
Thoughts on an old rock

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Feb 1, 2006
Hi guys! It''s been a long time...

As I look to replace my asscher ering, which was stolen this month
, I''m drawn to my first love of older cut stones. What do you make of this one? Me likey.

Another (ignore the setting)

I''m curious about this diamond! It''s getting appraised next week and we''ll see what''s what. But it sure is pretty...

Once again, not my setting, or my hand!


I'm so sorry about the theft. We had one in November and they got much of my jewelry. I'm so sorry they got your beautiful asscher set.

I LOVE the diamond you posted. It's beautiful! Very bright old cut (transitional??), with a lot of personality.
I think it's gorgeous. What are the stats you were given?

I hope it appraises well!

How would you set it?

ETA: How is your bright eyed puppy doing BTW?
If my camera hadn''t been stolen too, I''d snap some pics too... sigh.

It arrived with a funny smoke-saturated "appraisal". WIth a notary public stamp! It stated an OEC, 2ct, J VS2 ish ish ish. We''ll see what Nancy Stacy says, when she sees it this week.

I was curious what my old Pricescope friends had to say!


Date: 2/7/2009 4:58:10 AM
Author: wallermama
If my camera hadn''t been stolen too, I''d snap some pics too... sigh.

It arrived with a funny smoke-saturated ''appraisal''. WIth a notary public stamp! It stated an OEC, 2ct, J VS2 ish ish ish. We''ll see what Nancy Stacy says, when she sees it this week.

I was curious what my old Pricescope friends had to say!

Where''d ya get it from if you don''t mind my asking?
Hi gypsy! I''m rusty at this old pricescope thing. After the dust settled on my ering journey, got the puppy, got the SECOND puppy, went back to work, three little kids, blah blah blah, I was on a diamond hiatus.

IN FACT.... for the six months before my asscher was stolen, it sat in my safe and I wore a super tiny rose gold band instead. Too much platinum in that set for busy me with busy hands. Decided to dust off the diamond and fell back in love and BAM it got stolen.

This posted stone shows what a psycho I am... Last go round = obsessive research for the asscher with the perfect angles, the perfect this or that, pulling my hair out... and now I poke around at Lang''s and Diane''s and note that I have a thing for a certain kind of stone and I see one on ebay and I get that funny feeling (probably like when people have unprotected sex for a thrill) and I figure... it speaks to me. Risk not, gain not. Not returnable unless grossly misrepresented? Whatever. Once I was looking at drop dead (and expensive in SF) vintage stuff I was seeing that there was a friend to meet inside every old, wobbly, included, yellowish stone, and that was enough for me. This one waved hi, and I took it home.

So here I am! Curious to see what Nancy Stacy and the pricescope folks say, and kind of indifferent to what her answer will be. Maybe my husband is slipping anti-OCD meds in my coffee, but I just figured... what the heck!

Looking at vintage settings, and have a few I love. Today I found this scrumptious piece of 1920''s platinum... (once again, not my hand, not my stone!)


ellen long.jpg
Oh no, I''m sorry to hear about the theft. Hearing about losses makes me so paranoid.

I think the stone at the top of this thread is beautiful. I like that vintage setting, too -- that square piece underlying the center stone is a nice, subtle geometric accent, especially with the roundness of the bezeled side stones -- although I must confess that I don''t 100% love its original center stone. Maybe it''s the photo, but the setting doesn''t flatter the stone.
i''m sorry about your ring being stollen but the OEC looks beautiful. I used to have an OEC and I adored it. It will be interesting to hear what Nancy says. I had my old stone appraised by Richard Sherwood and it was a 3b cut class, very thin girdle, fair polish and sym..etc and stunning. Just wanted to give you the heads up that it''s not going to rate like and H&A stone when it''s appraised.
but can still be fantastic.

Date: 2/7/2009 4:58:10 AM
Author: wallermama
If my camera hadn't been stolen too, I'd snap some pics too... sigh.

It arrived with a funny smoke-saturated 'appraisal'. WIth a notary public stamp! It stated an OEC, 2ct, J VS2 ish ish ish. We'll see what Nancy Stacy says, when she sees it this week.

I was curious what my old Pricescope friends had to say!

Well first of all, I say hi there! It's so good to "see" you, you've been missed!!

Secondly, I ditto Gypsy on feelin the LOVE for that stone. It is simply swoonable!
Yum! I hope it pans out!

And I'm SO sorry about your loss.
Hi wallermama, I think it looks like it could be extremely pretty. I too am very sorry to hear about the theft

I know the ebay seller that its from - imho, their prices are a bit ott, and the return policy not very nice - but hey, if they''re in your comfort range and better prices than what you saw in the shops, than why not!
They always do have nice looking stones, I look forward to hearing what it appraises for!

I''m confused though, is the diamond in the first three pics the same as the third? Different settings and all..?
Date: 2/7/2009 8:17:07 AM
Author: arjunajane
Hi wallermama, I think it looks like it could be extremely pretty. I too am very sorry to hear about the theft

I know the ebay seller that its from - imho, their prices are a bit ott, and the return policy not very nice - but hey, if they''re in your comfort range and better prices than what you saw in the shops, than why not!
They always do have nice looking stones, I look forward to hearing what it appraises for!

