
the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name) lately?

Is Kenny ever coming back?
@Bonfire @Calliecake thanks y'all! I fell down the Instagram black hole and have been totally redecorating my house, lol. It started with one room, now it's basically the entire downstairs. I have also been crazy busy with kids, all 3 in different schools this year and none who drives yet! I will try to check in more often. Miss y'all too!
Life is good! So glad you are doing well! :wavey:
Sounds like a lot of fun @ceg. Enjoy the kids because it all goes by too quickly. Instagram is wonderful for decorating, gardening and just about everything!
I was just wondering about PB as well, I miss her too!!!! Hope she is OK.
Sounds like a lot of fun @ceg. Enjoy the kids because it all goes by too quickly. Instagram is wonderful for decorating, gardening and just about everything!
I didn’t know that! I usually go Houzz or Pintrest..
@Mamabean , My mistake. You are correct, I was talking about a Pinterest, not Instagram, for decorating and gardening idea.

Two of my nieces did a fantastic job decorating rooms of their homes. Both said the copied what they loved on Pinterest.
@Mamabean , My mistake. You are correct, I was talking about a Pinterest, not Instagram, for decorating and gardening idea.

Two of my nieces did a fantastic job decorating rooms of their homes. Both said the copied what they loved on Pinterest.
I was hooked on both sites for a while when I was redecorating..I love decorating almost as much as diamonds.. Okay..Who am I contest!
Is Kenny still alive?
I think about Kenny all the time.:(2
DF I was wondering if you were still alive!
@Dancing Fire is alive and well @AprilBaby . He has made comments about watching his grandchildren. He may just be exhausted. If you want to hear from him just make a negative comment about Trump and I guarantee he will come running :lol: .

@Dancing Fire, Do you know if Kenny is okay?
I’m guessing something really bad has happened with Kenny and he is going to need a lot of time.
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I get it! Our grandbabies take up a lot of time! I have number three coming in February.
No I don't. :(sad About 10 yrs ago they had a PSer GTG in LA and I thought maybe a few PSers might have his Email address or PH # to check if he is ok.

I’m sorry @Dancing Fire . For some reason I thought you spoke offline as well.
I think Kenny wants to stay off, otherwise he would be here chatting away. I can't even remember the last time he was on, maybe a year ago? He had a temper but he also had a gorgeous stone and was a great partner in his relationship. Wishing him success and happiness, he's locked himself up tighter than a drum so I can't even find out the last time he posted. I wish him the best, maybe someday he will return.
I miss Redwood, her ID does not even show up anymore so I don't know how that happens unless one asks management to totally delete it. A real class act and a good mom! if you drive by ever Red waving a huge hi to you. come back.
I’m still alive . I am in Italy now and then on to UK tomorrow for 3 days then on to France for 6 days. I will be back in the US on May 10. Hard to post from my IPhone

Bring us souvenirs! :lol:
Have fun @DancingFire!
I’m still alive . I am in Italy now and then on to UK tomorrow for 3 days then on to France for 6 days. I will be back in the US on May 10. Hard to post from my IPhone

You should hook up with @Phoenix as she is currently here in the UK too, in London!! Sadly I cannot get down on the dates that work with her & @luckyblackcat so won’t be able to catch her on this trip. But there’s always a next time :sun:
I'm kinda desperately looking for endless_summer, but when I try to add her name actively to anything, nothing happens. I'm wondering if she left PS altogether. :(
I was thinking about her too @ceg , maybe their moving plans are on again?