
To the 1008 guests online....


Jul 17, 2008
What keeps you from posting and only lurking? How long have you been looking? And for the rest of us, how long did you lurk before you posted? I looked for 4 years and didn't think I had anything to say. One day I just dove in and 6000 posts later no regrets!
I think I lurked about two months? Then I started posting, just "wow" and "nice ring" in SMTB at first 8) Clearly, I have not shut up since.

It's hard to join a new social group, and the internet is no different.
I came looking from google images of a ring and it brought me here. I had a few questions to ask and had to post straight away. :-p

I am still a newbie and love the help that you guys give to ppl; interesting conversations that happen and i do lurk- more learn really. MRB isnt my thing and pick up a few hints here and there.
I lurked about two hrs.
I think I lurked for a few months. The PS window is usually up as one of my tabs but I don't usually stay logged in. Maybe I'm a guest?
I lurk more than I post, and it's usually because I don't have more to contribute to a thread. A lot of times others have stated what I was going to, and I don't feel like saying "ditto" all the time. I lurked for a couple of months before officially joining in 2006. I think I first logged on to ask questions when my husband (then BF) and I were looking for engagement rings. I also lurk more than I post because there's only so many ways to say the same thing, especially when the same threads pop up over the years.
A lot of them can be bots and search engines.

I myself lurked for over half a year without signing up for a screen name. I only properly joined PS when the preloved section opened up, which is only visible to signed in members.
I think I lurked for about a month or so....
Can't remember how long I lurked but it was quite a while as I read & read & read. Finally signed up but didn't dare write anything for a long time. Me too, Zoe -- often I don't chime in when what I was going to say has been said. I still feel pretty dumb, too, seeing how much other people know & sometimes don't post in order not to expose my ignorance or mislead anybody. :?

--- Laurie
I lurked for more than a year without signing up, then signed up but didn't post for many months due to my knowing practically nothing about diamonds. :lol:
I lurk ALL THE TIME. Never log in to my account, just lurk about as a guest.

I lurk because I'm shy. I assume that's why a lot of others lurk also.

Okay, thats enough of me now. Back into lurkdom I go :wavey:
Almost a year and a half.

I still lurk everywhere (minus hangout)
:? :? :? :shock:
Chrono|1395835484|3641583 said:
I lurked for more than a year without signing up, then signed up but didn't post for many months due to my knowing practically nothing about diamonds. :lol:

hehehe I signed up because of Chrono and LD! I lurked for a year but had questions on colored stones so finally signed up and started to ask. Sure enough Chrono and LD welcomed me with patient answers.

Ok and LTP's collection also drew me in. I think that brought me to PS.
I lurked for a couple months before signing up.

I actually signed up to prove my jeweler wrong. And I did!

I still mostly lurk for two reasons:

1) The PS community is very tight knit. Still learning all those dynamics and where I could fit in.

2) Most of the threads I would post on I feel very passionately about (and are also some of the more controversial ones) and find it hard to post without getting caught up, or worry about what I say and how I say it. Just getting what I want to say in my head right is a struggle. So mostly I say nothing.
My 10th year anniversary on Pricescope was last February. And I have less than 1,000 posts. I lurked for years and did not really feel comfortable posting until recently. I rememer that post was answered by Dreamer. And all of a sudden I felt comfortable posting. But I did read a lot. It was scary back then.
I post more now, but PS does have a reputation of being difficult for newbies to join in. Some members can get pretty intense about opinions and board faux pas are not gently received most of the time. Still, this place is a wellspring of great information and eye candy.
blackprophet|1395855916|3641770 said:
I lurked for a couple months before signing up.

I actually signed up to prove my jeweler wrong. And I did!

I still mostly lurk for two reasons:

1) The PS community is very tight knit. Still learning all those dynamics and where I could fit in.

2) Most of the threads I would post on I feel very passionately about (and are also some of the more controversial ones) and find it hard to post without getting caught up, or worry about what I say and how I say it. Just getting what I want to say in my head right is a struggle. So mostly I say nothing.

Funny you should say PS is tight knit. I feel like I'm not part of any group and I think lots of posters might say the same. I think there are just a few " tight knit" people and the majority are just like me. Like I said in another post, numbers are like Greek to me so I don't really try to answer questions about "should I buy this stone" but I have a lot of fun thinking up off the wall questions anyone would answer ( like what color polish are you wearing today).
Out of curiosity, do you think I'm in the "tight knit" group? I'm not on the FB page and I only know one person outside PS who rarely posts anymore.
I started lurking before I got married, and we celebrated 10 yrs last summer!!! wow, hardly seems that long. I hardly ever, nearly never post, but I am certainly here at least 2 x a week enjoying all the lovelies!
Hi :wavey:

I lurked for 4 or 5 years before registering for a username.

After total of ~9 years, I still consider myself mostly a lurker. I don't post often bc I am not exactly an expert, so I figured most people wouldn't care for my input.

It sure is interesting to see so many guests online at all times...
I lurked about 2 - 3 months. I devoured every SMTB thread while I tried to design my (GAWD-AWEFUL!) 3 stone that ended up being a disaster!

Right away, I found PS to be very supportive and a wonderful community of like minded individuals. I'm very happy I joined - I've met some fantastic people both on and off line and I feel my life is richer for my new friendships!
Fun topic. I lurked for a few months. Was looking for an Eternity band and got one from Signed Pieces. This was back in 2004. I learned a lot. And the friendships forged are awesome. Many don't post. But you all know Nan is my bestie.. And talk to Lorelie a lot..

I come back here because I want to make sure DF is behaving and well it's always nice to talk to you wise people!!!! :wavey: :wavey:
I lurked for 2-3 months before posting. Now I just post when I have an answer to someone's question or a ring blows me away.
I'm on here every day yet average two posts per day. I signed up when the pre-loved forum started. I do enjoy reading many of the forums. I always start at Rocky Talk, then Hangout, next is SMTB followed by CS. along with a few daily check-ins at pre-loved.

My personal life in always hectic so I'm hesitant to start threads because I often feel like I won't have time to reply.
I should participate in Hangout more, so many of the topics interest me. I thoroughly enjoy reading all of the forums and have made some wonderful friends IRL on here. Happy to be a part of PS :))
I'm great full that each and every one of you post, even if it's just to admire something! PS wouldn't survive without you!
Couple of hours. Never occurred to me not to post. So many interesting topics and questions. For me, if I didn't participate there would be no reason to remain.
I lurked for years. maybe 3 years? mostly cos i didn't have anything to say. also because i had trouble getting my account activated and then being logged out whenever i tried to post so i gave up. eventually tried again and made this account, now for 4 years whenever i tried to upload a profile picture it would fail. just recently i gave it another go and got one to upload! looks like lazy persistance is the key.

I think some people lurk without an account because the irritating hoops you have to jump through to sign up for things sometimes
I lurked for a long time, maybe two years or so. Only SMTB and tutorials, it was my guilty pleasure. I fell in love with a member's ring and based my custom ring on hers. I only started posting very recently, just to chime in once in a while and encourage others 8)
Yay bonfire! That's the spirit!