
The "Diamonds are a Sham" kick


Apr 1, 2012
Has anyone else noticed a recent increase of friends on Facebook or other social media posting articles on diamonds being a sham and that we should stop getting engaged with them?

Seeing as I recently got engaged - they've obviously annoyed me but I've taken the "to each their own" approach and haven't commented yet.

This is the most recent article shared with me:

Just curious as to whether any other ladies have encountered this and whether it annoyed you (especially as it sounds like most people aren't aware that there's another world for buying diamonds... and it's not just at the brick and mortar retail level!

Vent done. :halo:
I actually read this article last week when someone posted in my FB newsfeed. My opinion is that everything we do was "made up" by someone somewhere at some point in time. This to me is not any different. And the fact that it has stuck for almost 100 years and became tradition to me means that generally people like the ritual. If people thought it was a sham they wouldn't do it. I'm as feminist and liberal as you get and I like the ritual. I would have gotten married without the ering, but I have to say that as selfish as this sounds there's just something special about knowing that my guy prioritized buying something beautiful and expensive for me to wear as a symbol of our love ahead of everything else.
I haven't encountered this article on my FB feed but now having read it, I say 'meh'. This article refers to diamonds as 'status symbols'. So many things in our world are status symbols: cars, watches, houses etc. The article uses the term 'symbol' in a negative fashion but really, symbolic gifts have been given since the beginning of time. Whether diamond engagement rings are a form of one-up-manship or a marketing ploy, again, I say 'meh' because so many other things are as well.
I've seen this flitting around pinterest, but not yet on my FB. To each his own, I guess? I'm not a fancy car kind of girl and some people are way into that. I'd rather spend money on diamonds. Everyone has some sort of "status" symbol they enjoy.
I think if you are buying a diamond with the intention of it being an investment...well that's your own fault for not realizing how the market works. Agreed with the above that just because it started as a marketing scheme, the fact that it's stuck around for this long even when people are aware of the fact that it did means that people must like the idea on some level. Additionally, where else would we get these *beautiful* old cut diamonds and rings from if it wasn't popular back then?? :Up_to_something:
pandabee|1371078417|3464585 said:
Additionally, where else would we get these *beautiful* old cut diamonds and rings from if it wasn't popular back then?? :Up_to_something:

:bigsmile: Haha. So true!!
maccers|1371064252|3464399 said:
I haven't encountered this article on my FB feed but now having read it, I say 'meh'. This article refers to diamonds as 'status symbols'. So many things in our world are status symbols: cars, watches, houses etc. The article uses the term 'symbol' in a negative fashion but really, symbolic gifts have been given since the beginning of time. Whether diamond engagement rings are a form of one-up-manship or a marketing ploy, again, I say 'meh' because so many other things are as well.

Yep. But I rarely (actually, now that I think about it, never) see this kind of scorn directed at primarily male status symbols. Only the ones us silly women like, and that pisses me right off. A new car is a terrible investment, too, and yet people understand buying better cars for the enjoyment of driving a nice care. Well, I enjoy things that sparkle and I want them on my hand and around my neck and in my ears and wherever else I can think of.
UGH, I hate this! I call it diamond-shaming. I've never seen so many people on Facebook post the same shit at the same time about something like this. I never see people designer-brand-shaming. Or luxury car-shaming. Vacation-shaming. :roll:


Does this mean less people will want diamonds? Meaning demand goes down, prices go down? So I can buy more? :sun:
madelise|1371788380|3469808 said:
UGH, I hate this! I call it diamond-shaming. I've never seen so many people on Facebook post the same shit at the same time about something like this. I never see people designer-brand-shaming. Or luxury car-shaming. Vacation-shaming. :roll:


Does this mean less people will want diamonds? Meaning demand goes down, prices go down? So I can buy more? :sun:

UGH can I talk about how much I hate the diamond shaming on "that other site". It's true that it's weird that guys aren't looked down as much for buying expensive cars or watches or what have you. I'm surprised I actually have not seen this article shared on my newsfeed. Just shared here on forums.