
Those who knew when he bought the ring...

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Jan 8, 2009

and are engaged long between when he purchased the ring and when he actually proposed?

I''ve been seeing a lot of various LIW''s posting about how its been 2 months, 6 months, A YEAR since he bought the ring, and hasn''t proposed yet! Is that the norm?

My darling should have the ring within the next 2 weeks. And I am SOOO excited, and assuming I will be engaged very soon. But I cant help but think..."what if he holds on to it for awhile?". I''ll have to hurt him!!! lol

My DH bought the ring and proposed within 2 weeks. I THOUGHT FOR SURE he bought the ring when I was away on business for 15 days... but he didn''t. I was gone in september, from around labor day until the 30th of Sept... and he bought the ring about 2 weeks after that... and proposed shortly after. I was certain he bought the ring when I was gone... and kept me waiting.
Turns out, he was just as anxious as I was to get that out of hiding and on my finger.

Another girl I know found the ring on "accident" and had to wait over a week and a half for him to propose.. and he did so on a THURSDAY NIGHT.

Another couple, the guy inherited his ring, and had it for years.... and surprised his GF with a proposal... she had no clue!

So... anything goes with men.

HOWEVER THAT SAID... if you know he''s getting the ring soon... it would probably be shortly after... best wishes!
My FI purchased the ring about 2 months before he proposed - at the time of purchase the stone still needed to be set and the ring needed to be sized.

FI proposed the day he picked up the ring from the jewelry store. I now know that he didn''t even want the ring in the house for a few hours (he gave it to our neighbors for safekeeping) before the proposal. I can''t imagine how guys keep a ring hidden for months (often in the same house/apartment they share with their girlfriend). I would be snooping like crazy!
My FI bought the ring in early September and proposed during our vacation the second week in October.
My Fi also proposed the same day he picked up the ring (like, 5 minutes after he picked up the ring!). I told him that I didn''t want a big hoopla of a proposal and that I preferred that it was just the two of us, so I think that played a big part of how he decided to propose (coupled with his excitement and inability to keep a secret for very long).

I think the amount of time your ring is held hostage depends on your SO. If he''s the type to plan something big, special and romantic, then he may hold on for longer. If you have a special occasion / date coming up, he may choose to hold off until then.

But ahhh! 2 weeks!!! So exciting!!!!!!!!!
He kind of scrambled last minute. We booked a very last minute trip to Disney (my fav place) and I guess he decided to do it then- we booked it the last week of May. Then he went out to Long Island to do some ''banking'' aka got the ring rolling and proposed April 26th. I still have no idea how he managed to sneak out to LI two more times in those 4 weeks without me knowing.
My Fi got the ring on Thursday night, and proposed on Saturday afternoon. He''s not the type that can keep a surprise for long in the bag! BUT, we also had a wedding date and signed with a venue at the end of January, so it was just a matter of getting the ring done.
He purchased early June and proposed end of July.
Two weeks!

He actually didn't know I knew he bought it, but he is not a very good secret keeper.
I picked up on a lot of clues he didn't mean to leave! I knew he had plans to propose over the New Year, he bought the ring a little less than a week before that. However, our car broke down en route to the proposal site.
Long story short, when we got back home some time after that we had a quiet proposal at a local restaurant. I was nuts waiting for it, but he was so nervous carrying it around in his pocket he had no idea I was also not acting like myself.

It was so cute!
My bf bought the ring this past Wednesday, and it will be arriving on the 17th. However, it will be a few days after our anniversary ( I was almost positive he was going to propose on our anniversary). Since it will be here after the anniversary, I'm completely clueless.
The only two other times I thought he'd do it were in April and he explicitly stated he wasn't proposing in April. But then I wonder if he is saying that just to throw me off!!! He also said not in March or the summer or Christmas which weeds out all but September-October. But he could just be fooling me! I don't think he'd wait that long. I'm just hoping he's messing around with me lol!
AAAAAH! I have no clue anymore!!!
Sorry to get so off track, lol!!!

But I hope it's only a matter of weeks!
6 months from the purchase of the diamond, and 4 from the receipt of the finished product. Ugh. It was torture!!
2 months give or take. Although I was completely in the dark.

He had the ring in his hands in early October and proposed December 22nd.
My FI bought the diamond in December and hid it in in our apartment
for two months while the setting was being designed and made. As soon as the diamond was set and he got it, he proposed the next day.
SO bought the ring on Valentine''s Day of this year and it went off to be sized for two weeks after that. He was supposed to pick it up this week, but I don''t think he has because he''s been really busy at work and the store''s hours are only 10-6.
I asked him coyly last night when he was going to propose and he said he couldn''t because one of our dogs ate the ring!
Not funny.

