
To reset or not to reset?


Apr 13, 2015
First of all, I apologize as this is now my second post about a possible reset, and I think I'm going to end up writing quite a bit in this post. I'm just really torn on what to do and would love some input.

So, almost two years ago I came to PS to start creating my dream e-ring. PS helped me find the stone, and I started working with a jeweler on a setting. My main inspiration setting was this (though I had some secondary inspiration rings as well):

At the time, I hadn't seen a whole lot of different settings so at the time, I thought it was one of the most beautiful and unique settings I had ever seen. Now, I know it's not a particularly revolutionary setting, though I still do think it's pretty. Anyway, the first round of CADs they sent me wasn't quite what I was looking for. They first sent me this:

I then sent them pictures of my inspiration rings, and really emphasized that I was looking for something very delicate and feminine. I remember specifically saying that I wanted a more delicate-looking halo after receiving the 1st CADs. However, as I had sent them a few different versions of inspiration pictures (ex: one with a scalloped halo, one with a regular one; a shank with just marquise shapes , a shank with marquise and bezeled round shapes), I let them know I was very open to their input as well. We went through several rounds of CADs, and I can't thank the PS community enough for helping me refine them. I think the last CAD they sent me was this:

After that last CAD, a few people suggested to me to add the milgrain back to the halo (like they had in the very 1st CAD) so that I wasn't mixing pave styles and that the whole thing fit the vintage/antique style. I did ask them to do that, but they had said that doing so make the halo wider/bulkier. I think this comment came about because I had really emphasized that I wanted a delicate halo AND because my number one inspiration ring did not have milgrain around the halo. This is where, in retrospect, I WISH I had requested to see it anyway. However, I didn't because I was so so against the ring looking at all bulky, because I knew that I wanted minimal metal, and because I hadn't loved how it looked in the first CAD anyway, I did not. Now that I have a bit more experience, I realize that the milgrain on the renderings is bulkier and not an exact representation on how it looks in real life, but I didn't know that then. So, I said that's fine, keep it as it, and move on to the next step. This is the ring that was ultimately created:

Now, don't get me wrong. I DO like it. And I really do like how delicate and not overwhelming the halo is. BUT, a part of me has this nagging thought that maybe, just maybe, I should have pushed for the milgrain. I don't dislike my ring as is though. It's not like I look at my ring and regret not getting milgrain around the halo. It's more that I look at it and wonder if I should have. Part of me feel like I should have for all the reasons that were first pointed out to me - not mixing pave styles, tying the whole thing together to be more cohesive, etc. But, part of me wonders if adding the milgrain would, in fact, have made it bulkier to the point where I didn't like it. I have seen rings with milgrain halos that are beautiful, and I've seen others with milgrain halos that I don't care for because it does, in fact, look to bulky/metal-y to me. So I just don't know.

I do have another ring from them with milgrain on the halo, and the milgran itself is very delicate and fine. I just can't seem to envision how that would look on my ering. My other ring with the milgrain halo is this one:

So, I'm trying to decide right now if I should go for a reset to add milgrain to the halo or leave my ring as is. I am scared that if I do it, I might actually really dislike the result. Or, it could be beautiful and amazing - I just don't know. There's also a part of me that's not sure if it's worth the cost of redoing my ring, just to add milgrain to the halo (although admittedly, I do not know how much it would cost yet). And yet another part of me that feels like if I'm going to go through with a reset, I might as well re-do the halo altogether to get one of the more decorative halos that I love and didn't even know existed when I was first creating my ring, such as this:
(I posted a bit more about that here: [URL=''][/URL]).

But a more decorative halo might lose the delicate look I'm still going for, and what if even just adding milgrain loses the more delicate look I'm going for? Or, it's possible that adding milgrain or a decorative halo could give me the ring of my dreams. Gah - I just don't know! Should I leave it as it, particularly because it's not like I hate it? Should I risk adding milgrain or a more decorative halo, where maybe I'll love it but maybe not? If I go for the reset, what do I go for - just the milgrain or the more decorative halo (decorative halo feel more me, but I'm afraid it will overpower my stone and make my ring "too much")? I just cannot figure it out! I very obviously keep going in circles and cannot make a decision. :roll:

If you've made it this far, you deserve a medal, and I very much thank you. I realize that this is so very much a first world problem, and I know ultimately, it's a decision I have to make for myself. I would love any input you all have though. Thank you for indulging my petty dilemma!
You like your ring now, but you don't love it. I don't think adding milgrain is going to make you love it - IMHO. I think the docorative halos are very pretty - did you contact David Klass, like people suggested?
I don't want to discourage you but decorative halos are going to look very different on a small stone than they do on a large stone - they'll be considerably bulkier in comparison, for one.
I think your e-ring is gorgeous. It is delicate, unique and 'girlish' :love:

Somehow I believe I can understand your feelings. There are two styles mixed together and because of the center stone being different color these two styles pop out a little bit more than in the inspiration ring. So the guestion is, is there a way to make these two styles getting closer together without loosing the delicate and girlish style? Am I right?

