
The process involved in going custom

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Dec 29, 2006
For those of you who have not bought stock settings and have chosen the custom (or semi-custom too, I suppose) route, what was the process like? Beginning to end, what happened?


Jun 29, 2006



Jan 3, 2005
Hi Zoe,

I''ve done 2 custom projects thus far. One was an eternity band, I called ordered it in the size I wanted and it was shipped to me 10 days later. The second project was to reset my e-ring stone. I emailed Quest pictures of what I wanted and they gave me a quote. I shipped them my stone and they quoted me 2 weeks to make the setting. they were unable to replicate the settings in their cad system and attempted to cast a ring the first time and they weren''t happy with the result so they started over making my ring my hand. It took 2 weeks longer than I thought and was very nervewrecking but I was very pleased with the end result. I actually hope to find a ready made setting for my upgrade because I just don''t like the anxiousness and stress custom causes me but if I don''t find the right setting I will probably end up going down that road again.


Dec 29, 2006
Oops. Sorry, Cehra! Bad timing on my part maybe?
I read all about what happened and I''m pleased that things have worked themselves out. Anyway, aside from Cehra (''cause we ALL know what happened there!
), would anyone else like to chime in?

I''m curious to know what each step of the process was like. Having never done this before, it''s a huge leap of faith, and I want to know what happens first, second, etc. Right now we''re just at the price quoting stage. The vendor would like us to speak with the jeweler also. Is it possible to see a mock up of what the ring could look like before we decide on it (and the vendor) definitely? I''ve e-mailed the vendor a bunch of settings we love, so I''m anxious to see what they say.

I don''t personally know anyone who has gone the internet route, so I kind of feel like we''re alone in this (aside from PS of course).


Aug 8, 2005
I can tell you what the beginning steps are.

First decide if you want a build to print or a artistic collaboration or an artistic vision.

Build to print: You know exactly what you want and someone to bring your vision to life. You might be ammenable to structural advice, but not design advice.

Artistic collaboration: You like the look of the person''s OWN work, and want something that has major elements you dictate, but you are open to ideas and suggestions on the design level and the final product will be a melding of visions.

Artistic vision: You like the designers work and trust them enough that you give them a few parameters (vintage look with halo) and budget but are happy to leave everything else up to their discretion with only minimum involvement.

The type of project you want will dictate the fabricator/artist you pick. Quest and WF aren''t for everyone ... and neither are Leon and MWM.

Second if your doing a build to print... you have a few places to choose from... you call and get qoutes, and perhaps request drawing and CADs to make sure you and the person who will be bringing your vision to life are on the same page. If you are doing a collaboration you also want to call the person up and feel them out... will your personalites work together... do you both have the same idea of what ''collaboration'' means? If you are looking for an atristic vision, you are probably focused on a designer already... so its really a matter of calling them up and requesting a qoute.

The process itself will be different depending on which of the three project types above you desire. In one you are actively controlling the process and all decisions are your. In another you are working with someone to achieve a product that satisfies both your visions. And in the third you are mostly waiting for a design that you may want to tweak a little bit (smaller prongs, thinner bezel) but mostly your just waiting until the designer is done and happy with the product.

This is how I see it. Hope this helps.


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 2/16/2007 10:44:14 PM
Author: zoebartlett
Oops. Sorry, Cehra! Bad timing on my part maybe?
I read all about what happened and I''m pleased that things have worked themselves out. Anyway, aside from Cehra (''cause we ALL know what happened there!
), would anyone else like to chime in?

I''m curious to know what each step of the process was like. Having never done this before, it''s a huge leap of faith, and I want to know what happens first, second, etc. Right now we''re just at the price quoting stage. The vendor would like us to speak with the jeweler also. Is it possible to see a mock up of what the ring could look like before we decide on it (and the vendor) definitely? I''ve e-mailed the vendor a bunch of settings we love, so I''m anxious to see what they say.

I don''t personally know anyone who has gone the internet route, so I kind of feel like we''re alone in this (aside from PS of course).
Nah, don''t be sorry - one MUST have a sense of humor in life... and if one loses ones sense of humor, one must then have a sense of humor about not having a sense of humor... and if one loses that one might as well kiss their sanity goodbye!! ;-)


Jan 21, 2006
This is not exactly what you are looking for, but below is a thread I started about my ppt presentation I gave to WF who designed my wedding band. It definitely was an easy and effective way to communicate to a vendor. I would also read Gypsy''s thread about MM who was offended by a ppt presentation and watch the way you word it so that there is nothing offensive in the language.


