
The Secret / Law of Attraction

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Mar 18, 2008
Despite my "poor me" threads lately, I have actually been a lot more positive in my life, especially since about May or June, after I graduated from law school. I am (with some obvious degree of difficulty, given my overwhelming guilt and anxiety-ridden childhood) choosing to live a life where I am more focused on the positive than the negative, trying to focus on what I do have rather than what I don''t have (and I know my posts as of late do not reflect that, but I''m workin on it!!!!)...

Now, I might very well get flamed for this (or just as possible, ignored), but I am curious which other PSers believe in and practice the Law of Attraction...? You are such an informed and interesting crowd, and this might seem a little too "out there" or "new age-y," but I am just curious.
Date: 2/25/2009 3:02:58 PM
Despite my 'poor me' threads lately, I have actually been a lot more positive in my life, especially since about May or June, after I graduated from law school. I am (with some obvious degree of difficulty, given my overwhelming guilt and anxiety-ridden childhood) choosing to live a life where I am more focused on the positive than the negative, trying to focus on what I do have rather than what I don't have (and I know my posts as of late do not reflect that, but I'm workin on it!!!!)...

Now, I might very well get flamed for this (or just as possible, ignored), but I am curious which other PSers believe in and practice the Law of Attraction...? You are such an informed and interesting crowd, and this might seem a little too 'out there' or 'new age-y,' but I am just curious.
I definitely believe like attracts like and that positive energy is a very powerful force. So I do believe that if you can stay positive ( not always easy) that you will open yourself up to receive good opportunities in return. It is easy to slip into negative thinking, I have done plenty of it myself in fact but I have never found that it has done any good, harm certainly, so I try to avoid it where possible and turn things around. It takes practise but it can be done.
I''m not a new agey person by any stretch of the imagination, but I think being a positive person is generally a good thing across any belief system. I''m upbeat and positive. I''m also greatly blessed.

Now am I REALLY blessed or do I just see it that way? Hm. Dunno. But if it''s good to me, that''s all that matters, right?
I think being positive is important, but I see a difference in trying to not let the bad things in life get you down (at least for too long) and believing stuff like "if you think positive, good things will come to you." Sometimes you have to mourn, you have to rail, you have to vent, because that is how you get rid of the bad things that could weigh you down. So I guess I think you should try to focus on the positives, but not really fake it if you aren''t there yet.
expect the least what you expect the most then you wont be disappointed and might be surprised.

Storms thought of the day.
I believe that everyone should live in a way which makes them (and the people around them) feel happy and satisfied.

That said, this is vaguely my approach to life: low expectations lead to pleasant surprises. That doesn't mean I have low aspirations, low motivation or low standards, just low expectations of results.

I don't see it as pessimistic, I see it as being satisfied with what you have and not 'needing' more.
One should never stop striving for 'more,' because why not push your life to become better and more fulfilling? It doesn't mean you can't still be happy with where you are currently.

It's worked pretty well for me thus far!
I am with Storm & Musey on this.

I tend to prepare for the worst, if it doesn''t happen I am pleasantly surprised. If it does I am able to cope.
Have you seen the movie What the Bleep Do We Know? If you like The Secret, you''ll like the movie. It''s about quantum physics.

As for me, I think it''s all about perception and knowing what it is that makes you happy. The law of attraction seems to encourage people to perceive things in a positive way, and to identify things that will bring positivity into one''s life, which I appreciate. I wouldn''t say I practice it, but I can appreciate the message.

For what it''s worth, I actually have my sophomore English classes read excerpts from the book and analyze the assertions it makes as a part of my persuasive writing lessons.
A marketing 'group' I was in was touting this stuff before Oprah even knew about it; I saw the video when it first hit America.

