
Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestants"


Apr 30, 2005
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

Matata|1476291753|4086185 said:
momhappy|1476290116|4086170 said:
kenny|1476289017|4086161 said:
momhappy|1476283127|4086118 said:
I also don't want Trump to be president and I'm not voting for him.
I can't stop him from running for president. I voted for another candidate in the Primary election.

What more am I supposed to do?

I don't want him representing the Republican party (or our country) and I'm mortified that he's even on the ballot.
Also, addressing both sides of the coin is not defending someone. I don't condone his words, thoughts, or actions, but I also understand that we live in a society that objectifies women. If you feel that's defending him, then that's your perception and I can't change that.

Do you part to ensure he's not elected.
Vote for Clinton.

Again, I don't think any one should tell any one else how to vote.
Are you seriously recommending that I should hold Trump accountable for his actions/words by not voting for him, but the same shouldn't apply to Hillary :confused:
I don't support and/or agree with things that Hillary has said and done and I don't think she is the "better" candidate. I am holding her accountable by not voting for her.
You can choose to vote for whichever candidate you prefer, kenny, but please don't tell me who to vote for. I am an adult and can make my own choices.

Aww come on now. You asked a question and he answered with a suggestion based on his belief of what is the better option not a directive.

Exercise some critical thinking here -- various polls show that 1 in 3 people are still voting for the cheeto. Nonvoters and 3rd party voters may bump that number up to 2 of 3 and the evangelical base STILL plans on voting for him regardless of what their high level leaders think which puts a different spin on things because we could very well go into "it's a tie" territory. None of the reasons used by those who won't vote for Hillary pass muster at such a vulnerable time in the global scheme of things. As much as I loathe the idea of business as usual under a Clinton administration, I take comfort that she won't push the big red button of nuclear destruction because someone says her hands are too small. And she's savvy enough to appoint a moderate to the Supreme Court which means chastity belts may be in fashion for the next 4 years but we won't be forced to wear them. Those who won't vote for Hillary are saying that it's perfectly fine to accept, as Leonard Pitts stated in his column today "a sentient tower of excrement in a red power tie" as leader of this nation. Ya'll must be so proud.

You asked a question.
I answered it.

Quote, "I also don't want Trump to be president and I'm not voting for him.
I can't stop him from running for president. I voted for another candidate in the Primary election.

What more am I supposed to do?"


Mar 3, 2013
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

Maybe some of us choose not to vote for Hillary because we don't think it's perfectly fine to accept a tower of excrement in a pant suit as leader of this nation.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

E B|1476281404|4086112 said:
Another thing I find funny (when funny leans sad) is how the same people who are defending him (or "not") over this are apoplectic over the idea of a transwoman in the same bathroom as their daughters. And sure, some of them will say, "Well, I have no problem with transwomen, I just don't want men lurking around, trying to get a peak at my naked female loved ones."

Unless they're running for President.

First off, if we are to believe the released tapes, Hillary defended a rapist and laughed about it. And she stayed married to a man with very low scruples while she was raising a daughter.

As far as Trump, I would not vote for him if my life depended on him. I loved the idea of The Apprentice, but stopped watching because I could not stand his smug face.

Actually, my choices are Hillary or not voting.

Now saying that, and it may be selfish or short thinking or whatever. But what are my chances of being in a bathroom at the same time Donald Trump is vs being in one with a man who should not be in there. And do remember, as I said in a previous post to another poster who was too quick to judge me when she knows nothing about me, I was attacked by a funny uncle at age 12. So I am very sensitive to this issue.

But my concerns now is literally holding my breath every time my son travels to Boston for his job. My middle daughter will be going to California and I am terrified. Will my youngest be able to find a job when she graduates. Will my husband and I ever be able to retire?


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

Dancing Fire|1476252695|4086038 said:
ruby59|1476246784|4086024 said:
We simply cannot afford 4 or 8 more years of someone like Obama, either foreign or domestic.
Unlike Obama I think HC will be more moderate as President.

Please clarify.

Did Hillary say she wants open borders and a one payer system like Canada?


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

E B|1476280453|4086106 said:
Dancing Fire|1476253152|4086040 said:
redwood66|1476252942|4086039 said:
I would rather had her than Obama.
Who wouldn't?... :silenced: He done nothing good for our country.

