
There IS nothing wrong with an H, right?

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May 28, 2002
As far as Ideal cut rounds are concerned, an H color IS white and yellow free to the average person, right? I ask because I noticed I could get a G color in an SI1 for the same price as an H color VS2. Does anybody think its worth the downgrade in clarity to get a G in color, or should I stick with a VS2 for inclusion free peace of mind because I'll never notice the difference between a G and an H? That's it guys, really... LOL!
I used to stick w/G color and it is still nice to have G color; however, i wanted bigger stone, so I went for H color and it's still white and sparkly on platinum. If SI is good quality, u don't see inclusions w/naked eye, then go to G/SI. To most people VS2 is nice compare to SI, so if that's the case, H/VS2 is good too, depends on you. G or H color is very similar to naked eye. I have 2.16c round H/VS1 and color is white. Of course, if I have money to spend, I'd go for G/SI or G/VS2.
You and I must think alike. I really don't like seeing rubbish in a diamond when viewed under the loupe, even if you can't see it face up. Go with your gut feeling. If the G diamond has an inclusion you don't like, don't buy it. If you really like the H diamond, go for it. If only a colorless stone will do, keep looking.

Diamonds with a slightly yellowish tinge are not of poor quality. They are just more readily available. The emphasis on colorless stones is really the result of a marketing strategy that causes a strong demand combined with a limited supply. The result is higher prices.

Indeed, with a public convinced that only a diamond is acceptable for an engagement ring, thus creating a strong demand, and a cartel limiting the supply, this marketing strategy is true of all diamonds generally. That's why we're all paying big bucks for something that would otherwise be considerably cheaper.
If, as you said before, you are not going to buy the diamond for several months, it may be worth your time to stop by a B&M and ask to see a loose G compared to a loose H and a loose D. Although I would not buy from a B&M, I think it would be worthwhile to do a color comparison in person. Judge for yourself -- just remember to do it against a white background, and make sure that the stones you are looking at are GIA or AGS certified.
So the general concensus is that:

1) Unless in proper testing conditions and with the aid of a gemologist, the average person would not be able to tell a G and an H apart from each other.

2) An H color diamond (ideal cut of course) would be JUST FINE for a one carat engagement ring for somebody who is just looking for a clear, white, and pretty stone, and not for microscopic or testing room perfection.

Just as long as nobody thinks "Kinda looks a little yellow, not exactly clear & white if you ask me, and you paid WHAT for it?" That would just kill me LOL! First off, I will practically guarantee that unless it's a poorly cut piece of junk, none of our friends will have a D-F color diamond to compare it with, so without a comparison, if it looks as white as can be, I'll be happy. I think an H would do just fine, as I heard you really need to be in the right conditions to look hard to tell an H from a colorless, let alone a G. I would rather have it totally visible inclusion free, so it will at least look like perfection. So what do you think, is H the grade for what I want?
Most people will have a hard time separating a G from an H and especially when the diamonds are face up. Once mounted even a jeweler would be out on a limb to say which is which with total confidence.

I say go with the H. It sounds like you love that diamond anyway.
Thanks for the replies! Yeah, I guess if you can't tell a G an an H apart in normal conditions without any help there's no sense in spending the extra hard earned cash. Trust me, I don't think she'll be THAT interested in what letter of the alphabet it falls under, just as long as it's a quality stone. I haven't picked a stone yet, but I will after several months. I just want to get the heads up now so I don't make any mistakes later, because I don't plan to do that upgrade thing. I've got about a year of advance to save up 5 G's and I want to know what I'm getting into before crunch time. I think I'm about done here, and I've decided to go with an H VS2. I want a white, inclusion free stone that looks absolutely perfect to the naked eye, and from what I've gathered those grades will give me what I want. So unless anybody wants to differ, thanks for helping me out here and for saving me from a potentially bad mistake in the future. Thanks guys!
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