
Teen Mom 2


Jan 13, 2008
Has anyone been watching? I am deeply disturbed by Janelle's situation and behavior....
Is Janelle the one who was cursing at her mom? I watched it last week and remembered being really disturbed by the one with dark hair's (don't remember her name) behaviour. I couldn't believe how she was treating her mom! Cussing at her and shoving her and ordering her to go back in the house....??? :o :shock: :angryfire: AWFUL!!!
Absolutely unreal. I couldn't even stand to watch her treat her mom like that, I turned it off. Atrocious is the best word I could think of.
I am too! I thought Amber was bad but this gal is worse!
She is horrible! I hope her mother does get custody of the baby---she's the one taking care of him while the daughter is out partying all night.
The mom is no peach. She's in a terrible spot, but she's the adult and was screaming right over that baby's head too. She shouldn't have engaged in the argument.

I want to think the show helps prevent teen pregnancy, but we're so desensitized to reality TV I am not so sure.
I saw the first episode where she was served with the custody papers. I remember watching the baby playing at the screen door inside while they both walked around the front yard screaming. All I could think of is how my mom never let me near the bottom of the screen door for fear of pinched fingers. Neither of them were really paying any attention to the child at that point. In the mom's defense, she's has had to deal with the new baby and the teen's behaviour for months, so her reaction was probably the result of a lot of pushing on her daughter's part.

Actually, maybe it doesn't "feel" like they just left the baby on the floor next to the door since the camera crew was with him.
chemgirl|1295407411|2826363 said:
I saw the first episode where she was served with the custody papers. I remember watching the baby playing at the screen door inside while they both walked around the front yard screaming. All I could think of is how my mom never let me near the bottom of the screen door for fear of pinched fingers. Neither of them were really paying any attention to the child at that point. In the mom's defense, she's has had to deal with the new baby and the teen's behaviour for months, so her reaction was probably the result of a lot of pushing on her daughter's part.

Actually, maybe it doesn't "feel" like they just left the baby on the floor next to the door since the camera crew was with him.

In defense of that it is very likely that MTV cut and pasted things to make the show look a certain way. That's the one thing I wonder is how much of this has been spliced together.
I am waiting for it to show up on demand... I was really disturbed by Janelle's situation on 16 and pregnant....

I know it sounds terrible, but I can't wait to watch! (It's my junk food tv)
Sparkly Blonde|1295406413|2826347 said:
I am too! I thought Amber was bad but this gal is worse!

Worse than Amber?!? That girl was just horrid! :errrr:
Janelle is definitely the new Amber! I didn't get to watch last night's episode yet, but the last one was appalling.

I agree with those who say the mom isn't great either. She definitely has a lot to deal with between the baby and her daughter, but it seems like Janelle got her yelling from somewhere and it's probably from mom.
I agree that the mom definitely has issues too. She definitely knows all the right buttons to push with her seriously disfunctional daughter. What a shame for that little boy.

I had DD when I was 17 so I'm always curious so see how things turn out for these girls. It makes me feel fortunate that life wasn't nearly as difficult for me as it is for some of these girls. I was SO fortunate to have the support of my parents and siblings...still do.
I don't know about you, but this show is already hitting me a different way than the first. Maybe because I have my own child now...

Anyway, DH almost left the room when the doctor was talking with Leah, the twins' mom, about her baby's legs. It's so hard to watch, and I don't think it is going to get easier. I'm glad to see that she and her ex, Corey, are going to work things out. She seems to have grown up alot in the last few months.

I am not happy to see that Chelsea is going back to that idiot Adam. She doesn't realize what an incredible person her Dad is, and how this is going to be a complete slap in the face to him and everything he has/is doing for her. She needs to listen to the roomate and stay away.

Re: Janelle, I hope that girl finally realizes how good she has it. They mentioned in the first episode that the dad, who is modeling in Asia, is sending her child support! All she has to do is get a job, and she could have that baby on her own, and support him with what she is getting from the dad. She keeps saying that she is Jace's mom, but she is beyond kidding herself. She has no idea, even after 12 months, what being a mom really is.