Sorry, DF, but our economy is objectively better off in many, many ways today than it was when Obama took office. And I could post graphs by the handful, but I won't, because if you truly believe that Obama was the worst of all time, you probably also think any graphs I post are from organizations in the tank for Hillary, along with all of the news media save Fox and Alex Jones. And even if you weren't happy with Obama's progress (I saw Mitt Romney was blaming Obama for the words and actions of the President of the Phillipines at a rally a few days ago, which was...interesting), surely you couldn't see Trump as any better. By the way, did you know Trump himself said not too long before running for President that economies do better under Democrats? Oops. :cheeky:

I always enjoy the 'economic anxiety' arguments on a diamond forum with people in the midst of or having just finished another jewelry project, though. ;))

As someone who still wears the original engagement ring her husband gave her 36 years ago -

I live in Rhode Island. And we have still not recovered. So no chart is going to change the fact that my family is in a worse position then we were before he took office as related to the economy and health care and my fear for my children as it relates to the safety of our country.


Aug 29, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

I cannot believe in this day and age, there are still people - still WOMEN - who brush these comments as being objectifying, boys will be boys, it happens all the time. Does that not disgust you? Do you not give a flying f&ck about what happens to your daughters and friends? Because ignoring and accepting "Ho hum, society sure sucks don't it!" is not helping anyone. It's not helping society. Its not helping your daughters. Its not helping your sons.

ruby59|1476215978|4085778 said:
My husband and son both tell me that men do talk like this in locker rooms. And if you do not join in they look at you sideways.
I hope that they both get looked at sideways. I hope that you raised your child well enough that he does NOT participate in talks about raping and sexually assaulting other women. I hope your husband doesn't just laugh and nod along. I hope that if anyone he knows is brought up during these talks, he shuts it down immediately.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

Tekate|1476290566|4086172 said:
ruby59|1476215978|4085778 said:
My husband and son both tell me that men do talk like this in locker rooms. And if you do not join in they look at you sideways.

And I have heard my share of that kind of talk in the women's locker room as well. Men's private parts are discussed in detail.

My son's were both raised in Texas (a hole of a state) and they said guys don't talk that way, I have NEVER EVER heard women speaking like this is the gym locker room... My husband said in all his travels and locker rooms he has never heard any man speak like that.. now this is from Texas to NC to NY to DC to Israel to Paris.. I mean all over the world.

And I have. There was a really good looking guy who was well endowed working out.

The young girls were taking bets to measurements and ability to fit it in, if you know what I mean.


Sep 30, 2012
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

ruby59|1476294338|4086207 said:
Tekate|1476290566|4086172 said:
ruby59|1476215978|4085778 said:
My husband and son both tell me that men do talk like this in locker rooms. And if you do not join in they look at you sideways.

And I have heard my share of that kind of talk in the women's locker room as well. Men's private parts are discussed in detail.

My son's were both raised in Texas (a hole of a state) and they said guys don't talk that way, I have NEVER EVER heard women speaking like this is the gym locker room... My husband said in all his travels and locker rooms he has never heard any man speak like that.. now this is from Texas to NC to NY to DC to Israel to Paris.. I mean all over the world.

And I have. There was a really good looking guy who was well endowed working out.

The young girls were taking bets to measurements and ability to fit it in, if you know what I mean.
There's a difference between being crude and describing how you'd commit sexual assault. I admit that I've talked about sex and male genitalia with my girlfriends before, but I've never talked about how I'd commit sexual assault. I'd assume the same with DH, if he and his friends decide to talk about sex instead of sports.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

telephone89|1476293969|4086206 said:
I cannot believe in this day and age, there are still people - still WOMEN - who brush these comments as being objectifying, boys will be boys, it happens all the time. Does that not disgust you? Do you not give a flying f&ck about what happens to your daughters and friends? Because ignoring and accepting "Ho hum, society sure sucks don't it!" is not helping anyone. It's not helping society. Its not helping your daughters. Its not helping your sons.

ruby59|1476215978|4085778 said:
My husband and son both tell me that men do talk like this in locker rooms. And if you do not join in they look at you sideways.
I hope that they both get looked at sideways. I hope that you raised your child well enough that he does NOT participate in talks about raping and sexually assaulting other women. I hope your husband doesn't just laugh and nod along. I hope that if anyone he knows is brought up during these talks, he shuts it down immediately.

My husband and son are typical heterosexual men. And I doubt either took a stand in a locker room full of men.

And I am not dead either when I see a good looking man.

Rape and sexual assault- each would just walk away from the conversation. But you can bet your life that if either saw a woman being attacked they would be on it in a second.

And that is why in a previous post I asked for clarification of talk vs deed.


