
toe nails

I''m another one who alwasy cut''s off the white bits as soon as they show- it''s not just the look but the feel of my toenails touching the sheets when "im in beed creaps me out. I DIY pedicure and always ha ve them painted a pretty colour because my big toe nails almost always have ugly ridges and/or bruses from previous abuse.
I used to hate my feet, not anymore!

<-------Check out my avatar!!
Date: 5/6/2010 12:22:39 AM
Author: Phoenix
I used to hate my feet, not anymore!

<-------Check out my avatar!!

If you go out like that, you will miss your feet in no time...
Date: 5/6/2010 12:22:39 AM
Author: Phoenix
<-------Check out my avatar!!

gorgeous pedicure by the way..
I like my feet - I wish my gut looked as good lol I have the good fortune to live where a weekly pedicure is seriously affordable and my feet haven''t looked this good in years. Normally I go back and forth between being really lazy and keeping up with things. My heals are so dry - even going in every week and working at them 2-3 times per week on my own they only look as good as most normal feet. Right now they look pretty good but it''s a herculean effort lol I don''t do french manicures on my toes - at least I haven''t yet. I may try it once, but I''m not big into the long toenail look - well... I like them to not be too short either, when they''re too short I think they look funny. I don''t care about there being a "white" part but I don''t like to see them overhanging the toe. But I don''t like a big pudge of skin at the end of the toe becuase they''re cut too short. I think a sliver of skin is a nice balance. I JUST took a picture of my feet... I could post it. I don''t have the best feet in the world, but eh. Could be worse. I took the picture of my new crockenstocks (hahahahahaha!) so it''s not really of my feet and doesn''t showcase them well, but if you''re curious what my toes look like... haha
Date: 5/5/2010 6:23:29 PM
Author: elrohwen
I never pay for pedicures, but I do them myself every week or two. I keep my nails cut short, clean them up, then paint them a pretty color. I hate when the nails are long and I don''t like french pedicures. I also don''t spend any time soaking or doing anything else to them.

Right now they''re teal

but I''m getting antsy. I can''t decide if I want to go with a pinkish-purple next or a bright pink.

I don''t really like painting my fingernails, but I love having my toes painted. I especially love that I can do wacky colors on my toes that I would never use on my fingers.

eta: I think I have nice feet! There are gross feet and there are decent feet - I don''t think all feet are gross, so I appreciate a pedicure (though I never get close enough to know if the person has buffed and moisturized; mostly I just notice polish)
funny you said that about whacky colors - I''m not into blue and green on my nails or toes but I am going to do my toes orange the next time I go in - it''s like my favorite color besides white in the world... that lovely shade between yellow and orange... like a poppy :) A yellowish poppy lol
I live in Scotland, so most of the year, my feet are in something insulated.

I don''t like to see feet, and I prefer shoes that cover them up!

I do like to keep mine moisturised and reasonably ok looking, because I hate the feel of rough feet and long toenails on bedsheets.

I bought a diamond toering on a whim once and while it''s pretty, I only wear it around the house. I don''t wear sandals or flip flops out.
these aren''t my crockenstocks - but since we had some cute sandals - not sure if these are "cute" (i''m not a very "cute" type girl) but I LOVE these shoes... I got them in Amalfi, Italy last summer - they''re all leather (even the soles) and they''re almost like wearing nothing at all. They''re not good for going DOWNhill though, I will say that lol

My toes are a bit pudgy - they fluctuate about as much as my fingers do... they''re not perfect but they''re not bad either... I kinda like them, though they are more wrinkly now than when I was young

shoes n toes.jpg
Date: 5/5/2010 9:03:04 PM
Author: cellentani
SDL, I don''t know which I like better, your pedicure or your sandals - they both rock!

Here''s my favorite discontinued Essie polish that I had to hunt down - seems like whenever I find the perfect red for my skin tone, it gets discontinued!

you have perfect feet!!! Like you could start a foot fetish site... well... if you really wanted to have strange men doing strange things while looking at your toes lol hahaha.

