
Talk to me about these two stones

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Nov 23, 2008
Ok I think I''m insane. I feel an urge to buy a gemstone. I''m trying to resist because I''m not educated enough yet. However, there are two stones that I can''t get out of my head. Well two that are available. There are several sold that I''m in love with. So here they are. Tell me what''s wrong with them.

I have a weakness for Blue Topaz. I''m not sure how different this would be from the one I currently own. at least in color. But it''s just calling to me. Tell me your thoughts.

That one was posted by someone else in another thread. I love the soft pink color. But I wonder if it would be too light mounted in a ring. It''s more than I would want to spend. But it''s stuck in my head too. I wonder if the light color is actually a problem? Is that why it isn''t sold? I think it''s dreamy. I don''t own an Emerald cut. I''m just now starting to appreciate them.

So in the spririt of learning. . . can you give me some opinions on these?


Sep 20, 2008

Call me a snob, but I don't like blue topaz, it's cheap, abundant, and irradiated to get that color. You're really only paying for the fine cutting on that stone, the acutal material is very very cheap.

The second stone is a pretty pale pink, and I think it would look nicer in a bezel than a prong mount, but it's up to you. I like it much better than the first stone. I also think it's a little expensive for what it is because the seller is using the word "copper" to "mentally enhance" the value of it, even though she has no proof there's copper in there. I can say any day of the week, well my tourmaline comes from Mozambique, and there are tourmalines from Mozambique that have copper, therefore, this might also have copper in it
. Due to the light saturation and non-vividness of color, I would pay $50/ct for that stone, but no more. JMO. Light pink tourmaline isn't as valuable as some of the more neon blues and greens out there, or the fine chrome greens.

Here's a nice looking pink tourmaline that recently sold. It appears to have a vivid pink color. This is just to give you an idea of what a nice pink tourmaline should look like.


Jun 29, 2008
I agree with everything TL says. I''m not a fan of Topaz for the very same reasons she gave but the stone in your link looks like a lovely cut.

In terms of the pink tourmaline, I would be slightly worried about the cut - it''s not a head on photo so difficult to tell but if you decide to get that one I''d ask the seller for either their opinion as to whether it has a window or at least confirm that it can be returned if you''re not happy when you get it.


Nov 23, 2008
Thanks TL! That is exactly what I wanted to hear. The tourmaline that you posted is amazing! I love it. And a LOT cheaper too. Wow!

So are you saying that you would never buy a blue topaz? Maybe a different type of stone that is blue? I''m pretty fond of that blue color. But I''d like a more unique shade of blue I think.


Sep 20, 2008
Date: 1/9/2009 5:19:04 PM
Author: hoofbeats95
Thanks TL! That is exactly what I wanted to hear. The tourmaline that you posted is amazing! I love it. And a LOT cheaper too. Wow!

So are you saying that you would never buy a blue topaz? Maybe a different type of stone that is blue? I'm pretty fond of that blue color. But I'd like a more unique shade of blue I think.
If you like that color, that's what matters, but I suppose I just find it difficult (for me) to pay so much for a blue topaz. I much rather have a naturally colored, or gently heated gem that isn't typical of what you see in 99% of jewelry store windows.

Something about bombarding stones with subatomic particles kind of bugs me, but that's just me. It's funny because blue topaz wasn't being sold that much in the US recently due to the fact that the nuclear regulatory commission had to step in and make sure none of it was radioactive. There were articles about this in many gemological publications. That being said, I'm sure much of it is safe, but it still kind of gives me the heebie jeebies if you know what I mean.

I don't mind a gently heated sapphire or tourmaline, but irradiated stones are something I'm not keen on, although many people love the colors produced by this treatment.


Dec 14, 2007
You''re going to find that blue topaz is mostly looked down upon around these parts. I love blue topaz as well, for the vibrancy of it. I don''t really care that it''s artificial because I love the blue of it so much. There are cutters who won''t deal with blue topaz or other irradiated stones because of the treatment.

That stone as been on ACS since I can remember. Over a year ago when I found PS (and ACS) it was on there. I know this because I was searching for a blue topaz for my ering. I ended up getting spinel instead.

What TL says is true though. You are paying for the superior cut, because blue topaz is CHEAP and abundant.

From what I''ve read on your ering threads, I think you should probably stick with a precision cut stone for your first colored stone purchase, because I think that if you don''t, you will likely see flaws that will bug you about it. Just remember that in the colored stones world, color is paramount, everything else comes second (not true 100% of the time, but close).

I wish you luck! And feel free to ask any questions you may have! We are a very helpful bunch!


Nov 23, 2008
So what are the options for a precision cut stone? Which vendors?

I''m really not THAT picky! I have a ton of B&M gemstone rings. Of course maybe they are all created. *shrug* I was actually going to try to take pics to post this weekend. That might drive some help towards what I like in gemstone rings.

I''m thinking I want a color that is not typically seen. Though there are a lot of new colors in the stores lately. I especially like the greem amethysts that I have been seeing. But I think I''d like to look at a blue stone. Something not a typical blue. . . maybe with some green in it. Maybe a lighter denim type blue if that makes sense. Preferably not something purple. It wouldn''t go with anything that i wear. I want a color that catches people''s eyes as being unique. I will consider pink as many catch my eye, but something that can be easily worn. Any ideas?

Note: I pointed out the blue topaz because I like the color and the cut. Not necessarily to be my first project. . . but maybe just a stone to have. Since it''s been there forever it can stay there. I can always pick it up later.


