
Trip to the jewelry store - Help me pick a setting! (pics)

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You guys are the best! I'm still debating, I keep going back and forth, and even sometimes thinking I should just go with a simple thin pave setting like the third one so my center stone is main stage. Did one setting just "leap" out at you guys when you picked yours? I don't know how anyone makes this decision! Of course, I'm overthinking, I realize, but it feels like such a big decision.

I'm going to talk to my BF about them tonight or tomorrow, and I'll let you guys know what he thinks. I might have a couple other settings to add to the mix that are from a different store too. I'm officially hopeless!

ETA, Val, those are similar! I like that one too! And I see what you're saying about the setting with the pears...I should check and see what size stone that setting was meant for.
Definitely the criss cross one

And no, I love a lot of e-ring settings! I wish they could make interchangable settings so I could pop the head off of one ring and put it into another
I agree w/ everyone else!!!

Actually, I tried that setting on. It was my second choice after the setting that I got, but it overpowered my stone (half the size of yours!!!!!)

I think your stone looks PERFECT in it!!! CONGRATS!

I have to agree with everyone... the one on the left (criss cross setting) is my favorite! Just gorgeous!

I completely understand how confusing it must be for you. I felt exactly the same way. It''s difficult when you like different styles and one in particular isn''t calling out to you (they ALL called out to me!). I''m a modern girl who loves a simple solitaire or the sparkle of a shared prong setting, but in the end I went with something a little more antique looking. Don''t really know why... it just caught my eye (and my FI''s) and we kept thinking about it. I think part of what helped me decide is that my FI seemed to really like it. He liked all of them, but maybe the antique one a little more and I could sense that.

The three pics you posted are all beautiful... you can''t go wrong with any of them! If you find more settings you''re interested in please post them. I''d love to see them!
Ok I will have to be one of the dissenters on this thread --- i definitely prefer the setting with the side pears. I think that once your stone is properly set in it and the prongs are in proportion, it will look sensational. I love the profile, but I agree that I would prefer the pears to stay diamonds.
Date: 1/16/2006 10:27:52 PM
Author: Rascal49
Definitely the criss cross one

And no, I love a lot of e-ring settings! I wish they could make interchangable settings so I could pop the head off of one ring and put it into another
Know where you''re coming from Rascal!

Another vote for the pave criss cross - its gorgeous!
I''m no help at all
...... I like them both.
Hi JDgirl! Wow, a 2+carat OEC diamond sounds fabulous! I think both settings will look great. I like how unusual the 2nd setting looks, whereas the criss cross prong one looks more common. And I don''t think that 3rd setting you posted looks too plain at all. Hehe, I''m no help at all, am I? Sorry! But if I had to pick, I''d go for the 3rd one, then the 2nd one, then the criss cross one. I can''t wait to see what you end up with!
I like the 3rd ring the best, the one that you feel may be too plain. I don''t believe there actually is such a thing when you''re talking about a ring you will be wearing for the rest of your life . . . I simply prefer to call it classic.
I guess I''m in the minority, but I love the one on the right (in the later pics). Just beautiful!
Both beautiful but i think the one, with the pave criss crossing (without the prongs showing) is the one. That is going to look AMAZING with a 2 ct OEC.

Sigh. I like the profile of the criss-cross one much better; the ones with the pears looks so busy. However, from the top I like the pears best because it looks less chunky than than the criss-cross!

So, given all that you won''t be surprised to hear me say that I *really* prefer the 3rd, plainer one, best!
In the very first post of the two rings, I like the one on the left, the one with the side stones.
Just to complicate things, I''m going to another B&M today that had a couple settings I really liked too. I''m going to take pics of those and post them later. Even if it only confuses matters more, at least it''ll be some nice eye candy, right?
I''m really diggin'' the third one you posted (the one you originally went in to see). There''s nothing quite like the clean lines and shape of a classic solitaire setting! :)
I wanted to thank all you guys again for your help! My BF is going to go to several B&Ms with me on Saturday to help me decide. I am still so back and forth, I think he realizes that he needs to give me a nudge (okay, a strong push) in the right direction. I''m going to show him the ones I shared with you guys, and also several simplier, more solitaire looking ones. I don''t want to disregard the classic look, because it might make my center stone pop the most. I''ll take more pics on Saturday and let you know what we decide. Thanks again!
Have fun shopping! We''ll hold you to those pictures.
Hi Jdgirl!

What can I say I love all of the settings you posted.

If you had tie me up and set a fire under me to choose
, I would definately go with the setting with the lovely pear sides! The prongs on that setting are incredible.

Looking forward to more pic''s! Until then, have a wonderful day!

Another member wanted to see more pics of the antique setting, so I''m going to share them here. I do love this setting, especially the more I look at it!

Rings 013xM.JPG

Rings 012xM.JPG
And another...

Rings 008xM.JPG
And another....

Rings 009xM.JPG
Last one...

Rings 019xM.JPG
Well that clinches it for me! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I choose the CrissCross style too!! I even choose it over the third solitaire style and I''m a big solitaire lover.
Anyways, the crisscross one has a wonderful presence on your finger - perfect size, it''s unique, and just LOVELY! Get it !
I usually love solitares but since you are going with the OEC, another vote for the left (with the criss cross). I know that the other ring isn''t cut down yet but I still think the criss cross pattern is so unique and will compliment your stone well!
~~I keep coming back to this thread just to look at the antique cris-cross setting!! If you have any more pics that would suffice me...for now!! I absolutely love that ring!!
~~Sorry, didn''t want to double-post, but is that an OEC in the antique setting, or is it a RB???
That's just about all the pics I have of that setting for now. BUT, my BF and I are going to look at that setting, and others, on I should have a bunch more to post after that. It's really all coming down to the antique setting, the one with pears, or a simplier pave solitaire style (not the one I posted b/c they had to get it in for me). But, after I take him to three jewelry stores, you never know what we might come back with pictures of!

ETA, those are both just CZs in the settings above. That's why they have that filmy white look. I think it's a 7.5 mm CZ in the criss-cross setting.
I still like the ones with the pears. I did think about your problem yesterday (I am such a PS nut) and meant to tell you if you did change those to sapphires (though I do love it in all diamond) it will make your diamond look whiter (I know you were concerned with that). I think my sapphires really make my setting pop.

Now to your second question I knew without a doubt that this setting was for me. I tried on a bunch and then saw this one and picked it out a year and a half before he proposed
Never changed my mind but this is also my personality. I am a girl who knows what she likes RIGHT AWAY. So if you are not like that I do not think it is abnormal not to have one jump out. OR maybe niether is right for you
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