
The Official TTC Thread!


Apr 14, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy Friday! Any exciting plans? DH & I are going to visit family upstate for the weekend for some hiking, playing with dogs & blueberry picking. :sun:

S&I, I hope you get good news on your bloodwork & clarification on the Rx instructions. How frustrating! Keep us posted & hope you're feeling better today. Any more spotting?

jas, I hope you can confirm O soon! It's confusing when all of the signs don't come together in the way we expect. Good luck with the DH pant removal process. :twirl:

China, thanks for the morning laugh. I'm glad that didn't happen to you, though!

MP, hi! Hope you're doing well. Are you officially in the 2WW now?

AFM, this morning marked the 3rd day of high temps. Could it be possible that I O'd after all even though I never got a strong test line on my OPK's? Here's my chart (I might have cheated a bit in marking a positive OPK for the darkest lines I got, even though it wasn't as dark as the control line). A note on the 2 super low temps--the first was taken when I switched to the BBT thermometer on CD6 & I had to get up super early (4 hours earlier than usual) on CD11.



Jan 21, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LV, I thought it was a bit pointless for the on-call nurse to not have access to the office's computer systems either. Oh well, good to know for the future, I guess.

Thanks for all the well wishes and sticky dust, jas, ChinaCat, and MP!

BrightSpot, the spotting hasn't gotten any worse so I guess that's good. Yay for 3 days of high temps and FF crosshairs! It might be possible that your body doesn't need as much LH as the test is looking for to still O? Okay, that didn't come out very clear. I guess try them again next month keeping in mind that your version of a positive surge may not ever be as dark as the control line?

AFM, I was finally able to call my OB's office in between my conference calls to get the Prometrium fiasco sorted out. It turns out the prescription was called in correctly - oral capsules to be inserted vaginally! :-o The NP said pharmacies call them back all the time to confirm that, because they don't know any better. They still didn't have my HCG result back yet, but the NP promised to call me as soon as they have it. I'm hoping to hear a big number today!

ETA: Lizzy, do you also do your Prometrium 3 times a day? The NP told me it didn't matter how much time lapse there was in between insertions, but the pharmacist said every 8 hours. I just stuck one in - hope I put it in the right place! Do you have any side effects from it?


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I Congrats on your pregancy and sorry about the worries you have now. I have to admit, this is why I am not an advocate of eary monitoring or testing unless you are havign interventions :blackeye: It could all be worry for nothing, and if not, there is nothing we can do to change the course of nature at this point. HUGS woman and hope it all works out.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, I use Prometrium twice a day (so every 12 hours). I usually do one when I wake up and one right before I go to bed. Be sure to wear a panty liner or pad because it does leak out. I push it up as high as I can and try to lay down for about 20 minutes after I put it in to help keep it up there. I never noticed any side effects really. So I wouldn't be too worried about that. Keep us posted on your HCG count ok lady? Hoping for some good news for you...


Jan 21, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer_D|1313166528|2989385 said:
S&I Congrats on your pregancy and sorry about the worries you have now. I have to admit, this is why I am not an advocate of eary monitoring or testing unless you are havign interventions :blackeye: It could all be worry for nothing, and if not, there is nothing we can do to change the course of nature at this point. HUGS woman and hope it all works out.

Thanks DD! I was definitely kicking myself for getting my first beta on the same day as my BFP. I'm really hoping that yesterday's HCG count has doubled, so I can relax. I go back and forth trying to decide if I can just wait it out and see what happens, but I'm an information junkie, so I always have to know. :rolleyes:

How is little Hunter liking being a big brother?


Jan 21, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann|1313168292|2989407 said:
S&I, I use Prometrium twice a day (so every 12 hours). I usually do one when I wake up and one right before I go to bed. Be sure to wear a panty liner or pad because it does leak out. I push it up as high as I can and try to lay down for about 20 minutes after I put it in to help keep it up there. I never noticed any side effects really. So I wouldn't be too worried about that. Keep us posted on your HCG count ok lady? Hoping for some good news for you...

