
Thoughts please on this 2.29ct Tsav Pear


Sep 23, 2011
I'm rushing out to work but wanted to get this posted. I purchased a Tsavorite Pear last Sunday from Prima.

Jaimeen rated the color as 9 out of 10. It has a blue modifier & no yellow that I can see under any lighting.

I'm second guessing myself over choosing a pear. It has a lighter strip, I don't know if that is considered to be a bow tie, that moves through out the stone? Totally lost on how to explain this. It also has a window which isn't huge. I think I could live with the window.

This was a major purchase for me, and my first purchase of a non-precision cut stone.

Please share your thoughts. Thanks!

More pics coming!






Sep 23, 2011





Aug 5, 2010
We are seeing it through the glass lid of the gem jar, which cuts down on light reflection and makes it harder to get a good look at the stone. But that said, it sure looks to be a beautiful, saturated deep bluish green in most pics. I'm not sure the window would bother me, especially if on your hands its not noticeable.

The one thing that would bother me is what is almost inevitable with every pear - the two-toned appearance or (a bowtie or shadowing) that often appears at the tip. But if your heart is set on a pear shape, then its something you might need to get used to. All in all, it sure looks lovely. And who knows? Maybe outside the jar with the full spectrum of light on it, the two-tone might be further minimized. :praise:


May 15, 2013
Amazing colour and to my eyes it looks very saturated. There seems to be less sparkle at the tip but overall it looks really beautiful.


Sep 23, 2011
minousbijoux|1450462513|3963101 said:
We are seeing it through the glass lid of the gem jar, which cuts down on light reflection and makes it harder to get a good look at the stone. But that said, it sure looks to be a beautiful, saturated deep bluish green in most pics. I'm not sure the window would bother me, especially if on your hands its not noticeable.

The one thing that would bother me is what is almost inevitable with every pear - the two-toned appearance or (a bowtie or shadowing) that often appears at the tip. But if your heart is set on a pear shape, then its something you might need to get used to. All in all, it sure looks lovely. And who knows? Maybe outside the jar with the full spectrum of light on it, the two-tone might be further minimized. :praise:

Thanks for the reply Minous! I've no time to get additional pics & am not a great photographer. I'll try to add some tomorrow night.

I do love the color, that's what pulled me in to this particular stone, and I was very attracted to the shape. I picked this up at the gem show. I went specifically to look for a tsav from Prima. This one was at the very top, really a bit over what I wanted to spend but under the show lights the color and sparkle looked amazing. After having it home for a week I'm second guessing myself because of the bowtie shadowing effect. I'm not sure I can live with it. My husband thinks it's stunning, and the color play from the bowtie is cool. But he isn't a gemstone aficionado.

I do have large fingers, so the size of the pear is great. It's 10.5mm x 6.4mm. I didn't have my heart set on a pear & looked at other shapes but this one stood out for color. If Jaimeen has this color in a cushion, even if a lower ct weight, perhaps I should look at it.

I know it's the PS way to buy, upgrade, sell gems. I have recently sold a few finished rings at a loss of course. A tsav has been on my list since 2011. I want this to be a forever stone.


Sep 23, 2011
Acinom|1450473121|3963189 said:
Amazing colour and to my eyes it looks very saturated. There seems to be less sparkle at the tip but overall it looks really beautiful.

Thank you Acinom! I do love the color & saturation! Just trying to figure out if I can live with the half tip effect.


Aug 5, 2010
I think I would ask Jaimeen. I would tell him your concerns about the bowtie and ask if he thinks he'll get other shapes with that color. I have a feeling that the color is rare enough that you might want to keep it. He definitely can guide you.

Oh, and I don't need more pics to see that the color is awesome!


Apr 21, 2010
I think this Tsav pear is lovely - the color and saturation is perfect (to me) - and the overall shape is quite pleasing - the bowtie while present seems minimal/average - and I agree with your DH that the shades-of-green color-play across the pear is delightful.

Have you put the stone on your hand (outside of the box) and carefully rocked it around a bit to see how it performs? Are you thinking prongs or bezel? Maybe surround it with aluminum foil to see how it looks?

I will say, if you have true doubts now as to the bowtie (as opposed just trying to get more info on pear performance, bowties in pears and colored stones), even if you love aspects of the stone otherwise, maybe it is not a keeper? While the right setting can hide a window, if a pear has a bowtie, it is almost always present (lighter, darker, wider, thinner), and if it bothers you now, it will likely bother you once set.


Apr 22, 2004
I disagree that it is the PS way to buy, upgrade and sell. I think it is a loss in the long term and I prefer to save up and search long and hard for THE one. Perhaps a sacrifice of a parameter might need to be made and I accept that fact.

1. Please post pictures of it on the back of your hand (outside the box) but be careful not to drop it.
2. The sliver of a window is not a deal breaker for me if the colour is top.
3. I'd like to see your hand shot before commenting on the bowtie. The same with the tip.


Sep 23, 2011
marymm|1450547511|3963550 said:
I think this Tsav pear is lovely - the color and saturation is perfect (to me) - and the overall shape is quite pleasing - the bowtie while present seems minimal/average - and I agree with your DH that the shades-of-green color-play across the pear is delightful.

Have you put the stone on your hand (outside of the box) and carefully rocked it around a bit to see how it performs? Are you thinking prongs or bezel? Maybe surround it with aluminum foil to see how it looks?

I will say, if you have true doubts now as to the bowtie (as opposed just trying to get more info on pear performance, bowties in pears and colored stones), even if you love aspects of the stone otherwise, maybe it is not a keeper? While the right setting can hide a window, if a pear has a bowtie, it is almost always present (lighter, darker, wider, thinner), and if it bothers you now, it will likely bother you once set.

Thank you marymm for your reply. It gave me a lot to think about regarding pear performance in gem stones. I think while at the show where I bought the stone I was in love with the color & size. The idea of a pear was also very enticing, there are so many drop dead gorgeous pear shaped CS rings on PS. I would still love a pear eventually but have spoken with the guys at Prima about exchanging this stone for a cushion Tsav.

I took a while to reply because I really needed to think about what direction to take. I appreciate your help


Sep 23, 2011
Chrono|1450713271|3964255 said:
I disagree that it is the PS way to buy, upgrade and sell. I think it is a loss in the long term and I prefer to save up and search long and hard for THE one. Perhaps a sacrifice of a parameter might need to be made and I accept that fact.

1. Please post pictures of it on the back of your hand (outside the box) but be careful not to drop it.
2. The sliver of a window is not a deal breaker for me if the colour is top.
3. I'd like to see your hand shot before commenting on the bowtie. The same with the tip.

Hi Chrono,

I do agree that I prefer not to buy, upgrade and sell. Perhaps I should have worded that differently. As someone who has sold quite a few pieces at a loss to reinvest my limited jewelry funds I don't want to go down that road with this project. I want this to be a forever stone and have made the decision that this pear, while lovely in color, isn't a keeper for me. I'm not a great photographer & since this is going back I won't be adding more pics.

I'm talking with Prima about other options & will update when I have them. Thank you so much for your reply, you gave me great food for thought & helped me realize I should look for another Tsav as my forever stone :))

Perhaps I'll have a pear CS in the future, your spinel is magnificent, I love it!
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