Kailyn, I am so confused by that whole situation. Daddy is a controlling jerk, Kailyn has her B%#!* moments, the Mom is a saint for letting her stay in the house... That one should unfold in a super wierd way.
I haven't watched any of the Teen Mom shows, but I am addicted to US Weekly and similar mags. When I see photos of Amber, I am always struck by what a mean face she has. She makes me think of the baby that turns into a pig in the book Alice in Wonderland.
Tuckins1|1295440625|2826533 said:
I am waiting for it to show up on demand... I was really disturbed by Janelle's situation on 16 and pregnant....

I know it sounds terrible, but I can't wait to watch! (It's my junk food tv)

I think you can watch them on as well.
I was really taken a back by the interaction between Janelle and her mom.... Let's be real, Janelle isn't the way she is for no reason - her mom raised her. My thinking is her mom wasn't very sensitive and likely somewhat abusive towards Janelle, and now Janelle is totally out of control and has some really poor anger management strategies. I also think her mom has some mental health issues... There is something very intrusive about her mom's behavior. Janelle tries to communicate over and over again (albeit in a very hostile way) how she would appreciate if her mom would back off a little bit, but her mom continues to intrude and take over, and at the same time, criticize her for not being present. I really hope they both get counseling... There are still some positives there - her mom really does seem like she wants to help, but doesn't know how to do so in a positive way. Janelle needs to accept responsibility and step up to her role of being a mom, and show some respect to her mother who is really helping her out. I feel terribly for everyone involved, Janelle, her mom, and the baby :(
afreebird|1295459102|2826732 said:
I haven't watched any of the Teen Mom shows, but I am addicted to US Weekly and similar mags. When I see photos of Amber, I am always struck by what a mean face she has. She makes me think of the baby that turns into a pig in the book Alice in Wonderland.

I think Amber mentioned having bipolar disorder in an episode - does anyone remember that? She is on some meds... She really needs to continue her meds and counseling as well.
ilovethiswebsite|1295461307|2826763 said:
I was really taken a back by the interaction between Janelle and her mom.... Let's be real, Janelle isn't the way she is for no reason - her mom raised her. My thinking is her mom wasn't very sensitive and likely somewhat abusive towards Janelle, and now Janelle is totally out of control and has some really poor anger management strategies. I also think her mom has some mental health issues... There is something very intrusive about her mom's behavior. Janelle tries to communicate over and over again (albeit in a very hostile way) how she would appreciate if her mom would back off a little bit, but her mom continues to intrude and take over, and at the same time, criticize her for not being present. I really hope they both get counseling... There are still some positives there - her mom really does seem like she wants to help, but doesn't know how to do so in a positive way. Janelle needs to accept responsibility and step up to her role of being a mom, and show some respect to her mother who is really helping her out. I feel terribly for everyone involved, Janelle, her mom, and the baby :(

Janelle could be the way she is for a TON of reasons aside from how she was raised. There are so many factors that go into how you behave as a person when you get older. When I say this, I'm thinking of my own experiences and the experiences of others, along with having studied this for a while. I've witnessed parents who were 100% not abusive in any way towards their kid, yet they grew up and became aggressive individuals anyway. This kind of reminds me of the nature vs nurture debate...I can't say its JUST one or the other....its both, IMO.
What struck me the most, more than anything else, was watching Leah and her BF with their twins. They only hold the skinny one. Ally, the one with the back problems is always shown by herself, yet the skinny one is constantly being held, picked up, kissed and hugged. I know MTV edits the clips together to portray the situation a certain way, but I can't help but fear that they really do ignore her.
Autumnovember|1295465702|2826821 said:
ilovethiswebsite|1295461307|2826763 said:
I was really taken a back by the interaction between Janelle and her mom.... Let's be real, Janelle isn't the way she is for no reason - her mom raised her. My thinking is her mom wasn't very sensitive and likely somewhat abusive towards Janelle, and now Janelle is totally out of control and has some really poor anger management strategies. I also think her mom has some mental health issues... There is something very intrusive about her mom's behavior. Janelle tries to communicate over and over again (albeit in a very hostile way) how she would appreciate if her mom would back off a little bit, but her mom continues to intrude and take over, and at the same time, criticize her for not being present. I really hope they both get counseling... There are still some positives there - her mom really does seem like she wants to help, but doesn't know how to do so in a positive way. Janelle needs to accept responsibility and step up to her role of being a mom, and show some respect to her mother who is really helping her out. I feel terribly for everyone involved, Janelle, her mom, and the baby :(

