
the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name) lately?

Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Is Gypsy still alive?.. :bigsmile:
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Dancing Fire|1488143961|4134028 said:
Is Gypsy still alive?.. :bigsmile:

She had to change her name because she is Trade now with Wink. Is she posting in RT as Layla?
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Gypsy aka Layla said that now that she was in the trade she would be posting very little.

I would imagine her helping others now to find diamonds would be a conflict of interest.
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

What happened to Movie Zombie?
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

redwood66|1469905711|4060905 said:
Where is packrat? Last post was July 4 and that is not like her. Hope she is ok. I wonder if all the posts about law enforcement has anything to do with it? It got pretty heated for awhile.

I was also wondering recently where she has been, and also hope she is okay. I always enjoyed reading her posts.
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Matata|1488148001|4134068 said:
What happened to Movie Zombie?

She hasn't posted in a couple of years now :(( and was posting very rarely for quite a while before that. But as to why - I haven't a clue. I miss her too.
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

I was also wondering about packrat. I'd love to hear from her.

And what about VapidLapid? He went through a really awful period with his wife's illness and subsequent death, and the death of his beloved Murray. I wonder how he's doing.
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Has anyone heard from I'm Danny?
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

I hope 'I'm Danny' is okay.

If you're reading, :wavey:
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Jambalaya|1488161677|4134154 said:
I was also wondering about packrat. I'd love to hear from her.

And what about VapidLapid? He went through a really awful period with his wife's illness and subsequent death, and the death of his beloved Murray. I wonder how he's doing.

Jamba: VapidL last post was in Jan 2017. I wish he post more frequently as I miss him also.

Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

canuk-gal|1488239071|4134458 said:
Jambalaya|1488161677|4134154 said:
I was also wondering about packrat. I'd love to hear from her.

And what about VapidLapid? He went through a really awful period with his wife's illness and subsequent death, and the death of his beloved Murray. I wonder how he's doing.

Jamba: VapidL last post was in Jan 2017. I wish he post more frequently as I miss him also.


Thanks, Sharon.

I wonder also what happened to Enerchi.
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Enerchi posted recently in a tennis bracelet thread.
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

I got a message on FB that a couple posters had asked about me, so thanks to whomever was thinking of me. I've been sent links as well, to various threads since I stopped coming, and they really just reiterate to me why I don't visit anymore. I would love to be sharing things that are going on, the good, the bad, the ugly and the so frustrating my hair has started to fall out and I spent two months with my eye twitching 24/7. I'd love to get advice on things I've needed to talk about, things I've wanted to ask about etc-there's an amazing knowledge base that could be tapped. However, that ship has long since sailed. There are things I could've given my perspective on, my knowledge on, my experiences on..but it's been made abundantly clear to me what the majority thinks of me and my perspective and my knowledge and my experience.

A long while ago I posted about how when I was younger, I had met some people, and sought others out, in order to help broaden my mind, my base for everything. I had been raised in a "weird" religion, but also taught in that religion to question things, to seek out answers for myself, and to talk to people to increase my understanding of them, and also myself, to learn tolerance (even while being treated with intolerance) and to learn acceptance (even while being unaccepted). 

I met some incredible people, and I had incredible conversations with them. People who didn't bash me, didn't berate me, didn't act as tho I was unworthy or stupid and actually spoke to me as a human being and tried to put forth some effort into understanding my viewpoint, whether they agreed w/that viewpoint or not, and showed some interest in what I had to say rather than dismissing me as if I were some sort of lesser being, too far beneath them to bother with. Even when I first started exploring the world of the internet after I got married, discovering forums and meeting people from all over the world, which was amazing in and of itself.. Finding out that just as in real life, there are people who believe themselves to be superior to others, and there are people who embrace discussion and are capable of talking about anything w/anyone, in a respectful and thoughtful manner. In fact, the discussions (and holy Hannah, death penalty, religion, politics, guns, abortion, pages and pages, they'd go on for months-and this was on a Shark Attack board) were so interesting and, compared to what I've seen on the forum I found when that one disbanded *coughcough*, heated but remained civil, that my gramma set up an account just b/c she liked to talk about those things as well, and was thrilled that she could have intelligent discussions w/people since it was hard for her to get out of the house. I guess that forum spoiled me. I know the posters there went a long way in helping me change some of my more...conservative beliefs. Mutual respect goes a long way-you don't have to agree to have and show respect for others.

I very much got the impression I was just something stuck on the bottom of the PS shoe...too uneducated (you know how stupid those of us from the Midwest are) and not liberal enough, not one who had the popular opinion on many things, so of course just obviously wrong as a given. No matter how much education I could ever possibly have, I would never have that much arrogance to believe that I could never learn from someone else who saw things differently than myself, to believe that I was levels above someone else based on their education, their upbringing, where they live, what they do for a living, whatever, nor would I ever treat them shabbily for those same things or cut them "down to size" for daring to express a different thought or trying to gain some different perspective from what they currently possess.

I spent many, many years growing up w/people sneering down their noses at me, adult, peers, didn't matter. After a while, it just gets tiring.

Had I come across PS many years ago rather than the other boards and the real life people, I would have had a completely different experience in trying to broaden my mind from my little Midwestern corner of the world, and I would've probably ended up keeping some of those thoughts and opinions I managed to change. That's pretty sad, I think. Instead, the people I did come across-- some of these stupid Midwesterners who are considered to be so backward and not so worldly, or worthy, as the case may be, also somehow managed to be far more tolerant and accepting, and I was able to have real discussions about differences. I can see why people tend to gravitate more and stay more surrounded by like-minded people...if you've put yourself out there and tried to learn about other people, other cultures etc, and the responses you get talk down to you, you just stop bothering.
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Packrat: I am so sorry you felt so deeply hurt to warrant staying away; and hope it wasn't anything I said to make you feel that way. Many hugs & well wishes for you & your hubby, and I do hope you decide to pop in, even if just periodically. I always enjoyed your posts so much! {{hugs}}
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Packrat, I am so sorry.

