
''The Bachelor''

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Dec 31, 1999
Just curious how many of you folks were watching the show and why.

I'll start from myself. I couldn't stand it but maybe there is something wrong with me? :cheeky:
I am with you Leo,

I hate those shows. I can't imagine how some of these people go on these shows and act the way they do. Also, how can you just go an marry someone like that. I thought people would have learned a lesson after "Who wants to marry a Millionaire." Idiots.
It was like watching a train wreck. You can't look away. I channel surfed back & forth. I found the whole thing curious; but, really didn't follow it until the last few episodes. On an interesting note, I did not like her ring....and it looked awfully small on T.V. for the price.
I watched it... It was not real, wasn't it? Maybe, the stone was.. :))
Rook, however millions have been watching and waiting for the next episodes. Now people are discussing the ring... Harry Winston should be happy.

I don't mean to be critical just trying to understand what most of the people want. Entertainment, celebrities, mass advertising?

Or is it possible that those who came to the internet are looking for something else?
Yes that is true. A lot of people love those "real" drama tv shows. I personally like the 1/2 comedies where there is a big delema at the beginning and after a half hour is solved and everyone is happy. I need some mindless entertainment with a little humor. I.e. Simpsons, Friends, Raymond, Ed.
"Schools and teachers, the motor vehicle bureau, the IRS, the military, the line at the bank, the television set, the newspapers at the checkout stand, the news on your radio, the billboards along the highway, and now a hundred thousand cold-comfort Web sites. All are tuned to your brain at the deepest level and you have lined up for the coolest, latest-model implant. The carrier wave has been tuned at huge cost to deliver a single message: you are not free, you desire nothing but the products we produce, you have no world but the world we give you.

If you're OK with this, then eat it up. There's a bulimic's dream-feast of killer kontent on the way. But if it already makes you want to puke, get angry. Write it, code it, paint it, play it — rattle the cage however you can. Stay hungry. Stay free. And believe it: win, lose, or draw, we're here to stay. Armed only with imagination, we're gonna rip the f***ing lid off."

Probably I just feel ratty today.

What do you guys think?

On 11/25/2002 9:34:35 AM

Rook, however millions have been watching and waiting for the next episodes. Now people are discussing the ring... Harry Winston should be happy.

I don't mean to be critical just trying to understand what most of the people want. Entertainment, celebrities, mass advertising?

Or is it possible that those who came to the internet are looking for something else?

Not sure what you mean Leonid. Are you thinking that internet people aren't like main stream America?

If so, are you aware of the several chat & message boards on Helene & Aaron? ...more active than pricescope these days. - Go figure ??

People who visit this board usually have a purpose - to learn about purchasing a diamond and those that stick around because one continues to learn & share their experiences. These people are a different lot. People with purpose usually are too busy worrying about their own life - let alone the Batchelor's life.

As to what people want - Man, if you can figure that out - I'd be happy w/ 1/1,000,00 of the share.

I am a huge fan of mindless television. I watch Survivor, Bachelor, Temptation Island..the LOVE CRUISE..and even some Anna Nicole..I know I know..its sick. However it IS like a train wreck, you can't look away. Also, during and after each show, it's definitely worth a very good laugh. :bigsmile:

The very odd thing is that many of these people on these shows APPEAR to be quite normal. Isn't that a little more frightening than the idea of the show itself? ;) There are of course the obviously seriously disturbed, such as some of the girls who cried hysterically about 'not being okay' after he booted them off the show.

I loved that in this last Bachelor, Aaron paid for the ring himself rather than letting the show pay for it. Sure..awww..what a guy, fork out for a $50k+ Harry Winston ring for your TV bride, but did I mention he is loaded? It's not as though he saved and scrimped for years or that the $$$ had any meaning. Not that I don't like the show, Aaron was a direct improvement over last year's San Franciscan bachelor, and I rooted for Helene from the very beginning, especially as she seemed to be one of the only girls there not 'in love' with Aaron after episode 3. :naughty:
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