
Thinking about re-setting my garnet.

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May 27, 2008
I have this beautiful garnet from gemrite that I set into a LOGR setting a few months back. The first jeweler I went to told me it wouldn''t work. The second jeweler did a HORRIBLE job on it, and the third didn''t do much better. The ring is still set crookedly and it looks as though the prongs are swallowing the stone. The measurements of the stone are something like 6.18 X 8.1something. I got the 6 X 8 oval setting and I think it was just made really poorly. Sometime in the future I may look for a slightly smaller oval to put in there, but for now I think I''d rather just get a new setting for the garnet. Would a regular 6 X 8 setting work? I definitely can''r afford something custom, and I was going to get one of the cheapest solitaire settings I could find. I''ll post a few of my choices, but I''m open to other suggestions as well.

Also, what metal would you use? Rose, white, or yellow gold? I love all three and like to mix and match so I can''t decide. Here''s a pic of the current ring.

And here''s how crooked it is. Is it because the stone is slightly bigger than 6X8. I''d hate to order another setting only to have the same problem.

I like the first one best and either in rose or yellow gold. The white gold doesn''t seem to be doing anything for that stone. Before you buy another setting though, I''d take your stone to a jeweler and see how it sits in 8x6mm settings. No sense in buying another setting that won''t really work with your stone.
Thanks Kismet.

I also wanted to add that if anyone happened to know of any INEXPENSIVE but pretty ovals, I''d be open to doing that as well. Eventually I''d like to find a different setting for the garnet AND a different (little smaller) stone for the setting, but right now I''m only looking to replace one of them. Any color will do as long as I find it pretty. Sparkly is good too. Thanks:)
I''d get the first one in rose gold.

Yellow gold would also look nice (even nicer than rose IMO), but rose is known to be more sturdy which would be good since you can''t afford some heavier (more secure) settings. And the first one looks to be the most balanced to me, as others are some variations of crossover rings, therefore having more metal on one side than on the other. With settings this light, that''s something to consider.
Thanks! I''m kind of leaning towards that one anyone because it''s the most simple. If I could find one that''s just a thin band and the head for the stone I think I''d be even happier. I know that a sturdier one would be better too, but I''m extremely cautious with my rings anyway and it wouldn''t be for every day wear. After just buying a house, I need to be VERY budget conscious.
I like setting 2 the best as well.
Sorry that you have to go through all these trouble and am sure that this experience will lead you to something good. Your garnet is pretty, and the LORG ring itself is good looking. Out of the 3 designs, I vote for #2 for the intriguing design.

I want to caution you though, if your LOGR ring (designed for 8x6 stones) couldn't hold your garnet, how can you be so sure that these alternative rings will hold it well? Who is going to set it for you? All three are for 8x6 stones too. I don't know much about setting stones, but hopefully someone more knowledgeable here can chime in. In my experience the benchman always have a little room with prong settings by 'opening it up' - I've heard them say that couple of times. So I don't understand why your garnet can't work with the LOGR ring - it is not THAT bigger. If indeed it can be worked out, I think it will be a beautiful ring.

Good luck!
Hi Kelli - I remember when you originally posted your ring, and you weren't happy even back then. I'm so sorry it's still an issue, but I am very nit-picky with my jewelry as well, so I can completely understand. If the LOGR setting was perfect, would that be your favorite? I actually like that one the best, but agree with you that it has "issues". Like you said, the prongs come way up over the stone, and you can really see how crooked the stone is when you view the profile angle. It also looks like it sits kinda high in the setting - is there a seat in the ring? If there is, it could potentially be altered - I just dont know if it's the seat or the halo that's preventing your stone from sitting lower. If you like this setting at all, I think it might be worth talking to another reputable jeweler. I know you've been through 2 already (local ones?), so what about having Whiteflash looking at it? I'm pretty sure they've set some PSers rings in LOGR settings before, and I'm also pretty sure they'll treat you well. It might be worth an email (with pics), at least.

