
Thought experiment; social and economic impressions for diamonds: LGD vs mined


Jan 5, 2015
This is an X-post from the LGD diamond forum; several people thought that those on this forum would have interesting opinions as well! I'd love to hear them. I'm a consultant that does a lot of work in pricing and customer perception and love to hear how/why people think the way that they do.

Last week, in a middle-class area, I saw a mid 20's woman wearing a huge diamond: probably 6 carats and more or less colorless. It was a massive oval and looked great. But totally out of character for this shopping mall, what she was wearing, what she was, makeup. Either totally out of character or rich enough "not to give a crap what others think". But based on the area, probably not.

Last Saturday, wifey and I stopped by Neiman Marcus as she needed some makeup (they have great service BTW; we even got introduced to the store manager!). A couple enters the store; early 70's gentleman and his mid 30's wife; they stood next to us as while they said hi to our salespeson. OK, enough about the jokes there; we've all seen it. Yet she was a very attractive woman wearing great jewelry: what looked to be a thick diamond and gold Cartier cuff, Rolex Lady President, and 10 carat tennis bracelet. She was wearing a Balmain dress, Louboutins, and carrying a Birkin (my wife is a fan of these brands-the Birkin is on her holy grail list). She had a RBC diamond on, also 6 carats, looked to be G/H color.

It got me thinking: the first woman I'll assume had a lab grown diamond on and I thought it was a beautiful stone. Would have put down 30/1 odds that it was LGD. The second woman's could have been mined or LGD, but my mind went "wow, that's a gorgeous stone-probably cost more than all of our cars combined". She and her husband looked to be easily wealthy enough to afford such a stone. She could have been, some would say, "cheating" with an LGD but the stone looked in character.

For those of you who've seen this or are in this situation; do you think people make assumptions about whether the diamond is expensive or not based on how the person otherwise looks? I'm not implying that people here wear diamonds just to show off wealth, but we all know that expensive jewelry has always been a status symbol, wheather a symbol of wealth and power or ownership (jewelry purchased by a spouse for example). We all make mental shortcuts when assessing someone, even if it isn't specifically how much money they have spent on their jewelry.

A salesperson at a very high end boutique told me that some of her clients with massive diamonds (6-15 carats) will buy LGDs to swap out on trips or to minimize risk. Their friends all assume it's just another (massively expensive) stone that they are wearing, and you know they are comparing recent purchases over lunch.


Jun 8, 2008
People judge all the time. I personally do not care at all. Especially what others might think of my bling or anything about me TBH.
And I just enjoy seeing beautiful bling so really never think oh is it real or not. I feel very strongly people should wear whatever they love bling wise and enjoy whatever they wear.

And for the record I don't love bling because it is expensive. I love it because it is so sparkly and stunning and ooh la la beautiful. I love it for the emotions it evokes. I love it because they are little works of art.... and in a heartbeat I would get a lab diamond but for now I cannot get over (for me) the mind clean thing. Once I do I will be there. If I do.

I also learned very quickly in life not to judge a book by its proverbial cover because irl billionaires can dress like bums and less wealthy people can dress quite smartly. So you just cannot know from appearance. At least in my experience you cannot. And I never wear makeup and for the most part am very casually dressed so some might say I don't fit with my bling. And you know what? I don't care what they think :)

I love seeing gorgeous pieces on people and never judge.
I do judge other things but not bling. LOL


Jun 23, 2005
People make assumptions and judgments all the time about all sorts of things. The only jewelry that concerns me in terms of lab or natural, expensive or not, is my own. I wear it for my own pleasure and do not care what others think about it or its origin. I can make assumptions about what I see people wearing, but that doesn’t affect me personally either. People are free to choose whatever they want - the same as I am free to do. I just buy what is right for me.


Apr 30, 2005
People judge all the time. I personally do not care at all. Especially what others might think of my bling or anything about me TBH.
And I just enjoy seeing beautiful bling so really never think oh is it real or not. I feel very strongly people should wear whatever they love bling wise and enjoy whatever they wear.

And for the record I don't love bling because it is expensive. I love it because it is so sparkly and stunning and ooh la la beautiful. I love it for the emotions it evokes. I love it because they are little works of art.... and in a heartbeat I would get a lab diamond but for now I cannot get over (for me) the mind clean thing. Once I do I will be there. If I do.

