
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread


Nov 24, 2009
amc, that's part of the reason I'm so confused. I'm not sure whether there was any color to it. It's like I just knew where the line should be, but it wasn't that pink. And the picture is from this morning's FRER. The wondfos last night definitely had a bit of color, and I think the one from early this morning did. The one I took about an hour ago looked pretty much BFN. I guess I just have to wait a couple more days to see what happens.


Jun 18, 2010
If it happened once I would think it's just a bad test or a fluke. But if it happening on multiple brands of multiple tests I would cautiously say it's a bfp. In which case I'd freak the F out.


Oct 5, 2010
Any chance for a blood test before the weekend rolls in, MP??


Jul 27, 2007
MP, I can completely understand your reservation with the fading/super faint test lines. But your experience sounds almost identical to mine. I started getting super duper faint positives on the wondfo first. I would triple dip using a wondfo, digital and FRER. The FRER would look very faintly positive at times. Not even the whole line, just the top or bottom of where the line would be. But it would dry to a BFN. It may have just been my batch of tests, but I didn't get an actual faint line on the FRER until about 24 hours after the super faint wondfo BFP. And also, my pre-bedtime urine always gave me the strongest results (both times I was pregnant)...results with FMU were more faded.

keeping my fingers crossed and staying cautiously optimistic. You were a late implanter with Ev, so that's keeping me optimistic for you.

ETA: is that a dry FRER? Because I do think I see a line.


Nov 24, 2009
Ha ha, amc. Until I see something more definitive, I'm feeling very cautious about this and not calling it a BFP. It seems like the tests must be picking up on something, but at 12dpo, I would hope to have more of a definitive result. I'm worried this might be a chemical pregnancy.

Aviastar, normally that's exactly what I would do, but I don't think it really makes sense for me to do a blood test right now. With the faint tests, there's no way I would get a significant beta, and we are leaving town tomorrow, so I wouldn't be able to get a second beta until next Friday. I think I just have to wait this out to see what happens.

NEL, thanks for sharing your experience! That does give me a little more hope. And I'm glad I'm not the only who experienced the weird FRER fading/disappearing line phenomenon. I jsut wish this was happening at like 9 or 10 dpo instead of 12. We'll see what happens. If nothing else, I feel a little better knowing that I maybe at least conceived another baby, so it's possible we will have success with another IUI. Oh, and as far as the photo. That was the FRER I took this morning. It was probably between 5-10 minutes after I took the test. The one from last night was dried and looked the same.

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
MP!!!!!!!!!!! I am feeling very optimistic and hopeful for you!!!! Make sure you stock up on tests. I hope you can update us from wherever you're going!!!!!

I will post a longer reply to all later.


Jul 21, 2008
I see a line in that photo, too, MP.


Dec 5, 2010
Oh MP I am cautiously optimistic for you! It was at least 36 hours after a clear BFP on a wondfo that I got any type of a line on a FRER


Jun 25, 2007
Monkey, that looks positive to me. I see pink. I know sometimes they can play tricks on your eyes because you know where the line is supposed to be. Fingers crossed!


Jan 21, 2010
MP, I'm also optimistic for you because the last time you had any questionable tests, you ended up with E ;-)
And NEL brought up the excellent point that he was also a late implanter, so don't lose hope just yet!


Nov 24, 2009
Thanks for all the support ladies. I feel dumb now for getting my hopes up. Feeling crampy and my test just now was pretty much bfn. I didn't take a FRER because I only have a couple left and want to save then for the weekend. Now I''m thinking I was just picking up the last bit of the trigger or something. Hopefully I will actually have good news to share sometime soon. In a funk tonight but I need to snap out of it and move on. Thanks again for all the support despite all of my craziness.

And Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!


Apr 14, 2005
S&I|1387593897|3578483 said:
MP, I'm also optimistic for you because the last time you had any questionable tests, you ended up with E ;-)
And NEL brought up the excellent point that he was also a late implanter, so don't lose hope just yet!

Ditto!! I'm keeping everything tightly crossed for you, MP! Keep us posted.

And merry Christmas & happy holidays to everyone.