And yeah that color is perfect.
Date: 5/5/2010 9:11:53 PM
Author: kenny
Do you like my new colors?
I just gasped out loud. Is that a new acronym? GOL??
Date: 5/5/2010 9:11:53 PM
Author: kenny
Do you like my new colors?
Here you go Ken

Date: 5/5/2010 9:03:04 PM
Author: cellentani
SDL, I don''t know which I like better, your pedicure or your sandals - they both rock!

Here''s my favorite discontinued Essie polish that I had to hunt down - seems like whenever I find the perfect red for my skin tone, it gets discontinued!

cell, these are positively the nicest feet / pedicure I have seen!

I really like that red, and you seem to have a close skin tone to you have the shade name?

My feet and toes / nail beds are short, much like my hands

But I do like to have a pedi about every 5-6 weeks..maybe less in Winter..
I admit after a proper pedi and with polish they look a sight more attractive.

Not nearly as sexy as Lozza''s feet above though
Thanks for the nice photos and the hilarious ones.
I try to take care of my feet and at least keep the nails painted. This is the pic of my foot 3 minutes ago that I took with my phone at work. Sorry about the longer second toe, I know it looks weird, but I dont think my feet are hideous.

Here''s my foot with my current nail color!

DH told me I have finger toes
I think I have nice feet!

lm foot.jpg
Date: 5/6/2010 7:29:04 AM
Author: arjunajane

Date: 5/5/2010 9:03:04 PM
Author: cellentani
SDL, I don''t know which I like better, your pedicure or your sandals - they both rock!

Here''s my favorite discontinued Essie polish that I had to hunt down - seems like whenever I find the perfect red for my skin tone, it gets discontinued!

cell, these are positively the nicest feet / pedicure I have seen!

I really like that red, and you seem to have a close skin tone to you have the shade name?

My feet and toes / nail beds are short, much like my hands

But I do like to have a pedi about every 5-6 weeks..maybe less in Winter..
I admit after a proper pedi and with polish they look a sight more attractive.

Not nearly as sexy as Lozza''s feet above though
I ran out of wax.....
I need to get better about getting pedicures! I rarely do, since I have to wear closed toe shoes to work. *sigh*
Date: 5/5/2010 11:21:50 PM
Author: CDNinNYC

Hey MC,

is that the Chanel Riviera on the bottom left corner? If yes, how do you like the colour?

Great collection, btw!
The color is "splendeur," and the shade is slightly more raspberry than what it looks like here in this photo. The color is pretty, but the texture is weird as if it's brittle almost. Chips VERY easily even with good base and top coat. I love my other Chanel polish (Miami Peach - I think that's the name). I have (or had) a few others, but don't see the up there. I think I gave one away. (eta - and I don't think I'd buy another chanel polish. OPI is so much better quality and better price! The only chanel I still buy are the glossimers.)

MC, thanks for the review. I have a few Chanel nail polishes. Some are great (Red Dragon) but others are a miss (Tendresse) so I'm hesitant to buy more colours without hearing how they are. There doesn't seem to be a consistency with their quality.

This photo is of the polish I thought was in your photo, colour Riviera.

Thanks again!

I always paint my nails a nude/flesh color because I don''t keep up my pedicures. Although I wear open toed sandals all the time.
My feet are definitely not pretty. My big toes don''t lean in like that normally (it''s the shoes) but my second toes are taller which I don''t like.

Um, I''ve just got clear polish on them .. some (read: most) of the time, they''re just totally nude!

And I wear sandals

I really should take better care of my piggies ..
Date: 5/6/2010 11:59:59 AM
Author: CDNinNYC
MC, thanks for the review. I have a few Chanel nail polishes. Some are great (Red Dragon) but others are a miss (Tendresse) so I''m hesitant to buy more colours without hearing how they are. There doesn''t seem to be a consistency with their quality.

This photo is of the polish I thought was in your photo, colour Riviera.

Thanks again!
The two shades look nearly identical!

OPI is out of control on their similar shades. Seems like half of mine are duplicates. Funny thing is I have "Yellin'' For Watermelon," which people are listing on eBay for $20+ and I also have "Dutch Tulips," and that is selling for $5.00 and they look identical! lol People become obsessed with finding rare shades. hahaha A few years back, I decided I had to have "Hollywood and Wine," and paid $25 for it. I''ve only worn it 2X.
My nails...meh...but there is someone in my family that always has the most beautiful french toenails. They always look perfect!