I also learned very quickly in life not to judge a book by its proverbial cover because irl billionaires can dress like bums and less wealthy people can dress quite smartly. So you just cannot know from appearance. At least in my experience you cannot. And I never wear makeup and for the most part am very casually dressed so some might say I don't fit with my bling. And you know what? I don't care what they think :)

I love seeing gorgeous pieces on people and never judge.
I do judge other things but not bling. LOL



Jan 5, 2015
I also learned very quickly in life not to judge a book by its proverbial cover because irl billionaires can dress like bums and less wealthy people can dress quite smartly. So you just cannot know from appearance.

An article in the NYT about a private jet brokera few years back talked about this. He has an appointment-only studio where clients can visualize the design of your jet. He told his security guard "don't judge the people coming to the door based on what they are wearing. The guy in the bespoke suit may be a working stiff while the guy in the old t-shirt may be a billionaire after cashing out of his start-up"

Personally, I love wearing a nice suit and find people approach me differently when I'm dressed well, but that's a different topic. I wouldn't go t-shirt every day if I suddenly was worth $2B tomorrow, but that's just me.


Dec 27, 2017
I commented on your other thread, but will sum up here.

Personally I wouldn’t judge. You just can’t tell. I wear either athletic wear or jeans and a band tee with sneakers most of the time. All while rocking a 4 carat ACA (earth mined). I truly could not care less whether people think it’s a lab, because I wear all my jewelry for me, not for whatever status it could confer.


Apr 17, 2002
I love my gems and jewels, but I often hesitate to wear them because I don't want people to think I'm wealthy or showing off. When lab diamonds came on the scene, my ~1.5 ct natural diamonds went from substantial to unremarkable (or negligible, depending on the context), which makes me happy. The more people go around with 3+ carat rings, the less I'll worry about being mugged or judged.
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Jul 7, 2013
I try not to judge, however, sometimes, I just can't help myself.

If peeps want to flaunt their wealth, they are welcome to do so.

However, if they insist on telling me how much each and every item cost, and how exclusive they are, etc. etc., then they are not my kind of people.

Money does not buy good manners, style, elegance and sophistication in my book.

My mum taught me this, and I believe it has some truth in it, IMHO:

If she wears no jewellery regularly, others may not know she has none. If she wears the same jewellery all the time, others may think that's all she has.

DK :))


May 23, 2017
I have learned through the years not to make assumptions about someone based by how they dress or what jewelry they wear. I know many wealthy people who don't outwardly display their worth and people who have capsule wardrobes in order to have more expensive items in a budget.

I love jewelery. All of it. If it's is sparkly and pretty.....thats all I notice. I truly never even ponder whether someone is wearing lab, mined, costume. It is not by business and they should enjoy what they love. I wear jeans, converse and casual shirts daily. I work with horses and just enjoy being comfortable. Rarely do I wear fancy clothes. Doesn't stop me from wearing my rings. I enjoy them and that's what matters. I always say others opinions about me are none of my business.
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Sep 3, 2000
I love to fantasize about people I see doing things and wearing things that make them stand out from the crowd. It's fun to see human nature with all the diversity we find today. Guessing about what those people do, who they are, where they come from, and what they hope to accomplish with their lives is a fun way to spend time while it provides others with some degree of enjoyment or annoyance.

Remember, judgements are often wrong. Strange looking folks are often very nice people. Very nice looking people are often jerks. Big jewels, lab or natural, are fun to see and enjoy. If it feels good to the owner and hurts no one else, let them show off their bling.

Whatever our own prejudices are, we are free to have them. Just keep them to yourself and the world will keep on spinning. The Golden Rule is a good thing to keep in mind when you are about to express distaste or judge others.


Jul 17, 2008
I’m human, I judge if that is really the right word. Judge to me means to look down on. I don’t look down on. I think if you see a young woman out in a sketchy neighborhood, driving a sketchy car, it’s going to occur to you. She probably can’t afford to six karat natural oval diamond. I wouldn’t judge her for wearing a lab Diamond, I would just assume it’s a lab Diamond and she really couldn’t afford the real thing.. I think it’s natural to assume the older you are the more likely you are to afford a giant natural Diamond. We read all the time in the news that millennials and under are having a hard time even affording housing so the thought of owning a five or six karat diamond seems unlikely..

Texas Leaguer

Jul 27, 2009
I don't generally get the impression that young people rocking big lab grown diamonds are trying to "pass". I think they are just euphoric that they can now own a big beautiful gem that does what we all appreciate so much about diamonds. What a fine diamond does with light is truly phenomenal and if some's good, more's better!

Sure, the world is full of all kinds of people and some are surely going to lengths to represent their labs as naturals. That's their business. If so, they would be well advised to dial back the size a bit!
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