
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

kenny|1476316596|4086400 said:
E B|1476312755|4086380 said:
This just came out:

For those of you who boycott the Times, here's the title. I would recommended breaking the boycott just once- there's a video interview.

Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately

Just wow! :nono:

I'm not surprised that all these stories are coming out... (Is it just me or does this woman look like young Hillary Clinton?)
(walking in to Miss TEEN Universe dressing room)

Trump making creepy comments about children:

There is also apparently something else from Rolling Stone and something from the Guardian but while I've seen people talking about them I didn't see the link and quick googling couldn't find it.


Apr 30, 2005
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

I'm starting to believe Trump doesn't have a chance.

Of course I'm glad.
But it's pathetic, pathetic, that Americans care more about sex than policy, competence and substantive issues.
The second debate had time to address nearly nothing that belongs in a presidential debate. :nono:

Even after all the garbage that has dribbled of of Trump's mouth, it took sex to bring him down.
America is dying. :knockout:

Even if Wikileaks reveals Clinton has done horrible horrible things, if it's not sex nobody is going to pay attention.


Oct 11, 2011
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

kenny|1476336420|4086513 said:
Even after all the garbage that has dribbled of of Trump's mouth, it took sex to bring him down.
America is dying. :knockout:

Agreed, Kenny. When people hear a presidential candidate saying plenty of things that are blatantly unamerican and still think he is the better choice... I don't know what to think about that, other than to be very afraid. It's funny because a lot of Trump supporters say they are voting for him because they don't like the way the country is heading... but I don't like the way the country is heading and that's why I'm voting for Clinton. I would like to avoid war with Russia, more wars in the middle east, defeat ISIS, encourage economic growth, encourage human rights... Clinton is the candidate to get that done.


May 11, 2013
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

kenny|1476336420|4086513 said:
I'm starting to believe Trump doesn't have a chance.

Of course I'm glad.
But it's pathetic, pathetic, that Americans care more about sex than policy, competence and substantive issues.
The second debate had time to address nearly nothing that belongs in a presidential debate. :nono:

Even after all the garbage that has dribbled of of Trump's mouth, it took sex to bring him down.
America is dying. :knockout:

Even if Wikileaks reveals Clinton has done horrible horrible things, if it's not sex nobody is going to pay attention.



Mar 28, 2012
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

kenny|1476336420|4086513 said:
I'm starting to believe Trump doesn't have a chance.

Of course I'm glad.
But it's pathetic, pathetic, that Americans care more about sex than policy, competence and substantive issues.
The second debate had time to address nearly nothing that belongs in a presidential debate. :nono:

Even after all the garbage that has dribbled of of Trump's mouth, it took sex to bring him down.
America is dying. :knockout:

Even if Wikileaks reveals Clinton has done horrible horrible things, if it's not sex nobody is going to pay attention.

I agree it is ridiculous everyone ignored the racism, sexism, etc., before. However this isn't "sex" that is taking him down. This is SEXUAL ASSAULT. Which is wayyyyyy different than sex. Even if he was an ideal candidate before, (proven) sexual assault would ruin all credibility.

Calling this just sex is yucky and inaccurate.


Apr 30, 2005
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

sstephensid|1476365971|4086611 said:
I agree it is ridiculous everyone ignored the racism, sexism, etc., before. However this isn't "sex" that is taking him down. This is SEXUAL ASSAULT. Which is wayyyyyy different than sex. Even if he was an ideal candidate before, (proven) sexual assault would ruin all credibility.

Calling this just sex is yucky and inaccurate.

Agreed! Totally! 100%!

Still, if it was the crime having no relation to sexuality (if I can even say that) it would not have gotten as much media attention or damaged Trump as much.

When I first heard this point made yesterday by Cenk Uygur The Young Turk's I thought the same thing you did.
My bad and my apology for repeating his oversight.


Aug 22, 2012
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

kenny|1476336420|4086513 said:
I'm starting to believe Trump doesn't have a chance.

Of course I'm glad.
But it's pathetic, pathetic, that Americans care more about sex than policy, competence and substantive issues.
The second debate had time to address nearly nothing that belongs in a presidential debate. :nono:

Even after all the garbage that has dribbled of of Trump's mouth, it took sex to bring him down.
America is dying. :knockout:

Even if Wikileaks reveals Clinton has done horrible horrible things, if it's not sex nobody is going to pay attention.

Well we can agree on something. :D


Jan 26, 2003
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

This story is about The Miss Teen USA Pageant. Yes The Miss Teen USA Pageant.

"While running the Miss Teen USA beauty pageant, Donald Trump reportedly walked in on contestants as they changed in their dressing room, multiple contestants told BuzzFeed on Wednesday.

The site quoted Mariah Billado, a 1997 contestant from Vermont, who recalled having to get dressed 'really quickly' because Trump had entered the room. Girls were 'just scrambling to grab stuff,' she added.

Billado paraphrased the GOP presidential nominee as saying: 'Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.' When she first learned that Trump was running for president she thought, 'Oh, gross, this guy walked in on us in the pageant.'"