If you would rather go with a new setting, I like your idea of a solitaire setting. Maybe you could get one with diamonds on the shank. Come to think of it, could you have a jeweler cut off the halo and basket of your LOGR and replace it with a prong head? That way you'd still get some sparkly from the band.

One other idea is to have LOGR make a custom ring for your stone. I'd be very specific about dimensions, and pics of how your current setting isn't working would be even better. From reading other PSers experiences, LOGR stone settings can run a little small, but they have done custom-size halos for people.

Sorry for the loooong post, but hope you find something you're happy with because it's a beautiful garnet.
Hey Kelli! Sorry to hear about that whole mess with the jewelers- I remember when you posted about that earlier too
But plus side - new ring! I say first one hands down! In rose gold - followed by yellow gold if you decide you don''t want to do RG (and you wear YG). Although if you wear a YG I kind of think that might look better...eek I''m undecided! But I think that setting will show off the stone really well, and it''s such a pretty one that it can most definitely stand on its own!
I''m so sorry about your disappointment with your ring. I think that garnet would look best in 18K yellow gold ( a very warm yellow color ). I don''t think rose gold would be as nice because it looks to be more of a red color than purple color. Purple stones like rhodolites and amethysts look better in rose gold. Red stones tend to look better in yellow gold, and pink stones look great in white gold. JMO.
Wow thank you for your responses everyone! After I had the second jeweler set my stone and was still not happy, I decided I'd give it some time and see if I could just live with it. I've worn it only a few times, and every time I look at it, it's imperfections just scream out to me. So, it's time. I also promised myself a small reward if I could work through some personal issues I was having and I'm well on my way there.

I do like the LOGR setting, but the garnet is clearly too big to sit down in it the way I'd like. I would LOVE to send it to Whiteflash, but I'm afraid that wouldn't go well with my tiny budget. I'd really love to not spend too much right now. With the cheapo settings I was looking at, I could buy one and have it set locally for less than $100. Of course, if they're going to set it like they set the LOGR one, it may not be worth it.
But I was told a few times that the LOGR settings tend to run a bit small. The garnet is less than 2 tenths of a mm bigger than 6X8. I was under the impression that it should fit nicely into 6X8 settings before I ever decided on one. Do you think another setting, one without a halo, might be better for a slightly too big stone? (8.14 X 6.12)

Going custom would probably not be good for my budget either, probably not even through LOGR. Do you think it would be possible for a (somewhat competent) jeweler to remove the prongs and do a bezel around a smaller oval stone, maybe like a 5 X 7? What I'd really like to do is find another setting for the garnet, and another stone for setting. I'm just not sure exactly how to go about either one to make it really fit and not get too expensive!

Thanks again for any guidance!
Want an extreme suggestion for the setting

I''d separate the shank from the head and join them in a way so that the shank makes a loop around the halo. Then just slide that on a chain and wear it as a pendant. It could probably be done inexpensively, maybe even without taking the garnet out and you wouldn''t be bothered with the flaws cause they wouldn''t stare you in the face all the time
. Jewellers often say that rings should be reserved for the best quality workmanship and the finest of gems, cause we look at them the most.
Thanks ma re I hadn''t even considered that. I do like that idea, but I hardly ever wear pendants and I don''t know if it would get worn that way either. I will ask some jewelers about it though to see what they would charge for it.
I wonder if you can find a goldsmith or jeweler that could shorten then rebuild the prongs so they fit the gemstone better? It truly is a beautiful ring.
Thanks marcyc. I was going to go to yet another jeweler near my house today. It says Jewelry Repair and Goldsmith on the door. Let''s hope. I''m really kind of hoping that he/she will be able to lower it down way more in the setting. If the garnet is really just too big for that, I''m hoping I could find a smaller oval and they can do a bezel around it. I''m pretty sure the other jewelers I went to wouldn''t have even known what a bezel was.
Ok so I went, and he said there was nothing he could do. He said that there was so little gold left around theprongs that messing with them at all would make them snap and break. He said the cost of fixing it could be more than the ring is worth. So...... lesson learned I guess. I got what I paid for and I''ll have to learn to like it, imperfections and all. I honestly don''t wear red that often anyway, so I could just keep the repair money and use it towards my next purchase.