No. I do not believe all the ideas that are promoted within this video/book; some of them actually contradict each other, which you'll notice if you pay careful attention. However we all know that thinking positively will have a positive effect on your life. But no, you cannot 'believe' yourself into wealth, health, happiness, power, etc. You must take the appropriate actions, believe in what you can do, and hope for the best outcome. Thinking that everything is yours for the asking is to set yourself up for major disappointment -- while you line the pockets of the charlatans who promote this thinking.
Date: 2/25/2009 4:13:45 PM
Author: Haven
Have you seen the movie What the Bleep Do We Know? If you like The Secret, you''ll like the movie. It''s about quantum physics.
I love that movie!!!!!
I am always the most positive one in the family. So far, nothing has changed, the other 3 are grumpy. However, ever the optimist, I continue to be happy and upbeat. Call me crazy!
Who knows, maybe one day things might change, right? I''ll still be the upbeat one, but maybe the other 3 will start seeing the light too. At least the dogs appreciate me.
Date: 2/25/2009 3:02:58 PM
Despite my ''poor me'' threads lately, I have actually been a lot more positive in my life, especially since about May or June, after I graduated from law school. I am (with some obvious degree of difficulty, given my overwhelming guilt and anxiety-ridden childhood) choosing to live a life where I am more focused on the positive than the negative, trying to focus on what I do have rather than what I don''t have (and I know my posts as of late do not reflect that, but I''m workin on it!!!!)...

Now, I might very well get flamed for this (or just as possible, ignored), but I am curious which other PSers believe in and practice the Law of Attraction...? You are such an informed and interesting crowd, and this might seem a little too ''out there'' or ''new age-y,'' but I am just curious.
Alli_Esq, you don''t have to share if you don''t want to, but this is the most telling in your post.

Why did you have such a guilt and anxiety-ridden childhood?

Also, what do you mean by "law of attraction"? Do you want to attract certain types of people in your life?
YUP!! heehee i was kinda excited to see this subject..

I''m a huge believer!

But I''m totally out there and new-agey...
I am a firm believer that positive energy attracts positive energy; positive people attract the same, etc. I have listened to some of The Law of Attractionon cd and while I can''t say that I believe every single word, I feel strongly about the overall concept.

And like TravelingGal, whether it is my perception or reality, it sure makes life pleasant!
I find that like attracts like, so during times in my life when I hit bumps and struggled to see the good I found myself surrounded by people in a similar place. Now, even though I still hit bumps like everyone else, I handle them differently, much better, and as a result I am now surrounded by people who take their licks with their eyes forward, in search of the lesson as opposed to the "Whoa is me!"

I don''t think it''s "new agey" it''s common sense. I want to be surrounded by people who seek the good and positive. I find "poor me" a waste of time and energy that could be spent fixing the problem, letting go and moving on, acknowledging and learning from mistakes, etc. so I''m not likely to spend a lot of time and energy on people who want to wallow.
Lorelei: It certainly does take practice. I have little notes for myself in random places (including on my monitor at work) to remind me to be grateful and happy for that which I do have. It is hard to all of a sudden start being positive when my first reaction has always been negative, but I have to work on it.

TravelingGal: that is all that matters. For all the skeptics out there, all I have to say is that even if like dosn''t really attract like, and you can''t just summon good things to happen just because you focus on them, at least it makes you a happier person all around, and who wouldn''t rather have a positive force in their lives than a negative one??

Sabine: Sometimes I find that it does help to fake it. It usually makes me feel better to say "I am grateful for my job" than to say "I hate my boss with a fiery passion that burns brighter than the hottest flames in hell," you know? oops. I think I just gave something away.

strmrdr: I always used to feel that way, and that was pretty much my mantra...and I guess in some ways I''m still stuck there...but looking forward to something and the calm that comes with the knowledge that "only good can come from this," and "I am safe," is just so comforting if you can really believe it.

musey: I think being happy where you are is exactly the idea of the law of attraction. Of course, if you desire more than what you have, the idea is to believe that you are living in it, so being happy where you already are is sort of the ultimate in getting what you wanted, right?

