
Sweetest thing your SO has done lately?

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Sep 30, 2008
Does your SO ever do something totally out of the blue that takes you by surprise and just oozes with cuteness?!

K has been working on some projects around the house today and was in the middle of fixing a leaky faucet. He had to run out to get a wrench but when he hadn''t returned nearly two hours later, I called to check on him. He said the store was packed (hmmm, at 9pm?). Well apparently, he was doing a little more then getting a wrench...he just walked through the door with a little boy grin on his face and a huge purple Easter basket in his hands! I haven''t gotten an Easter basket since I was like 10! The best part is he filled it with healthy snacks (because I''m on a diet) like granola bars, weight control oatmeal, and since we haven''t had favorite sushi roll from my favorite restaurant! What a cutie! I half expected to see an engagement ring sitting in the middle of all the green grass...haha (only an LIW would have a thought like that)

Anyone else wanna share a cute story???
That is so cute!! I would have expected an engagement ring in the basket too! Yes, only a LIW would think that.
My BF made me brownies yesterday. I went out at night and when I got home at 1 in the morning, they were cooling in the kitchen.
Of course, I was obligated to have one.
Awwwww, I just love it! Nada for me today, other than the usual, which is pretty awesome! But we lives very far apart so little things are a bit more difficult to pull off.
My fiance made breakfast tacos this morning and served me at the table instead of me coming to the kitchen to get my plate. He even brought me coffee and orange juice. I thought that was sweet of him
idoc, that is too cute!!! My bf and I are currently long distance, but he called me a few days ago to tell me that at a recent family gathering, he found out that his pregnant cousin is thinking about using our favorite baby name if she has a boy... and that he blurted out to his family "but that''s babygirl''s favorite name!" Hahaha, clearly we aren''t even married yet.. I''m sure his family thought he was nuts! I, on the other hand, thought it was so cute!
Lately when we''ve been falling asleep, BF will give me a good hug and tell me how much he loves me. It''s just so nice to hear right before falling asleep. I love it!
When I couldn''t sleep the other night I asked him to tell me stories about when he was at West Point Military Academy. I was out in minutes! He''s my angel
He bought me a pink Indianapolis Colts watch.... Just cuz.
I was upset I didn''t get tickets to the Ben Folds concert (since I didnt find out about it until they were all sold out). BF was sorry so he let me listen to alot of Ben Folds in the car and bought me his new CD. Well, this past weekend he surprised me with front row tickets for my birthday! They were in the folding chairs and I got to rest my arms on the stage during the whole concert! What a sweety!
He said, "I want all of my best stories to have you in them. Because that''s how its supposed to be."
Waaaaaay too personal to divulge!

Let's just say the ex had the kids this weekend, and we spent the majority of it in bed.
Aw these are all so sweet.

Well I''m currently searching for a job (as graduation looms nearer by the day) and I''m also moving across the country to be with him while he finishes school which obviously makes my job search a lot harder. So I was talking about how frustrated and stressed it was making me and like an hour later he sends me this word document and I open it up and its all the email addresses to all the biology(my major) professors at his school and a prewritten email asking them for connections or suggestions about biology related jobs in the area. All I had to do was copy and paste into an email and hit send. It was so sweet and thoughtful and their responses ended up being incredibly helpful. I''m a very practical person so this was just the kind of thoughtful gesture that I really appreciated.
lol, usually we see each other once ever 3-4 weeks, but we are doing a long stretch right now that will be 7 weeks, and will end in early May. This is the longest stretch in 4 years!!! But it's so lovely that we are both maturing and can handle the time and distance much better. However, he's been super available and lovey dovey, and we are having a great time apart, which can sometimes be hard across the miles, but builds lots of excitement!!!

Anyway, we were talking about family and the pressures to get married, etc, and he asked me if we were still on the same page about waiting to get engaged. I hemmed and hawed a little, and let him know that we were preeeeetty much on the same page. He asked for clarification, and I let him know that I had previously been anti long engagement, but now wasn't really feeling that way anymore, and that I understood that I changed my stance on that, but I am a woman and we are not as steadfast as men on things like this. I sometimes feel differently every day, and it is frustrating for me as well because it's hard to know WHAT I want, but I don't like to tell him what I want until I am sure of what that is. So he asked, how would you feel about a 3 year engagement? I said that would be the upper limit. (we'd be 29/30, which sounds good to me) Then he asked about 1 month, and I said that was fine if he was okay with long distance marriage, lol.

Anyway, I thought it was really sweet that he wanted to get updated on how I felt and if we were on the same page (still), and he let me know that while he was controlling the timeframe (ie he is proposing, not me), he was doing so based on my input.

And in spite of my womanly craziness, he still loves me! He said, 'you know, if you are more rational and levelheaded than most other women, I'd really hate to be dating anyone else!" LOL, haha!
love that man!
Such cute stories!

I was leaving for work last night (I work night shift), and FI said "You''re not leaving till I get 50 kisses in!", and proceeded to tackle me onto the floor, smothering me with kisses... he actually counted 50, plus 1 for good luck. Such a cheeseball, but I love him!
BF and I usually go to see at least one hockey game (NHL) a season because we enjoy and it''s super fun but this year couldn''t get tickets because they are all SOOOO expensive and just nothing worked out and I was bummed about it. So, BF arranged for us to get really great seats and the last home game for out city''s (AHL) team and it was a great game, much cheaper and we still got to see some of our NHL players because many of the AHL players have played for our major team as they can get called up at any time! It was a lot of fun and I had no idea where we were going until we got there because BF planned the whole surprise himself. :)
Well, even though its because i broke my foot, E was beyond sweet this weekend. He made breakfast both mornings, made sure i did not move from the couch, and then bought me a video game i had been eyeing for a while (littlebigplanet). But what topped it off was when i left my cell phone in the store, and didn''t remember until E pulled up the car, he went inside to grab it, no questions asked and didn''t even roll his eyes. he''s just been a peach lately :)

but most of all, last weekend he offered to invite my sister over for easter at his parents since he knew she was going through a seperation.
The other week I came home to find our apartment cleaned and there were flowers on the dining room table for me.

I''ll be moving into my BF''s house in June, and it''s a house that still has a lot of work that needs to be done on it. We were in bed the other night, and as we were spooning, we talked about all the projects we have to work on over the next few months. He said, "I am so excited for us to do this together so we can really make this *our* house." That meant a lot to me.
I got into my dream school, and while on the campus tour I saw a teddy bear I wanted!!! The next day I dragged bf to the store to buy me the teddy bear. He wrote me the cutest little note on the tag-

It says-
"Practice hard I say!" I love you and congrats!

The bear is so cute!
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