Thanks for the advice, Lizzy! I am wearing a panty liner, but I didn't think to lay down. I'll try to figure out how to schedule it every 8 hours. I will definitely keep you posted about my HCG results as soon as I hear. They are closed during lunch, so I'll probably call them back as soon as they re-open, because I'm just so impatient, and because it's Friday!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1313168943|2989413 said:
Dreamer_D|1313166528|2989385 said:
S&I Congrats on your pregancy and sorry about the worries you have now. I have to admit, this is why I am not an advocate of eary monitoring or testing unless you are havign interventions :blackeye: It could all be worry for nothing, and if not, there is nothing we can do to change the course of nature at this point. HUGS woman and hope it all works out.

Thanks DD! I was definitely kicking myself for getting my first beta on the same day as my BFP. I'm really hoping that yesterday's HCG count has doubled, so I can relax. I go back and forth trying to decide if I can just wait it out and see what happens, but I'm an information junkie, so I always have to know. :rolleyes:

How is little Hunter liking being a big brother?

Hunter likes Ryder as lot, it is very sweet to see. He can be a little rough with him, but that is expected I guess.

I had spotting in my first trimester, I think around 10 weeks. It was scary. I was told that as long as it was brown, and as long as I did not soak a panty liner, it was ok. Cramps and stretching feelings are very normal in the first weeks of pregnancy as well. For me, it was how I knew I was pregnant - feels just like AF but no bleeding. Please keep us posted!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, I'm glad you finally sorted out the progesterone thing. That's a bummer that you are still waiting on your blood test results, but that's great that you will get them later today. You sound so level-headed about all of this, which is great because stress is the last thing you need. I agree with Dreamer, that some of this early intervention stuff causes needless anxiety. Crossing my fingers that you have great numbers today!


Apr 14, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&i, so glad you heard back re:the progesterone. Keeping my fingers crossed for great numbers for you!
Keep us posted!


Jan 21, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Quick Update: I just got my results from the NP because I called again. HCG went up from 39 to 84 in 48 hours, so she said it looks good, but it's still really early. I'm 15DPO today. She said my OB hadn't reviewed the results yet, so they'll probably call me back after she does that, in case she wants me to do another beta next week or something. I think I can relax and enjoy the weekend with my sister and her husband now!

Thanks for all the sticky dust and support, ladies!


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Great to hear it S&I! I kept refreshing my page to wait for your update! Enjoy your weekend!

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I - Yay! :wavey: Have a great weekend! Take it easy for sure!!


May 9, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!



May 9, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Le sigh. DH had a headache all morning. Just left for poker. Assuming I ovulate today, we'll have BD 2 days before ovulation. I was of course miffed (but didn't say anything) that somehow he revived for poker. I have a feeling I'm out this month. I'm surprisingly down about it. A month seems like forever, which is silly, I know.


Apr 14, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay, that's great news, s&i! More than doubled! Hope you can relax & enjoy the weekend.
I'm hoping that I did indeed O on the 9th. If I hadn't taken the opk's this cycle, I'd say all signs (cm & bbt)
would point to yes, but the opks confuse me. I guess I'll just have to wait & see.

Jas, sorry about your dh's headache. It's kinda hard to deal with
this on demand BD-ing. Next month will be here pretty soon or you might still
have some swimmers sticking around? My dh has been fighting a nasty summer cold
so this month has been a bit rough.

So, if any implantation cramping were to occur, when would it likely occur?

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


May 9, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, BrightSpot. As I recall, implantation cramps can occur around 6-12 DPO, average 9 days. But, as always, YMMV. Mine occured at 7DPO. I had implantation spotting at about that time, but not everyone does.

I know this all has had to be hard on DH, which is why I didn't push the BD. However, I reserve the right to if this goes on another few months. :devil:


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, fantastic news! I've been thinking about you all day. Enjoy the weekend. I hope the spotting stops and you are able to relax!