Steel: like I said, I was always that way, but it never made me happy. I''m much happier being focused on the good than anxious about the "what might happen if this parade of horribles starts up?"...of course, we all have our own coping mechanisms, and I made it this far in my life having the one you are talking about, but I guess it''s just not working for me anymore...

Haven: I just moved it up on my Netflix queue
thanks for the suggestion! I think that''s really great that you''re introducing your classes to it--it is rather persuasive...haha...or maybe I''m just gullible?

HollyS: I''m curious what things you think contradict each other...not to argue with you about it at all, just because I''m interested in the subject and the people who feel strongly about it, one way or the other...

I don''t know, I guess it makes me feel good to know that the world is my oyster...even if it isn''t really.

lyra: I am sure more than the dogs appreciate you! It''s always great to have an upbeat person in your life...I need more of them!!

platinumrock: well, maybe I''m being over-dramatic...but my mother has always had major mental health issues, as well as just general physical health issues. She has had pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, a stroke, a heart attack and several other, more minor issues from the time that I was about 11 until the present, and because she was very VERY sick starting when I was in 5th grade (she was hospitalized for several months and nearly died from pancreatitis), I started having to take care of my brother at a pretty young age...and always felt a lot of anxiety and responsibility about my family...less so now, but it was bad for a long long time.

the law of attraction, as some people have already alluded to, essentially means that "like attracts like" and that whatever energy you have flowing from you (positive or negative) determines what will happen in your life. If you are focused on that which you DO want rather than that which you DON''T, and you live as if you have what it is that you want right now (i.e. "I have a career that thrills me, and I have all the money I desire and require" vs. "I hate my job and I''m broke"...the idea is to picture yourself in the situation, and summon the feelings that you would feel if you had all that you wanted in life)...does that make any sense?

Namaste: that is awesome--do you have any tips or ideas how to get someone like me (a newbie who has trouble with the whole being positive thing all the time) to get more of what she wants?

Gayletmom: I sure do agree--my life is a million times more pleasant than it could be...

KimberlyH: it really is a waste of time to be negative the way I have been in the past--so I agree, it does seem like common sense (to a smart, well-adjusted person...unlike the person I feel that I was for far too long)...
This book sounds interesting. I think in general if you are surrounded by happy people it is contagious and if you are surrounded by negative people that too is contagious. I like to surround myself with content people with a healthy balance. I know people in general are going to have troubles in life (not exactly something we can control) but I think it is how you react to the problems that ultimately determine your overall happy/healthy well being in life.
Date: 2/26/2009 11:58:03 AM
Author: Skippy123
This book sounds interesting. I think in general if you are surrounded by happy people it is contagious and if you are surrounded by negative people that too is contagious. I like to surround myself with content people with a healthy balance. I know people in general are going to have troubles in life (not exactly something we can control) but I think it is how you react to the problems that ultimately determine your overall happy/healthy well being in life.
Couldn''t agree more!
About the perceived contradictions, from my POV, below is a good example:

I thought it was odd that a number of these 'gurus' advocated the thinking away of illness, while at the same time agreeing that you can will anything into or out of being -- if you act healthy, and think healthy to start with, why are your becoming ill at all?

And while that may seem that I'm being picky about details, if you've watched the video, you know that their reasoning is that simplistic. "You have control over all outside forces just by the power of your thoughts." (I'm paraphrasing, but not taking anything out of context.)

A very weird idea, put forth by Esther Hicks, was that we can't fight wars, nor can we think about or read about or protest any war, because just having any focus on war -- in whatever light -- will perpetuate war. So if you protest, you are causing more war ??? If you're involved at all, from providing services and goods to be used, to actual fighting, to the families left behind thinking about their soldiers, you will provide fodder for the cosmic universe to use for the continuation of war. Because your thoughts are that powerful???
So in order for there to never be war, we must turn a blind eye, not just the other cheek, so that we don't 'think' war into being. Does anybody agree with that?