Mar 28, 2012
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

If one doesn't know the difference between talking about sexual conquests/interests vs. sexual assault, there is not much any of us can say.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

SMC|1476294499|4086209 said:
ruby59|1476294338|4086207 said:
Tekate|1476290566|4086172 said:
ruby59|1476215978|4085778 said:
My husband and son both tell me that men do talk like this in locker rooms. And if you do not join in they look at you sideways.

And I have heard my share of that kind of talk in the women's locker room as well. Men's private parts are discussed in detail.

My son's were both raised in Texas (a hole of a state) and they said guys don't talk that way, I have NEVER EVER heard women speaking like this is the gym locker room... My husband said in all his travels and locker rooms he has never heard any man speak like that.. now this is from Texas to NC to NY to DC to Israel to Paris.. I mean all over the world.

And I have. There was a really good looking guy who was well endowed working out.

The young girls were taking bets to measurements and ability to fit it in, if you know what I mean.
There's a difference between being crude and describing how you'd commit sexual assault. I admit that I've talked about sex and male genitalia with my girlfriends before, but I've never talked about how I'd commit sexual assault. I'd assume the same with DH, if he and his friends decide to talk about sex instead of sports.

Talking about ways to fit it in is not describing how you would commit a sexual assault?


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

sstephensid|1476295000|4086217 said:
If one doesn't know the difference between talking about sexual conquests/interests vs. sexual assault, there is not much any of us can say.

And if one does not understand we all have our own thresholds of what we find acceptable or not, we do not respond to you, period.


Sep 30, 2012
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

ruby59|1476295079|4086220 said:
SMC|1476294499|4086209 said:
ruby59|1476294338|4086207 said:
Tekate|1476290566|4086172 said:
ruby59|1476215978|4085778 said:
My husband and son both tell me that men do talk like this in locker rooms. And if you do not join in they look at you sideways.

And I have heard my share of that kind of talk in the women's locker room as well. Men's private parts are discussed in detail.

My son's were both raised in Texas (a hole of a state) and they said guys don't talk that way, I have NEVER EVER heard women speaking like this is the gym locker room... My husband said in all his travels and locker rooms he has never heard any man speak like that.. now this is from Texas to NC to NY to DC to Israel to Paris.. I mean all over the world.

And I have. There was a really good looking guy who was well endowed working out.

The young girls were taking bets to measurements and ability to fit it in, if you know what I mean.
There's a difference between being crude and describing how you'd commit sexual assault. I admit that I've talked about sex and male genitalia with my girlfriends before, but I've never talked about how I'd commit sexual assault. I'd assume the same with DH, if he and his friends decide to talk about sex instead of sports.

Talking about ways to fit it in is not describing how you would commit a sexual assault?
No, not if it is consensual. The difference is consent.


Jul 31, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

SMC|1476295419|4086224 said:
ruby59|1476295079|4086220 said:
SMC|1476294499|4086209 said:
ruby59|1476294338|4086207 said:
Tekate|1476290566|4086172 said:
ruby59|1476215978|4085778 said:
My husband and son both tell me that men do talk like this in locker rooms. And if you do not join in they look at you sideways.

And I have heard my share of that kind of talk in the women's locker room as well. Men's private parts are discussed in detail.

My son's were both raised in Texas (a hole of a state) and they said guys don't talk that way, I have NEVER EVER heard women speaking like this is the gym locker room... My husband said in all his travels and locker rooms he has never heard any man speak like that.. now this is from Texas to NC to NY to DC to Israel to Paris.. I mean all over the world.

And I have. There was a really good looking guy who was well endowed working out.

The young girls were taking bets to measurements and ability to fit it in, if you know what I mean.
There's a difference between being crude and describing how you'd commit sexual assault. I admit that I've talked about sex and male genitalia with my girlfriends before, but I've never talked about how I'd commit sexual assault. I'd assume the same with DH, if he and his friends decide to talk about sex instead of sports.

Talking about ways to fit it in is not describing how you would commit a sexual assault?
No, not if it is consensual. The difference is consent.

I'm honestly unsure about why this is confusing. Talking about a well-endowed man and whether or how to "fit it in" is NOT REMOTELY on the same plane as sexual assault. To use this example and take it further, in order to be talking about sexual assault, the women would have to be discussing how they would "just go up to him and grab it, I can get away with it", or "sometimes I just go in and kiss him". Consent is the difference between saying stuff like "oh man I wish I could have sex with him/her" and "sometimes I just GO UP AND GRAB HIM/HER".