Jas, if you BD'd two days before ovulating, you are definitely not out. I think LC got pregnant from BD'ing 5 days before O day. Sorry DH wasn't up to performing. My DH has occasional bad stomach pain when he eats certain things (which tends to flare up whenever he is stressed), and it has interfered with our baby-making plans several times since we've been trying. I sometimes get mad and frustrated with him when it happens, and then I feel horrible afterward because I should be sympathizing with him and he can't help it. TTC has definitely not turned out as fun as I expected.

Bright, hopefully you just missed the surge with the OPKs. They are definitely not a perfect science. I think I'm in the 2WW as well, so we can wait it out together.

AFM, I'm either 1dpo or 2dpo. It's hard for me to feel optimistic that this cycle will be any different from the past 6, but I'm still hoping for a pleasant surprise. And I'm hoping for pleasant surprises for you other ladies in the 2ww! Have a good weekend.


May 9, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, Monkeyprincess. I know logically that I'm not out...I think I'm feeling all hyper-sensitive because I'm trying to gain control over this process, which I know is ridiculous. When I even can't have a say in days to try to BD, it's puts me in a funky funk. I'm fun(ky) that way. :)

I'll keep my toes crossed that this is YOUR cycle, baby!!!

ETA: I find it hilarious that DH pulled the "I have a headache" thing. I waved to 1950's housewives everywhere.


Jul 6, 2011
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Happy Friday Ladies!

jas, I am so sorry about your frustration with your DH. I am always toeing the line between wanting to BD but trying to not make it a job for my hubby and it gets super frustrating when something like the headache*/miraculous recovery occurs. (*I thought that was supposed to be MY line) :devil:

BrightSpot - good luck on your Oing I hope that you did O on the 9th. Fingers crossed on your TWW!!

S&I - hugs to you! I am sorry to hear about the ups and downs with your dr and trying to get your prescription. :shock: I was *so* excited to see your numbers and I hope you can enjoy your weekend with your DH and sister. I am very excited for you and will follow you closely over on the JBP thread (and hope a bunch of us will join you soon) :wink2:

Lizzy - Good luck to you on this next round. I am really rooting for you!!

Monkey - Good luck on your TWW, I know that you are struggling with this but I wanted to assure you that we are all thinking about you and rooting for you.

amc - congrats on your secret wedding! Very exciting and special for you and your DH. :appl: :appl:

Chinacat - great news on your acupuncture appointment! It is great that you were so relaxed and felt so good when it was done. Ha, I enjoyed your acronym-fest. I love our crazy special language =)

Missy - I hope that you are enjoying the rest of your vacation. Try not to let the drama ruin it for you and your DH! Check back in when you can :)

HOT - Sorry to hear that AF showed up, that is a bummer. I love the stories that you share of you and your DD. I don't have quite the same relationship with my mom, so I like to read about better relationships so I can do things differently! Thanks for sharing!

I hope I am not missing anyone! If so, :wavey: and i will catch you next time!

AFM - so I am on CD7 and am axiously awaiting my Amazon order of both cheapie and digi OPKs in the mail (tracking says they should be delivered tomorrow). I am excited to have an additional aid to try and figure out when I O this month. I think that we are going to try for EOD starting Sunday (CD9) to Sunday (CD15) but will see what the OPKs tell me. This is the first time using them so I hope they work for me ;-) I am excited to give this round a go since theoretically I should get a positive preg test a day or two before DH and I leave to go see his in-laws (they live in England). I don't think we would tell them that early, but it would be so amazing to "know" that we were pregs before we left. Anyway, my thinking and planning gets pretty involved so I have to keep myself from letting the cart get before the horse, but a girl can dream right? :halo:

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


PS - is there anyway to spell check our posts? I am the worst speller ever...


Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh boy I am so behind AGAIN! This week hasn't allowed for much PS time at all.