Now, I did employ the 'thinking into being' philosophy when I felt it was time to get engaged.
It worked.
Date: 2/26/2009 1:45:10 PM
Author: HollyS
About the perceived contradictions, from my POV, below is a good example:

I thought it was odd that a number of these ''gurus'' advocated the thinking away of illness, while at the same time agreeing that you can will anything into or out of being -- if you act healthy, and think healthy to start with, why are your becoming ill at all?

And while that may seem that I''m being picky about details, if you''ve watched the video, you know that their reasoning is that simplistic. ''You have control over all outside forces just by the power of your thoughts.'' (I''m paraphrasing, but not taking anything out of context.)

A very weird idea, put forth by Esther Hicks, was that we can''t fight wars, nor can we think about or read about or protest any war, because just having any focus on war -- in whatever light -- will perpetuate war. So if you protest, you are causing more war ??? If you''re involved at all, from providing services and goods to be used, to actual fighting, to the families left behind thinking about their soldiers, you will provide fodder for the cosmic universe to use for the continuation of war. Because your thoughts are that powerful???
So in order for there to never be war, we must turn a blind eye, not just the other cheek, so that we don''t ''think'' war into being. Does anybody agree with that?

Now, I did employ the ''thinking into being'' philosophy when I felt it was time to get engaged.
It worked.

Ok I just want to say that the movie the Secret has been criticized over and over again.. and not just by skeptics of the law of attraction but also by teachers in the "new age" and self help world.. and rightly so.
Basically The Secret is a pretty good introduction to the law attraction. It''s just a taste. It leaves a lot of unanswered questions to some people and it leaves some things out. In my opinion it REALLY over-simplifies the concept.
By no means is this a new idea, but thanks to Rhonda Byrne (and Oprah) it''s one that has become extremely popular.

About the whole Esther Hicks and war thing. What she is getting at is one of the main teachings behind the law of attraction is "what you resist, persists". I don''t think it''s necessarily about turning a blind eye, or even turning the other cheek, as much as it''s about focusing your intentions on PEACE instead of ANTI-WAR protests and whatnot.
There is a difference.
Protesting causes more conflict because you are in effect PUSHING against the idea of war... and war''s just gonna push right back at you.
One of the main points of the movie was that people are always focusing on what they DON''T want instead of what they DO want. And even if you''re saying "NO NO NO I don''t want war!" the universal consciousness cannot decipher between "YES I want this" and "No I don''t want this".. it can only register that energy is being focused on one certain thing (war). Simply stated the universe does not have "NO" or "NOT" in it''s vocabulary if that makes sense.. That is why it''s so important to only focus on what is wanted.
I have no idea if I''m doing a halfway decent job of explaining this.
If anyone is really interested in learning more I highly recommend the Abraham-Hicks books. Or if you''re uncomfortable with "channeled" material there are tons of awesome books out there that go more into depth..
Date: 2/26/2009 11:38:13 AM
Author: alli_esq

Namaste: that is awesome--do you have any tips or ideas how to get someone like me (a newbie who has trouble with the whole being positive thing all the time) to get more of what she wants?

Well, I''m no saint I''ll tell ya that

I''m learning as i go along..
It''s hard to be positive ALL the time. I think the first step is just being aware! Which it sounds like you are becoming/are.
Just be mindful of your thoughts. If you''re feeling icky or negative try and talk yourself out of it. Or take mini-steps to get yourself to a happy place. It''s hard sometimes but one of the main ideas I keep hearing over and over is that happiness is a choice. It''s a lot easier to attract those good things to yourself when you are feeling good.
The main things I''ve learned are basically to go with the flow - let your feelings lead you. Sometimes you''re led to places, people, things and when you look back it''s just so clear that everything that happened was meant to be (even the painful experiences).
And I''ve found that every single time that you don''t get what you (*think you*) want it''s because there''s something bigger and better right around the corner..
seriously.. every time I''ve wanted something SOOOO FRIGGIN bad and I didn''t get it (job, guy, etc.) I found something 10 times better than I could have dreamed of.
But then again, if I don''t get something that I wanted so bad that''s what I TELL myself.. that this must''ve been a false alarm.. that it can only mean there''s something a thousand times better than what I just supposedly "missed out on" on it''s way to me.
It takes faith and a KNOWing..