Nov 24, 2009
Thanks Bright, unfortunately my tests were BFN this morning. It had to have been the trigger. Lesson learned. I can't believe I actually got caught up on the idea of a Christmas BFP. But we had our miracle already and I need to just be grateful for that because you and others are still waiting for yours. Christmas will be a nice way to keep me from getting too down. I'm thinking we may take a break for awhile. I can't handle being let down month after month. I dint like what it does to me.

Anyway I hope the holidays are kind to all of you! Special thoughts and prayers go out to all of you!

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
I'm really sorry to hear that, MP. :blackeye: This process is so frustrating. I hear what you are saying re: taking a break. It sounds like you will be taking this next cycle off from treatment anyway, so no need to rush into a decision about what to do after this cycle. Plenty of time to think about it. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


Nov 25, 2010
HI guys, I promise to respond individually later, but I wanted to quickly update: I had an ultrasound on Wednesday, the OB saw a sac and yolk in the right place and measuring about 5 weeks 3 days, which was in line with when they think I ovulated. There was no sign of heartbeat yet, since it was still so early. It wasn't the most pleasant experience, she is meant to be the best around here and I liked how straightforward she was, but I was a bit over it when she said no less than six times that although it all looked good on her end, it was still early, a lot could still go wrong, and that sometimes progesterone "just delays the inevitable". Seriously, six times! Not the positive attitude my clinic uses. I actually had to call them (the clinic) straight away afterwards and she said not to stress, that my bloods that morning had shown that with the prog suppositories it had gone up from 23.9 to 40, and my HCG was somewhere in the 15 000's. I had only been taking the supplements for 2 days, but they were happy with the results. I go for another ultrasound on the 31st December, to see if there is a heartbeat. But until then, no bloods or anything. I feel like I am going through withdrawals, and going slightly crazy not knowing if 'it' is still growing in there. And from tomorrow, we will be around family all day and my only excuse atm is that I'm driving. I love a cocktail, so it is going to be very suspicious!

Before we start painting today (yes, we are painting the lounge room 2 days before Christmas) I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I know a lot of us have been struggling this year, and it definitely gets harder over the holiday season. But I have a feeling we have a wave of BFP's coming just around the corner. 2014 is going to be our year!!! Until then, I hope you enjoy spending time with those you love, relax, and PLEASE have a drink for me :wavey:

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
TBaus - I hope the holidays help you through the wait! Since your HCG is going up, I would just try not to worry. Easier said that done, I know! The 31st will be here before you know it! Sending you all positive thoughts and fingers tightly crossed for you and your little one!!


Oct 5, 2010
Mp, I'm sorry you didn't get a Christmas BFP. I was hoping for a slew of them around here, too.

I did my CD21 work this morning and I have an appointment to discuss next steps on Jan. 9. We've decided to black out Christmas this year- we're spending the day at home, just us, no technology, no visitors, no stress. Just food and maybe a little :naughty: . I'll be using the day to cherish my marriage, savor the time we have together, hope for realized dreams in 2014!

Merry Christmas to All!


Apr 14, 2005
Merry Christmas, everyone! I'm thinking of you lovely ladies & hoping you're having a wonderful day. :mrgreen:


Nov 24, 2009
TB, that's great that things are progessing normally so far. It kind of sounds like your doctor is a bit of an alarmist maybe or just feels a need to prepare you for the worst? Obviously there are no guarantees and sadly, sometimes a pregnancy is not viable, but it sounds to me like everything is perfectly on track, so I would just assume all is normal and try not to worry. Really hoping you get even more reassurance at your next scan. Sending lots of good thoughts your way!

Aviastar, hope you enjoyed your quiet Christmas and time as a couple. I sincerely hope it will be your last Christmas alone though!

Hi LV, hope you are holding up okay while you wait for the IVF process to begin.

Bright, hope you had a nice holiday. Keep us posted on what comes next for you.

SB, thinking of you as well, and I hope that your unmonitored femara cycle works magic.

AFM, today is CD3. The timing worked out so I can try again this cycle. She is having me take 75 mg of clomid because she didn't think I responded as well to femara. I have no idea if that is the right thing to do because I know I'm risking thin lining and/or too many follicles. Anyway, if you have any good thoughts to spare, please send them my way. I'm feeling a bit deflated and not very hopeful. I really thought I'd be pregnant by now, and I'm trying to figure out where I go from here.