Jas- Boo hisss to your husband for pulling the headache thing? Amazing how they recover for things like poker, right? I hope that you're still able to catch that egg with O-2 BDing!

Lizzy- How are you feeling on the Clomid? IIRC, youre trying it out this cycle?

S&I- Good news about your beta. I was checking back when I could to see your posts about it. I hope that it continues to soar and that this bean sticks. Sorry about your worries.

BrightSpot- I love seeing charts and yours does look like you have a clear shift. Sorry that the OPKS weren't more conclusive but based on your chart it definitely seems like you've covered your bases with BDing! Good luck!

MP- I wish you calm and serenity during the TWW. I hope that this is your month so very much.

ChinaCat- Took me about 4 tries to make sure I read correctly that you (jokingly) said that your MIL walked in when you were GingOTF. I somehow skipped the part where you said you were going to write a sentence out of acronyms. You're a riot.

AMC- WHOA! Married!! That's exciting! Even if you aren't considering it "official" until the wedding day. Still a fun secret either way!

HOT- Sorry AF showed up!

Missy- I think you're at the end of your vacation now. Has your BIL heard any more from that girl? I hope you had a fun time despite the complaints and weirdness from your friends.

MM- Enjoy your pee sticks. Wow, that's a phrase I never thought I would utter/type!

Well, I started peeing on OPKs on the evening of CD13. Guess who probably ovulated on CD12 according to temps? I haven't even had the faintest darkening of any of the OPKs I've used. I totally missed my surge! I had a really slow rise and obviously by the dotted lines FF isn't totally convinced yet of my ovulatory status. I think tomorrow's temp will really confirm whether or not anything actually happened. Sorta glad I'm not TTCing right now or else I'd be so annoyed at myself for totally missing the egg. I hope my LP is longer than last month!



Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jas, hon, don't get too down or count yourself out yet. I got frustrated with my DH as well, especially since I wasn't used to being rejected, if you know what I mean. One low point was when DH brought cupcakes home for me (probably to distract me), but I didn't notice them because I was too busy jumping on him as he walked through the door. He ran away from me in such a hurry that he DROPPED the box of cupcakes. The cycle I actually got knocked up is a blur to him--in fact, I woke him up on O day and essentially forced him to BD. He doesn't even remember it. Nor does he remember pleading "I'm trying as hard as I can" as I scolded him to focus.

You got lots of good BD sessions in, so don't be hard on yourself! Or him :)


May 9, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ha! See what happens when DH is away? I post like a mofo.

Thanks, MerryMary! I am frustrated, but I am only sharing that here. As far as he knows, I just happily handed him some Tylenol and sent him to his poker weekend. I hope the mailman/UPS dude brings your Pee Sticks early in the day. Join me in my POAS obsession. :)

Clairtek -- Wait and see what FF does tomorrow. I remember when I was preggo with my boys that it kept pushing back my ovulation date. FF is dim, sometimes. Glad your not TTC, but it's good that you're getting a handle on your ovulation. As for my DH, we'll see if we catch the baby wave. My guess is no, but I'm pessimistic about crap like my own reproductive system. :)

NEL -- were the cupcakes salvageable at least? :cheeky: I won't be hard on reason. I also just think he doesn't understand the emotional drain of this all, and I'm trying not to make this a chore for him. Not yet. :cheeky:


Jul 6, 2011
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jas - you bring up an interesting topic for me. Does your DH know when you O? Do you tell him? I am struggling a little bit on how much information to share with DH because I am hyper sensative to turning it into a job for him and totally taking away the fun for him. Last month I told him that I think we should do as much BDing as we (really *he*) felt comfortable with over the next week or so. That turned out ok, meaning we got in 5 days out of the week, but now that I am introducing the OPKs I'm not sure if I should tell him if I get a positive because I will basically be telling him that we have to BD....I told him I was expecting some "testing strips" in the mail but he doesn't know that they could help guide us for when to BD. For this cycle I think I will keep the info to myself unless he asks about it. Thoughts? This is only our second cycle trying so I am trying to act in a way that will be good if we end up taking months and months...


