
Thoughts on this 2ct. G Si1 round?


Jan 6, 2020
Hi there, I got some great advice on a stone here yesterday and am back with another for review! Thanks in advance for any help and advising.

My main concerns are the misalignment of the arrow bases and points, and the somewhat swirly hearts pattern. Should those be of concern?

With those things in mind and any other issues you may see, is this stone a winner? Is this toward the firey side of TIC?

Thank you in advance for your help!
-Henry A

Measurements8.08 - 8.12 x 5.00 mm
Carat Weight2.03 carat
Color GradeG
Clarity GradeSI1
Cut GradeExcellent
Depth61.8 %
Table56 %
Crown Angle34.5°
Crown Height15.0%
Pavilion Angle40.6°
Pavilion Depth42.5%
Star Length55%
Lower Half75%
GirdleMedium to Slightly Thick, Faceted, 4.0%

(ignore the moire pattern- this was taken with a cell phone from a screen)


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A very nice well balanced stone.
A very nice well balanced stone.

You dont take issue with the misaligned arrows base/tips? Is that something of concern given the ASET and Ideal scope?
The stone looks better than most stones sold in stores. Unless this is purported to be a “super ideal” stone, I think you’ve got yourself a winner.
Those look like images from IDJ. Is that where you got them?

Overall, proportions look promising and the the images look good. Yes, you have some girdle manipulation going on which is the additional green you see on the outer edges of the ASET. And while the hearts pattern isn't perfect, it's still very good. Much better than I'd expect to see with a standard GIA XXX stone.

I wouldn't classify as super ideal as it doesn't have AGS000 report and true H&A symmetry, but it appears to be a very well cut stone.

Also, I noticed this is a G stone over the H you were asking about previously, so that is a win. The clarity is SI1 and you seemed concerned about this the other day.

Speaking of which, can you post a copy of the clarity plot for review? Also, if the stone is on hold, a link to a video.
I think this is a really solid stone.
Great. Thanks for all the feedback. I'm not sure what IDJ is...? What's a fair price for this stone?

I forgot to mention it has medium blue fluorescence- assuming its not milky is that ok in a G?

GIA 7338639824

Also, here is the clarity plot. Seems pretty decent- no intended naturals.

Thanks again for all the input! huge help.
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It looks good, but not cheap. Not sure who's selling it, but given it's SI1 with clouds plotted and 'additional clouds not shown', it may be worth asking the direct question about any effect of the clouds.
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And here is a video...
IDJ = ID Jewelry

And no, I don't think that's a good price. Medium fluor should trade for a discount.

WF ES 2.05 G VS2 @ $21,098

Better clarity. Cheaper. Better images. Superb dealer with killer upgrade program.

WF ACA 1.904 G VS2 @ $21,801

Better clarity. Smidge more. Lower carat weight. Non-meaningful size/spread difference.
Nice, that expert selection is a really nice stone. Seems like it would be ACA if it were AGS?
Nice, that expert selection is a really nice stone. Seems like it would be ACA if it were AGS?

It may have made it as a premium select (PS) if it had a AGS report.

It would have missed ACA for a few things:
  • 35.5 CA exceeds max 35 limit
  • 62.6 depth exceeds max 62 limit
  • There's some tiny variance in the hearts that I think would have excluded it
  • While I can't prove it without a detailed SARIN report, the arrows are very fat (I love that) so I'd guess the actual values fall somewhere around 74-75 and ACA limits 76 as the lowest. FYI, GIA only reports to the nearest 5% so the reported value of 75 on this stone can include actual values of 73-77.
But I think it's important to realize the value of the images. While on paper the specs are a smidge outside ACA range, the light performance images show it being an equally good performer. The video confirms the stone is full of fire. And some of these items like the fat arrows and steep crown is something many of us prefer as this helps define a "personality" some of us like.

For me, the icing on the cake is 2+ carats, G, VS2, sparkle bomb and one of the best upgrade programs. If you get tired of this one, you can trade for an ACA. Essentially the ACA, PS and ES are all part of the same trade program.

What @sledge said. I’d rather have a Whiteflash GVS stone any day than even a really well cut GSI that costs more.
And some of these items like the fat arrows and steep crown is something many of us prefer as this helps define a "personality" some of us like.

For me, the icing on the cake is 2+ carats, G, VS2, sparkle bomb and one of the best upgrade programs.

Thanks for the great feedback. I've done a bit of reading on BIC, TIC, and FIC. I know this does not fall within those ranges, but would you say this falls toward the FIC side with the higher corwn angle you mentioned?

Thanks for the great feedback. I've done a bit of reading on BIC, TIC, and FIC. I know this does not fall within those ranges, but would you say this falls toward the FIC side with the higher corwn angle you mentioned?


Actually, this falls within TIC territory...just barely though.

View attachment 729786

35.5 crown is the cut off for TIC and 35.6 begins FIC. The trade-off being that TIC offers a more balanced stone of white light and rainbow fire, whereas a FIC will produce a little more fire but a little less white light return.

One of the first stones I considered for my (now) wife was from WF and a PS. It had a 36/40.6 combo and was a FIC. I had WF pull and compare to several other ACA's and more than once the rep came back and said that this stone had lots of fire and they were unclear why it wasn't an ACA. At the time I was a newbie and didn't understand proportions to the level I do now, and I had no idea why it wouldn't meet ACA then either. Knowing what I know today, if I were able to travel back in time and make that decision again, this is the stone I would have bought.

Below is an HCA I pulled on the stone you are considering. As you can see, it's within the TIC range and scores 1.3, which is great. However, because you have the advanced images that WF provides, those supersede the HCA. Still it can be an interesting reference point.

View attachment 729787


For grins, here is a link and HCA to the stone I referenced above that I almost bought, but didn't. Notice that 36 crown throws it into FIC.

K.. This is a lot better in terms of both cut and listing accuracy. Things actually match.
K.. This is a lot better in terms of both cut and listing accuracy. Things actually match.

Lol, right? I ended up looking back over some of the other stones he had suggested early in the process and found other instances of beautiful ASETs not matching the diamond he was showing. Needless, to say I am not doing business with him. I'm pulling the trigger on a 1.98 H ACA from WF.

I seriously appreciate your insights.
Lol, right? I ended up looking back over some of the other stones he had suggested early in the process and found other instances of beautiful ASETs not matching the diamond he was showing. Needless, to say I am not doing business with him. I'm pulling the trigger on a 1.98 H ACA from WF.

I seriously appreciate your insights.

Hi @Hafrica13 !! Sorry to bother - but do you remember how much they were trying to charge you for the original diamond on this post? G SI1? Thanks so much!