On the bright side though, he had a store full of beautiful gems, and said he is primarily a gemologist and has literally thousands of stones. I didn''t ask him about anything specific, but he had colored stone posters all over the walls and said he had been collecting for over thirty years. His store is right by my new house and could possibly be a great place to go to see something in person, so that''s pretty exciting:)
I''m sorry that nothing can be done about the setting. Maybe you''ll be able to find a new setting for it and find another stone for the LOGR setting. I typically like to set reds and purples in yellow gold, pinks and greens in white gold.
Date: 2/11/2009 9:39:16 PM
Author: Chrono
I''m sorry that nothing can be done about the setting. Maybe you''ll be able to find a new setting for it and find another stone for the LOGR setting. I typically like to set reds and purples in yellow gold, pinks and greens in white gold.
Thanks Chrono. He said that the size of the stone wasn''t the problem though, just the fact that the prongs wouldn''t hold up if he messed with them anymore. According to him, the setting will break and be unusable if he tries to take the stone out. He also said that removing the prongs altogether and replacing them wouldn''t be worth it considering the initial cost of the setting. Does this sound right to you guys? It seems like so many people get work done on things and then when I ask the local guys they look at me like I''m nuts. I really didn''t want to send it away to WF or anything like that, it just doesn''t seem worth the time and energy. But removing prongs will cost more than the price of the setting? It just seems so weird. What do you think?
Date: 2/11/2009 11:21:42 PM
Author: Kelli
Thanks Chrono. He said that the size of the stone wasn''t the problem though, just the fact that the prongs wouldn''t hold up if he messed with them anymore. According to him, the setting will break and be unusable if he tries to take the stone out. He also said that removing the prongs altogether and replacing them wouldn''t be worth it considering the initial cost of the setting. Does this sound right to you guys? It seems like so many people get work done on things and then when I ask the local guys they look at me like I''m nuts. I really didn''t want to send it away to WF or anything like that, it just doesn''t seem worth the time and energy. But removing prongs will cost more than the price of the setting? It just seems so weird. What do you think?
It sounds quite possible, cause the cost of work in the States is much higher than in China (or wherever the setting was made). I''ve heard that quite a few times (that fragile settings can''t be repaired and are not even worth it), so I''m trying to persuade as many people here to buy quality ones, but many prefer quantity over quality (I''m not talking you here, but people in general). They''d rather have 10 inexpensive settings than one properly done. And then you end up with one of these basic lessons of buying jewellery - cheap jewellery can become quite expensive in the long run; either by buying things you don''t like or by buying something that can''t be repaired.

Regarding your ring, if you don''t enjoy it and rarely wear red, why not consider giving it away (preferably to someone who''s not that much into jewellery, so won''t mind/notice/realise the flaws). There''s no point in wearing jewellery you don''t enjoy.
Thanks for the input. I do think eventually I''ll give it away. Maybe I''ll wear it for a while and when I''m absolutely done with it my sister or cousin can have it. You''re right, I did learn a lesson in cheap jewelry. That''s not to say I''ll never buy a cheaply made item again, but I''ll proceed with caution and not be afraid to use the return policy instead of trying to "repair" it. As for LOGR though, I won''t be buying from them again. As much as I love some of the rings people have had made, I just don''t have the interest in dealing with it again, since FOUR jewelers now have told me the setting was made incorrectly. And I''ll probably stick with settings without diamonds in them if I''m going for dirt poor cheap. Some of the leibcor settings have caught my attention. They actually seem to have cheap ones AND heavier, better made ones, and they work in silver and all types of gold. Anyway, thanks again!
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