Janelle could be the way she is for a TON of reasons aside from how she was raised. There are so many factors that go into how you behave as a person when you get older. When I say this, I'm thinking of my own experiences and the experiences of others, along with having studied this for a while. I've witnessed parents who were 100% not abusive in any way towards their kid, yet they grew up and became aggressive individuals anyway. This kind of reminds me of the nature vs nurture debate...I can't say its JUST one or the other....its both, IMO.

Hmm... although I agree with you that she may have had many other experiences that contributed to her presentation - I really think in this circumstance the mom played a huge role - and that's from watching them interact during episodes. I too have studied in the area for the last 10 years... I think people really underestimate the way early parent-child interactions play a huge role in a child's ability to cope with emotions throughout their life. Although some children are born with certain temperamental styles which can make them more difficult to parent - parenting still moderates that 'individual' trait.
Hudson_Hawk|1295469154|2826873 said:
What struck me the most, more than anything else, was watching Leah and her BF with their twins. They only hold the skinny one. Ally, the one with the back problems is always shown by herself, yet the skinny one is constantly being held, picked up, kissed and hugged. I know MTV edits the clips together to portray the situation a certain way, but I can't help but fear that they really do ignore her.

I noticed that as well. I was thinking that maybe it was due to her being a bit heavier and more difficult to lift and carry, but honestly that is not a good excuse if in fact they do hold her sister more. They are both adorable, but I find Ally ( with back problems) to be such a beautiful, cuddly baby. I pray she turns out to be ok.
Re: Leah and Corey not holding the sick daughter... There have only been 2 episodes, and among sharing time with the other 3 girls, they have probably only been on for 40 minutes total, and half of that time it has only been Leah and Corey talking. I hardly think that gives enough time to truly decide if they are holding one child less than the other.
Yes, when she was shopping she was only holding one of them, but, the other daughter looked perfectly content to be sitting in the stroller. I would assume that the daughter she was holding probably got fussy and wanted out.

As for Janelle, I do not think that her mom is perfect by any means, but she is doing alot more for that child than Janelle. DH adn I actually spoke about this after the first episode. We wonder how hard it would be as a parent to just back away and say, "Ok, you want to be the mom, go ahead." How do you kick your daughter out of the house, with a child that you KNOW she cannot take care of. Jace is a year old, not just a few months or newborn, and the mom and daughter are still fighting over the same things as they did when she was on 16 and pregnant.
Janelle doesn't wake up in the morning to take the child to school, she is there to put him in bed, and then goes out at night. I would have to believe that my even tempered mom would be just as mad and do the exact same things, if I had been acting that way for 12 months. (ETA: My mom wouldn't let me sleep in for even one morning without yanking my A out of bed. It is a lack of respect on Janelle's part.)
People do crazy things when they care deeply about the object/person they are fighting over. After the last episode, I tend to believe that the mom is just very invested in Jace's well being and wants the best for him. When I think that my son is being harmed or neglected, you better believe that I am going to yell at anyone responsible. I think the mom sees Jace as hers, and is defending him like her emotions are telling her.
I also don't blame her for feeling like the mom of Jace. She has been.

My major issue was with the fact that when Janelle went inside the house to confront her mom, she didn't even try to go to Jace. If that were me, I would have grabbed my son, the diaper bag, and left. I don't know how she thought the most important thing to do at that time, was to argue with her mom. Then to stay away for 2 weeks... I would have at least tried to go by and spend 30 minutes or anything with my son. How can you go 2 weeks without seeing your child?
Meresal, I completely agree with your take on Janelle and her mom's situation. She seems to be getting in a lot of trouble with drugs and stuff too (although I just read that in OK magazine!)