First, I do not see these two styles as a problem. I think your ring is beautiful as it is!
Have you considered adding a super small band next to your e-ring? I would try one with the same style as the diamonds in the halo, something like this:

Maybe a small band could make a big difference and bring these two styles togerher.. and gives you extra time to make your final decision :)

I do not believe that adding milgrain would make it better. I feel that adding a milgrain around the halo would make the girlish look disappear and I believe you do not like that, at least I would not. So I think you made the right decision on this at the beginning ;)

Anyway adding decorative halo could also be nice. It changes the style of the ring (alot), but if you like decorative halos, I would consider this one as a good option. It gives more finger coverage and I believe that making it as delicate as possible, it would make a nice result. But it is a big change and a big decision, so do not hurry on it :)

So if I were you, I would start with considering the small band (or maybe two around the e-ring :eh: ). Because as I said, I like your ring as it is :)
I'd either keep it as it is, or go for a whole different halo setting. I see no reason you can't have a halo design with milgrain. A bezel and halo would give more finger coverage, too, if you wanted it.
Thank you all for your thoughts! I appreciate having the PS community chime in as I try to figure things out. It seems that the general consensus, thus far, is that just adding milgrain to the halo won't satisfy me. I have been looking at hundreds of pictures of halo rings with milgrain, and I STILL can't figure it out so the input it definitely appreciated!

motownmama - No, I haven't contacted David Klass because I'm not sure if I actually want to do a reset or not. If I do, I certainly will contact him, but at this point, I don't want to waste his time since I'm so indecisive about it all. I do really love the decorative halos; I'm just not sure if it's the right choice for my particular stone.

distracts - Not at all discouraging - in fact, I appreciate you chiming in! That is exactly my fear. My stone is not big - 6.8mm x 4.2mm - and I do worry that a decorative halo might not keep the delicate look I am going for overall. I'm trying to think of any possibilities of a more decorative/unique halo that would still be delicate for a small stone. All I've been able to come up with though is a more scalloped halo (similar to my marquise RHR), which is something I don't want for my e-ring since I really want them to look like two distinct rings.

niina - Yes, that is definitely a huge part of what I'm struggling with! Your suggestion of adding a band is a great idea. Funny enough, my wedding band is actually in the style of the pave on my shank - exactly the opposite of what you suggested. I never even tried on a style like you suggested, but it's definitely worth doing so. Thank you for the idea!

diamondseeker2006 - I think you're right - either leave it alone or change the halo. It's funny how strongly I feel about certain things when it comes to specific pieces. For my RHR, I wanted a bezel, but for my e-ring I know I don't. I don't know why - there is no rhyme or reason behind it. I wish I did though because you're right, it would definitely add finger coverage (and I do enjoy finger coverage!). If I go forth with a decorative halo, I will definitely be adding milgrain though.

I have always maintained that I wanted my e-ring to look different and unique, and I initially thought the marquise shaped shank did that. I've now realized that's it's not really a super original shank, which is why I think keep thinking about the decorative halos. BUT, as much as I want my e-ring to look unique, I also want it to look feminine and delicate and showcases the center stone. Basically, I want different and unique but still classic and traditional, which I realize is basically a huge oxymoron. IF I could find that fine line of a decorative halo that is sure to compliment my stone while maintaining an overall delicate and feminine aesthetic to the ring, I think I would go for it. But it's the fear that a decorative halo will overwhelm or just not look right that is making me scared.

And then, of course, the other thought I can't get out of my head is the regret of why didn't I just push for the CAD with milgrain on the halo and THEN make the decision? Do the mixed pave styles look bad or unfinished? Should I have gone for consistency throughout? Although, then, I try to make myself feel better by thinking maybe the mixed pave style is actually giving me the uniqueness that I want, lol.

I tend to be a bit obsessive about things, so these thoughts start and then I can't seem to stop thinking about it all. It really is stupid how much time I am spending thinking about this. It's just a ring!!! :oops: :roll:
For my spinel pear ring I knew I wanted a not-plain halo but it took me over two years to find a setting I liked (the Intrepide by The Gemstone Project - linking to her page with a bunch of her settings so you can see some various decorative halos she's done, and she has more on her instagram). So take your time - your ring is already set and there's no rush. My advice it to keep looking and save pictures to an inspiration folder - there may be a day when you see a setting that you viscerally love or you'll be looking through your inspiration folder and the perfect idea will strike.

I wonder if you really want a decorative halo, or just want a more decorative setting overall? Would you be happy without a halo, or with a halo with a different style of shank? There are plenty of ways you can utilize the shank to make a more decorative setting overall.
I would leave it as is.
Tourmaline|1487613153|4131186 said:
I would leave it as is. are headed down a rocky road of needing to reset every time you find something new and need to live with
it for a while...a long while.
distracts - Your pear spinel is gorgeous! You are right - there is no reason at all to rush this. I do feel pretty strongly about wanting a halo. I've always loved them. I haven't given too much thought to changing up the shank - I felt like I wanted to keep it as is since that is the element that drew me to this design. But, it's certainly worth considering. I think I'm going to do just what you said - keep looking and saving pictures. The perfect halo may come to me, or I might decide I already have the perfect halo!

Tourmaline and tyty333 - Yes, for now I am going to leave it alone. One day, if the perfect halo/design strikes me, I'll go for it, but right now, I'm keeping it as is. I feel better having made the decision to leave it alone, rather than leaving it alone because I can't figure out what to do, if that makes sense. tyty333 , you also make a great point - I do not want to get into the cycle of resetting every few years for something more interesting, more unique. I also realize that styles and trends feed off of one another, and it's really difficult to have something truly unique. I don't know why I'm so driven to have something different. I think there is probably a lesson to be found here in appreciating what I already have. ;)