Aug 29, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

ruby59|1476294886|4086216 said:
telephone89|1476293969|4086206 said:
I cannot believe in this day and age, there are still people - still WOMEN - who brush these comments as being objectifying, boys will be boys, it happens all the time. Does that not disgust you? Do you not give a flying f&ck about what happens to your daughters and friends? Because ignoring and accepting "Ho hum, society sure sucks don't it!" is not helping anyone. It's not helping society. Its not helping your daughters. Its not helping your sons.

ruby59|1476215978|4085778 said:
My husband and son both tell me that men do talk like this in locker rooms. And if you do not join in they look at you sideways.
I hope that they both get looked at sideways. I hope that you raised your child well enough that he does NOT participate in talks about raping and sexually assaulting other women. I hope your husband doesn't just laugh and nod along. I hope that if anyone he knows is brought up during these talks, he shuts it down immediately.

My husband and son are typical heterosexual men. And I doubt either took a stand in a locker room full of men.
I'm sorry you raised such a child.
I'm sorry you married such a man.

I don't have children. Literally one of the only reasons I want to have a kid is to raise him or her to be a strong upstanding member of society. I'd raise my kid to BE the one who takes a stand in a locker room. I'm married to one who would and does. I'm not a sheep. I would not marry one. I would not raise one. I'm sorry for those that do.


Mar 5, 2013
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

sstephensid|1476295000|4086217 said:
If one doesn't know the difference between talking about sexual conquests/interests vs. sexual assault, there is not much any of us can say.

You're so right. There's a level of understanding on this topic that some people either cannot or will not reach. It's incredibly frustrating for the rest of us. Seeing it brought out into the open has been so eye opening, in a very disturbing way.

ETA: My DH was a Marine from age 18-22. According to him, speaking crudely re:sex was common, although mostly only in the younger men (remind me, what was Trump's excuse as a 60 year old man??), but bragging of sexual assault was NOT common.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

ruby59|1476293559|4086203 said:
Dancing Fire|1476252695|4086038 said:
ruby59|1476246784|4086024 said:
We simply cannot afford 4 or 8 more years of someone like Obama, either foreign or domestic.
Unlike Obama I think HC will be more moderate as President.

Please clarify.

Did Hillary say she wants open borders and a one payer system like Canada?
Yes, but Just a hunch on my part that HC will be a more moderate Prez overall.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

lovedogs|1476296361|4086238 said:
SMC|1476295419|4086224 said:
ruby59|1476295079|4086220 said:
SMC|1476294499|4086209 said:
ruby59|1476294338|4086207 said:
Tekate|1476290566|4086172 said:
ruby59|1476215978|4085778 said:
My husband and son both tell me that men do talk like this in locker rooms. And if you do not join in they look at you sideways.

And I have heard my share of that kind of talk in the women's locker room as well. Men's private parts are discussed in detail.

My son's were both raised in Texas (a hole of a state) and they said guys don't talk that way, I have NEVER EVER heard women speaking like this is the gym locker room... My husband said in all his travels and locker rooms he has never heard any man speak like that.. now this is from Texas to NC to NY to DC to Israel to Paris.. I mean all over the world.

And I have. There was a really good looking guy who was well endowed working out.

The young girls were taking bets to measurements and ability to fit it in, if you know what I mean.
There's a difference between being crude and describing how you'd commit sexual assault. I admit that I've talked about sex and male genitalia with my girlfriends before, but I've never talked about how I'd commit sexual assault. I'd assume the same with DH, if he and his friends decide to talk about sex instead of sports.

Talking about ways to fit it in is not describing how you would commit a sexual assault?
No, not if it is consensual. The difference is consent.

I'm honestly unsure about why this is confusing. Talking about a well-endowed man and whether or how to "fit it in" is NOT REMOTELY on the same plane as sexual assault. To use this example and take it further, in order to be talking about sexual assault, the women would have to be discussing how they would "just go up to him and grab it, I can get away with it", or "sometimes I just go in and kiss him". Consent is the difference between saying stuff like "oh man I wish I could have sex with him/her" and "sometimes I just GO UP AND GRAB HIM/HER".

This is why I do not like this way of responding as I am not sure in this case who you are responding to?

I posted about fitting it in. But I did not post the bolded part.


Aug 31, 2005
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

This guy has millions of followers, listening and nodding their heads to it. It says an awful lot about why some people feel this is "overblown."