i dunno.. I don''t even really feel qualified to give advice on this! haha

I''m just a fellow seeker/student of the universe (haha ok that sounded REALLY new-agey
Date: 2/26/2009 7:32:04 PM
Author: Namaste
Date: 2/26/2009 11:38:13 AM

Author: alli_esq

Namaste: that is awesome--do you have any tips or ideas how to get someone like me (a newbie who has trouble with the whole being positive thing all the time) to get more of what she wants?

Well, I''m no saint I''ll tell ya that

I''m learning as i go along..

It''s hard to be positive ALL the time. I think the first step is just being aware! Which it sounds like you are becoming/are.

Just be mindful of your thoughts. If you''re feeling icky or negative try and talk yourself out of it. Or take mini-steps to get yourself to a happy place. It''s hard sometimes but one of the main ideas I keep hearing over and over is that happiness is a choice. It''s a lot easier to attract those good things to yourself when you are feeling good.

The main things I''ve learned are basically to go with the flow - let your feelings lead you. Sometimes you''re led to places, people, things and when you look back it''s just so clear that everything that happened was meant to be (even the painful experiences).

And I''ve found that every single time that you don''t get what you (*think you*) want it''s because there''s something bigger and better right around the corner..

seriously.. every time I''ve wanted something SOOOO FRIGGIN bad and I didn''t get it (job, guy, etc.) I found something 10 times better than I could have dreamed of.

But then again, if I don''t get something that I wanted so bad that''s what I TELL myself.. that this must''ve been a false alarm.. that it can only mean there''s something a thousand times better than what I just supposedly ''missed out on'' on it''s way to me.

It takes faith and a KNOWing..

i dunno.. I don''t even really feel qualified to give advice on this! haha

I''m just a fellow seeker/student of the universe (haha ok that sounded REALLY new-agey

I do that as well, my personal belief is oh well the universe obviously has something better/right/different plan in line for me.

I would call myself an eternal optimist, I have been since I was a child and things somehow always end up right even when they seem bad at the time it all turns good :), for that reason I consider myself lucky :). I personally think the key is to try look at the postive aspect of anything that happens - granted somethings don''t have a positive but most things do :) it is all perspective IMO.
Date: 2/26/2009 7:32:04 PM
Author: Namaste
Well, I'm no saint I'll tell ya that

I'm learning as i go along..
It's hard to be positive ALL the time. I think the first step is just being aware! Which it sounds like you are becoming/are.
Just be mindful of your thoughts. If you're feeling icky or negative try and talk yourself out of it. Or take mini-steps to get yourself to a happy place. It's hard sometimes but one of the main ideas I keep hearing over and over is that happiness is a choice. It's a lot easier to attract those good things to yourself when you are feeling good.
The main things I've learned are basically to go with the flow - let your feelings lead you. Sometimes you're led to places, people, things and when you look back it's just so clear that everything that happened was meant to be (even the painful experiences).
And I've found that every single time that you don't get what you (*think you*) want it's because there's something bigger and better right around the corner..
seriously.. every time I've wanted something SOOOO FRIGGIN bad and I didn't get it (job, guy, etc.) I found something 10 times better than I could have dreamed of.
But then again, if I don't get something that I wanted so bad that's what I TELL myself.. that this must've been a false alarm.. that it can only mean there's something a thousand times better than what I just supposedly 'missed out on' on it's way to me.
It takes faith and a KNOWing..

i dunno.. I don't even really feel qualified to give advice on this! haha

I'm just a fellow seeker/student of the universe (haha ok that sounded REALLY new-agey
That is so true!!! I am going to try and remember that; I am usually pretty good at doing that but sometimes I forget. I think I will print this. hehe I like what you say about being mindful of your thoughts too; good info.
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