Apr 6, 2006
I am not an expert or even close when it comes to gemstones. Everyone who posts here knows way more than I do regarding color and cut. But this is one that I like. Wasn't sure about the cut you are after. Square? This one is not but the color's pretty.

Blue Zircon


Jan 11, 2006
It sounds like you might like aquamarine. I'd faaaar rather have an aqua over a blue topaz.

Others may know of better sources, but there were some beautiful aquas here the last time I looked (look at the smaller ones to find some lower prices):

Better priced ones here:

I think they are speaking of Dan Stair, Jeff White, Barry Bridgestock, Richard Homer, and others for the precision cut. The problem with all of them is limited stock.


Sep 20, 2008
Date: 1/9/2009 6:54:21 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
It sounds like you might like aquamarine. I''d faaaar rather have an aqua over a blue topaz.

Others may know of better sources, but there were some beautiful aquas here the last time I looked (look at the smaller ones to find some lower prices):

Better priced ones here:

I think they are speaking of Dan Stair, Jeff White, Barry Bridgestock, Richard Homer, and others for the precision cut. The problem with all of them is limited stock.
The big problem with aquas is two fold, most of them are too light in saturation, and when they''re saturated, they have a very grey mask. However, when they''re nice, they''re really lovely, especially when set in white gold. Something about deep blue aqua in antique white gold settings just make me smile.

Blue zircon is a stone that is similar to a blue topaz in color, but instead of irradiation, the stones are gently heated to produce that color, there is no such thing as natural colored blue zircon, they are all heated. The only problem is that it''s soft, but they have nice refractive properties.

I''m a sucker for vivid blue tourmalines, and I have several, but they can be very pricey. Again, many of them are heated to get that color, but some are totally natural in color as well. Most blue tourmaline on the market is dark, greyish and murky.

Light blue sapphire might also be an option, but again, they tend to go very greyish, but they sparkle nicely. You just have to be careful of beryllium heated stones and synthetics which are flooding the marketplace.


Nov 23, 2008
TL - so if I read you right earlier then there are no natural Blue Topaz either correct?

I have an aqua that I hate. Got it at Macy''s though. Took it there for a cleaning and I have no clue what happened to the stone. I might take it to a jeweler to see if I can switch out the stone. So I''m very very very hesitant to get another Aqua. I do love them though if they are blue enough. If they look like an off colored diamond then it''s a no go. I do like one on the acstone site though.

I find a lot of the spinels that people post on here very attractive? Is that a reasonable option for me?


Sep 20, 2008
Date: 1/9/2009 7:49:30 PM
Author: hoofbeats95
TL - so if I read you right earlier then there are no natural Blue Topaz either correct?

I have an aqua that I hate. Got it at Macy''s though. Took it there for a cleaning and I have no clue what happened to the stone. I might take it to a jeweler to see if I can switch out the stone. So I''m very very very hesitant to get another Aqua. I do love them though if they are blue enough. If they look like an off colored diamond then it''s a no go. I do like one on the acstone site though.

I find a lot of the spinels that people post on here very attractive? Is that a reasonable option for me?
There are natural blue topaz, believe it or not, but they''re very very light baby blue in color (like a typical aqua), they''re never that deep turquoise color.

Most of the blue and purple spinels you see often have a signficant amount of grey in them. Not my favorite, but many people love them.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
its your $. you''ve said you''re not that picky. if you like the blue, get the blue.
however, i think the pink is windowed and the color leaves a lot to be desired.

i''m not a big topaz fan either but to get that color in an aqua is going to cost a lot more $.

movie zombie

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Agree 100% with everything TL has said.

Two stones I would never buy are blue topaz and green amethyst. Both are created by irradiating poor quality material. Green amethyst has never been proven to exist naturally.

I''m probably a snob, but I like my gemstones as natural as possible.

Spinels can be gorgeous, but a significant number have a greyish cast to them that has always put me off.

Now garnets....

Fly Girl

Jan 9, 2007
Blue topaz is really pretty, and it has its place. I recently helped my college-age son pick out a pendant for his first girlfriend, and we wanted something better than the costume jewelry that she normally wears. For his price point he could get a pendant with lovely sparkly blue topaz, or terrible looking blue/black sapphire. Cheap blue topaz looks great. Cheap sapphire looks awful. I thought she would go for the blue because my son described her favorite blue shoes, and I was reminded our Freke.

BTW, she loves the pendant.


Sep 20, 2008
There's something for everyone in the colored gem world, and for everyone's budget. For example, I think amethyst is one of the most underrated and beautiful stones in fine qualities. It's not treated (unless it's synthesized - be leary of lots of synthetic amethyst on the market), and you can get a very ample size stone for very little money. Some of the nicest specimens are a deep bluish purple with red flashes.


Feb 27, 2007
The blue topaz you posted is a lovely color. I know you mentioned you like blue but I am a big fan of garnets too which can be less expensive than some gemstones. Have fun shopping.


Jun 29, 2008
In your very first post above you said you loved both stones you posted. At the end of the day, you''re the one that has to wear the gemstone so you should buy what YOU love.

Some of us don''t like Topaz, others love it. At the end of the day, the Topaz you posted up is a lovely colour and looks well cut so if it sings to you then buy it. The pink you posted up however I think has issues with the cut so you probably need to ask more questions about that one and TL posted up a far better option if you prefer the stronger pink.
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