
The Official TTC Thread!


Jan 7, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello all!

AMC - Godspeed! You are very motivated, I must say.

LC - I hope this is it, so happy that you've managed to fit in a shot at this cycle :)

RT - wow, you've been through a lot recently! Hopefully this is it and you start ovulating normally now. Try not to get bogged down in the "it's just me" thing - I'm sure your DH would back me up here, it is a team effort regardless of where/in whom the physiological issues are.

Anchor - I'm sorry to hear you got a BFN :( Onward and upward - that having been cycle 6, are you thinking about getting an RE opinion now? Hopefully your bean is just around the corner.

Clairitek - all my hopes are pinned on you now!!!

CD8 here today. Have been temping and my temp is EXACTLY THE SAME (within like, 0.05 of a degree C) every morning. Is that what normally happens?? OPKs haven't arrived yet. I have been told and have read that BDing every second day during the fertile window is just as good if not better than every day, any comments on that? Think we will start around CD16-17 (which I would predict to be around O-5 if this cycle is the same as previous.


Jun 18, 2010
Pancake- some people have very consistent temps, some don't. Usually it's not the temps themselves but the pattern that becomes apparent. My temps are in the low 97s at the beginning of my cycle and then go down to the high 96s for a few days before I O. I almost always get 96.8 on the day of ovulation. As far as timing, every other day is fine. I do every other day once I get EWCM and then switch to daily once I get a positive opk. I read a study that said the ideal timing is O day, O-1, and O-2. Of course it's hard to know if you have that timing until after the fact.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Pancake, yes I heard every other day is plenty good. But, y'know if you guys just enjoy the extra practice than who's to stop you :) I'm pretty happy that my cycles are just REGULAR (albeit long), so I have an idea when's my fertile window. Last go round I had no freaking clue.

AMC, That's definitely a positive OPK. Good luck this cycle. LOL you're converting more of our ladies here to the dark side. LOL, glad I'll have someone to test with next weekend. I'm hoping I'll be 10 DPO by then, but who knows.

Claire, hey, you don't have to hide your POAS-craziness from us. We're all part of the same group. Once I get a positive (e.g. OPK or HPT) I was literally peeing multiple times a day. It's getting the negatives that just suck the will out of me. Fingers crossed that the sore boobs are a good sign :)

AFM: My *1st ever* positive OPK! At least it looked pretty positive to me. Woo hoo. Managed to BD last night too, literally the first time EVER we've ever BD'd two days in a row, if we weren't on vacation. And for the mamas, is it just me, or is sex when you're on vacation like non-existent now that you have a kiddo. Mostly because hotel rooms we're sharing with Ethan, but very very rarely do we get a chance to have sex. It's such a waste.


Jun 18, 2010
LC, I hear ya. We were in vacation for ten days and didn't do it once. B slept between us the whole time. Well, and AF came right in the middle of it as well. So yeah, it's definitely different with a kid. And we are cycle twins if you got your positive opk today since I got mine today as well.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, yeah the no sex vacations are pretty stinky. Oh well, price of parenting (small price). Maybe when the kiddos get old enough to get their own room... Or at least no longer sleeping in a crib.

My OPK was on its fade out this morning, so I really think I O'd yesterday. Didn't get a change to BD, but I'm pretty happy with our record: O-1, O-2, O-4. TWW here I an...


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1386174501|3567393 said:
AMC, yeah the no sex vacations are pretty stinky. Oh well, price of parenting (small price). Maybe when the kiddos get old enough to get their own room... Or at least no longer sleeping in a crib.

My OPK was on its fade out this morning, so I really think I O'd yesterday. Didn't get a change to BD, but I'm pretty happy with our record: O-1, O-2, O-4. TWW here I an...

Welcome welcome! I hope your stay is productive! I think that timing is pretty damn impressive considering you are both working and have a toddler at home.

This vacation was definitely the most vacation sex we've ever had but we had a mission as well. By my math we hit 0+1, 0, 0-1 AM/PM, 0-2, 0-4. This is if I Od on Monday (got the big positive OPK on Sunday night and saw the fade by Monday night).

Continued bb soreness from me. I had to wear a sports bra to bed last night. Dawned on me today that the milky white CM I have been seeing may be associated with early pregnancy. I googled. It is. Apparently (if it really IS associated with pregnancy and not something else) it's called leukorrhea. Learn something new every day! Really trying to heed LC's advice to wait until the weekend. Saturday, please come faster! At that time I'll be 12 DPO.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairi, now that I think of it, maybe I had that milky white CM when I got pregnant also. Keeping fingers crossed for you. :) Hold out till Saturday, and don't listen to AMC when she tells you to test anyway (LOL, AMC)


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1386177834|3567434 said:
Clairi, now that I think of it, maybe I had that milky white CM when I got pregnant also. Keeping fingers crossed for you. :) Hold out till Saturday, and don't listen to AMC when she tells you to test anyway (LOL, AMC)

The tests and cups have been removed from the bathroom and tucked away in a cabinet. Not seeing that pink box every time I step into the bathroom helps a lot. I hope DH realizes we are getting up at like 6 am on Saturday morning. That's when our cats wake us up anyway.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Haha, LC. Clairitek, you just test whenever you want :) FWIW, I also had the creamy CM in early pregnancy. It started at 9DPO.

