
The Comey book

Looking forward to getting my hands and eyes on it. Plus he'll be making rounds on the late night talk show circuit which will be entertaining for us and infuriating for Chump.
I'm not sure I will read it; all the good stuff will have been hashed out thoroughly on television and in the newspapers before it even hits the book stores! Need it be said that the US President should not be advocating the prosecution of an author and that the United States has a First Amendment or is that too twentieth century and passé?


Last Updated Apr 13, 2018 11:50 AM EDT

"President Trump took to Twitter Friday morning to respond to fired FBI Director James Comey's upcoming book, calling Comey a 'LEAKER & LIAR' and a 'slime ball' who 'should be prosecuted.'

Comey's new book, 'A Higher Loyalty,' isn't officially released until Tuesday, but numerous news outlets, including CBS News, have obtained copies of the book ahead of time. In it, Comey describes Mr. Trump as 'untethered to truth,' detailing the few months he was FBI director with Mr. Trump as president. Comey has claimed Mr. Trump asked for his loyalty, and to drop a matter involving former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who misled Vice President Mike Pence and federal investigators about his contacts with Russian officials.

Mr. Trump fired Comey in May, eventually prompting Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint special counsel Robert Mueller to lead the investigation into Russian election meddling and any ties to the Trump campaign.

On Friday, Mr. Trump claimed that 'virtually everyone in Washington' thought Comey 'should be fired for the terrible job he did — until he was, in fact fired. He leaked CLASSIFIED information*, for which he should be prosecuted.'

The president also claimed Comey 'lied under oath.'

In a follow-up tweet, Mr. Trump called Comey a 'slime ball.'"

*Before any hotshot tries to defend the indefensible and argue-fatuously-that no one should leak classified information: remember that Director Comey "leaked" his own notes.
I will read it . Comey is an honest decent human who made several mistakes. While I think he should NEVER have helped trump win( he had to know that bad news about hillary would cause people to be concerned ) , I think he is trying to do right now by explaining what he was thinking.

I try to look at the big picture. Comey has spent a lifetime trying to behave legally and ethically. He was well respected and an upstanding person. My friends husband at the FBI was shaken and appalled when trump fired Comey to stop the investigation. They all knew trump did for the wrong reasons.

trump has spent his 71 years on this earth , defrauding, cheating and hurting anyone he can to profit himself. Who knows how many thousands of times he has been sued. Even his own lawyers wont meet with him alone becuase he lies so much to them.

I want to hear what Comey has to say becuase I think while trump clearly had ONLY his OWN interest at heart; there is a better than average chance Comey was doing what he believed was best for the country. I think Comey may have felt trapped and is now trying to make amends for decisions he wishes had been different in hindsight . He ( unlike trump) may be self reflective and is willing to be honest about the past.

I respect that he is not trying to hush everyone under a NDA and he is trying to get it all out there.

As they say -sunlight is a wonderful disinfectant. Kudos to Comey — for saying here is it, I will not hide what I did becuase I made my best judgement at the time and here is why I did it. Judge for yourself and we can go forward.

Politics needs to be out of the fbi. What trump is doing is wrong. We need laws that will not ever allow this to happen again
No. I will not. His need to be in the limelight and antics over the past two years are the antithesis to what law enforcement should be. His mouth should have been shut on everything from Clinton to Trump. My view of Comey has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with my expectations of a law enforcement officer. Trump is beyond ridiculous.
No. I will not. His need to be in the limelight and antics over the past two years are the antithesis to what law enforcement should be. His mouth should have been shut on everything from Clinton to Trump. My view of Comey has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with my expectations of a law enforcement officer. Trump is beyond ridiculous.

How was your trip to Ireland, red? I hope it was wonderful! Is there a thread about it somewhere?

Deb :wavey:
How was your trip to Ireland, red? I hope it was wonderful! Is there a thread about it somewhere?

Deb :wavey:
Hi! :wavey: It was the most wonderful thing I have done with my sons to date. Just amazing. No thread though.

Edit - I just put some pics in the random thoughts thread.
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I plan on reading it.
I think I've gotten the just if it from the news, but I will buy it to support Comey.
I had a very unsettling lunch partner at our community lunch this week, He explained that T-man talks DAILY with all world leaders.
They pretend to fight each other but actually are good friends trying to save the world together.
I guess my seat mate knows something we don't lol.
I'll stick with my ignorant views and support T's opposers. :lol-2:
Going to read it.
I may not read it, since most things have been in the news already. But I support Comey and think he's someone who has tried very hard to be ethical despite difficult circumstances. He certainly made mistakes, but his honesty is something I admire.
I've gotten what I need from the news. I won't give Comey a dime of my money. He should have been fired, not by Trump over the Russia investigation but by Obama for being the first FBI director in history to comment on an ongoing investigation just days before the election. His explanation of why he chose to speak out about the Clinton investigation/harassment was both underwhelming and unpersuasive. He may be a little repentant now, but it's way too little and way too late. The man can take his sanctimony elsewhere.
I've gotten what I need from the news. I won't give Comey a dime of my money. He should have been fired, not by Trump over the Russia investigation but by Obama for being the first FBI director in history to comment on an ongoing investigation just days before the election. His explanation of why he chose to speak out about the Clinton investigation/harassment was both underwhelming and unpersuasive. He may be a little repentant now, but it's way too little and way too late. The man can take his sanctimony elsewhere.