May 26, 2009
MP: I'm sorry things didn't work out for you this month. Maybe a wonderful surprise in the New Year?


May 20, 2009
I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Sorry in advance to anyone I miss. I think the window at the bottom of the screen where you can scroll through everyone's post only goes back a page or two, and I've been MIA for a little while.

BrightSpot - You're welcome, friend. Thank you for all your support as well. I hope you're enjoying your vacation and that going rogue brings you a BFP!

Aviastar - Good luck with your CD21 tests. I hope everything comes back normal. January is just around the corner. So, you and your midwife will be able discuss a more specific plan. Yay!

Shortblonde - How are you doing? Keeping my fingers crossed for you that your unmonitored Femara cycle works for you. The lack of control is really difficult, but remember that you're doing everything you can to optimize your chances.

Monkeyprincess - I'm so sorry about all the confusing tests. I hope the Clomid works better for you this cycle. Re: thin lining, have you tried fertility acupuncture? It's a little pricey, but my lining got so thick the first month I did it that I had to delay starting Estrace because my lining got so thick that I needed a few extra days to get it thin enough to start Estrace.

Tbaus - I'm sure your doctor was just being cautious. It sounds like your pregnancy is progressing well. Good luck at your ultrasound! I know it's hard not to worry, but I hope it doesn't get in the way too much of you really enjoying this time in your life.

LV - I hope you're enjoying your time away from the RE's office.

Afm, I've spent the past week just letting myself be angry. I'm back in a good place now. I'm pretty fed up with all the tests. I had to go in for some more tests today. I'm talking to my RE next week about the specialist's recommendations.


Jul 5, 2010
Ok, I feel like such a jerk for not coming back to read the replies sooner. I didn't actually think anyone would write back for some reason! Anyways. I'm on cycle 3 following my lap and my last 2 luteal phases have only been 8dpo *bangs head against wall*. RE says if the LP is still short this cycle that we need to look into it more. We're hoping that it's just my body adjusting after the surgery though. Currently CD12, usually ovulate CD16. Probably won't poas until at least 12dpo if I even make it that far. My life has been full of lots of bfps on facebook and IRL so I have been drinking a lot of wine and eating a lot of chocolate. At least I had the holidays to use as an excuse haha! The Metformin has been good to me so far, my body is finally adjusting to it and I'm down 20 lbs since October so that ain't half bad!

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
RT - Good luck this cycle!

Brightlight - Thanks, yes, I am enjoying the time away! Good luck at your appointment next week.

MP - Wishing you all the luck in the world!! Glad you were able to get a cycle in! Sorry you have been feeling down. I *completely* understand! Try to keep in mind that sometimes these miracles take time, and for some reason, some of us have a longer wait. I hope this is your month!

Brightspot - Good luck to you!! Where are you in your cycle?

Tbaus - Hope you are doing well!

SB - Good luck to you too! Hope you get your bfp this cycle!!

Aviastar - Hoping for a lucky bfp before that January 9 appointment! Best luck to you!!

I am doing ok. I'm contemplating taking another cycle off before starting IVF. I found out that my clinic batches their cycles (so they only do ivf 2 weeks out of the month -- any ivf ladies have any thoughts on this?), so I could be on bcps for up to 3 weeks, I think, so that could potentially add another month to my wait as well. Given my nature, I will probably just wind up calling them when my next cycle starts, go in for CD3 monitoring, and then just get started. I haven't decided yet. I still hold out hope that I could get pregnant without meds this cycle. That's what happened with my daughter. I suppose it's possible, but not likely.

I have had some spotting. Really really minor recently, for the past few days, which is concerning because I never ever have had that before, but I just assume it has something to do with all of the recent tinkering with my body.


Apr 14, 2005
I hope everyone had a nice Christmas & is enjoying the season.

LV, I have heard about that cycle batching though my RE's office doesn't do it.
I went on the pill for a few months prior to my first IVF attempt & it really over suppressed my ovaries. Sometimes it can take a while to bounce back.
I really hope you don't need to do IVF after all. Where are you in your cycle now? Could the spotting be a good thing?

Random, welcome back! I'm glad the metformin has been so helpful. Sorry about the short LP though. It's always tough seeing those FB bfp's & sometimes the holidays make it harder too. Hugs to you.