So it''s been 3 weeks since he bought the ring and I hope he proposes soon!
Since I just found he has the ring (yay), I have been thinking of when he bought it...My hunch is there was this day back in December where he took his mom in to the city to shop. Its been over two months...I don''t know how he is holding on to it. I know I couldn''t. LOL
I don''t know how you ladies maintain your sanity, with BF holding the ring hostage (a phrase I stole from anyother recent post, seems appropriate

I seriously think I would go nuts if I knew BF had the ring and hadn''t proposed yet. I mean, if he picked it up on a Wednesday, it would be cool to wait until Saturday or something, but holding it longer than a few days would just be mean
For our particular sitation, I mean. Sounds like some of you girls don''t mind it, knowing that BF is probably planning a lovely and meanful proposal!

My husband proposed the very next day. Of course he did what he could to throw me off the scent - and very nearly caused a HUGE fight that would''ve ruined the whole trip. Luckily I sensed what he was doing and *somehow* kept my cool.
I assume by "bought" you mean "received?" If so, it was less than a week.

We bought the ring in mid-December, it arrived at the end of January and he proposed about 5 days later.

Then again, his proposal was very low-key and didn''t require fireworks and fanfare (metaphorically speaking). He just woke up and decided that he couldn''t wait to do it, so he did.

For a guy that wants to have all the hullabaloo that requires a planning period, of course the ''wait'' will be longer.
FI proposed without a ring, it was a surprise since I wasn''t expecting anything for our anniversary (although my friend sensed it and was expecting me to call her in the middle of the night with the news, but I waited until I saw her in person).

We worked on picking out and designing the ring together, but I had no idea when it was arriving. He threw me off track when he said that the jeweler was taking a bit longer than expected, when in fact he has already seen the pictures of the finished ring.

We ordered it just after Thanksgiving last year, I thought better not to rush it, and guessed it would be arriving after Christmas. But it came earlier and he couldn''t wait to show it to me. I spoke to my future MIL after, she said she tried to convince him to give it to me on Christmas, but he came up with a list of reasons of why he shouldn''t wait.
Date: 3/6/2009 10:16:13 AM
Author: sammyj
My Fi also proposed the same day he picked up the ring (like, 5 minutes after he picked up the ring!). I told him that I didn''t want a big hoopla of a proposal and that I preferred that it was just the two of us, so I think that played a big part of how he decided to propose (coupled with his excitement and inability to keep a secret for very long).

This is exactly what happened with me, too! I didn''t want anyone around or for it to be in public, and he is really bad at keeping secrets or surprising me with gifts-he always tries to give me my Christmas presents as soon as he gets them!

So he proposed about 5 minutes after I got home from work on the same day he got the ring!
IIRC from the time he picked it up to when he proposed 20 days if you mean from the time he first placed the order 4mths :P.
The ring arrived at 10:00 am on a Wednesday morning, he proposed at 10 pm that night!

He had it all planned and was sooo nervous the ring wouldn''t arrive on time!
Date: 3/6/2009 3:52:26 PM
Author: freudianflip
I don''t know how you ladies maintain your sanity, with BF holding the ring hostage (a phrase I stole from anyother recent post, seems appropriate

I seriously think I would go nuts if I knew BF had the ring and hadn''t proposed yet. I mean, if he picked it up on a Wednesday, it would be cool to wait until Saturday or something, but holding it longer than a few days would just be mean
For our particular sitation, I mean. Sounds like some of you girls don''t mind it, knowing that BF is probably planning a lovely and meanful proposal!

I actually didn''t know he was buying the ring. I just had a woman''s intuition moment and called my mom saying "I bet Eric is ring shopping." Her response was ''eh, you know he probably does have some banking to do since he grew up there." She actually knew since he had asked for her blessing but she tried to throw me off. Didn''t work and apparently the ring ended up sitting in our hall closet for a month and I had no clue.
I think it was a few weeks for us. But I have a friend who''s been waiting for her ring since he got it in JULY! They''re already formally wedding planning and their engagement party is in May, so he has to do it before then! It''s driving her nuts...I''d probably beat FI if he did that.
I believe he bought the ring in May, and he proposed in August. Not too long of a wait....
Date: 3/7/2009 8:15:02 PM
Author: sunnyd
I think it was a few weeks for us. But I have a friend who''s been waiting for her ring since he got it in JULY! They''re already formally wedding planning and their engagement party is in May, so he has to do it before then! It''s driving her nuts...I''d probably beat FI if he did that.

FF has had the ring since the end of June so I feel for your friend! It can definitely be frustrating at times. At least she knows it''s coming by May though!
My fiance picked up the ring on the Sunday before V-day and proposed on V-day. But he couldn't help it - he showed me the certificate on the Tuesday :)) but tried to lie to me and tell me he didn't have the ring yet hahah
Everyone is different but if my guy kept the ring hostage for too long I'd be worried about him having cold feet or second thoughts but that's just me. An exception for me would be if he was waiting for some special occasion.
DH paid for the ring mid December, ring was finished in early Feb, proposal mid March.
Almost three months for me. He planned a surprise trip to Barcelona for our engagement so it was worth the wait!
About three months here, too. And, he didn''t do it on the obvious times, but did pick the perfect day!
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