
There is a jewelry bag on my kitchen table...


Nov 24, 2013
And I have not snooped! I have not opened it! And I KNOW its a beautiful colored stone something!!! I deserve a medal. Or at least a second CS piece to go with it...

AHHH! :eek:

Anyways, our three year anniversary of dating is Thursday and I know SO wants it to be a surprise, he didn't expect me to come home early from my trip.

On the plus side he went out and picked some beautiful fresh flowers from our garden, no unwrapping needed! :D

Also pardon our messy kitchen. Taxes + me gone for a weekend = wreck. Lol.

I would not peek either. :appl: :o Keep us posted!
You're doing the right thing. Oh, but the temptation to peek!
I really REALLY admire your self-control! I wouldn't be able to sit still; I'd circle that sucker like a vulture.

Pics right away when you open it, please!!!

--- Laurie
I have no self control. We have to wait until Thursday?? Can't wait!!

Pics please when you do open it. And congrats on the anniversary!

I enjoyed this thread. How nice your guy is. Don't peek! Let us know, of course, what the surprise is.

How fun for you!!! Can't wait to see your surprise, looking forward to pics :)
I'd circle that sucker like a vulture.

Lucky you!
Congrats, Happy Anniversary, looking forward to updates!
I'll be the dissenter! Peek! Peek! Peek! :Up_to_something: :tongue:
I would have gotten a friend to peek for me...! :Up_to_something:

Looking forward to your big reveal!
Thanks everyone! I'm so excited, I can't wait to open it. I feel like Thursday night will never get here. :cry:

minousbijoux said:
I'll be the dissenter! Peek! Peek! Peek! :Up_to_something: :tongue:
swissmiss said:
I would have gotten a friend to peek for me...! :Up_to_something:

I know!! Sadly I was later informed that the box in the bag was also wrapped so even if I had shuffled it around or 'accidentally' knocked it over, I still wouldn't have known too much. :blackeye: Except maybe if it was either a necklace or ring, hehe.

JewelFreak said:
I really REALLY admire your self-control! I wouldn't be able to sit still; I'd circle that sucker like a vulture.

I did walk around it a few times when I first got home. XD Then I banished myself to another room so I wouldn't be tempted till SO came home. Which I think is FANTASTIC for me. My mother used to have to hide our Christmas presents at her office when I was little. There was no nook, no crannies that could escape my sly eyes. :Up_to_something: Come to find out all she had to do was guilt me into not looking like the boyfriend does. :lol:
What does it say on the bag -- which jewelry store?
What was it?!
One more day to go! Congrats and can't wait to find out what you received. :appl:
it nearly thursday here in Australia!!!!!
Ok it IS Thursday here (in Oz) so let's see it young lady! *taps foot* :lol:
Clock is ticking away..... Whats in da bag?? :wavey:
It is clearly Thursday in the USA so spill! :devil: :bigsmile:
Chrono|1393504348|3623991 said:
It is clearly Thursday in the USA so spill! :devil: :bigsmile:


:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
:?: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :?:
:?: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :?:
:?: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :?:
:?: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :?:
:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

I'm waiting for news too :naughty:
She's probably gonna make us wait through their entire romantic dinner :roll: :wink2:
minousbijoux|1393522018|3624091 said:
She's probably gonna make us wait through their entire romantic dinner :roll: :wink2:

Oh, the cheek :rolleyes:

I am waiting is Thursday here too...
No I swear I haven't forgotten!

Sadly I am making you wait through the whole romantic dinner. XD. Mainly since he is making me wait... :knockout: Disadvantages to a stubborn SO. *grumpy face*

I'm going to pester him though, suggest that the appetizer I want is not the edible kind, and pry it from his hands. :Up_to_something:

Trust me, I'll be here within two minutes of opening. :D
The suspense is killing me... I would be thinking: "Take me to McDonald's drive through so that I can scarf dinner and open my surprise!!!!" :naughty: Just kidding of course.

Your SO is wonderful!

Terrible Atlanta traffic garnered me a lot of sympathy! And speaking of, it's a garnet pendant!! He didn't think to get specs of course so I have nothing to offer there. :(( However I'd been eying it for the last month or two as it matches a garnet cluster ring I already own. I only had ten minutes to take pictures before we left for dinner. And my ring looks crappy since I had to take its picture when we arrived in the candle light lol. I'm a little sad it looks so dark in the pictures. It definitely has some orange and a little bit of brown in some lights but overall it is a lovely red, and the cut makes it look so cool! Will try to post some glamour shots tomorrow when I can photograph with no time limit!

Best color is neck shot. Except it doesn't have extinction like that I just could get a good angle in my rushed hurry. >.<







Congratulations on the lovely garnet, and the lovely man who bought it for you!