
TMI ALERT: Women's issues

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Aug 15, 2004
ALERT!! Menstrual issues ahead.

I'm having huge menstrual issues. They are peri-menopausal. I've been bleeding so badly that I'm on iron for anemia and I'm on bedrest for two to three days due to heavy clotting. According to the gyno, reason for the bleeding is I'm no longer ovulating, so the estrogen to progesterone ratio is really off. Doc has put me on progesterone for three months to see if it helps. IT IS NOT HELPING!!

So, I'm left with two choices. I can either do an endometrial ablation which essentially burns and scars the endometrium (lining of uterus which is what is shed every month). This has different levels of results. In some women it totally stops menstruation. In others there is still some amount of bleeding. The second choice is a hysterectomy. This would be uterus only. Obviously, this would stop my menstrual issues, but I'm not estatic about the loss of an entire organ.

I'd love to hear opinions of other women. Remember I'm six months from turning 50, so I'm not using my uterus for anything. Opine away.
Sorry you are having such problems. I had a similar situation where I was anemic and having heart palpitations (which would eventually do heart damage) due to fibroids and heavy bleeding. I had a laparoscopic supravervical hysterectomy done. Just my uterus was removed. I was in my late 40s and started menopause about 5 years later. It was so easy I wish would have had it does years earlier. It was an overnight in the hospital. Tiny tiny scar. Zero pain. Cervix was left behind so no vaginal scarring. No hormonal effects. No more periods. Wooho!! My gyno did some fancy work to support my bladder and vagina somehow so I would not have any issue with incontinence or intercourse. Its been 10 years and all parts are still in place and functioning well. It was a great success for me. I hope you find the right procedure for yourself.
Thank you, Swingirl for sharing that experience!! Makes me feel better about that as a viable option!
Uppy, I'm sorry you're going through this.

My mother went through something similar in her perimenopase stage (also late 40's). Once she passed out while sitting at her desk at work and the second time my father had to rush her from a golf tournament to the hospital--and they were even winning (she had to leave on the 16th hole).

As her daughter, I became really worried about the heavy bleeding because I worried about her hurting herself more severely if she passed out again. She ultimatey decided to have the hysterectimy--I think she had a complete hysterectomy (uterus + cervix), but she may have had a supracervical hysterectomy. In any case, she healed quicky, had no complications and once all was said and done, she wishes she'd done it years ago. She had a hard time with the idea of it, but ultimately she was really glad she did.

Wishing the best for you--it's a hard decision!
I'm sorry Uppy!

I was watching a documentary about this issue a while ago, and there were a number of gynecologists suggesting that there are more options that the ones usually suggested for women in your situation, and that hysterectomy is often suggested because many doctors don't know about all the options available. I don't know what the other options are, but if you don't want to remove your uterus yet, some research into other doctors of treatments could perhaps open some other avenues.
swingirl|1308067580|2945605 said:
Sorry you are having such problems. I had a similar situation where I was anemic and having heart palpitations (which would eventually do heart damage) due to fibroids and heavy bleeding. I had a laparoscopic supravervical hysterectomy done. Just my uterus was removed. I was in my late 40s and started menopause about 5 years later. It was so easy I wish would have had it does years earlier. It was an overnight in the hospital. Tiny tiny scar. Zero pain. Cervix was left behind so no vaginal scarring. No hormonal effects. No more periods. Wooho!! My gyno did some fancy work to support my bladder and vagina somehow so I would not have any issue with incontinence or intercourse. Its been 10 years and all parts are still in place and functioning well. It was a great success for me. I hope you find the right procedure for yourself.

My mother also had this done, for the same reasons as you, Uppy. She was up and about within a few days and never had a problem. I know the thought of surgery seems awful, but it's such a simple procedure nowadays that you will hardly notice a difference - except you'll feel better! I'll be thinking of you.
Very easy for me. I had 2 band aids. The only discomfort I had was from the catheter which lasted about a day. Seriously, I get more bothered by a teeth cleaning! And it's one less organ to worry about. In my mind I don't really think of it as a hysterectomy (although I know that's what it really was) because my ovaries, tubes, and cervix were untouched and able to produce hormones naturally.
Uppy, my mother also had the same problems. Many years of them. She had a failed ablation treatment (which I blame on her doctor...they didn't take an ultrasound of her uterus and the balloon for the ablation procedure was too small). A few months later she ended up having a hysterectomy and is an entirely different woman than she was before the surgery. She is HAPPY again. She has ENERGY. She LOVES life. Don't quote me on this, but I believe they removed her uterus and one ovary. I have my mother back. And she bounced back from surgery so quickly, it was hard to believe she even had it.
They put me on low dose birth control pills and those symptoms totally stopped for me.
That was an option for me, however my doc said that would put off menopause, and I'm ready for this whole thing to STOP!! I've been menstuating for nearly 40 years and am ready to be DONE!
I had exactly the same issues in my mid-forties, and elected to try the endometrial ablation (I think it was Novasure). It was completely effective, ending my menstrual cycles completely. It was an outpatient procedure and I had a bit of cramping for the rest of the day, and was completely recovered the next day. It's been over 4 years since I had it done. I was very happy with the choice. Of course the problem is often hormone-based, and you could elect to try to control it hormones too. My understanding is that if your bleeding problem is complicated by fibroids, the ablation may not be successful and a hysterectomy may be a better option. Hope this helps!
I suffered like you for years, I once got so bad that I too almost passed periods were awful for about 7 days a month and then I would have them ever couple of weeks :errrr: I opted to have a hysterectomy, they took my uterus and one ovary, I did this 3 weeks shy of my 40th birthday. I had traditional surgery because of my history of C-sections and other inside female "issues" and I was off work for 9 weeks and it took me a long time to heal, but I think most of my long healing time was because of undiagnosed diabetes and excessive weight..anyway that has been 10 1/2 years ago and after I healed it was wonderful!!!! I used to get migraines all the time, since my surgery I have only had about 5....that was a wonderful side effect that I didnt expect and oh yea NO PERIODS...that is freaking wonderful. As far as menopause I swear I have had hot flashes on and off ever since....I dont think they will ever end. Good luck with what ever you choose.
Thank you all for your experiences and advice. I'm especially thankful to mlpete, who used her first post to help me. Your situation sounds just like mine and I'm glad to here that your ablation solved your problem. I've been ultrasounded just recently and fibroids are not an issue, so maybe this will work for me.
Uppy, just wanted to send my good thoughts to you! I am ready to be done with the whole thing too! Wouldn't it be nice if it was just easy for once? I am going on 52 (in oct) with no signs of stopping! Hope whatever you chose it is easy all the way around and you have
no more problems!
My MIL had the first option, it helped her tremendously. My paternal Grandmother eventually got uterine cancer and had a hysterectomy anyway so I would probably just go that route as a potential preventative measure.
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