Well, we dtd again last night. I was pretty sure I O'd yesterday because I had some O pains (although they were slightly different than usual). My temp went up a bit this morning but not enough for me to say I for sure O'd...I guess I will have to see what my temps do the next few days.

ETA- How important is it to BD on O day? If I O today (rather than yesterday) I don't know if we will be able to BD tonight. Theoretically, it seems the day before O is more important since it takes 12 hours or so for the sperm to get up there, right?


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, you're the testing downfall of everyone on this thread, LOL. That's OK, we love having you around because of it :) Not sure how important it is to BD on actual O day. I remember when I got pregnant with E our BD timing was horrible, 5 days before a week after O, so I don't think timing has all super critical. As long as you're in the ball park. And remember sperm can survive for something like 4-5 days

Clairi, the weekend will be here before you know it. :)


Jun 21, 2011
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1386188759|3567582 said:
ETA- How important is it to BD on O day? If I O today (rather than yesterday) I don't know if we will be able to BD tonight. Theoretically, it seems the day before O is more important since it takes 12 hours or so for the sperm to get up there, right?
Amc - I don't know about for others, but the cycle I got pregnant I did not BD on the day I O'd . We did however DTD in the a.m. the next day and three nights in a row before the day I O'd. For whatever reason it just did not work out that we got it in the day of O.


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1386190361|3567613 said:
AMC, you're the testing downfall of everyone on this thread, LOL. That's OK, we love having you around because of it :) Not sure how important it is to BD on actual O day. I remember when I got pregnant with E our BD timing was horrible, 5 days before a week after O, so I don't think timing has all super critical. As long as you're in the ball park. And remember sperm can survive for something like 4-5 days

Clairi, the weekend will be here before you know it. :)

AMC is the little pee stick wielding devil on my shoulder whispering "just do iiiiittt pee on this stiiiiick." I will resist! If I didn't have this meeting tomorrow morning I may go for it. I'm feeling unreasonably optimistic due to the CM and sore bbs. I better temper that expectation so if things don't work out I'm not too crushed.

Tomorrow should go by quickly for me since I should be really focused on my meeting. I'm sure Friday will craaaaaaawl and I bet I hardly sleep on Friday night!

So who is the TWW right now?
LC, AMC, me... anyone else? I believe Pancake and anchor are in the earlier parts of the cycle.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek|1386204727|3567769 said:
lliang_chi|1386190361|3567613 said:
AMC, you're the testing downfall of everyone on this thread, LOL. That's OK, we love having you around because of it :) Not sure how important it is to BD on actual O day. I remember when I got pregnant with E our BD timing was horrible, 5 days before a week after O, so I don't think timing has all super critical. As long as you're in the ball park. And remember sperm can survive for something like 4-5 days

Clairi, the weekend will be here before you know it. :)

AMC is the little pee stick wielding devil on my shoulder whispering "just do iiiiittt pee on this stiiiiick." I will resist! If I didn't have this meeting tomorrow morning I may go for it. I'm feeling unreasonably optimistic due to the CM and sore bbs. I better temper that expectation so if things don't work out I'm not too crushed.

Tomorrow should go by quickly for me since I should be really focused on my meeting. I'm sure Friday will craaaaaaawl and I bet I hardly sleep on Friday night!

So who is the TWW right now?
LC, AMC, me... anyone else? I believe Pancake and anchor are in the earlier parts of the cycle.

Juussstt doooo itttt :)

I don't want to give false hope, but when I was pregnant last time I had the creamy CM at 9dpo (as I already mentioned) and crazy sore nipples at 13dpo.

I think I'm Oing right this second since my ovary is on fire. Hopefully my temp jumps tomorrow and I will officially be in the TWW.


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1386205390|3567782 said:
Clairitek|1386204727|3567769 said:
lliang_chi|1386190361|3567613 said:
AMC, you're the testing downfall of everyone on this thread, LOL. That's OK, we love having you around because of it :) Not sure how important it is to BD on actual O day. I remember when I got pregnant with E our BD timing was horrible, 5 days before a week after O, so I don't think timing has all super critical. As long as you're in the ball park. And remember sperm can survive for something like 4-5 days

Clairi, the weekend will be here before you know it. :)

AMC is the little pee stick wielding devil on my shoulder whispering "just do iiiiittt pee on this stiiiiick." I will resist! If I didn't have this meeting tomorrow morning I may go for it. I'm feeling unreasonably optimistic due to the CM and sore bbs. I better temper that expectation so if things don't work out I'm not too crushed.

Tomorrow should go by quickly for me since I should be really focused on my meeting. I'm sure Friday will craaaaaaawl and I bet I hardly sleep on Friday night!

So who is the TWW right now?
LC, AMC, me... anyone else? I believe Pancake and anchor are in the earlier parts of the cycle.