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MerryMary|1313189874|2989691 said:
Jas - you bring up an interesting topic for me. Does your DH know when you O? Do you tell him? I am struggling a little bit on how much information to share with DH because I am hyper sensative to turning it into a job for him and totally taking away the fun for him. Last month I told him that I think we should do as much BDing as we (really *he*) felt comfortable with over the next week or so. That turned out ok, meaning we got in 5 days out of the week, but now that I am introducing the OPKs I'm not sure if I should tell him if I get a positive because I will basically be telling him that we have to BD....I told him I was expecting some "testing strips" in the mail but he doesn't know that they could help guide us for when to BD. For this cycle I think I will keep the info to myself unless he asks about it. Thoughts? This is only our second cycle trying so I am trying to act in a way that will be good if we end up taking months and months...

I'd probably keep it to yourself for now. Oh, and from what I've found (based on my sample size of 1), guys don't really understand OPKs anyway. The whole "just because there's a line doesn't mean it's positive" thing is completely opposite of what they know about lines showing up on things we pee on. I already told my fiance I'd be buying digital HPTs when the time comes, since he will be the one to look at it and I don't want him confused. He is very happy with this arrangement, ha.

S&I, yay for doubling betas!

Clairitek, I agree with the others, tomorrow's temp will really be telling. You start trying next month, right?

Question for all of you- after stopping BCPs, how long did it take for AF to show? I was just on them a year ago but can't remember...I'm thinking 4 days? Or am I completely making that up? I know there's a range, but I am trying to figure out when to stop them pre-wedding.


May 9, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MerryMary|1313189874|2989691 said:
Jas - you bring up an interesting topic for me. Does your DH know when you O? Do you tell him? I am struggling a little bit on how much information to share with DH because I am hyper sensative to turning it into a job for him and totally taking away the fun for him. Last month I told him that I think we should do as much BDing as we (really *he*) felt comfortable with over the next week or so. That turned out ok, meaning we got in 5 days out of the week, but now that I am introducing the OPKs I'm not sure if I should tell him if I get a positive because I will basically be telling him that we have to BD....I told him I was expecting some "testing strips" in the mail but he doesn't know that they could help guide us for when to BD. For this cycle I think I will keep the info to myself unless he asks about it. Thoughts? This is only our second cycle trying so I am trying to act in a way that will be good if we end up taking months and months...

I agree with amc about keeping it to yourself. My DH pretty much thinks that all that goes on "down there" is my period. My multi-tasking period. DH asked if today was for baby-makin', and I told him was (at least in part), which makes the no nookie a little more painful...however, he's not in the THIS CYCLE mindset that I am.

Edited b/c I originally wrote that DH asked if I was ovulating. He'd never ask that. B/c of that whole "it's all about her period" thing.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jas, I've totally be there and done that re: BDing chore and not gettin' some. I felt really resentful because I'm doing all this crap to get preggo: peeing on stuff, taking temps, going to acupuncture, etc. And the ONLY thing I need him to do is take his pants of and do something he's **supposed** to like doing anyway. And as it is I'm always the initiator in any sexy time even before we were TTC. So it was very frustrating for me. And then when I told him, "We're out for this cycle" he would turn it around on me saying, "You should've told me what days were good days." Oh like I'm supposed to do **all this crap**, get you to drop your pants while *somehow* keeping this all sexy, spontaneous and romantic. Yeah, that's rich buddy. In fact I for sure thought I was out the cycle I did get KU because DH and I BD only twice before O date: O-12 and O-5. Man, it was a trying time... Almost as bad as when DH and I DIY'd our kitchen backsplash.