I''m confused though, is the diamond in the first three pics the same as the third? Different settings and all..?
I saw that (you mean the fourth pic?), I thought maybe she posted another by mistake?
Date: 2/7/2009 8:22:23 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 2/7/2009 8:17:07 AM
Author: arjunajane
Hi wallermama, I think it looks like it could be extremely pretty. I too am very sorry to hear about the theft

I know the ebay seller that its from - imho, their prices are a bit ott, and the return policy not very nice - but hey, if they''re in your comfort range and better prices than what you saw in the shops, than why not!
They always do have nice looking stones, I look forward to hearing what it appraises for!

I''m confused though, is the diamond in the first three pics the same as the third? Different settings and all..?
I saw that (you mean the fourth pic?), I thought maybe she posted another by mistake?
Ah yes, of course The Fourth pic! Thanks Ellen, my bad
I'm terrible so sorry to hear about the theft of your stone.

As for the old cut stone, it's beautiful. The first setting is yucky but the last one is gorgeous!
Date: 2/7/2009 8:23:54 AM
Author: arjunajane

Date: 2/7/2009 8:22:23 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 2/7/2009 8:17:07 AM
Author: arjunajane
Hi wallermama, I think it looks like it could be extremely pretty. I too am very sorry to hear about the theft

I know the ebay seller that its from - imho, their prices are a bit ott, and the return policy not very nice - but hey, if they''re in your comfort range and better prices than what you saw in the shops, than why not!
They always do have nice looking stones, I look forward to hearing what it appraises for!

I''m confused though, is the diamond in the first three pics the same as the third? Different settings and all..?
I saw that (you mean the fourth pic?), I thought maybe she posted another by mistake?
Ah yes, of course The Fourth pic! Thanks Ellen, my bad
No biggie.
It sure looks fab in the pics you posted. Very clean and bright. I love OEC and OMC diamonds
I love vintage stones! I''m of no professional help, but did want to wish you well on your search!
Good luck- this one looks really nice, from the photos, eye clean, and what yummy facets!
The pictures show it to be one GORGEOUS stone!
Hi Wallermama! Sorry to hear about your lovely asscher. I remember seeing it at Stanford. I hope you find a gorgeous replacement. I, too, love the oldies. Let us know what Nancy says. It certainly is BIGGER!! And are you going to need help setting it?
Date: 2/7/2009 5:23:51 AM
Author: wallermama
Hi gypsy! I''m rusty at this old pricescope thing. After the dust settled on my ering journey, got the puppy, got the SECOND puppy, went back to work, three little kids, blah blah blah, I was on a diamond hiatus.

IN FACT.... for the six months before my asscher was stolen, it sat in my safe and I wore a super tiny rose gold band instead. Too much platinum in that set for busy me with busy hands. Decided to dust off the diamond and fell back in love and BAM it got stolen.

This posted stone shows what a psycho I am... Last go round = obsessive research for the asscher with the perfect angles, the perfect this or that, pulling my hair out... and now I poke around at Lang''s and Diane''s and note that I have a thing for a certain kind of stone and I see one on ebay and I get that funny feeling (probably like when people have unprotected sex for a thrill) and I figure... it speaks to me. Risk not, gain not. Not returnable unless grossly misrepresented? Whatever. Once I was looking at drop dead (and expensive in SF) vintage stuff I was seeing that there was a friend to meet inside every old, wobbly, included, yellowish stone, and that was enough for me. This one waved hi, and I took it home.

So here I am! Curious to see what Nancy Stacy and the pricescope folks say, and kind of indifferent to what her answer will be. Maybe my husband is slipping anti-OCD meds in my coffee, but I just figured... what the heck!

Looking at vintage settings, and have a few I love. Today I found this scrumptious piece of 1920''s platinum... (once again, not my hand, not my stone!)
That''s beautiful. I love it.

2 puppies, 3 kids and a job. Crimney! We''ll we have missed your level headed straighshooting posts. Maybe you''ll pop in occassionally. At least to tell us what Nancy thinks, and let us know how your new journey goes... and the final product it ends in.

Have you seen the Van Craeynest settings? Apparently they are local.
I''m sorry about the theft, wallermama.

This diamond looks great! Best of luck with it; I hope it works out for you.
Hi, wallerama

I''m so sorry to hear about the theft. What a MAJOR bummer.

I love love love your stone. It''s absolutely gorgeous. The setting you posted is to-die-for.
Hi wallermama! It''s good to see you again! We''ve missed you! I''m sorry to hear about the theft. I don''t know much about OECs but it looks gorgeous! I hope it appraises well. Have fun picking out your replacement ring.
Date: 2/8/2009 1:01:46 AM
Author: snlee
Hi wallermama! It''s good to see you again! We''ve missed you! I''m sorry to hear about the theft. I don''t know much about OECs but it looks gorgeous! I hope it appraises well. Have fun picking out your replacement ring.
I just wanted to say a quick Welcome Back! to Wallermama! I was always such a huge fan of your asscher and wondered where you went! Good luck on your search for the perfect stone!
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