
things to look for in photographers...

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Sep 21, 2006
I''m meeting with 2 photographers, what are key things I should be looking for (other than personal preference for style, portfolio). Is it important that I have an album? keep the negatives? have 2 photographers? There is quite a difference in prices for some of the extras..


Jun 28, 2006
It all depends on what is important to you.
We put the most work into finding a photographer because it is the most important vendor (to us) and where we''re spending the largest % of our budget, well except for maybe the food, although it''ll be close.
Here''s what was on our "list"
1. General personality (can we spend 8-10 hours with this person/people), will they fit in with our guests, family etc.
2. Do we feel comfortable with them? I hate being photographed and really wanted someone I''d feel comfortable working with so my pics don''t come out all posed looking and uncomfortable
3. What is their equipment (this was FI''s thing, he was a photog minor in college so he was into it, asking about their lenses, etc.) I imagine any pro has at least the basics, but Make sure they have backup equipment- and they carry it with them.
4. Ask to see a proof book, not just an album. Albums use the best of the best photos, while a proof book would be more representative of their total work, this is what we did. Tedious, but worth it to me.
5. We didn''t set out wanting 2 photogs necessarily, but after meeting with several decided we did, it''s 2 different perspectives on the same day.
6. Check the knot or other wedding websites for a checklist of vendor questions for photogs.


Jul 3, 2006
I just went through this process myself. After meeting with some not-so-my-speed photographers, I was begining to think that I just had silly expectations, but then last week the photographer I met with changed my mind completely. She works solo or with an associate and sometimes with her husband (we decided we want two photographers). She sent me passwords to look at on line albums before we came in, so I was already sure I liked the style of the photographs. They had about 6 different types of albums ready for us to look at along with several proof books. The proof books were so good that I almost thought I didn''t need an album. But the cofee table style albums were amazing (she designs them as well), and my fiance and I put one in the contract. Every time I said, "Oh, I like that, except I would want..." she would say, "oh, I''ll show you that." and trot off and grab an album that included exactly what I was talking about. She made notes of things I said I liked. And she and her husband were both classy and personable. I feel like I will be able to communicate easily with them and that they are eager to please. I usually get stressed out around cameras because I am SUPER camera shy, but I feel like I will be very comfortable with them. I think that is the key: finding strangers who you feel comfortable enough around to entrust with the task of making you look fabulous.
Anyway, after we signed our contract and went home, our photographer sent us a very sweet hand-written note on really precious stationary. It was a sweet, unexpected gesture. (Maybe that sort of thing is standard, but I surely didn''t expect it).

Anyway, I suppose the main thing to remember is don''t get too stressed if you don''t find the right photographer right away.


Nov 12, 2004
Hi Janine-

My best advice re: choosing a photographer is to pick someone you are both COMFORTABLE with, first and foremost. I can't tell you how many photographers we met with that we simply did not feel "right" about. Remember, this person is going to be the vendor who is the most intimate with you and your FI on your wedding day- so be comfortable with them and like them. That is number one, next to liking their style and recognizing their talent. Everything else is secondary and comes down to personal preference.


Jul 10, 2006
I would agree with what these ladies said already. It matters what is important to you. We interviewed numerous photographers and my DH thought I was crazy. But, I wanted someone that I was comfortable with, I mean, you will be with them pretty much the whole day! If they have a website, def. check that over up and down. ours had a link to Pictage so we could see all of her previous clients'' proofs.


Sep 21, 2006
thanks for all the responses! i''d never thought about the "being personable" factor...definitely will keep it in mind as i make a decision! photographers sure are expensive, that''s for sure!
does anyone have a preference for digital vs. traditional shots?


Aug 8, 2005
another thing that was important for us how the photographer acts at the wedding. we''ve been to many many many weddings where the photographer is loud and nearly the center of attention trying to get that all perfect smiling shot or whatever. i don''t like that at all. our photographer was VERY low key. nearly unnoticable. and when it comes down to the big day, or your bridal pics or whatever, you have to think, would you want someone calm and collected or someone who''s all over the place and super entergetic? i prefered low key. it really helped to make the day seem so much calmer when those around me were calm too.


Jan 21, 2006
One thing I would ask about is whether you can get the digital copies. This will save you money since you don''t need to order individual proofs. Not all photographers will do this for you, but it''s great to have. Another thing that is important is whether you actually *like* the photographer and feel comfortable around him/her. You are going to be spending the entire day around him and you need to feel good around that person because it will show up in your pictures if you are not comfortable.
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