Aug 31, 2005
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

This publication has millions of readers as well, but, another (crazy) subject for another time.



Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

telephone89|1476297522|4086249 said:
ruby59|1476294886|4086216 said:
telephone89|1476293969|4086206 said:
I cannot believe in this day and age, there are still people - still WOMEN - who brush these comments as being objectifying, boys will be boys, it happens all the time. Does that not disgust you? Do you not give a flying f&ck about what happens to your daughters and friends? Because ignoring and accepting "Ho hum, society sure sucks don't it!" is not helping anyone. It's not helping society. Its not helping your daughters. Its not helping your sons.

ruby59|1476215978|4085778 said:
My husband and son both tell me that men do talk like this in locker rooms. And if you do not join in they look at you sideways.
I hope that they both get looked at sideways. I hope that you raised your child well enough that he does NOT participate in talks about raping and sexually assaulting other women. I hope your husband doesn't just laugh and nod along. I hope that if anyone he knows is brought up during these talks, he shuts it down immediately.

My husband and son are typical heterosexual men. And I doubt either took a stand in a locker room full of men.
I'm sorry you raised such a child.
I'm sorry you married such a man.

I don't have children. Literally one of the only reasons I want to have a kid is to raise him or her to be a strong upstanding member of society. I'd raise my kid to BE the one who takes a stand in a locker room. I'm married to one who would and does. I'm not a sheep. I would not marry one. I would not raise one. I'm sorry for those that do.

My DIL and I beg to differ. Neither have talked to us with the least bit of dis respect nor would even think of laying a hand on us.

It is why my husband and I have been married for 35 years because my mom did not raise no fool.

My son was brought up that who is he to judge anyone else. That is why black, white, yellow, green, gay, straight, trans was never an issue. People are allowed to speak their mind. He like my husband walk away from it. Also they are practical in that they are not going to engage a room full of men.

And as I said upthread, each would be the first to act if they saw a women in distress.


Aug 6, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

momhappy|1476283127|4086118 said:
I don't want men (or more specifically, sexual predators) lurking around public female bathrooms and locker rooms.

Just to clarify: Sexual offenders, including pedophiles, are OVERWHELMINGLY heterosexual men. There is no evidence in any scientific literature to suggest that transgender women are more likely to be sexual predators than biological women. The real risk is heterosexual men, and the overwhelming majority are known to their victims. And even they don't tend to pick their victims in public restrooms.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

Dancing Fire|1476297993|4086256 said:
ruby59|1476293559|4086203 said:
Dancing Fire|1476252695|4086038 said:
ruby59|1476246784|4086024 said:
We simply cannot afford 4 or 8 more years of someone like Obama, either foreign or domestic.
Unlike Obama I think HC will be more moderate as President.

Please clarify.

Did Hillary say she wants open borders and a one payer system like Canada?
Yes, but Just a hunch on my part that HC will be a more moderate Prez overall.

Wasn't there a person who used to post from Canada who thought she might have Cancer and had to wait a long time for a test?

With all my issues, that scares me.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

cmd2014|1476300021|4086283 said:
momhappy|1476283127|4086118 said:
I don't want men (or more specifically, sexual predators) lurking around public female bathrooms and locker rooms.

Just to clarify: Sexual offenders, including pedophiles, are OVERWHELMINGLY heterosexual men. There is no evidence in any scientific literature to suggest that transgender women are more likely to be sexual predators than biological women. The real risk is heterosexual men, and the overwhelming majority are known to their victims. And even they don't tend to pick their victims in public restrooms.

I do not want to share a public restroom with a male.

It has nothing to do with statistics or being PC.

So don't people who think like Mom and me have any say in what makes us uncomfortable?


Aug 29, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

ruby59|1476299897|4086279 said:
My DIL and I beg to differ.
Time for some Elie Wiesel.

We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.

There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.

The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.

You don't need to lay a hand on anyone to be a racist, a sexist or whatever IST you want to discuss today. But being apathetic and not standing up for those who can't is just as bad. If people actually said shit to those *******s, they'd stop. But no one does. Because no one wants to be 'that person'. So it continues. And people start to think its ok. And then eventually yes, someone who does tell them stop becomes the odd one out. I'd still not think that's ok, and still not want my son or husband to ever be so apathetic towards shit like that.


Apr 22, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

ruby59|1476293348|4086200 said:
First off, if we are to believe the released tapes, Hillary defended a rapist and laughed about it.

