
Toy suggestions for a frustrated 15 month old?


Oct 25, 2006
Hey Mommies,

DD is in a really tough phase. She is constantly trying to do things that she is not physically capable of doing and having tantrums from the frustration. She has a good amount of age appropriate toys, and I rotate them periodically to prevent boredom, but she seems to be more interested in seeking out new challenges. Sounds great except for the constant tantrums. For example, she like to get cups or containers with lids and put them on and take them off again. Very typical for her age, BUT most of the time she has two pieces that don't fit and has meltdowns if it's not working. Or she will find a container with a lid that is very very hard to get on/off. I taught her to say "help" when she needs it and she is great with that, but I think we need some activities that will keep her busy when I can't be there to help her (cooking dinner, etc.).

Here are the things I've done so far:

-Making homemade, simple toys to occupy her (pushing pom-poms through a hole in a container, a jar with wooden letters to put in/take out). These have been helpful but I think we need more activities/ideas.

-Putting up/hiding major causes of meltdowns (i.e. shape sorter). But she still seeks out other items around the house. Yesterday she brought me a small folded pamphlet that came with one of her toys and kept asking for help, and I had no idea what she needed!

-Simplifying some of her toys (e.g. only giving her 2 pieces with a puzzle so she doesn't get confused on which piece goes where).

Now I think we need some more activities that will keep her busy when I can't be there to help. I baby proof to the minimum and don't mind her exploring my home and playing with things like measuring cups. But if she keeps bringing me two measuring cups expecting them to somehow attach to each other, I am going to lose my mind!

Does anyone have any recommendations for some simple toys that will keep her occupied for a little bit? Any really simple puzzles? What are your toddlers loving?
Mia, my DD who is 20 months likes this a lot it's a puzzle and shape sorter.

Also, she's big into this toy - which has a cutting board and vegetables and a wooden knife to cut them with. They stick together with velcro.

Have you tried Art - we got a $15 easel at Ikea. And, we also just give her paper and either Crayola Washable markers or these which are pretty cool - We now bring a coloring book with markers to restaurants also. something like this but hers is Mickey Mouse from Walmart -

I'm curious for new ideas also.
This is the one I was trying to find-

B loves this thing. We got it for him when he was around 10 months old and he still plays with it at 22 months. You put the ball in the top hole and it goes to the tub thing and spins around, then goes in another hole and out the bottom. He also enjoys sitting in it, standing on it, and shoving as many cars as he can in it.
Hi Mia, not really a toy but L who is 18 months loves copying me, so I got him one of those long handled dustpan and broom sets and he pushes it around. Also I haven't got one, but every time he sees a toy kitchen he goes mad for it. Trying to convince DH its not too girls to get him one. sorry I know you asked for simple toys. What about some musical sets like a tambourine, maracas etc. we also brought him a childrens table and chairs and he loves just getting on and off them.

ETA, he also loves carrying a bucket around and collecting things to put in it
Kind of random, but A loves this thing (I removed the small pieces):

Also, I have started doing this thing where if we go to a fast food place or a dollar store or a party store, I'll pick up really cheap, age appropriate toys and put them in a bag. When she gets bored with something, out comes a cheap toy. I don't care if it gets destroyed or she loses it, I can easily buy another to replace it. What's funny is that she revisits them like crazy.

And we've been letting her pick out her own toys lately. One of her favorite toys was a $20 guitar from World Market, and that thing comes out every day, although it's almost met it's demise several times:

I love the toys at World Market though, they are so cool!

Lately she's been obsessed with a little plastic wagon, but that might be a little scary for O just yet - A likes to get in it or try to use it like it's a riding toy.

I don't know. I let her kind of go to town with anything, so long as it's not hazardous or looks like it'd break easily!
Does she have anything to push around? We are getting our 18 month old this:


Fabric balls were also a big hit with my 14 month old niece.
(I made three of my own from this pattern: http : // They turned out awesome and took about 3 hours to do all three.)

Or even a bag - toddlers that age love putting things inside and taking them back out again. www .


And don't forget the basic wooden chunky puzzles.
Lauren Mcguire
Mine likes to play with play-doh while we're in the kitchen. I give her a plate, a rolling pin, a few plastic cookie cutters and let her go to town. She thinks she's helping. I think I first let her have play-doh around 18 months.

She has one unlocked cabinet she can get into. She likes to climb in and shut the door and pop out every so often, saying "boo!" We keep some plastic spatulas and other junk in there she can bang around on and she will entertain herself with that for a few minutes, usually.

She has an easel that she just loves; one side is dry erase board and the other is chalkboard. She also has a drawing table--the top is dry-erase. She will color or draw for several minutes at a time. Oh, the easel also came with magnetic letters and she likes to bring us letters one at a time and say what they are. She started that around 23 months, iirc. Magnets on the refrigerator...yeah...we have a ton of those and she LOVES them. I never thought I'd have "that" refrigerator.

Music and dancing--we turn on the radio and yell "FREE DANCE" and she gets a huge kick out of that because dancing in the kitchen is obviously awesome. Usually buys at least 5 minutes.
These are all good ideas. My youngest especially liked "forbidden" objects, so I would suggest a set of play keys and a play cell phone with buttons that make sounds, etc.

I love cloth books that have flaps/interactive elements. Sure they may still get beat up but at least won't get ripped like paper books at that age.