
Tahitian bracelet or drop necklace


Oct 8, 2011
Hi again

I have been struggling to decide if i should get the PP ombre or Tahitian charm bracelet. But the more i look at the pics here, the more I am drawn to necklaces. I think it is the luster and colors, especially the dark body with peacock and aubergine that are calling me.

Need help please...

1) the thread on glamour shots vs IRL shots is very useful. It seems in some posts that the pearl colors are lighter (or less intense?) IRL. Or is it just a matter of lighting?

2) apart from the obvious difference in shape, are drops any different from rounds in terms of luster and iridescence?

3) would dark body tahitians pop on asian skin? (Golden SS look dull on me. On the other hand, akoyas with rose overtone pop)

4) have anyone regret getting a strand of drop instead of round?

Hello GreenBling!

I'm Asian too and can tell you that I LUV Tahitians on my skin tone and I like both darker and lighter Tahitians. The category that I struggle with is pastels.

In terms of drop vs rounds, they all have different gradings of luster & overtones and blemishes and such, so if a round & a drop are in the same grading, there shouldn't be a difference. And lots of people prefer the baroque/drop/circles since they are more colorful and reflects light even better than rounds. And quite frankly non-rounds are much better bargains than rounds.

Shapes largely have to do with personal preferences, too. Example, I luv wild form baroques, like circles and drops, but I don't like drops with a very pronounced "nub", so I avoid those. But that's just my personal preference. And since I pick and choose to avoid the nubs, I've never regretted my non-round purchases.

Also, you'll have to think about what length you're gonna go with!

I'll let the more experienced members comment on glamour shots vs IRL.

Good luck and can't wait to see what you end up deciding on!
GreenBling|1451141904|3966381 said:
3) would dark body tahitians pop on asian skin? (Golden SS look dull on me. On the other hand, akoyas with rose overtone pop)

4) have anyone regret getting a strand of drop instead of round?

I'm Asian too. In general I'll say stay away from dark body Tahitians (I assume you mean dark grays and greens) and go for Tahitians with brighter body colors and you can't go wrong. Perhaps medium/bright greens for a start. With dark bodies that have overtones, most of the time you'll see the dark body colors and not the overtones except in certain lighting conditions. With 'full' body colors and strong overtones, you'll see the body colors most of the time and be thrilled with the overtones too. Never bothered with dark gray but I've tried dark green and it looked terrible on me.

I prefer non-rounds cos they are less formal and tend to have stronger overtones. But shapes are deeply personal. E.g. I like circled pearls but it's not everyone's cup of tea.

Perhaps for a start you could try a multicolored strand? That'll let you try and see which colors you like the best.
Hi, I am asian and love Tahitians too.

As to your questions:
1) Most vendors take their photos in white boxes but we do not live in white boxes. Hence, I notice that the overtones tend to be more pronounced on the photos than IRL. You can ask the vendors to send you photos of the necklaces taken in natural light to get a more accurate idea of how they look.

2) Pearls of different shapes come in different luster. Whatever shape you choose, choose the ones with the best luster. Preferences for various shapes is personal.

3) I personally prefer light to medium Tahitians and avoid dark ones because the dark ones tends to "blend in" and disappear with my black hair. Also the colours of the lighter pearls are more obvious than on dark pearls. By the way, when you look at the vendor's description, note that body colour and overtones are not interchangeable. If they describe the overtones but not the body colour, it is very likely the body colour is grey and the overtones will only be apparent in specific lighting.

4) My Tahitians are either drops or rounds and I love both shapes. Rounds tend to be more formal whereas drops are a little more casual ( but still can be used for more formal occasions or work). So it depends on your lifestyle and personal preferences.

Peacock and aubergines are great colours but at the end of the day, you will need to try the pearls on to decide if they suit you. It is difficult to predict what colours will look good on you without seeing them IRL. Good luck with your search and do post your acquisitions when you make them. We love eye candy here :bigsmile:
Thank you Purranha, icy jade and YC!

I like both drops and rounds. And i too feel that baroque will go well with both casual and formal look. On photos I like dark body the most but worry about the effect on my skin. There aren't many choices of tahitian pearls where I live so I might have to take a chance and just order one. Great idea to ask vendor to take photos in natural light. I will ask also to send a few iphone shots. Multi color also a great option. It is really helpful to hear your thoughts. Thank you again!

PP offering 15% discount on tahitian pearls till end of month but think better not rush to a decision.
leelasingh|1455079815|3989215 said:
Excellent quality drop or pear shape Tahitians, while not as valuable on their own as rounds, are still considered very valuable. They are also very sought after in pieces of jewelry such as pendants simply due to their shape.

I thought round shape would make me look too formal and mature but NO they don't! I was so wrong. Oh boy, the wish list keeps extending...
Well, I also like tahitian pearls specially with the bluish color tone.