Brightlight, sometimes you just have to let yourself be angry or sad or frustrated about this process. I'm glad you're feeling better but I'm so sorry you're still having to deal with more tests. The poking & prodding is so disheartening, not to mention the difficulty in dealing with the test results.
Sending you a big virtual hug.

Mp, lots of good thoughts & a hug coming your way. I'm glad you were able to schedule another cycle. Ditto to LV's suggestion of acupuncture for your lining. You could try a baby aspirin too. I definitely understand the frustration, especially since the first IUI didn't do the trick like it did with Ev. I'm confident your second little one will come to you though, friend. The waiting really sucks though.

Aviastar, I'm glad you were able to get all of your testing done & have a plan to move foreword. Hope you enjoyed your quiet Christmas with your DH.

Tbaus, hope you're feeling well. Keep us posted on your next appointment.

Afm, I had a nice Christmas with my family & DH & I are now spending some time alone in FL for some r&r.
I'm cd 19 today. I got a strong positive opk last night & this morning so FF says today is O day. (I had some cramps this evening that might support this theory.) DH & I have been very diligent this cycle so we're giving it our best shot.
I brought some prometrium with me & am debating taking it. Do you guys think that's worth doing? Also, for those of you who have taken the pills orally, what dose did you use & when did you start?
We've been traveling a lot over the holidays &, assuming this cycle doesn't result in a bfp, I hope we can do a cycle with my RE (maybe with femara) in January. It will probably start while we're still away, so I hope my doc would be ok with me coming in around cd 4-5 to get things started rather than cd3.

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Hi Brightspot - How nice that you are taking some time in FL! For prometrium, my dose was 100mg 2X per day. It would start the day after my second iui, which would be the day after ovulation. Since you aren't really sure when you ovulate, maybe wait an extra day?

I'm CD15 today, and more spotting, so unfortunately, not a good thing. I will call my clinic today, but really really really do not want to go there today for an ultrasound, which is what I guess they will suggest.


Nov 24, 2009
LV, sorry about the spotting. That must be really frustrating. Hopefully your body just needs a cycle to reset itself or something. I don't blame you for not wanting to deal with yet another ultrasound. Ultrasounds are only fun when you are actually pregnant. I had forgotten you got pregnant on your own with your little girl, so hey, at least you know it's possible! And if not, you've got a good plan in place.

Bright, yeah, that's great you think you ovulated and had good timing. You just never know, and at least you'll feel better knowing you tried. Hoping for some nice surprises on here in the coming weeks and months! As far as the prometrium, I have never taken it orally, but I usually use a 200 mg suppository each night starting 3 days after suspected ovulation. Enjoy the warm weather for me! I'm sick of the cold, and January is such a blah month! Dh and I need to plan a trip sometime soon.

Random, nice to see you pop back in. No worries about not posting. I post a lot because it is pretty much my only outlet for discussing fertility issues, but I know that others probably prefer not to talk about it or post about it a lot. We're here when you feel like it!

Brightlight, interesting about the acupuncture. I don't think my city is a very acupuncture friendly city. I was able to find a few places, but I'm just not sure how I'd fit it in, and it definitely sounded pricey. I'm waiting to see what happens this cycle on clomid. Hoping that thin lining that one time was just an isolated incident because I never had problems with that on clomid when I used while TTC #1. But if it continues to be a problem, I guess that is something I should consider. For now, I'm just continuing with my baby aspirin and red raspberry leaf tea. So sorry you're having a rough time as well. And the testing must be exhausting. I hope all of the testing is worth it, and your doctors are able to come up with a solution for you. It will be all worth it when you are holding a baby in your arms, however that comes about.

TB, lots of dust for your upcoming ultrasound. I really hope you see a beating little heartbeat and all is well, so you can ease some of your anxiety.

AFM, thanks for the support ladies. It's been a rough few weeks for me, but I'm trying to stay optimistic about this upcoming cycle. I feel like such a whiner because I know we are all going through the same thing. Anyway, I have two days left of clomid and then go in for a follicle check on Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed that I have thick enough lining and an appropriate number of follicles for a trigger and IUI. Nothing else too exciting to report, but wishing you all a happy end to the year and beginning of a new one.


