
Technofacet is selling again


Sep 17, 2008
Arcadian ~

Thanks for letting us know! Beautiful aqua. I cannot wait for Jeff to get to cutting mine. :loopy:

What a nice aqua! Like his tanzanite trilliant too.
The cut on the aqua is great! I like the tanga a lot.
Looks like he's selling some very nice stones, thanks for the heads up.
NP! He had a website but being a medical Dr I can imagine how hard that is to maintain. I told him when I'm Chicago I'm coming by his place to check out some stuff. (like this summer..whoot!) after the last few stones I'm supposed to be on a gem diet :tongue: but he did tell me he's putting some other stuff up on Sunday.. whoosa...I dunno I may cave and buy something. :nono:

That 9.4 mm blue zircon is making my mouth water a little bit. :)
I noticed it but passed on it because I do not know the quality of his rough. Just bought a stone from him for the first time and waiting for it to arrive. I always have poor luck with these stones, though, so I do not expect too much color-wise.
I've purchased from him before and the stone is gorgeous. He had a gossular garnet that I got outbid on.. :(( I can certainly say that if you have any questions he will answer and he's really a lovely person to speak to. Just FYI, he's an MD so getting replys during his non ebay selling times can take a few days.

I saw this garnet later, among sold items, and regretted not having seen it earlier.

So he is a doctor, eh? A plastic surgeon, probably (I mean, you know... precision cutter...).
...I've checked their Items For Sale. The Spinel is so pretty... & sadly, out of my budget for gem purchase :tongue:
crasru|1299974171|2870408 said:
I saw this garnet later, among sold items, and regretted not having seen it earlier.

So he is a doctor, eh? A plastic surgeon, probably (I mean, you know... precision cutter...).

actually pediatric doc which I was quite surprised about. I told Charlie that he needs to really get a website again. I don't mind ebay because heck I get some extra bucks going that route. But he can be pretty sporatic when he lists stuff. And I have to admit, I've gotten quite the bug for precision cutting on cushions. :shock: I had his old website in my favorites and when I went looking for it it was gone. (I got a lot of websites like that, though cherrypicked has been showing the same freaking message on theirs like forever :roll: )

I have about 5 stones from him. They are all cut very well and color is ok.
I guess someone bought the 6 carat spinel? *Sniff, sniff*
herekittykitty|1302356226|2891884 said:
I guess someone bought the 6 carat spinel? *Sniff, sniff*

I dunno, its possible. Or hes not bothering to list it. from what I know (cause I ask about stuff that he's got a ton of stones that he's already cut and lists a few at a time.

You guys do realize that spinel is extremely grey? I mean, you might like that, but that color is a dime a dozen on ebay, and you can always get them recut by Jerry Newman (who is very reasonable). I don't see anything listed right now that tickles my fancy, but he does have some nice cuts, and the polish looks good.
Another stone we recut from a larger poorly cut stone. The color is a gorgeous steel blue - like the ocean under an overcast sky. An excellent choice for jewelry, Spinel is both hard and tough. A really pretty stone. No treatment, excellent custom cutting by Technofacet, Ltd. 1.47ct, 8.3x6.1 Oval Brilliant, #10.178.

That to me says that there will be gray and the pictures match his description. Just because a stone has gray in it, dosen't automatically make it an ugly stone TL. You may not like it, but then you should only buy what you like, as anyone should.

Some of us actually like it for what it is, which means that no, it won't be everyone's cup of tea. Thankfully thats the beauty of gemstones. Something out there for everyone. :bigsmile:

Hopefully a Pricescoper will get it, I'd love to see what they think of it. :appl:

Arcadian|1302383823|2892158 said:
Another stone we recut from a larger poorly cut stone. The color is a gorgeous steel blue - like the ocean under an overcast sky. An excellent choice for jewelry, Spinel is both hard and tough. A really pretty stone. No treatment, excellent custom cutting by Technofacet, Ltd. 1.47ct, 8.3x6.1 Oval Brilliant, #10.178.

That to me says that there will be gray and the pictures match his description. Just because a stone has gray in it, dosen't automatically make it an ugly stone TL. You may not like it, but then you should only buy what you like, as anyone should.

Some of us actually like it for what it is, which means that no, it won't be everyone's cup of tea. Thankfully thats the beauty of gemstones. Something out there for everyone. :bigsmile:

Hopefully a Pricescoper will get it, I'd love to see what they think of it. :appl:


I never said it was ugly, and I never said I didn't like it. I was just pointing out to people that it was a very grey spinel, as some people might not think it is. It doesn't say it's grey in the description, as "steel" can mean different things to different people. Instead of using flowery terms like "overcast ocean," he should just say it's greyish, as I don't recall how an ocean on an overcast day looks (I don't live near an ocean). When I first started shopping for spinels, I found that many were greyer in person than depicted, so a novice might think it's bluer as well. I really wish someone would have pointed that out to me when I was shopping for spinels online. I also mentioned Jerry Newman and other numerious greyish spinels on ebay because there are a lot of bids on that stone, so if someone wants a precision cut bluish grey spinel, there are other options.
I think it was accurately described. "Steel" blue. Steel is a metal. Metal is grayish. He just sugar-coated the name instead of using "grayish" ( Also, why use "Mint" if they can just straightly describe it as light/pale bluish green or why use "Rhubarb" pink instead of just directly describing dark brownish pink)

Back to Technofacet listing, this steel blue spinel has 9 bids. I hope a PSer gets it and post some IRL pics ::)
blithesome71|1302407598|2892350 said:
I think it was accurately described. "Steel" blue. Steel is a metal. Metal is grayish. He just sugar-coated the name instead of using "grayish" ( Also, why use "Mint" if they can just straightly describe it as light/pale bluish green or why use "Rhubarb" pink instead of just directly describing dark brownish pink)

Back to Technofacet listing, this steel blue spinel has 9 bids. I hope a PSer gets it and post some IRL pics ::)

It's funny but many sellers use "mint" to describe a light yellowish green, which I don't consider "mint." That's why I'm not a fan of metaphors to describe color. I feel dealers should tell it as it is, and some do, like Barry for example. That being said, I hope who ever wins this stone realizes it is greyish, and is not disappointed by getting something they weren't expecting. Sometimes I'm a bit too honest on this forum, but I have been burned many times, especially by metaphors, and I just want to make sure that doesn't happen to others. I once saw a gemologist ask what a "titanium blue" spinel was, as she saw many of these being listed on ebay, and she thought they contained the element "titanium," so you can never assume with a metaphor. I do hope who ever gets it, loves it, but when I see a bidding frenzy on a relatively common colored spinel, I just worry that people do not realize what it is. There are many greyish blue spinels sitting on other lapidary sites, so there are other options, other than getting a recut of a native cut.

However, there are some pretty cuts on Technofacet's site, and I think it's nice that Arcadian mentioned him here, as he is another precision facetor/vendor that can provide some lovely gems.
Can not agree more with you, TL. My experience with Technofacet has been some, but limited, so I am not in a position to comment much on the quality of his rough or his cut.

But I have encountered terms like "Ferrari color" related to Mahenge spinel in a nice book by Yavorsky ("Terra Spinel"). The book is an ode to spinel and hence poetic comparisons are allowable in it, but if I were buying such a stone in real life, I'd prefer to see something like "orange-red" in the description. It is fine to add that it is "very bright, neon-colored", but at least I'd know that I am buying something nice-looking but not of extreme value for the trade because it is orangey. Just an example of how misleading poetry could be.