I would never buy the book just to support Director Comey, just as I would never have given money to a website to support Deputy Director McCabe. I feel that both of these men were targets of a president who is intent on taking unconstitutional powers to himself, but they are not, in my opinion, helpless victims without resources. I want to give my money to the places where other nice, white people may not be willing to give it, to places where racial abuse, abuse from power run amok, abuse from economic inequality may not be so visible or so important. I know that there are many others on Pricescope who share my feelings. Thanks for your post, rainwood.
I had nearly decided not to read the book but wanted to wait for the Stephanopolous interview. Watched that last night and decided I'm not interested in the book. I pretty much agree with everything said here

I won't read it either. But, I am not as disturbed about his petty comments of Trump. I believe those are really for an audience of one. One needs some small satisfactions in life. I think Comey knows exactly what hes saying. Orangy face, white bags reminds me of Matatas favorite name. Small hands, peeing prostitutes( Oh my, I never thought I would say this about a Pres)--they are all to irritate Trump, and they will. I hope he got some satisfaction.

James Comey did do wrong for Hilary Clinton. It was not his job to announce anything about the investigation. He now tells us he doesn't want Trump impeached. Rather sanctimonious, I think. We all must redeem ourselves by voting again. But I have no doubt he is telling the truth about his interactions with the Pres.

My preorder on itunes is ready and i can read it now! They must have released it early
He lost Hillary Clinton the election. I still 100% believe that to be a fact.
He lost Hillary Clinton the election. I still 100% believe that to be a fact.
Not true b/c had Comey done his job as a good investigator should then HRC would be in prison. One of the reason why HRC lost the election b/c she was overconfidence that she would carry the midwest states thus reason why she didn't campaign much in the midwest a week before the election.
Not true b/c had Comey done his job as a good investigator should then HRC would be in prison. One of the reason why HRC lost the election b/c she was overconfidence that she would carry the midwest states thus reason why she didn't campaign much in the midwest a week before the election.

Why do I want to say "f*ck you" to Dancing Fire? Am I having anger problems in my real life or has Trump finally gotten to me? And should I just step away from my keyboard? Opinions welcome.
Why do I want to say "f*ck you" to Dancing Fire? Am I having anger problems in my real life or has Trump finally gotten to me? And should I just step away from my keyboard? Opinions welcome.

Let me take your questions one by one dear Deb:

Why do I want to say "f*ck you" to Dancing Fire? - Because you have reached The Point Of Oscar, which is reference to a post I made some time ago where I discussed the futility of trying to talk sense to my dog. And the dumber of my dogs at that.

(a) Am I having anger problems in my real life - I don't believe so based on your general demeanor here.
(b) or has Trump finally gotten to me? - Perhaps. And if so, you are not alone.

And should I just step away from my keyboard? - Only if you fee it would benefit YOU. But frankly, my vote is for you to stay here. With us. (By "us" I mean not DF. Or Oscar.) We (again, not DF. Or Oscar.) are in this together.

Opinions welcome. - :wavey:
Let me take your questions one by one dear Deb:

Why do I want to say "f*ck you" to Dancing Fire? - Because you have reached The Point Of Oscar, which is reference to a post I made some time ago where I discussed the futility of trying to talk sense to my dog. And the dumber of my dogs at that.

(a) Am I having anger problems in my real life - I don't believe so based on your general demeanor here.
(b) or has Trump finally gotten to me? - Perhaps. And if so, you are not alone.

And should I just step away from my keyboard? - Only if you fee it would benefit YOU. But frankly, my vote is for you to stay here. With us. (By "us" I mean not DF. Or Oscar.) We (again, not DF. Or Oscar.) are in this together.

Opinions welcome. - :wavey:

Thank you for the vote of confidence, Dee*Jay. You are very kind. Sometimes I feel that I am like Oscar myself. ;))

I just watched the interview last night, and I will definitely read the book. He has always struck me as a man of integrity, and a good man. I really appreciated his answers to the questions posed and that he wasn't afraid to say, 'maybe I should have done that differently'. I do think he did the best he could at the time. I am not surprised (but dismayed) that Trump is such a liar, but I think Hillary is a liar as well. It seems to go with the desire for power and a name.
Dear Deb, Trump has made many of us reach the point of Oscar. You don’t sound like you have an anger problem to me.

Hey @Dee*Jay , Didn’t Oscar like to bite people too?
Let me take your questions one by one dear Deb:

Why do I want to say "f*ck you" to Dancing Fire? - Because you have reached The Point Of Oscar, which is reference to a post I made some time ago where I discussed the futility of trying to talk sense to my dog. And the dumber of my dogs at that.

(a) Am I having anger problems in my real life - I don't believe so based on your general demeanor here.
(b) or has Trump finally gotten to me? - Perhaps. And if so, you are not alone.

And should I just step away from my keyboard? - Only if you fee it would benefit YOU. But frankly, my vote is for you to stay here. With us. (By "us" I mean not DF. Or Oscar.) We (again, not DF. Or Oscar.) are in this together.

Opinions welcome. - :wavey:
Oh Dee, we're all in this together no matter your political views. No one gets out alive. :mrgreen2:
Why do I want to say "f*ck you" to Dancing Fire? Am I having anger problems in my real life or has Trump finally gotten to me? And should I just step away from my keyboard? Opinions welcome.
Yes, b/c Mother Teresa would never use foul languages...:nono: