
tension setting help/pictures?

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Mar 14, 2007
Hi All!

The time is almost here! I''ve been researching diamonds and rings on pricescope for a month or so and i''m about ready to pull the trigger. I think I''ve narrowed down the stone to something along these lines:

.91 ct diamond

And I want to set it in a Gelin Abaci tension setting (probably this one minus the engraving)

GA TR-004 tension setting

Here''s my dilema, I really want to buy the ring before I propose, but I''m afraid about how the ring will look on her hand. My GF is tall and slender and wears a size 5 ring (not sure if that''s small or not). She''s incredibly elegant so I think the tension style is perferct, but i''m concerned about the width of the ring. I''ve read that the GA rings are wide and I don''t want it to look "big" on her finger. It''s so hard to judge by the pictures.

Does anyone have any advice? How about some pictures of tension settings on people''s fingers. Anyone own this specific ring or one of the "thinner" GA settings? How does it compare to a typical/basic prong setting?

Thanks in advance for the help!

I can''t offer any advice on tension set rings as I don''t have any experience with them. What I wanted to say is that if you are in any way unsure about the setting it might be as well to have the diamond put in a temporary setting while you propose - then let her choose her permanent setting afterwards.
That way you can be sure she is getting the ring she always dreamed of.
I''ve seriously thought about that, but if she decides she doesn''t want a tension, then I could probably drop more on the stone. I''ve got my combined budget and I really want to maximize all of it, but not go over. :-)

I very well may go that rout if I can''t gain confidence that the tension set won''t dominate her hand.

Have you and your girlfriend talked about e-rings? Do you know what type of setting she''s been eyeing (if any)? You could go browsing and have her try on several rings (tension style and other types). I don''t know too much about GA or tension settings, but I''m sure if you do a search you''ll find something on here. I know there are a few (Bruce Boone I think).
Date: 3/14/2007 7:52:15 PM
Hi All!

The time is almost here! I've been researching diamonds and rings on pricescope for a month or so and i'm about ready to pull the trigger. I think I've narrowed down the stone to something along these lines:

.91 ct diamond

And I want to set it in a Gelin Abaci tension setting (probably this one minus the engraving)

GA TR-004 tension setting

Here's my dilema, I really want to buy the ring before I propose, but I'm afraid about how the ring will look on her hand. My GF is tall and slender and wears a size 5 ring (not sure if that's small or not). She's incredibly elegant so I think the tension style is perferct, but i'm concerned about the width of the ring. I've read that the GA rings are wide and I don't want it to look 'big' on her finger. It's so hard to judge by the pictures.

I'm sorry that I do not have any pics, but I have a size 5 finger and I tried on a tension ring that had a 0.71ct centre stone and the band width was approx 4mm. It was similar to the G&A TR006 on mickeyroof's site. The band looked GOOD on my finger, and I REALLY wanted the ring for quite a while. I don't know who the maker was as it was at a mall store and I live in Canada (no G&A up here). It was also platinum. I am NOT tall at 5'4" (125lbs) but I feel I have slender and longish fingers. What width of rings does she normally wear? I do like a wider band on my finger, 2mm looks lost on me (IMO). If your are AT all unsure, get a temp setting! Some girls really like to choose their own!
First off, I just want to say that I think you''re very sweet for putting all this care into the proposal.

The other thing you KNOW she wants a tension setting? I ask because it is kind of non-traditional and thus many people don''t like the look. I personally think they are really cool, but something in my mind screams "it''s going to fall out!", so I would never want to wear one. It''s a mind thing, I would constantly be inspecting it to see if it was loose, lol.

That being said, if she''s tall she can handle a ring like the one you posted even if her hands are somewhat dainty, IMO. Size 5 is a little on the small side (6 is average) but it is not teensy, so most rings in the 2-4mm range should look fine.

Good luck with your decision!!!
Date: 3/14/2007 8:26:47 PM
Author: neatfreak
First off, I just want to say that I think you''re very sweet for putting all this care into the proposal.