His name is Taz. Thats Boo boo his big brother next to him.

Date: 5/5/2010 10:42:12 PM
Author: BeachRunner

Date: 5/5/2010 10:18:58 PM
Author: charbie

Date: 5/5/2010 8:35:58 PM

Author: packrat

I have ugly feet. They''re wide Bam Bam feet like my brothers, but small. My toes are short and misplaced. Random short toes in w/random longer (but still unbelievably short)toes and just..wrong. I paint my toenails and had a pedicure once that looked really nice-made my feet not look so ugly. And I tattooed my feet too so people don''t look at my ugly toes.

Yay for foot tattoos! Both of mine are done!

I have a disformed left big toe due to years of ballet dancing. I had a bone spur under the nail, and when the nail was removed, they damaged the nail bed. So I was left with no nail in the middle, and basically 2 nails, one growing from each side. Yes, its annoying and weird bc it hurts if they get long and grow into each other.

I digress. I have terrible corns, blisters, calluses, but I still like getting pedicures and trying to make my feet look their best. Pedicures just feel so good, and since I beat the crap out of them each day wearing pointy shoes and spikes, I deserve them! Nothing better than soaking my feet!

Woo hoo! Add me to the list of people w/ a foot tattoo.
Haha, me too. It is a ridiculous one I did myself at age 14 or so though, with a needle in india ink, so it''s hardly lovely. It''s a star the size of a dime on the sole of my left foot, and it''s very faded of course. At least it''s hidden
. My husband calls it a button and if he pushes it I have to kiss him. That made me kinda like it

Anyway I have pretty cute feet (for feet) though I am a bit self concious of the fact that my middle toe is much longer than the rest, and I had a good friend in college that found it creepy and would always get squicked out by my feet. Which is kind of odd I guess, but made me wonder if everyone who doesn''t have the quirky long middle toe thinks it''s disturbing? Anyway. I tend to leave toenail polish on forever, for weeks. I always paint my toenails, especially in the summer when I wear sandals to work a lot. I tend to like the same dark iridescent colors on my toenails as my fingernails. Right now they surprisingly match- OPI''s Have You See My Limo, it''s a super dark aubergine purple with a bit of green/blue interference pigment. One of my favorites!
LGK-my middle toe is my shortest, on both feet! If you could take them off and line them up side by side, it would even be shorter than my pinkie toe. Ohhhh gawwwd I have the most hideous feet. I need to call my cousin and have him tattoo some flowers all over the blank spots and up on my toes. Detract from the unevenness.
Date: 5/6/2010 7:29:04 AM
Author: arjunajane

cell, these are positively the nicest feet / pedicure I have seen!

I really like that red, and you seem to have a close skin tone to you have the shade name?

My feet and toes / nail beds are short, much like my hands

But I do like to have a pedi about every 5-6 weeks..maybe less in Winter..
I admit after a proper pedi and with polish they look a sight more attractive.

Not nearly as sexy as Lozza''s feet above though
Wow, thanks arjuna! The Essie polish is called Select (#407), and when found out it was discontinued, I just googled it, and found a beauty warehouse out in CA that still had some. It''s got a slight shimmer, but it''s not glittery or too young looking. Most reds are either too orange or too blue/dark, so I stocked up with 3 bottles of this color, lol.
I like to paint my toe nails all year round, and I like to use colors that I might not choose for my finger nails.
Date: 5/6/2010 7:46:07 PM
Author: Zoe
I like to paint my toe nails all year round, and I like to use colors that I might not choose for my finger nails.
Yeah, same. Actually, the only color I paint my fingernails is clear. lol With kids, laundry, dishes, etc., it''s not worth the time painting to have them chip an hour later.

I''ve tried nearly every color on my toes - by far the ugliest shade ended up being a yellow one. . .looked like jaundice. hahaha
I will never understand the appeal of yellow nail polish. I''m not into the super dark colors (blue, etc.) either, but I think yellow is the worst.
I will never understand the appeal of yellow nail polish. I''m not into the super dark colors (blue, etc.) either, but I think yellow is the worst.