Apr 14, 2005
Sorry I missed some people in my last post. I'd gotten so behind!

Lizzy, thanks for the chuckle & for cheering me & all of us on in this crazy journey.

Bella, thanks for the reassurance. I also thought doing an unmonitored clomid cycle (especially at a low dose) was fairly common & safe. I guess my doc was covering all of his bases, especially since our convo about this was via email.

SB, I hope your unmonitored femara cycle does the trick. At least you can still feel like there's s shot this month (since you don't O on your own) & don't have to go in for any appointments. It's kinda nice taking some time away from the RE's office.

Blackberry & dcg, hope you guys are feeling great & baking away! (Tbaus too!)

LV, thanks for sharing the info on prometrium. This is very helpful. I think I O'd yesterday, but to be safe, maybe I'll start the progesterone tomorrow. This is probably unnecessary, but makes me feel better to think I'm doing something that could help. Also, if it lengthens my LP a bit, that would help with coordinating travel & my next cycle.

I'm so sorry about the spotting. That's really odd so early in your cycle. Hopefully your body is just resetting. Do you know if you've O'd yet? Let us know what your doc says.
That's amazing that you got pregnant with your daughter on your own, though. So it's possible!

MP, yeah at least I tried, right? It's funny-this is the first time I've used OPK's with a medicated cycle (since we've always triggered & done IUI/IVF in the past). The positive was so much darker than I've ever achieved on my own. So I guess I can enjoy the sense of accomplishment from that, right? Heh!
The weather hasn't been that warm in FL (high of about 70) but still much warmer than NY, so I'm happy to stow my coat for a while even if I'm not going in the ocean. Just getting away for a while is helpful. I hope you & your DH can relax a bit as well.
Fingers crossed for a good scan for you on Friday. Since you never had problems with clomid in the past, I'm hoping the lining issues you had with your last clomid cycle were an isolated incident. Grow, follies (& lining), grow!

Oh, and about acupuncture, I do community acupuncture, which is in a semi-private room (in my case) & dramatically less expensive than traditional acupuncture. (I pay $30/session as opposed to $70-100+). Just a thought.

Afm, my opk this morning was negative, so I guess I probably O'd yesterday. We'll probably bd again today to make sure we've covered our bases. I guess I'll start progesterone tomorrow. And another wait begins.


Jul 5, 2010
Does anyone here go to an infertility support group? Do you like it, does it help?

I found one I'm hmming and haaing over. I think it might help me with my depression to have people to hang out with who are just as miserable as I am lol

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
MP - When do you go in for an ultrasound? When I had thin lining, they would put me on estrogen, so that's another option too, and probably the least expensive. I think it's one of those prescriptions that is a lot less than a typical copay. Hopefully it was just an isolated situation for you, but maybe ask your NP if she thinks there's cause for concern.

Brightspot - Interesting about the darker OPK! I take that as a good sign!! I do not think I've ovulated yet. I started taking opks yesterday because it was CD14. Typically, I would notice CM and then test, and pretty much always got a positive when I suspected I would. Now, the spotting and minimal CM. Sooooo, I did speak with one of the nurses. She said the spotting might be a sign that I won't ovulate. She said patients report mid-cycle spotting quite a bit, so it wasn't something she thought I should be concerned about. And, there was more spotting today. Oh well. I guess I'd rather have my body react this way this cycle instead of during an IVF cycle.

Yes, my daughter was conceived during an off cycle. If I remember correctly, I had a BFP on my first IUI, but it was a m/c due to a chromosomal abnormality (confirmed by testing after d&c), then an unsuccessful IUI, and the next cycle I had residual follicles on CD3, so they couldn't do an IUI. No meds, and I got pregnant! I hope my body can manage to do it again, but it doesn't look like it will be this cycle.

Another question - how frequently should I take opks? Twice a day? Or is just one good enough?


Jan 7, 2010
LV I think it depends on how long your LH surge is, and it varies a lot between women. I used OPKs for the first time last cycle, and tested once a day in the afternoon until I got a positive, then tested twice a day until it faded. If you know when you typically ovulate, I would probably start testing twice a day (maybe late morning and late afternoon/early evening) from the day or two before you think it happens. For me, I got my first positive in the afternoon (abruptly), then was positive the following day, and the morning after that.
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