I watched the news last night about the tapes. It isn't what you think it is. It was not a happy laugh but a sad, disappointed, and jaded laugh about the horribly flawed justice system that we have. The segment included an interview with the prosecutor and I felt that it covered both parties fairly. I strongly encourage you to review all the facts before casting judgement. She asked to be removed from the case as she did not want to defend the rapist, but the judge denied the request.


Aug 6, 2014
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

ruby59|1476300300|4086290 said:
cmd2014|1476300021|4086283 said:
momhappy|1476283127|4086118 said:
I don't want men (or more specifically, sexual predators) lurking around public female bathrooms and locker rooms.

Just to clarify: Sexual offenders, including pedophiles, are OVERWHELMINGLY heterosexual men. There is no evidence in any scientific literature to suggest that transgender women are more likely to be sexual predators than biological women. The real risk is heterosexual men, and the overwhelming majority are known to their victims. And even they don't tend to pick their victims in public restrooms.

I do not want to share a public restroom with a male.

It has nothing to do with statistics or being PC.

So don't people who think like Mom and me have any say in what makes us uncomfortable?

The specific issue I addressed was not about being uncomfortable, it's about incorrectly suggesting that transgender people are sexual predators. This is factually incorrect. 93% of children are, in fact, sexually offended against by either members of their own family, family friends, or people that they know, with the vast majority being heterosexual men (both with same sex and opposite sex assaults). Something like 90% of adult women are sexually offended against by someone that they know (and a disproportionate number of cases involve domestic violence).

In contrast, 70% of transgendered people report being assaulted in public restrooms (mainly when they try to enter washrooms of their biological sex when they look to the world like a member of the opposite sex).

So be uncomfortable. That's your right. Don't be PC. That's ok too. Have a say in what makes you uncomfortable. Just argue it on what is honest and truthful rather than stuff that just isn't true.


Dec 31, 2006
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

Chrono|1476301464|4086303 said:
ruby59|1476293348|4086200 said:
First off, if we are to believe the released tapes, Hillary defended a rapist and laughed about it.

I watched the news last night about the tapes. It isn't what you think it is. It was not a happy laugh but a sad, disappointed, and jaded laugh about the horribly flawed justice system that we have. The segment included an interview with the prosecutor and I felt that it covered both parties fairly. I strongly encourage you to review all the facts before casting judgement. She asked to be removed from the case as she did not want to defend the rapist, but the judge denied the request.

I kind of suspected that either she didn't laugh, or that like you say, it wasn't a haha laugh.

When you say you watched the news, are you saying there was a video of when this happened? I'd like to view it for myself.


Mar 3, 2013
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

cmd2014|1476301483|4086305 said:
ruby59|1476300300|4086290 said:
cmd2014|1476300021|4086283 said:
momhappy|1476283127|4086118 said:
I don't want men (or more specifically, sexual predators) lurking around public female bathrooms and locker rooms.

Just to clarify: Sexual offenders, including pedophiles, are OVERWHELMINGLY heterosexual men. There is no evidence in any scientific literature to suggest that transgender women are more likely to be sexual predators than biological women. The real risk is heterosexual men, and the overwhelming majority are known to their victims. And even they don't tend to pick their victims in public restrooms.

I do not want to share a public restroom with a male.

It has nothing to do with statistics or being PC.

So don't people who think like Mom and me have any say in what makes us uncomfortable?

The specific issue I addressed was not about being uncomfortable, it's about incorrectly suggesting that transgender people are sexual predators. This is factually incorrect. 93% of children are, in fact, sexually offended against by either members of their own family, family friends, or people that they know, with the vast majority being heterosexual men (both with same sex and opposite sex assaults). Something like 90% of adult women are sexually offended against by someone that they know (and a disproportionate number of cases involve domestic violence).

In contrast, 70% of transgendered people report being assaulted in public restrooms (mainly when they try to enter washrooms of their biological sex when they look to the world like a member of the opposite sex).

So be uncomfortable. That's your right. Don't be PC. That's ok too. Have a say in what makes you uncomfortable. Just argue it on what is honest and truthful rather than stuff that just isn't true.

I hope that you weren't saying that I said that transgender people are sexual predators because I didn't.


Apr 22, 2004
Re: Trump brags, "I 'inspected' nude Miss Universe contestan

CJ2008|1476302147|4086313 said:
When you say you watched the news, are you saying there was a video of when this happened? I'd like to view it for myself.

The "laugh" was on audio tape only. I forgot which TV channel aired it since DH was the one who turns on the TV. I think it was CNN.
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