I also just read that Amber made $480,000 last year. Do you think there is a stipulation in their contract that even though they are getting paid to do the show they can't alter the way they live. I mean she was living in a $#!^house!!!!
lizzyann01|1295484114|2827151 said:
Meresal, I completely agree with your take on Janelle and her mom's situation. She seems to be getting in a lot of trouble with drugs and stuff too (although I just read that in OK magazine!)

I also just read that Amber made $480,000 last year. Do you think there is a stipulation in their contract that even though they are getting paid to do the show they can't alter the way they live. I mean she was living in a $#!^house!!!!

I must be extremely naive but the thought never crossed my mind that these girls are paid to do the show. I'll admit that I've only caught the show a few times, and I don't typically watch these types of realty shows.

Lizzy, do you think the girls (well, Amber in this case) stay in the less than ideal living situations because it's what they know and what they're used to? I'm talking about the situations they put themselves into and the physical spaces they choose to live.
Zoe, I guess that is possible. Amber seems as though she never really had a supportive family so maybe that's the case. In OK magazine, it also showed pics of Amber with her new boyfriend and they were buying flat screen tv's! I mean...$480,000. For that amount she could keep the crappy apartment if she really wanted it and hire a maid! But I think there must be stipulations in their contract. Like Kailyn, for example. She's basically homeless and living in her ex's parents basement. Don't you think that with the payments from MTV, she could at least afford a small apartment for her and the baby. I know these are supposed to be "reality" shows but I think there must be some things in their contract that affect how it plays out on tv. EIther way, I still watch!!!!
i just watched the second

janelle: not much to say here that hasn't already been said. im constantly amazed by her total lack of a parental draw to her child. she behaves like his older sister...its no wonder her mom wants custody. that's just a messed up sitch.

chelsea: dumb move to be with the ex again, but i do agree that her daughter should have him in her life. but that by no means they should be a couple. there is a lot of control there, and i think chelsea is just an insecure girl who knows what is wrong but is going to continue doing it because it "feels good."

kaelyn: i feel so bad for her. i think she is really trying to do the right thing, and i was kind of upset that the family was so harsh on her for dating someone. obviously her ex treats her like crap, and doesn't want to treat her right or be with her- so why shouldn't she have any life of her own? i understand she's under their roof, therefore plays by their rules, but i wish so badly that she could move on from that situation.

leah: ok, watching her and cory at the end just BROKE MY HEART. i teared up. i think shes doing a great job trying to raise twins at such a young age...she's really growing into a great mother and woman. i'd hate to think how janelle would treat her son if she was in the same boat as leah. re: holding one more than the other: i didn't really notice it as much...i saw her being affectionate with both.
charbie|1295490630|2827250 said:
leah: ok, watching her and cory at the end just BROKE MY HEART. i teared up. i think shes doing a great job trying to raise twins at such a young age...she's really growing into a great mother and woman. i'd hate to think how janelle would treat her son if she was in the same boat as leah. re: holding one more than the other: i didn't really notice it as much...i saw her being affectionate with both.

I know, so sad :(
Re: salary...

I really hope that at least half of whatever their salary, is being put into a fund for the children... Or is in an account that can only be used to raise the child.

If you think about it, none of these kids, besides Leah (Amber's daughter), are ever short of toys, clothing, or the other necessities. Which is great to see.
I just watched the first episode... Wow! I actually feel for Janelle. Yes, she should probably be home a little bit more than she is, but I don't think she's neglecting the baby or putting him in harm's way! Certainly not enough to have him taken form her. (Of course, I only saw what they aired on tv, there could be other things going on.)
Hudson_Hawk|1295469154|2826873 said:
What struck me the most, more than anything else, was watching Leah and her BF with their twins. They only hold the skinny one. Ally, the one with the back problems is always shown by herself, yet the skinny one is constantly being held, picked up, kissed and hugged. I know MTV edits the clips together to portray the situation a certain way, but I can't help but fear that they really do ignore her.

I think this may be because she afraid to hurt her other daughter. Again we only get to see pieces of the truth.