
Thoughts on pink diamonds


May 11, 2009
My lovely new husband has consented to the purchase of a tiiiiiny pink diamond for me, as a wedding present. :love: I am getting it as a novelty really, I do love pinks and with living in Australia, am used to the spiel about Argyle closing in the coming 2-3 years. I would, in fantasyland, love to start putting together a collection of miniscule FCDs, but am unwilling to sacrifice my annual travel budget at this point in my life. So I'd say there is a 50/50 chance this is either the first of more, or the only FCD I will own.

Anyway, to the point, these are the ones that I have been eyeing off.

Does anyone have any strong thoughts on either, one way or another? Which do you guys like best?

I really love the color of the baguette, so juicy. But I think it will appear markedly smaller than the round. The round is a pleasing color as well, dark enough to be pink, but not too dark for my tastes. To me, the purplish modifier seems to make the stone darker than non-modified fancy pinks. IShopping for pinks IRL is difficult because everything here follows Argyle's grading of P/PP/PR. I like the 3-4Ps, but am unsure of how that compares to GIA's gradings IRL. Despite the value and rarity, the most vivid pinks are not to my taste - I am somewhat concerned maybe the baguette would be too much for me.

And also - I was under the impression that Argyle produces something like 90% of the world's pinks. If that were the case, why are there so few of them listed as specifically Argyle sourced, and why such a price premium for those that are?
justginger|1306030663|2927540 said:
And also - I was under the impression that Argyle produces something like 90% of the world's pinks. If that were the case, why are there so few of them listed as specifically Argyle sourced, and why such a price premium for those that are?

I recently helped a friend get an awesome buy from Leibish on a nice fancy intense pink. Itzak told her it was less expensive because it didn't come from Argyle, but it was still GIA graded fancy intense purplish pink, and the same color grade from Argyle would be much more expensive. I have no idea why they are more expensive from Argyle, perhaps fancy marketing????? :roll:

I like the round better. The color isn't as valuable to a collector, but it's more pleasing to the eye to me. ;)) It seems like the baguette is a better buy though because it does have the rarer color, and has better clarity, and it's almost the same exact size (one point smaller).

Good luck on your quest for a nice pink. :))
That first one is a diamond would buy.
an argyle 4 would be a GIA vivid... 3 should be at the other end of the vivid scale...
The baguette because (a) the colour is better (b) you don't often see them cut in this shape and (c) you can make it look substantially bigger if you were to flank it on either side with white diamond baguettes of the same size!

The round is an okay colour but not stunning. It'll sparkle more but it just hasn't got the WOW factor (for me).

Good luck with your choice.
Good luck on the purchase!

Personally, I prefer lighter pinks, though I prefer the round you've posted.
I've found myself thinking about the baguette more than the round - that color! The logistics of actually getting it RIGHT NOW are difficult though. We are departing for a 7 week international holiday in 4 days. If it is still available when we arrive in the States on Friday, I may just bite the bullet and have it sent to me there. And maybe...I'll have both of them sent!...then I can compare IRL. I can imagine how the rest of the trip will go though - I'll have it tucked in my undies for safekeeping! :naughty:

Kenny, if I can't see my diamond because it's sooooo tiny, can I have it sent to you to photograph it? ::) Then I'll be able to see it for sure!
justginger|1306069371|2927700 said:
I've found myself thinking about the baguette more than the round - that color! The logistics of actually getting it RIGHT NOW are difficult though. We are departing for a 7 week international holiday in 4 days. If it is still available when we arrive in the States on Friday, I may just bite the bullet and have it sent to me there. And maybe...I'll have both of them sent!...then I can compare IRL. I can imagine how the rest of the trip will go though - I'll have it tucked in my undies for safekeeping! :naughty:

Kenny, if I can't see my diamond because it's sooooo tiny, can I have it sent to you to photograph it? ::) Then I'll be able to see it for sure!

Small diamonds, especially nice colored ones, are easy to fall in love with when we open our minds.
AFAIC clarity, cut and even size take a back seat.
It's all about the color.

You know, when I opened this thread I must confess that for a few minutes I considered buying it from under you. :Up_to_something:
But then that little voice from my moral compass stopped me. :saint:

I have a weakness for emerald cuts and one with no cut corners is extra cool and unusual.
The cut has a very clean and elegant architectural look to me.
As said, an emerald cut FCD is very rare; EC does not amp up the color like many other cuts.
That means this rough didn't need a clever cut to have such strong color.
Those both make this one even more of a treasure.

Yeah an extended good macro lens does make small diamonds look huge.
We are not used to seeing small things with such resolution.

Actually I'd love to photograph people's diamonds and I'm seriously considering starting such a business.
I'm afraid it's impossible to reach me though because of PS privacy policies which, given the value of these items, is prudent.

If you are sure you want it reserve it now, and discuss delayed shipment with them.
This thread may sell it to someone else; it happens all the time.
I think it is a particularly good value and if I didn't already have a pink EC I'd grab it.
You can reserve it and arrange mutually-agreeable payment so they'll hold it for you.
Thanks for your thoughts on the stone, Kenny. I have purchased it and will be having it shipped to the States, where I will be staying for a portion of my holiday. :praise: I am hoping I'll enjoy it as much IRL as I do on my computer monitor...and it's great reassurance that you have been through the process of returns, in the case it's not quite right.

I can't stop looking at all of the other colors now though! I was double-checking some bonds I've had for years and was appalled to see the interest rates are between 2.75% and 4.00%. The current interest rate on my regular savings account here in Australia is something like 4.75% and I can get term deposits for 6.2%. Those bonds might be cashed fund the next FCD! :devil:
Congrats on your new purchase!

I am excited to see how you are going to set it :) I have a FP baguette that is still unset(and kind of forgotten about) that needs to find a home so it can be worn.

Can't wait for pics when you're back from holiday!!!

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