Merry, for me, when the TTC "urge" really started coming on strong, like I was POAS 2-3 times a day etc, me not saying anything and just expecting DH to want to BD or be interested enough to ask because a HUUUUGE stressor. We did eventually get pregnant, but I was on the verge of telling him, "Okay you have two choices: Either a) have sex with me every 2 or 3 days until we get KU or b) Drop your pants on demand when I tell you to." Fortunately it didn't come to that, but lemme tell you I was already planning what to make for dinner so we could have "The Talk."

AMC, it usually took 3 days on placebo for AF to show up for me. Can you remember what day of the week you always got AF? For me it was Tuesdays after I took the last active pill on Saturday the week before. AMC, if you're only going to get digi OPKs when you're for real TTC, it's going to get PRICEY! Maybe you should pay the up front cost for CBE Fertility Monitor. A lot cheaper than the CBE digi OPKs. I think mine cost $50 for a 10 pack?

Claritek, I never got any good results with OPKs. I tried them for two cycles, and they always ended up negative. The best "results" i got were from the Wondofos. Any digi OPK was always coming up with a big fat 0. I started to feel like a total failure because I never got the :))

Good luck to all your 2WW'ers! And happy egg hunting for you ladies waiting to O.



May 9, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, Lliang Chi. It is so very helpful to hear stories like this.

I did not ovulate yesterday. Still have watery CM. I am guessing I will not ovulate this cycle, because I got my positive OPK on Wednesday.

I'm blaming the miscarriage. I hate that miscarriage. HATE. Or it could be the brand new cyst on my ovary. I hate that thing, too.


May 9, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Also, just because I like a good ol' Universe Mind Frick, I just took another OPK (digital.)

Got a positive. After 3 days of negatives. Before which was a brief positive...which would be kinda weird. I do not have PCOS, fyi

So, while I do not appreciate the up-and-down, I still may have a window this cycle.

EXCEPT DH IS OUT OF TOWN until tomorrow.

Frick. Although I'm kinda amused.

Sorry to be blasting this board these last two days.


Jan 18, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Today I used the OPKs for the first time...they didn't come with any directions on how to read. What does this mean? photo-15.jpg


Jan 21, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks again, Lizzy and LV!

jas, thanks! So sorry about your DH's disappearing headache just in time for poker. I've read that some ladies get 2 days of positive OPKs, so maybe you can still jump on DH as soon as he gets home. Keeping my fingers crossed for you - it ain't over 'til it's over!

BrightSpot, thanks! I had cramping almost everyday after Oing, so I can't help you much there. No implantation spotting for me either. So sorry the OPKs confused you this cycle, but hopefully you can confirm O with your high temps soon!

MP, thanks! My spotting did go away so I'm happy about that. Hope this cycle is the one for you!

MM, thanks! It would be great for all you ladies to join me in the JBP thread soon! It looks like a big group of the ladies over there are about to head over to the big girls thread soon, so I might be hanging out there alone. :lol: Hope you get your OPKs soon!

Clairitek, thanks! Yay for crosshairs! Hope your temp was still high today, so you can confirm O on CD12!

amc, thanks! Sorry I can't help you on your question about BCPs. My periods were always random while on Jolivette. I had the weirdest period that lasted like 2 weeks right up into my wedding day! Luckily it wasn't heavy, mostly just spotting, but still very annoying! But at least I was all done for the honeymoon! Good luck timing it for your wedding!

AFM, it turns out that I had an allergic reaction to the Prometrium suppositories. I took the first one yesterday morning around 11AM, and another one around 5PM. I was going to do the third one right before going to bed, but I broke out in an itching frenzy all over my hands, toes, and BBs. I called the emergency line again last night past midnight, and the on-call OB called me back immediately. She told me to take a benedryl, and not to take the last one. This morning, she called me back to tell me she was calling in a different prescription for the compounded version to see if I'll tolerate those better. I'm not waiting for the pharmacy to call me when it's ready. The OB warned me that because the drug is compounded, it probably won't be covered by my insurance, so I have no idea how much it'll cost. I have to call my regular OB on Monday to discuss where we should go from here. At least I'm not spotting anymore, right?

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
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