That really is incredibly awesome. I lived in Pittsburgh during the attacks, my father was to be in the pentagon that day for meetings--his offices were hit directly. I dont believe in any of the religious or deity stuff, but there was some serious "Fate" happening that day to keep him outside of that attack. I am kind of looking forward to some of the programming that day. I cannot believe it has been 10 years since the attacks happened, and honestly I feel like we as Americans have done very little to learn from it. We react, we don't plan ahead. It's sad.
What a lady. We have been watching a lot of the programming here in the UK thats been on this week and its such a reminder of how far reaching the devastation was, and still is for so many people. Heartbreaking.
We bought a flag with all the names on it when we were at the memorial this summer. My DH is going to hang it at his fire
station. What a great memorial. It mean a lot to all the guys too. Bless this dear woman.
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