Sep 21, 2006
I was very happy with my final result, but I do not think the custom route is for everyone. It is nervwracking and scarey at times! I went with a local person, where I was able to try the wax on in person, and I used KCoursolle''s ideas of specific notes. (Thanks KC) I think the process was difficult, in that when you have very specific ideas, it can be even tougher to have the perfect final outcome. Designers sometimes do not understand exactly what you want-even with pics and detailed information. In order to be successful, I think you have to be willing to speak up and say you don''t like something, even if you are afraid that it will insult the designer''s feelings, and you may have to be willing to do some legwork to get what you want, or to look at many things, and try them on. We had several go arounds, and one where I thought -what are they doing-I hate this!
And one where I thought-I love this!
The jeweler I worked with told me most custom clients go wtih something relatively simple, and assume the designer knows best.

Although I looked at every setting known to man I couldn''t find what I wanted, so custom was the only route to go. We also ended up spending twice what we had planned on to get what I wanted. But I wasn''t willing to compromise, just to get ''something''. I love my ring, and get compliments on it every day, and love the fact it is unique. Cehra can attest to the fact, that you have to find the right person for the project-the right fit, and you have to trust them. There is no way I could have done this projuect long distance, or at the very least without trying on the wax.

What kind of design are you trying to have made?


Dec 29, 2006
Thanks for the suggestions. I think I said a while back that I would keep the posts on this subject to a minimum until a decision is made. Easier said than done I'm afraid. When I wrote to the vendor, I actually used something similar to what kcoursolle had done-- I wrote out our thoughts on what we liked/preferred. Thanks for the tips kcoursolle! I had read Gypsy's thread also and I've found all the info. very helpful. Gypsy, thanks for the detailed description of the beginning process! Based on the 3 options/scenarios you listed, I think we'd like to go with artistic collaboration. This seems like a good combination of using what we like and incorporating the designer's ideas and thoughts on the ring. Gail, you had asked what design we want to have made. These are the top contenders I believe. Believe me, if we kept looking, I"m sure we'd find others too! These all have very similar elements. (R738) (Bonita -- this is my boyfriend's favorite, "by far," in his words) (Desire -- the shank looks a little too wide but I love the look overall) (Monica -- this was a custom piece I believe, inspired by the Princess Elegance. I'd want 3 RBs though instead of princesses)


Jan 17, 2007
I have finally picked a stone and they are supposedly working on the wax today, so I am still in the middle of the process. Hopefully I will be able to see it next weekend. Any thoughts from you more experienced custom-ers as to what to look for in examining a wax model? Will the wax look bigger or smaller than I can expect from the end product? Anything to look out for?

I went the collaborative middle road -- showed pictures of the attributes of certain existing rings that I liked and wanted to combine, as well as some sketches, and the jeweler did some sketching based on that to incorporate all of the desired elements and also make it look unique and cohesive. The model maker does her full-time work for a major jewelery designer (but does work part time for the family-owned B&M I am using), so I am pretty confident that she understands my vision and will make something with the balance and flow I am looking for.

I''m very excited, but nervous, to see what the wax looks like! I''ll try to remember to bring my camera so I can post some pics of the wax. I am having fun keeping my family in the dark about the design (its got to be a surprise for someone, right?).



Dec 29, 2006
Date: 2/17/2007 4:58:39 PM
Author: enbcfsobe

I have finally picked a stone and they are supposedly working on the wax today, so I am still in the middle of the process. Hopefully I will be able to see it next weekend. Any thoughts from you more experienced custom-ers as to what to look for in examining a wax model? Will the wax look bigger or smaller than I can expect from the end product? Anything to look out for?

I went the collaborative middle road -- showed pictures of the attributes of certain existing rings that I liked and wanted to combine, as well as some sketches, and the jeweler did some sketching based on that to incorporate all of the desired elements and also make it look unique and cohesive. The model maker does her full-time work for a major jewelery designer (but does work part time for the family-owned B&M I am using), so I am pretty confident that she understands my vision and will make something with the balance and flow I am looking for.

I''m very excited, but nervous, to see what the wax looks like! I''ll try to remember to bring my camera so I can post some pics of the wax. I am having fun keeping my family in the dark about the design (its got to be a surprise for someone, right?).

Good questions! What type of design are you going for?


Jan 17, 2007
i am going for something that follows the general idea of the vatche royal crown but the shank has a twist/half braid in it. it will have 6 prongs at 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. it is somewhat hard to explain. my biggest worry is probably that it will not look as delicate as I want.
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