
the CE issue

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Jan 20, 2002
I've been reading about Clarity Enhanced diamonds (CE). I'm itching to say something. I have two near flawless small diamonds from previous marriages. High grades, D-F
in color. My point is how does anyone ever really get their money back even from GREAT diamonds like these?? A reputable fine jewelry store here only wanted to give me a fraction of the value for a trade in to a larger stone. I have no idea how to sell these. My point being if the diamond is for wearing, not investing, what's wrong with a CE if the enhancement is minor and it reduces the cost to HALF (or less) than what an "investment grade" stone would cost. If it looks beautiful to the eye, why not??? I want a larger diamond now. My only concern is a guarantee that if it cracks or any problem occurs that I'm covered.
Why not???? Still learning and reading about this. thanks, zenwoman in the Southwest
PS -- Just for grins, here's the specs on the CE I'm considering:
H color, SI1 grade, Princess cut .90, 5.07 x 5.01 x 4.03
for $1,000 It looks very nice in the setting I want which is 2-tone (white/yellow gold) with another .3 of baguettes and channel set stones. Both are wholesale price and the total package is just under $1500. Thoughts??????
I won't sell them because of the gaurantee issue - the company that says they will fix them in 10 years may not be around in 10 years.
But I know people who sell them and so long as they are declared and inform people that's fine by me.
The problem is maul stores that deal with down market dummies thru down market sales assistants who have not got the brains they were born with - then poor jewellers like me re tip the prongs in 10 years and the stone blows up.
One should not consider diamonds an "investment" rgardless of quality, unless that party owns a jewelry store or is a diamond dealer. Diamonds are for wearing and enjoying. At some distant time in your life, you might need or desire to sell one or more. You will find that they are not worth "retail" to anyone who is intending to sell them in order to make their living. However, consider what other luxury item you may buy now, enjoy for years of use and then sell for 1/4 to 1/2 what it would now cost to buy it.

Try a nice car out for 15 years and see how much is left. Try a fabulous fur coat for the same amount of time. Not much will be left in value there, either.

All in all, diamonds have been a reasonable investment in pleasure and have not diminshed to zero value over time due to wear and tear.

be realistic about the value of things and you will be happier about it. Buying well now insures losing the least possible whenever the time to sell arises.

Buying CE diamonds is on the order of buying costume jewelry. It costs less and will be worth a lot less yet when the time comes to sell if anyone will buy the stone at all. Still, a CE diamond can look very nice and may prove quite durable. We just don't know for sure as it is on a stone by stone basis with those particular glass filled rocks.
On 1/21/2002 11:31:27 AM oldminer wrote:

Diamonds are for wearing and enjoying. At some distant time in your life, you might need or desire to sell one or more. You will find that they are not worth "retail"

You're sure right about that! I appreciate your comments, as well as those from Cut Nut, but this IS 25 years later (from the time I got my first diamond) and I did want to sell or trade up. I was not receiving any offer worth considering. That's why I began to investigate the CE option. My serious investment money is in my retirement accounts and since this ring is for wearing, not an investment, I still believe the CE is the best route for me. Regardless of what your selling -- houses, stocks or diamonds -- the bottom line is what someone else will pay. It feels like a one-sided market from my perspective, when it comes to diamonds. Good luck to everyone else out there paying the big bucks!

*** jami
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