Jul 23, 2012
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

ruby59|1476246784|4086024 said:
lovedogs|1476243887|4086003 said:
ruby59|1476228339|4085905 said:
As far as Donald Trump, his potty mouth does not cost me anything. And his taking advantage of the tax codes, I blame those in charge who wrote them, thereby allowing him to take advantage of it.

I'm sorry, but are you serious about this?! I can't even express how messed up this line of thinking is. He LITERALLY DESCRIBED COMMITTING SEXUAL ASSAULT! That isn't a "potty mouth", that's a CRIME. And "doesn't cost me anything" is an equally horrible statement. That's like me saying "racism doesn't cost me anything" because I"m white, or that people discussing hurting LGBT people doesn't cost me anything because I am a heterosexual. It's incredibly selfish and short-sighted. I would like to think you probably didn't mean it that way, but you should be aware of how this comes across and potentially be more careful before you say things like that. I typically don't directly criticize people on this forum, but as a victim of assault/rape I just can't keep quiet on this one. :angryfire:

And as I have stated before, at the age of 12, I was the victim of a "funny uncle."

But right now, this country has far bigger concerns to worry about.

We simply cannot afford 4 or 8 more years of someone like Obama, either foreign or domestic.

This country has bigger things to worry about?
One in five women are sexually assaulted. And electing trump says "you know what, no big deal, here's the highest office in the land"
What kills me about this thread is all of you who say we shouldn't be offended becuase every guy uses grass language in a locker room. that is so offensive to men. My husband says "p*ssy" , he doesn't say he sexually assults women.
And to those who say it's just words. When asked to defend those words. Given every opertunuty to walk them back, he can't even comprehend that people are offended about the assault, not the dirty words
To say all men talk like this is gross and offensive. Even if somehow he hasn't been a sexual predator, he is perfectly happy being preceived as one! That talking about assaulting makes him just one of the guys!


Dec 25, 2012
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

As a victim of sexual assault myself, I continue to be horrified by the notion that we as a people are capable of electing a sexual predator president because "it's about the politics."



Aug 29, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Agreed Niel and Elliot.

And +1 to Callie. Some of the comments on here also make me want to cry. So sad to think that some people think this is ok, or that we should not bother dealing with it.


Jun 7, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

I guess it's no surprise to anyone here that my views are the same as Niel and Elliott's. I have nieces that mean the world to me and if you look at statistics on Sexual Assualt we have a huge problem. The Brock Turners of the world scare the hell out of me as do some of the comments made by women on this forum. I completely understand everyones concern for national security but let's be honest women in the US are much more likely to be a victim of rape then we are of being killed by ISIS. Being raped affects you for the rest of your life. Sure you can go on and can live a wonderful life, but don't kid yourself, it stays with you forever. When female babies are born in your family you defintely think about the world they are going to grow up in and worry about their safety in the years to come.

If you heard a neighbor making the comments Trump has made you would avoid this man at all costs. I seriously doubt you would think the jerk was Presidental material. Men talking about sexually assaulting woman should not be acceptable any where and yes men should open their mouths if they hear anyone saying it is, regardless of where this is being spoken. Saying this is locker room talk is BS. Decent men don't say these things. The rape culture that is happening in the US is only going to get worse if Trump's elected. What a terrible message to be sending our young women.

Telephone, Some of your posts make me want to hug you. You are one fiesty woman!


Aug 12, 2005
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

telephone89|1476465647|4087066 said:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Agreed Niel and Elliot.

And +1 to Callie. Some of the comments on here also make me want to cry. So sad to think that some people think this is ok, or that we should not bother dealing with it.

I think a lot of people can't deal with their own issues, and there is plenty of triggering discussion involved in the Trump scandals. Some people from different eras simply react based on their own oppression having grown up in a time when talking about things wasn't encouraged. That's no excuse, and it certainly contributes to the problem we have with victims not feeling able to come forward, but I can understand the mentality. Things are changing, very slowly, but surely. In another lifetime, there won't be Bill Clintons and Donald Trumps going around doing whatever they please to women just because they can. Gen X, Y, and millenials will see to that.


Aug 29, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

Calliecake|1476465954|4087068 said:
Telephone, Some of your posts make me want to hug you. You are one fiesty woman!
What a nice way to put it!! I usually just get 'bitchy' :lol:

Monny, I think you're right. And I say it often. The times are a-changing. New generations just don't think the same way. Yes, Brock Turner was/is? a millennial, but the amount of push back he got was SO heartwarming to see. From peers and influential people to his future (swim usa). This is still a problem, but how we deal with it is becoming more and more transparent and 0 tolerance.


Aug 12, 2005
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

telephone89|1476466853|4087076 said:
Calliecake|1476465954|4087068 said:
Telephone, Some of your posts make me want to hug you. You are one fiesty woman!
What a nice way to put it!! I usually just get 'bitchy' :lol:

Monny, I think you're right. And I say it often. The times are a-changing. New generations just don't think the same way. Yes, Brock Turner was/is? a millennial, but the amount of push back he got was SO heartwarming to see. From peers and influential people to his future (swim usa). This is still a problem, but how we deal with it is becoming more and more transparent and 0 tolerance.

Yup. Major shift in power is happening. I am happy to be alive now to see it play out. Bullies can only push others around for so long before others start pushing back, in far greater numbers and with far more intensity.
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