
Time to make decisions. GOG diamond video link within...


Mar 29, 2011

So I have the one on the far right reserved. My plan is to have it shipped down here so I can check it out. I originally was going to travel to new york but GOG's return policy is very good and I have the funds to make bringing it here possible. I may also be able to go compare it to the Crafted by Infinity side by side before I decide which one to use. Thanks to all that have given me input thus far. Please feel free to leave good or bad feedback based on what you see in the video. :twirl:
The diamond is beautiful. Compared to the others it is the best quality. Does it have a GIA certificate? I wouldn't invest in a diamond these days without one. Good luck!

GORGEOUS diamonds :)
Base on the Video, this GOG signature cut seems to match the Solasfera in performance, and as far as I know, Solasfera princesses are the pinacle in terms of princess light performance. How does this stone's ASET/IS photos look? I think comparing this diamond side by side with a crafted by infinity princess would be most informative and let you know that you're considered all your options - just make sure both are very very clean for accurate comparison.

If you can, please post pics!
Thanks bridecat. I believe those stones are AGS (and GIA).

Hopedream, I've discovered that there are many princess cuts designed for light performance but I've heard that any really great AGS stone will match them. How they play in the light and whether there are more tiny sparkles vs less larger sparkles is where the differences lie. The ASET images look good. I hope I do get to see the Infinity with this one. I don't think I can go wrong with either though.

This is the one I have reserved

This is the Solasfera

I have no idea on the other one.
Beautiful stone!
Gorgeous! :appl:
The ASET for the princess you reserved looks lovely :appl: . I did notice there is a small patch of light leakage at the very center of your stone, but estheticaly speaking it could be quite pleasing to break up the central "x" characteristic of princess stones, and it will blend in with the natural mosaic look of the princess facet pattern. I'm sure you'll be very happy with this choice - I'm very partial to VS2 clarity :love: .

HopeDream|1308899479|2953831 said:
The ASET for the princess you reserved looks lovely :appl: . I did notice there is a small patch of light leakage at the very center of your stone, but estheticaly speaking it could be quite pleasing to break up the central "x" characteristic of princess stones, and it will blend in with the natural mosaic look of the princess facet pattern. I'm sure you'll be very happy with this choice - I'm very partial to VS2 clarity :love: .


I noticed the light hole in the middle. In the video, it still looks good though. When I get my hands on the stone and view it under all lighting conditions, if I'm disappointed, it'll go back and I'll likely get the Infinity. From what I've seen though, I don't think I'll be disappointed. :)

I finally made my decision this morning as I had the 1.71 stone in my hands. It is a wonderful stone for sure. I have already gotten everything else in motion as this is the stone I am using.

For those that are interested, I can say without a doubt that the Crafted by Infinity stone was more "sparkly" in dimmer lighting, but the same in outside sunshine. The extra several thousand dollars difference in price was not worth it to me. Thanks to all those who offered up their advice. Tentative date for getting everything back is mid August, and yes, I will post pictures. :)
I think the stone you chose is outstanding! Can't wait to see your finished ring!!!

I missed this thread - but I'll be coming back for pics :appl:
The GOG diamond you have on reserve is BEAUTIFUL!!! I would definitely stick with this one! It is just amazing comparted to the others and a little bigger too (that's always a bonus!). I think you have made a very very beautiful choice.