The other thing you KNOW she wants a tension setting? I ask because it is kind of non-traditional and thus many people don''t like the look. I personally think they are really cool, but something in my mind screams ''it''s going to fall out!'', so I would never want to wear one. It''s a mind thing, I would constantly be inspecting it to see if it was loose, lol.

That being said, if she''s tall she can handle a ring like the one you posted even if her hands are somewhat dainty, IMO. Size 5 is a little on the small side (6 is average) but it is not teensy, so most rings in the 2-4mm range should look fine.

Good luck with your decision!!!

I feel the same way. The OCD part of me would be checking that baby every chance I get. Kenny''s tension setting is absolutely amazing (yeah, and the asscher''s not so bad either
) but it''s not for everyone. Kenny, btw, is a fellow PSer.

G & A, TR044, .87ctw, from the SMTR file

Another tension setting from the SMTR file
I love tension settings, but they are not everyone''s dream engagement ring.

I would definitely get some input from her to see if she is leaning in that direction or wants something more classic.

Also, loving a design style and having it be comfortable to wear are two different issues. She may love the look, but the shank thickness may be bothersome.

Whether you take her ring shopping or just pick out styles in a magazine or jewelry store window, this information will give you a lot of insight and confidence in how you split your budget.

Good luck!

Same ring/file, with two wedding bands, hand shot
Date: 3/14/2007 8:42:34 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Same ring/file, with two wedding bands, hand shot
WOW, I love the way this ring looks!!!

Another G & A
Kretchmer Omega
Date: 3/14/2007 8:54:55 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Kretchmer Omega
Be still my heart!!!!!

Starspun''s (PS member) tension setting/ring

Venus by Boone rings

Hope those pictures were of some help--not an exhaustive review on what has been posted on PS, but a taste. Using the "search" function here on PS, and entering tension setting can give you not only an idea of more settings, but experiences people have had with manufactures and tension set rings, in general. Good luck!

Thanks for all the great replies everyone!

I should have checked sooner. Turns out there''s a store less than a mile from my office that carries a selection of GA rings! Just got back from looking. I was pleasantly surprised to see that even some of the rings that I thought would be "wide" turned out to be not that big at all. They had the exact setting I was thinking about, but after seeing it in real life, I''m thinking it''s a bit to "horseshoe" shaped. They had one of the newer designs there that I thought was really nice.

New GA Setting

After seeing it on a women''s hand, it didn''t seem overpowering at all. Now to do some undercover work to make sure that she''ll like it as much as I do!

On another note, I had to smile when the sales girl started to try and sell me on a B&M store stone. I caught her totally off guard when I started spotting off various diamond lingo. I guess she doesn''t come across many people who actually do some research before walking through the doors. :-) Needless to say she gave up pretty quick trying to sell me on a $6k .9ct VS2 stone. So thanks everyone for providing such great information!

Absolutely gorgeous!!!

Date: 3/14/2007 10:19:26 PM
Author: mrcysco
Thanks for all the great replies everyone!

I should have checked sooner. Turns out there''s a store less than a mile from my office that carries a selection of GA rings! Just got back from looking. I was pleasantly surprised to see that even some of the rings that I thought would be ''wide'' turned out to be not that big at all. They had the exact setting I was thinking about, but after seeing it in real life, I''m thinking it''s a bit to ''horseshoe'' shaped. They had one of the newer designs there that I thought was really nice.

New GA Setting

After seeing it on a women''s hand, it didn''t seem overpowering at all. Now to do some undercover work to make sure that she''ll like it as much as I do!

On another note, I had to smile when the sales girl started to try and sell me on a B&M store stone. I caught her totally off guard when I started spotting off various diamond lingo. I guess she doesn''t come across many people who actually do some research before walking through the doors. :-) Needless to say she gave up pretty quick trying to sell me on a $6k .9ct VS2 stone. So thanks everyone for providing such great information!

So what was the price difference between the G&A setting in the store and online?? So glad you could see them in person!! Up in Canada, a mall store wanted $7k for the 0.71ct H stone that I saw in the tension setting (not including the setting)...that''s about $6k USD!!!
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