If you want to talk, I would be more than happy to listen.

The hair loss - yes, stress. I lost half my hair volume until I got it under control.
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Packrat I have always loved your insightful posts and this one especially. Even though I miss you around here, you have spoken so eloquently about how many of us feel also. Thank you. Take good care :wavey:
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Packrat, just be yourself.
If you feel that some people don't like you, fvck em.

One of my favorite sayings is, "What others think of me is none of my business."
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

kenny|1488517033|4135862 said:
Packrat, just be yourself.
If you feel that some people don't like you, fvck em.

One of my favorite sayings is, "What others think of me is none of my business."

:appl: :appl: :appl:

Packrat I miss reading your funny and smart posts and miss you here. Thanks for sharing your thoughts above.
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

canuk-gal|1488239071|4134458 said:
Jambalaya|1488161677|4134154 said:
I was also wondering about packrat. I'd love to hear from her.

And what about VapidLapid? He went through a really awful period with his wife's illness and subsequent death, and the death of his beloved Murray. I wonder how he's doing.

Jamba: VapidL last post was in Jan 2017. I wish he post more frequently as I miss him also.


Jambalaya and Sharon, Vapid posted a few days ago. He is healing from an injury. If everyone could please think good thoughts for him and send him healing vibes...Vapid I don't know if you are reading the forum on a regular basis but we are all thinking of you.

Jambalaya, Enerchi is well. She's on IG.
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

PR--you will always be welcome here. For one, I believe you post substantively and without condescension. Few boast that (especially the latter).

I am interested in what you have to say and how you say it. And I like the names of your cats.

Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Packrat, really miss reading your posts. I have always thought that you were one of the wisest, most articulate posters on this forum. It is a shame that you were made to no longer feel welcome.

I feel the same way about how Momhappy was treated recently. We should be able to have differences of opinions, without treating each other so unkindly.
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)


I miss seeing you on PS. Its distressing to hear that you're 'frustrated' (stressed?) to the point of hair loss and issues with an eye twitching. I really hope that whatever is going on improves or is resolved. I hope you nor none of your loved ones is dealing with health issues; I find those situations particularly stressful because it often seems there is little we can do.

You've always struck me as a sincere, considerate, intelligent individual. People on the internet can react strongly for many reasons. Its unfortunate that an opportunity for learning and understanding can sometimes be torpedoed.

I hope you'll stop by from time to time, and post if you feel comfortable doing so. People in Rocky Talk could benefit from your experience and wisdom, and Show Me the Bling is always amazing! Hangout can be like maneuvering through a minefield; I try to watch where I step and tread lightly. ;))

I'd love to see you return!

Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Packrat, I've alway enjoyed your posts, noticed your absence and am sorry to hear you were having a bad experience here. I hope your stressors resolve and negative circumstances that you alluded to improve. All the best to you and your family!
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Packrat, I also always really enjoyed your posts! I have missed them. I wish you and your family the best!
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Is Charmypoo still around?

I enjoyed her posts and beautiful rings.
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

"I very much got the impression I was just something stuck on the bottom of the PS shoe...too uneducated (you know how stupid those of us from the Midwest are) and not liberal enough, not one who had the popular opinion on many things, so of course just obviously wrong as a given."

Packrat, there have always been those members of PS. Lord knows, I've been on the receiving end of a lot of their disdain. But don't let anyone run you off. It isn't their forum.

Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

HollyS|1488683175|4136625 said:
"I very much got the impression I was just something stuck on the bottom of the PS shoe...too uneducated (you know how stupid those of us from the Midwest are) and not liberal enough, not one who had the popular opinion on many things, so of course just obviously wrong as a given."

Packrat, there have always been those members of PS. Lord knows, I've been on the receiving end of a lot of their disdain. But don't let anyone run you off. It isn't their forum.


I totally agree with HollyS and I miss you so much packrat!!! I hope you will feel comfortable dropping in once in awhile. But I understand if you don't because I have been there myself many times in the past 10 months. I have been thinking about you and have asked several times as you can see. I hope you get over your stress - and btw it is strange you mention the eye twitching because my left eye has been doing it for about 3 months. Driving me crazy! I hope your DH is staying safe at work also. Please take care.

Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

I'm a midwesterner! :wavey:
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Hi, packrat-

I am thanking God (and redwood) that this posting of yours was mentioned in another Pricescope thread or I might not have seen it until the next time (perhaps a year from now) that I checked the thread on who was missing. As often seems to be the case, you were referred to as someone with a wise point of view when you were mentioned in the other thread. It is pretty odd that you have experienced being treated so badly, being belittled, on Pricescope while at least some posters have found you so important a voice that they quote you when they need to express wisdom here. I do not know how to explain that except to say that perhaps some people here can perceive your worth and others cannot. Maybe it is a forum that is not 100% filled with the most critical thinkers. We are what we are, I guess. ;))

But I am really digressing. I miss you and I hope you will come back. I hope you will come back when you can come back and be unharmed here. You are a unique and wonderful woman.

Big hugs,
Re: the MIA thread....anybody heard from (fill in the name)

Packrat: I hope you feel comfortable enough to come back at some point. I always enjoyed reading your posts, and I am sorry that you felt unwelcome :( I wish you the best, and hope to see you back here soon. But if you feel more comfortable staying away I understand that too. But know you are missed and valued!