
Thyroid problems?


Feb 2, 2011
Hi there,

Something happened at the dentist today that has left me worried, so I'm turning to pricescopers hoping for some wisdom and advice.

I was getting my teeth cleaned and the dentist came in at one point to check my teeth. This is not a dentist that is my usual dentist but works in the office. Older British fellow. He said I'm going to give you a thorough head and neck exam, you've likely never had one done before. He checked a lot of things I'd expect him to check like my internal and external jaw and mouth areas. Then he did a very thorough palpating exam of my neck and thyroid. The palpating of my thyroid was so extensive - my family doctor has never done one like that. It was hard not to gag and swallow and left me feeling sick afterward. My neck is quite tender on the one side he spent a lot of time on. He says he found some enlargement on the one side and is sending a letter to my doctor so I can be referred for an ultrasound.
I'm about to turn 50 and am post menopausal for about 3 years now, and I'm worried about what he may have found.

Does anyone have any advice to give? My older brother is a retired dentist and the province he comes from doesn't do thyroid exams. It's out of their scope of practice, and for all I know, it's out of this fellas scope too. My logical brain tells me to wait and hear what my doctor has to say, and I am due for my yearly physical so getting that looked at is a good idea. My emotional brain is pretty worried...


Jul 20, 2012
Well, I had also had an enlarged thyroid. Found it 6 months after giving birth. They first did a needle biopsy & then removed part of the thyroid. It was diagnosed as Hashimoto's Disease. I'm on synthroid & have been since 1995.

How do you feel? Once we got it taken care of I was amazed at all the symptoms I did have but failed to recognize, except for the extreme fatigue, which I thought was sleep deprivation due to our newborn.

Try not to worry, I know its hard, your mind goes everywhere, but try to relax!! I hope it all turns out well for you!!


Jul 13, 2008
My gyno discovered my thyroid cancer during my annual exam. I had a huge lump and never even knew it - had no symptoms. Thankful they were so thorough even though at the time I was irritated that she did it.

I hope it's nothing for your sake, but if it is something, it's a very treatable something. :)


Feb 2, 2011
Thanks for your replies!

It's nice to get some info about what I might be dealing with from real people. Of course I've googled but to hear first hand is so much more helpful.

I feel pretty good, not much different. I do have fatigue but that has some to do with being post menopausal and working shift work. Also I tend to be borderline anemic and have to watch that. No red flags, or new red flags I guess. My thyroid numbers (done yearly and now due again), have always been fine. I checked out my throat and did the swallow visual test. Hubble and I can't see anything. Guess I'll just wait for the ultrasound referral.

It's relieving to hear a lot of thyroid problems are treatable. Of course my mind goes to cancer...


Jul 20, 2012
My mind went there immediately too, had myself half way in the grave! I quickly learned that thyroid cancer is one of the 'least' & slower growing cancers. Not that cancer in any shape or form is ok, but from what I've read its more easily managed than others. Could it possibly have been a mis-read by the doc who did the initial exam ? You never know!


Jul 7, 2004
I am impressed by that exam! That is actually, to me, awesome. I wish more dentists would do such a thing. My endos aren't even that thorough'


Feb 2, 2011
I'm hoping that it is a misread on his part. I have a very long, slender giraffe neck and absolutely nothing is visible. I have no difficulty swallowing and no hoarseness in the voice.

On one hand I'm impressed with his thoroughness but was also turned off with some things that went on in the exam. There was a mixup in the office and the hygienist didn't know which patient was which. Consequently i sat there for 30 minutes waiting and that didn't leave them enough time to do the polish and fluoride. Then this dentist came in and did this thorough exam for 10-15 minutes and then ordered me to get several fillings replaced. My regular dentist who I saw just a few weeks ago didn't mention anything about them needing replacement. I'm not booking them until I talk to him again because there is a problem in my city was dentists ordering unnecessary work. It calls into question his credibility for me knowing this. Guess it's a question of trust.

I do so appreciate you talking to me about this. Really.


Jul 20, 2012
Begonia, I think its wise to wait to see your regular Dentist. Your normal thyroid numbers vs this exam especially would be concerning to me. I think you are making the best decision, & waiting for your doc is getting a second opinion. If your doc doesn't find any abnormality on his exam, I would though, ask for an ultrasound or X-ray or whatever the next diagnostic tool/test is for this type of issue--just to be 100% sure. Good luck with everything!


Feb 2, 2011
Thanks again for getting back to ne sarahb.

I'm due for that yearly physical so getting the thyroid looked at more closely shouldn't be a problem. It's going to take a couple of months for the whole process so no immediate answers unfortunately. That's why it's so great to get yours and everyone else's feedback :)
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