
the real reason gay men dont get fat!

I guess I'm an exception to the generalization.
there are always exceptions to the rules..... :wavey:
me included... :wavey:
kenny|1398319344|3659010 said:
I guess I'm an exception to the generalization.
Yes, People varies... :lol: I heard that some where before... :confused:
Isn't this the reason that anyone does anything to look attractive? So they won't end up old and lonely?

I feel like telling the writer "Just cause it's new to you, doesn't mean it's actually new". :rolleyes:

But every time I see these buff people sweating as they jog by I mumble to myself "Eat right, exercise, die anyway."

I apparently have all kinds of snarky issues. Most of them seem to manifest as talking to myself :)
kenny|1398319344|3659010 said:
I guess I'm an exception to the generalization.

Kenny, your response is too calm and rational. You were supposed to post a long litany of how this is completely wrong because you are an exception, and how you were deeply offended.

Have you learned nothing?

iLander|1398367391|3659290 said:
Isn't this the reason that anyone does anything to look attractive? So they won't end up old and lonely?

I feel like telling the writer "Just cause it's new to you, doesn't mean it's actually new". :rolleyes:

But every time I see these buff people sweating as they jog by I mumble to myself "Eat right, exercise, die anyway."

I apparently have all kinds of snarky issues. Most of them seem to manifest as talking to myself :)

(snort!) In my town, a woman can be thin, attractive, moneyed, childless, employed, and eligible. And she'll still wind up old and lonely and single, because the men here like their women very far over on the trashy side, they don't marry, and single men here are mostly losers with a high school education and a high school mentality to match. If a woman hasn't found a husband by age 22 in this county, she should pack up and move. :lol:
I also have long suspected (seriously, for about 7 years now) that this isolated rural area is also a haven for closet gay and bi men. Guys running with other guys is the norm. You almost never see a vehicle with a man and a woman in it. You see a man, or two men, and then you see other vehicles with women or mom + the kids, but no man. Barbecue ribs, beer guts, Harleys, no women anywhere: Check. There's a lake nearby that has some old bars and what's left of an old amusement park. Go there almost any Saturday night in the summer and the place looks like it's full of The Village People on Harleys. If I even see a really buff guy jogging around here, I immediately presume he must be gay. :lol:
iLander|1398367391|3659290 said:
.........But every time I see these buff people sweating as they jog by I mumble to myself "Eat right, exercise, die anyway."
I apparently have all kinds of snarky issues. Most of them seem to manifest as talking to myself :)

:wavey: OMG, LOL! :lol:
Kenny and Greg,
I've met you two and you are NOT fat. :))
How kind Chrono....

Little S is now 9 months.... and i have not had any exercise for the past 12 months, and eating habits are atrocious..devoured daughters eater bunny before heading out to the movies..... work pants are rather... fitting!!!!!
gregchang35|1398442232|3659890 said:
How kind Chrono....

Little S is now 9 months.... and i have not had any exercise for the past 12 months, and eating habits are atrocious..devoured daughters eater bunny before heading out to the movies..... work pants are rather... fitting!!!!!

How about thinking of it this are just stocking up all the energy you can before she starts walking...?!

Still thinking about ear studs for your babies?
I like your thnking about storing energy.... little S is now starting to stand!!!! so that means that i have to start running after her..... in an aerobic activity kinda way......... hmmmm...

Well, I am no longer thinking about studs... it is a matter of getting them. I am going to buy them a set and i am pretty sure we are making a trip to the US in 2015. One of the places that we are going to visit is GOG. So, i will make my decision then whether they are going to be AVR or MRB.... my heart is leaning towards AVR for the facetting even though at 0.5tcw, the MRB may sparkle more. Now that i read that the patents are through for GOG AV lines, i am even more tempted to get the AVR... :read: :appl:

I am not going to get the girls ears pierced until they are ready, if ever they are.....
if they dont get them pierced, then i will save the 0.5tcw for lapel pins!!!!!
Hardly anyone wears lapel pins these days unless you are royalty or attending something formal. I think they can always be re-used as side stones for rings or pendants.
Chrono said:
Hardly anyone wears lapel pins these days unless you are royalty or attending something formal. I think they can always be re-used as side stones for rings or pendants.

I guess i am a QUEEN, so that qualifies??????? :appl: :appl: :cheeky: :cheeky:
gregchang35|1398951780|3664267 said:
Chrono said:
Hardly anyone wears lapel pins these days unless you are royalty or attending something formal. I think they can always be re-used as side stones for rings or pendants.

I guess i am a QUEEN, so that qualifies??????? :appl: :appl: :cheeky: :cheeky:

How 'bout you guys getting your ear pierced?? That way you passed down 2 pair of well-worn/loved heirlooms...
I already have mine pierced - 1.0, they will get one each for their RHR.

DH will not get his ears pierced, though he wishes he could so that he could wear the bling. earrings are not him.

I am just itching to buy my girls their first diamond earrings, for their 21st... ehhehehehehehe they only 3 yo and 9 month old..
buy them now! good excuse is that diamonds will go up in price, not down! and you'll have such fun now!
HI MZ :wavey:

Exactly about buying them now with the prices as they are as opposed to later.... i put a post up in another thread about timing it all and when realistically should they get their ears pierced....

I am planning on getting them 'now'. Theoretically i have already bought them. but want to see MRB and AVR in person before i make the decision. they are at 0.5tcw so it may or may not make a difference with facet patterning.... if i buy in 2014...I will have to pay taxes and duty when i am still in AUS, so was planning to make the purchase while in the US in 2015.

i know i will have so much fun planning for these little sparklies.... :appl:
gregchang35|1398959119|3664362 said:
HI MZ :wavey:

Exactly about buying them now with the prices as they are as opposed to later.... i put a post up in another thread about timing it all and when realistically should they get their ears pierced....

I am planning on getting them 'now'. Theoretically i have already bought them. but want to see MRB and AVR in person before i make the decision. they are at 0.5tcw so it may or may not make a difference with facet patterning.... if i buy in 2014...I will have to pay taxes and duty when i am still in AUS, so was planning to make the purchase while in the US in 2015.

i know i will have so much fun planning for these little sparklies.... :appl:

Maybe we could convince Jon to have an in-store cocktail party while you are there...kind of a mini-Las Vega event =)
THat would be nice!

I can check out a few stones for sure!!!! drooolllll....
That would be awesome although Jon might have to put us in a corner so that we do not get too rowdy and disturb his other customers. :lol: