
Surprising things you know how to do or need to learn.

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Definitely. Maybe

Jan 12, 2009
Last night, while I was trying to fall asleep, I was thinking about the fire extinguisher in the kitchen of my apartment. I don''t know what made me think of it, but I realized I have no idea how to use it. I have a mental picture in my mind of the thing, but that''s about it.

So, while thinking of that it made me think of other things I know how to do that friends of mine can''t and some other stuff I should probably learn.

What are some things you know how to do/ need to learn?

For me, it''s not big things, just simple things in life...

Can do:
1. Check my oil/ put oil in my car--- I have many friends who don''t know what to do.
2. Change a tire-- never needed to, but I could

Need to learn:
1. How to use the fire extinguisher!
2. Percentages- For ex: % off something. I find myself having to really think about it, unlike BF who instantly knows.
Things I never thought I would know how to do:
1. Repair/patch plaster walls and dry wall.
2. Strip/sand/refinish wood pieces.
3. Pretty much anything else that goes along with renovating a house with NO CONTRACTORS!
Can do:
my own taxes even though I don''t
fix a lot of things around the house
run an excavator/loader semi-properly
Can''t do:
change a tire
add oil (this is embarrassing to admit but I don''t know how to open the hood of my car. I always get my dad/fiance/mechanic to do it, because I can never find the latch and don''t really care to learn)
chop wood
change a fuse
read a map (I always get off course somehow, thank goodness for GPS)
I no idea how to use the fire extinguisher, either. In fact, about a month back, I told my husband we need to get one and he informed me we already have one under the kitchen sink!

Can''t do:

Change a flat.

Can do:

Walk long-distances to a bus stop after my car breaks down.
I am really handy with tools and doing home repairs. I won''t touch plumbing or the electrical stuff but when it comes to carpentry and such I think I do well. I hate it when I go to Home Depot and all the crusty old men who work there are hovering as if I don''t what I am looking at! If I need help, I''ll ask for it!!!

Ok.. vent over.

I too know how to change my own tire. I learned recently that FI didn''t know! I had to teach him. I''m with you on the checking oil and such too. I also can change my own air filter.

I am a pro at neatly folding fitted bed sheets. You''d think that they had just come out of the package!
Date: 2/20/2009 3:13:29 PM
Author: Clairitek
I am really handy with tools and doing home repairs. I won''t touch plumbing or the electrical stuff but when it comes to carpentry and such I think I do well. I hate it when I go to Home Depot and all the crusty old men who work there are hovering as if I don''t what I am looking at! If I need help, I''ll ask for it!!!

Ok.. vent over.

I too know how to change my own tire. I learned recently that FI didn''t know! I had to teach him. I''m with you on the checking oil and such too. I also can change my own air filter.

I am a pro at neatly folding fitted bed sheets. You''d think that they had just come out of the package!
How do you do that! Mine end up in a big ball

Tuckins- I think it’s great you know how to do house renovation stuff! I have a dream of doing my own house renovations one day. I bet it’s a lot harder than it looks!

Niccia- No worries about not knowing much about cars. The only reason I know how is because I have a VW Beetle and the oil has to be checked constantly. Also, I don’t even think I could pick up an axe to chop wood even if I wanted. Ha

MC- Loved your response. It made me giggle. BF’s dad is obsessive compulsive about us knowing how to change a tire and all things car related… well he likes to teach us how to fix/handle most things.

Claritek- I agree about the Home Depot thing. It is quite annoying when they do that. Today at the grocery store it took 3 guys in the deli to get my ham, turkey, and cheese.
I am jealous about being able to fold sheets! I am awful at it. They end up in a giant wad shoved in the closet.
Date: 2/20/2009 3:37:18 PM
Author: Steel

Date: 2/20/2009 3:13:29 PM
Author: Clairitek
I am really handy with tools and doing home repairs. I won't touch plumbing or the electrical stuff but when it comes to carpentry and such I think I do well. I hate it when I go to Home Depot and all the crusty old men who work there are hovering as if I don't what I am looking at! If I need help, I'll ask for it!!!

Ok.. vent over.

I too know how to change my own tire. I learned recently that FI didn't know! I had to teach him. I'm with you on the checking oil and such too. I also can change my own air filter.

I am a pro at neatly folding fitted bed sheets. You'd think that they had just come out of the package!
How do you do that! Mine end up in a big ball
I'd like to know too. Can you make a how-to video?
I have NO IDEA how to use a pressure cooker. There''s loads more, but none that I need right now!
Date: 2/20/2009 4:05:48 PM
Author: Porridge
I have NO IDEA how to use a pressure cooker. There''s loads more, but none that I need right now!
If it is any consolation I don''t even know what a pressure cooker is!
I seriously don''t know how I honed my ability to fold fitted sheets well but every time a friend sees them they marvel at how neatly they are folded.

I''ll have to take a picture next time.

Date: 2/20/2009 5:08:07 PM
Author: Definitely, Maybe
Date: 2/20/2009 4:05:48 PM
Author: Porridge

I have NO IDEA how to use a pressure cooker. There''s loads more, but none that I need right now!

If it is any consolation I don''t even know what a pressure cooker is!

My mother used to use them a lot when I was little to make beef stew without taking so many hours to stew it all. (I prefer the old fashioned way of waiting it out).

I have a pressure cooker. It was a yard sale find. I must admimt I am afraid I don''t know how to use it properly and that I will do something to injure myself! I wonder how much pressure can be contained on those things?
Can Do
Read a map - seriously. my mom got us stuck in a VERY bad area and like heck i was going to go inside the ampm and ask where i was!!

give directions - you''d be surprised on how many people cannot give directions to their house with street names
fix/install a toilet - yes. that was my dad''s idea

Change a tire - but i''ve never had too
Check/put in oil
Read a mass transit map and get anywhere using the bus
Travel alone in a foreign country

Can''t do
Drive a stick shift.
LS- Thanks for the video. Makes me want to go refold my sheets so they look perfect!... I can be a bit OCD about things. It''s amazing the things people post on youtube. :)

Jcarly- Those are really great things to know how to do especially the mass transit. It really is something to get used to if you are bad with directions and/or don''t have it where you are from. I was surprised when I lived in Paris how comfortable I was traveling around by myself. Also, I can''t drive a stick shift either. I can in my head (really weird, I know) but I can''t do it when I try.
Date: 2/20/2009 8:02:40 PM
Author: Definitely, Maybe
LS- Thanks for the video. Makes me want to go refold my sheets so they look perfect!... I can be a bit OCD about things. It''s amazing the things people post on youtube. :)

Look over on the right side when you load the video: there are 3 pages of "how to" things on there, some very interesting!!

I''m 52 years old and FINALLY know how to fold fitted sheets! I''ve just refolded all of them in my linen closet. WOW that feels good.

(there''s even one on there called "how to fold underwear"....) Now, MY OCD isn''t that bad...yet!

Know: how to field strip a Browning High Power.

Need to learn: how to fold that pesky fitted sheet!
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