Juussstt doooo itttt :)

I don't want to give false hope, but when I was pregnant last time I had the creamy CM at 9dpo (as I already mentioned) and crazy sore nipples at 13dpo.

I think I'm Oing right this second since my ovary is on fire. Hopefully my temp jumps tomorrow and I will officially be in the TWW.

I wish I had such definitive pains to indicate ovulation! I am promising myself that if this cycle doesn't pan out then I need to temp next one.

I will resist! No pee sticks for me until Saturday!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I am officially in the TWW. 1DPO here. I will wait until at least 8DPO to test (I know, how patient of me). But I got a clear BFP with B at 9DPO and I know I would have pulled a line at 8DPO. And I do have those 6 FRERs just sitting there, begging to be used :)


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh! To all of you who are in the TWW- we should all test next's Friday the 13th!!


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LOL AMC, if I remember to test on Friday (evening) I'll test. But ideally I'd wait until Sunday the 15th. I got my BFP on 12 DPO, so AF was 2 days late. And Clairi is going to test THIS weekend, so hopefully we'll have some good news from her.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1386270262|3568218 said:
LOL AMC, if I remember to test on Friday (evening) I'll test. But ideally I'd wait until Sunday the 15th. I got my BFP on 12 DPO, so AF was 2 days late. And Clairi is going to test THIS weekend, so hopefully we'll have some good news from her.

Ah that's right. Well hopefully she will get a BFP and it will get the ball rolling. LC, are you 1dpo or 2?

ETA- math fail. You must be 2DPO if you will be 12DPO on Sunday.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, I think I'm just 1 day ahead of you, 2DPO.

Good luck Clairi


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1386278041|3568319 said:
AMC, I think I'm just 1 day ahead of you, 2DPO.

Good luck Clairi

Eh! Not feeling a whole lot of optimism right now. Ever since I got home I've had period-ish cramps. Not as bad as I get when I'm actually with AF but close. I hope this is just thing shifting around and growing down there and not actual AF. Thanks for the well-wishes! I hope I can kick off a string of BFPs around here. I nearly tested tonight but my husband talked me out of it.


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek|1386307947|3568597 said:
lliang_chi|1386278041|3568319 said:
AMC, I think I'm just 1 day ahead of you, 2DPO.

Good luck Clairi

Eh! Not feeling a whole lot of optimism right now. Ever since I got home I've had period-ish cramps. Not as bad as I get when I'm actually with AF but close. I hope this is just thing shifting around and growing down there and not actual AF. Thanks for the well-wishes! I hope I can kick off a string of BFPs around here. I nearly tested tonight but my husband talked me out of it.

So whatever was going on last night has subsided. This TTC ride is so interesting. On Tuesday/Wednesday I was 100000% convinced that I am pregnant. Then yesterday my bbs werent as sore and the milky CM stopped so I felt like maybe I was wrong. Then the cramps started and of course those could be due to AF or being pregnant. Ahhhhh! Well I should know tomorrow I think. I'll be 12 DPO and have managed to abstain from testing this week. Taking them out of the bathroom really helped. Less than 24 hours now!


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairi Wow, 12DPO is some impressive willpower. TBH, I got cramping when I was newly pregnant (maybe 8 wks?) and I was freaking out because I never experience period cramps before. I called and the nurse was like, "Eh, you're fine." I say, stay optimistic unless you see red discharge. Even pink or brown would be OK.


Jun 25, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey ladies! I sortof disappeared didn't I? FI was very happy when I told him and my mom and grandparents were ecstatic! And so you ladies know what I have been through for symptoms: major major gas, like so bad I am consistently uncomfortable, esp. at night. Acid reflux, lack of appetite at night, and last week I was having very irregular bowel movements (TMI but hey), but that has now subsided for the most part. Sore bb's now and again but not bad, no nausea unless you count nausea associated with needing to burp so so so so badly but it not moving. I DO NOT want seafood. I don't even like THINKING of seafood. Which is highly depressing b/c it's my fav normally :( . I DID come down with the flu this week, thus part of my silence. Yesterday I spent most of the day alternating sleeping and drinking gatorade. I also got a new job and have been training for that. So now I am back! I'll be joining the preggo thread but will of course check in to see how all you lovely ladies are doing!

Claritek - I honestly didn't notice anything leading up, so I am waiting VERY impatiently to hear from you!


Oct 11, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Claritek: can't wait to hear your news... I'm excited for you! Keeping my fingers crossed!

AMC and LC: Good luck! LC, your timing was awesome this cycle.

I'm CD15, getting close to a positive OPK. I started taking prenatals and B6 this cycle in hopes of extending my luteal phase.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yoooo hoooo..... Claritek.... <twiddling thumbs> Just waiting to hear from you ;))


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well all those things I was feeling weren't in my head. Due 8/18!

12 dpo test!



Jun 18, 2010
Yay yay yay!!! Congrats! That's a great line :)


Jun 25, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AAAAHHHHHH Claritek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!!! We get to be preggo buddies!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats Clairitek! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Holy stinkin' line, Batman! :appl: :appl:

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