
Thank you

Hay Joe, I'm so very sorry for the loss of your dear Ransom. I know your heart must be aching especially after losing Sweetpea such a short while ago. I am so saddened for you & your family. It is obvious you all share a deep connection with your fur kids. That is something that will always be there and can't ever be broken. How wonderful that you have had such sweet furry family members in your life. Sending you lots of hugs during this difficult time. :wavey:
I am so sorry Hay Joe. Your fur babies are beautiful. It is such a hard thing to lose them so close together. It looks like you will have a heart
full of beautiful memories of them both. Olive will be getting a lot of hugs and kisses in the coming days. Hugs to you.
Thank all of you for the kind words. My Wife's heart can't stand much more.

Ransom loved Sweetpea. He would stand and set so proud as if to command respect as long as he knew Sweetpea was around. Without him his confidence disappeared. He was a big baby at heart. One day I was home as the trash truck pulled up and the dogs ran out to the gate. Two guys jumped out of the truck grab the cans and empty them into the bin. (We have a gate across our driveway so this all happens in a short distance) They, the trash guys never take their eyes off the dogs and the dogs are watching them. All is well until a can is slammed on the ground. The dogs start barking and the trash guys step back. Well along comes the neighbor's three year old daughter. She tells the dogs to be quiet and says "O Ransom" they run over to her and set so she will pet them. That neighbor has moved and the new neighbor's 18 month old shares his pacifier with Olive.
Today my wife and son took Olive for a drive, she needed to get out of the house. I am taking the kid ("S") material shopping for my dad's bathroom remod.
Joe - who is Olive? Is it another pet, or a child?

(sorry I may have asked this before I just don't remember...and I've been wondering if you have any other pets or if these were your only two. :blackeye: Not that if you have others it lessens the pain. But you know what I mean...)
I read this poem earlier and thought it was beautiful.

Missing You

I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying, You found it hard to sleep.
I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,
"It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."

I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea,
You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me.
I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care.
I want to re-assure you, that I'm not lying there.
I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said " it's me."

You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there.
It's possible for me, to be so near you everyday.
To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."
You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew...
In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.

The day is over... I smile and watch you yawning
and say "good-night, God bless, I'll see you in the morning."
And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side.
I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.

Be patient, live your journey out...then come home to be with me.

By Colleen Fitzsimmons
Olive is a Rottweiler, she's 70lbs now. She was born 6/25/15. "S" is a kid, a good kid who is sharing her life with us while her family makes the needed changes in their lives.

Thanks for the poem it was very nice. I'll get my wife to read it.

I would like all of you to know that I truly appreciate your kindness.
Thank you,
Hay Joe,

I'm so sorry to read about the loss of Ransom. My condolences to you, your wife and the rest of your family. :(sad
hay joe|1454191368|3984312 said:
Olive is a Rottweiler, she's 70lbs now. She was born 6/25/15. "S" is a kid, a good kid who is sharing her life with us while her family makes the needed changes in their lives.

I see - thanks for clarifying Joe.

If you're up to it, would you post some pictures of Olive? Would love to see her (unless she's in some of the pictures above and I just didnt' realize...)
CJ2008|1454274577|3984776 said:
hay joe|1454191368|3984312 said:
Olive is a Rottweiler, she's 70lbs now. She was born 6/25/15.

I see - thanks for clarifying Joe.

If you're up to it, would you post some pictures of Olive? Would love to see her (unless she's in some of the pictures above and I just didnt' realize...)

I knew I had seen pictures of Olive, but although I kept looking through this thread, I couldn't find them. Eventually it occurred to me that I might have seen them in another thread. (Talk about being a bit slow on the uptake!) I did a search and found the thread on furbabies, which I had read. I am going to repost the pictures of Olive Joe posted in that thread. I am figuring that since he put them on-line here on Pricescope, he doesn't mind sharing them here.

She is a beautiful girl, just as all his other dogs were beautiful. He will have to tell us if she is as sweet. When I see some of his other babies showing their tummies, I just want to cuddle with them! What kind of personality does she have, Joe? Or do you know, yet? Most puppies tend to be puppy-ish!



OMG AGBF thanks for reposting those.

Olive is so fluffy and cute - so glad to be able to see her. What a face.

Thank you for taking the time to find these cute photos of Olive! So adorable!

Hay Joe,

Thank you for sharing these wonderful creatures with us by way of photos and words. Although the passing of Sweetpea and Ransom is heartbreaking, you've put a smile on the faces of many people here by allowing us a glimpse into their lives.

This is what Olive looks like today. It's going to be her first day home alone. I am starting off to work late and will get home early.


I'm so sorry for your losses Hay Joe. Your dogs were and are beautiful. I hope Olive was ok today, and that you can all have a comforting evening together.
I'm so sorry for your losses Joe :(sad . Thank you for posting the pictures of your beautiful furbabies. Please give Olive an extra hug from me
Monday I came home for lunch, picked up Olive and brought her to work. Tuesday and Wednesday I left work early. When Sweetpea would go to work with me I could let him just hang out at job sites. People would ask if he was "ok" their coworkers who knew him would just reply "That's Sweetpea". From time to time I would hear "Hey there's a Rottweiler running loose" then I would hear "O Sweetpea's here" they would call for him and off he would go. Olive needs to get use to the truck and equipment noises, gain some confidence and then she'll be ok. She was a alpha type when she came to live with us but that has changed. She has lost a lot since then.
What's the deal with the mustache on a female? Inspector Poirot.

It's nice that you are bringing Olive to work sometimes joe, it will be good for her and I'll bet she likes the activity and people - I'm sure she will get used to the work site soon. She is so sweet! :love: And she doesn't seem too upset about having a mustache! lol!
hay joe|1454558529|3986636 said:
What's the deal with the mustache on a female? Inspector Poirot.

Don't be mean, Joe. She doesn't know she has one. She's going to grow up to be big and strong enough that that the other kids will not tease her about it. So if you don't mention it, she will not develop a complex and want to go for electrolysis (the way my daughter did). ;))
I'll keep the mirrors out of reach too. Olive is a good dog, mustache and all. She will need more training than other dogs we have had. Rarely have we had just a puppy. With older dogs at home they kind-of teach puppies how to behave by their action alone.
I found a picture of Ransom setting at attention and Sweetpea's dad and grandpa.



Wow, Joe. All your puppies (I am including sweetpea's grandpa as "yours") look extremely strong. I have developed a great fondness for Pit Bulls because they are strong and energetic enough to play with my Giant Breed dog without his having to be careful about how he plays. But they (Pit Bulls) are smaller than your babies were. I think if he played with your doggies, he would have been the one who had to watch out!!! And Olive is probably going to be right up there with them soon.

They are muscular!!!

Deb :wavey: