
The Real Housewives NYC

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May 14, 2008
Well, I''ve never seen this programme - ever! But apparently today it may well be worth tuning in to - for jewellery lovers that is!

Dear oh dear, this hobby is fast heading to obsession. I am now at the stage where I stop perfect strangers in the Starbucks queue to admire their jewellery. Yes, honest I did. Yesterday morning in front of me was a beautiful huge garnet ring. It looked like one of those beautiful tangas we see from time to time. So of course I had to engage it''s owner.

Thankfully, she is a similar addict - and English, so we struck up a conversation. I must have looked eccentric to her as here I was - 8:30 am in full gardening apparel, just gearing up for a hard Spring clean-up day and looking about as much a connoisseur of fine gems as it''s possible to look - thankfully she saw through that, or at least was polite enough not to query!

She was also wearing an amazing pair of Rose de France amethyst earrings - bezelled round B''s, sheppards hook and briolettes. I commented on those as well.

Which is what brings me around to my subject line. Apparently, her earrings were by a desinger called Ray Griffiths and he is being featured on today''s episode of Real Housewives (NYC I guess).

Naturally, on opening the conversation with this delightful stranger, I also told her about Pricescope and invited her to drop in. Turns out Sarah Jane is the manager at J. Vair Anderson, one of Calgary''s premier jewellers.

Well, I''m headed off out to work again in a few minutes, wonder who I''ll spy in Starbucks this morning!!
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